- Ds 5535 administrative processing 2019 Since then, there has been some updates but still specifically my id says administrative processing while everyone else's says ready. Really hoping it doesn't come to that. As such, your visa has been denied under Section 221(g) of the U. We interviewed at the Islamabad embassy in December of 2018. May 5, 2023 · My fiance had her interview at the Abu Dhabi US embassy yesterday. Sign in with Facebook. The visa officer approved my visa. I am in the same boat. of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and submitted to a so-called administrative processing subjected to a further security check. Rami91 37 Posted February 14, 2020. Wow. He sent again and actually got a personal response that they received it. In the meantime I will contact my local congressman. H. If your visa application was refused under section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act for necessary administrative processing, you will need to provide some additional information. Iraq. I had been on J1 visa from 2012 till 2017. All you can do is wait. Mar 28, 2019 · for everyone who was under AP & given the DS-5535 form, i'd like to know how many times did you see an update on CEAC (the date) before you were approved? @ashcashbananasWe had about 5 updates after we sent in DS-5535. P From FEB 2018(IR-1) category. Please do not Apr 20, 2018 · i assume your case is under administrative processing after visa interview. Expert. and was asked to fill the DS-5535 form to continue processing my case. Please share your experience to help us get an idea. what is the purpose ? does that mean they Jun 14, 2017 · March 5, 2019. Did you have a . Several months ago I registered a business in Delaware Apr 30, 2024 · OMB 1405-0226 reference document for Form DS-5535 SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONS FOR VISA APPLICANTS amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States. com/g/hTa7CACGvk. 7 posts. 25. If you are still interested in obtaining an immigrant visa petitioner should contact USCIS regarding filling new immigrant petition. · 4. However, the counselor provided my fiance with a DS 5535 form to fill To begin the processing, you must complete the DS-5535 form at: https://forms. Embassy Beirut Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants (DS-5535) Your application requires additional administrative processing before we can continue. or a DS-5535 (asking for 15 years of work, travel, and address history) has been issued and responded to. All cases require processing, but some cases and countries require longer times. I'm planning to hire a lawyer who is expert in DS-5535. Sign in with X Work Visa Jan 5, 2019. Has anyone actually gotten a K1 visa after the new process and form DS5535? I applied for my Moroccan fiancee's visa in Apr 19, 2022 · The officer asked basic questions, issued a 221g form, and kept the passport with him. Dabei seit 03. I will definitely consider WoM past the 6 months mark. While usually not time-consuming, some cases may require legal action What to Do If You Are Stuck in Administrative Processing. they need more information to get my visa done please fill supplementary questions and email us back they attached DS 5535 form . Oct 1 2020. S. What happens when my US Student visa application is refused for submitting DS-5535 and the administration process? 6. I submitted all requested documents (resume, sponsor proof, etc. But 2 days later we recieved DS5535 for 1 family memeber whoes over May 11, 2019 · So I just wanted to come back and update that after 7 weeks, our DS 5535 process is Posted Images. Ms. After submitting form DS-5535, the consular officer may need Jun 11, 2019 · Interview Result: Administrative Processing *Visitor's visa interview: December 2016, called back by embassy for second interview on same visa application in January 2019 - visitor's visa finally issued May 2019. Once you Jun 23, 2019 · Hello , I had my k1 interview over 60 days ago and I got emailed before the interview to submit ds5355 and I did during the interview, the council told me everything looks good but gave me 221g under administration processing as I am from one of the banned countries (yemen) I asked the council if Your application for a U. The case is shown as being in Administrative Processing, and we cannot get any information whatsoever. Attach both files in the reply to the consulate email. He emailed it shortly after but we only got a generic email back. lets c when it is updated. I had received a questionnaire (through email) from Chennai Embassy after interview. Last 15 year travel, address, employment info required. I was given a white 221G form for administrative processing at the end of the interview + Got an email to submit travel history and other information 2 hours after the interview (DS-5535) - (4/22/2019) + I submitted my filled DS-5535 via email reply on 4/23/2019 but status on website did not update. However, some checks may take longer, and there is always a possibility that a Nov 29, 2019 · Hi, I had my interview last week that was refused due to further administrative processing - they were just waiting on my medical. Jun 14, 2017 · My fiance's visa was finally issued after 11. So I just Jan 10, 2020 · My husband is stuck in AP since january 7 2020 CO approved and welcome him we had some mistake in joint sponsor we got a email of 221 g letter after 1 week of Jun 14, 2017 · Or sign in with one of these services. You seemed to be a threat during their administrative processing. A month later, he received his passport with a letter stating that he was under administrative processing. My mom is the primary applicant. Any idea how long it takes? Like. This thread is 118 pages long. 7,975 Satisfied Customers. Certain embassies and consulates have also placed cases in “extreme vetting” through issuance of supplemental requests for information or the dreaded DS-5535, which is a penalty box of sorts for visa applicants who must pass through a review and security check at Sep 26, 2022 · In cases where Administrative Processing is taking many months or years, immigration litigation is also an option. A. In this episode, Mona and Mark are joined by Ramin Asgard to explain what ‘administrative processing’ really means and how the introduction of Form DS-5535 influenced the number of cases in administrative processing. 99balloons 12 Posted January 29 May 11, 2019 · My mother's brother is our petitioner for family immigration who is a US citizen. yasini. After checking with a friend of mine who worked for Uscis he advised me that if you are born in certain countries ex. vish1909. Please only complete Form DS-5535 Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants (DOCX 66KB) if a visa officer has requested it. 2010 Beiträge 19. visa is PENDING further administrative processing. Two days later, I received another DS-5535 form. Please only complete Form DS-5535 Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants if a visa officer has requested you to at the time of your visa interview. Refused 221(g) with DS-5535 submission on August 12, 2023. Rashid patras is still pending for review we send documents on 8-may-2019 but still pending for review dont know what they are doing on back questions to prevent the canned auto response regarding Administrative Processing. Oct 25, 2018 · My husband had his interview November, 2017 in Kabul Afghanistan and we are still in administrative processing. 5 months in AP with DS-5535. P to EXPIRED. Last 15 year travel, address If your case is under administrative processing, please follow the instructions as mentioned in the 221(g) letter you received. 2019 by Rosepetal3333. After several weeks they sent his passport back and another email requesting ds-5535. Does this mean we will now be stuck in this state indefinitely? I will know more later but I am just so discouraged by all of this. office. You must fill out the supplemental questions for visa applicants form, called DS-5535, online. Please do not complete the form multiple times or Your application requires additional administrative processing before we can continue. He was denied under the section 221g and was given DS 5535 form. sa. I filled it and sent same day and I got confermation email saying thy have received it , it's been 3days now my status showing administrative processing exactly I hav 30 more days for my Jul 3, 2017 · I went for first time H1B visa interview in Vancouver on June 22nd 2017 and the VO gave me 221 g white slip for administrative processing and next day I received the new DS 5535 form since then my case is under administrative review . I emailed them every other week and still Sep 22, 2018 · Hi everybody, I applied on September 20th for a Visa (typ B1) in Casablanca- Morocco. We had SO MUCH evidence of relationship that I am beyond sad. Our case updated multiple times (as in the dates changes on · Today's Posts; Forum; Visas - USA; H Visa (H1, H4, H2, H3) If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Upon submission of the DS-5535 form, administrative processing initiates, which can result in either "refused" or Sep 19, 2019 · Hi, My friend’s H1b visa is in administrative processing from May 9 2019 and still it says Administrative Processing. Mar 2, 2024 · When will I receive my IV Visa after getting my case into Administrative Processing? (Given DS-5535 to Fill) Greetings, my father was interviewed for IV VISA at US Embassy Pakistan on 25th of August and after receiving a yellow slip stating that his case is put for Administrative Processing along with instructions to fill an online form DS-5535 Mar 2, 2024 · DS-5535 security check form page-1. Dec 1, 2019 · DS 5535 security check processing time is 2 weeks to 8 months in Mexico, India. Apr 5, 2019 · My husband is from Mexico and had his interview in Ciudad Juarez Mexico in March 21, 2018. just a thought! May 5, 2023 · Interesting. Even though I’m a Canadian and only have a Canadian passport. My case is still under AP even after 9 months. Members; 1. It says your petition is cancelled until you pursue. i know its very hard to wait senator that an officer from the Embassy replied to May 23 2019. Ahmed&Freda 628 Should I ask embassy if my parents visa is approved they should send their passports back while I am undergoing Administrative processing? Anyone who interviewed in Dec in Islamabad got Sep 21, 2019 · we had our interview on 12 september and we were asked by the counsil officer that one of the family member fill in the ds-5535, when checking the status on CEAC , the case update changed date from 12 september to 18 september, but the family member with administrative process date is still on 12 Jun 14, 2017 · Or sign in with one of these services. with ds5535inshallah evryone gets ur visa soon I think in Pakistan nowadays everyone is going through the same experience of DS- 5535, what about his passport status? Administrative Processing. but I discovered that if you file a Mandamus lawsuit the US Consulate is forced to complete its "Additional / Administrative Processing" within 60 days. Muslim. Esq. Jul 20, 2023 · Same thing happened to us. I mailed the pictures through AEG then after 6 days I got ds-5535 questionnaire in email which I sent back within 2 hours. Sep 15 2021. The DS-5535 form is a common obstacle that applicants encounter during administrative processing. No update in the status. Sep 21 2020. 3 days later I received an email to fill DS-5535 form. Apr 23, 2022 · They are now giving Muslims which is 90% of the population in Senegal and The Gambia the new Form Trump started last year the DS-5535 that furthers your Administrative Processing and asks all types of questions like phone numbers, e-mails, and Social Media accounts for the last 5 years, some questions require information for the last 15 years Jun 14, 2017 · Hello Everyone. BeejayFagab 0 Posted October 3 May 11, 2019 · On May 4, 2017, the United States Department of State proposed a new form, DS-5535, to collect additional information from all visa applicants "who have been determined to warrant additional scrutiny in connection with terrorism or other national security-related visa ineligibilities". His interview was March 21, 2018 and CEAC status shows Administrative Processing. the same day I got the e-mail with the form DS 5535. I showed proof it still had 6 months till expired. This often involves the DS-5535 form, which requires additional Jun 24, 2019 · As part of this program, a foreign national applying for a visa at a U. Our I-130 was APPROVED in April 2019! I'm pretty sure that everything that could have gone wrong with an Oct 30, 2024 · The administrative processing can last anywhere from a few days to forever. I am not computer frendly but as soon i figure out i will post the picture of Understanding The DS-5535 Questionnaire And Its Impact On Processing Times. he gave me my passport back and he said that I will receive an e-mail. 02. They said ok ur right but we still arent gonna issue visa. Then got past admin processing. I'm from Beirut, Lebanon. Edited May 28, 2019 by nharris3428 case number removal Jun 14, 2017 · Or sign in with one of these services. *Fiance visa placed in administrative processing September 2018. Members; 2 0 Timeline They were refused the visa on the interview date but after few days we got a mail for filling up the ds 5535 form . Please follow the instructions mentioned on the 221(g) letter you received and submit the form by email. 1k 628 City: I'm not exactly sure though with our process (ds-5535) if any of the agencies involved are affected by the shut down. I have been in AP since. I have contacted my state Senator and Congressman and so far neither have been able to find out anything. The last case updated is August 5th 2017. این اطلاعات بخشی از فرایند روال اداری یا همان Administrative Processing تلقی میشود. Ahmad77 0 Mar 21, 2019 · Cases requiring administrative processing have increased exponentially in the last two years. Sep 17, 2021 · Visa delays due to administrative process Visa delays due to administrative process. 5 months ago. yasini 3 Posted August 26, 2020. to check our case neither senato or local representive mostly what i hear is no one can do anything about if its in administrative process thats why we didn't bother doing any of that we are just waiting. DS 5535 security check processing time is 2 weeks to 8 months in Mexico, India. The format is same as DS-5535. Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which means that the consular officer did not have all the information to determine if you are eligible to receive a visa. May 11, 2019 · So I just wanted to come back and update that after 7 weeks, our DS 5535 process is Posted Images. Sep 17, 2017 · It seems that your case is just in Administrative Processing. Administrative Processing Received DS-261 / AOS Bill : 2019-02-20. When and where did your husband finish his interview? Mid January in Madrid. 3 posts. My wife is American and now living in New York while we wait for AP to finish (she moved ahead of me to establish domicile) Any help or links to resources appreciated! Jun 1, 2023 · In this video, Zachary New discusses administrative processing and the DS-5535 form issued by consulates. Higher levels of vetting, via the DS-5535 seems to be a thing for Canadians now. Jun 14, 2017 · today was my interview in islamabad embassy f3 visa , after interview she asked that your interview is ok and they will send me email me and we need further checks and gave us 221g with no time lim it, kept the passports we traveled many time to us before , first the status showed ready for kids and our AP , after few hours it changed AP for all , dont know what Feb 24, 2024 · My son/daughter in law (legal US Citizens residing in South Florida) approved as co-sponsors for the financials. Reply. 01/12/2019 - submitted online e-Request for non-delivery of NOA Administrative Processing After DS-5535, Was I Denied? Being placed on administrative processing doesn’t mean you were denied. Does 221(g) appear on the form? It takes 1-3 months for the entire process to complete. Facebook 5'6"Indian Jan 5, 2019. Sign in with X May 11, 2019 · Here is what has happened so far. Jul 27, 2019 · DS-5535提出後ビザ許可の可否が分かるまでの期間は個別のケースに応じて異なるため、既にDS-5535を提出された後の段階で当事務所がお手伝いできることもなく、明確な審査期間についての回答も出来ないために大変心苦しいのですが、今月初めにご相談があったお客 Jul 9, 2019 · J. What a shame so many people are being held up by wanting to immigrate to the US legally. Ahmed&Freda. Administrative Processing *Visitor's visa interview: December 2016, called back by embassy for This group for help those people worldwide who got administrative process after their interview or received questionnaire form ds-5535. Pay AOS Bill : 2019-02-20 Send AOS Package : 2019-03-05 Receive IV Bill : U. If you were informed by the consular officer that your case was refused for administrative processing Oct 25, 2021 · Received DS-5535 on the same day, about 1-2 hours after the interview. Me and my wife filled DS 5535 form after visa approval at Mumbai consulate. You must fill out the supplemental questions for visa applicants form, called Sep 19, 2018 · Hi All, My family and I had a F31 visa interview on 12th Dec 2018 and on 17th Dec Islamabad embassy emailed me asking me to fill up an additional questionnaire (also called DS 5535). Write FOR MARK to get my help! 35,216 Satisfied Customers. ashcashbananas; 1 Derik-Lina 230 Posted and Administrative Processes (221g) Jul 20, 2019 · 面接の一時間後にDS--5535をメールで受領6月3日:DS-5535をメールで領事館に送る6月3日には書類は揃っているものの、CEACのステータスは5月30日からずっとAdministrative Processingより変更されない7月10日にCEACのLast updateの 日付が5月30日か This group for help those people worldwide who got administrative process after their interview or received questionnaire form ds-5535. I'd probably search for your consulate and see if anyone else has received the same and whether they've begun tracking the wait time. I’m assuming our medical will end up expiring and we will have to do another. We had to file WOM. Jun 14, 2017 · My husband was asked to submit the form DS-5535 after four months of being on AP. Got put into administrative processing. You can write additional addresses, employment information, and any other information in a Microsoft word file. Jun 14, 2017 · I showed up with all my documents ready and they only asked me to fill out an application, which I later knew that it was the DS-5535, and since them I've been under administrative processing. If your case is under administrative processing, please follow the instructions as mentioned in the 221(g) letter you received. My fiance had the K-1 interview in early December 2019 at the embassy in Burkina Faso and we were instructed to fill out the DS-5535. Luvs2Travel 14 Posted January 10, 2019. 2019. The new form implemented the directive of Executive Order عزيزي المتقدم بطلب التأشيرة، طلبك للحصول على تأشيرة الولايات المتحدة قيد الانتظار لمزيد من الإجراءات الإدارية. My program is mostly online just requires Jan 8, 2024 · Is anybody else still stuck in Administrative processing at Djibouti embassy? We had our interview on Oct 3rd for IR1 visa, and they said it would take 60 days to process the DS-5535. We clarify which applicants are affected. Expedia eFPH42. Listen in for insight on the difference between a May 23 2019. 2019 by abrahamlayman. Mel. with ds5535inshallah evryone gets ur visa soon Or someone ahead of the CO made the decision to do a little more Administrative Processing before issuing the visa. Like. May 28, 2019 · I checked the case status and it was changed from "READY" to "Administrative Processing". In the course of this further security check, applicants must provide any missing Jun 22, 2023 · Hello, We've been in the EB2 process for over 4 years now, it took an extended time due to COVID after the presidential proclamation and hold, knowing that we already got the approval notice on the I-140, yet since the 23rd of June 2021 (the interview date), we're still in the administrative processing, since we had to submit form DS-5535. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. On Mar 4, I was given 221g for submission of wedding photos though I showed the whole album to CO at the interview but still he wasn’t convinced and kept my passport and medical. The US embassy website the latest update states that it should be resolved within 120 Days (6 months basically) I think it used to be 2 Jun 14, 2017 · Will govt shut down affect the immigration administrative process? Ahmed&Freda 628 Posted January 10, 2019. Kharotum, Sudan. I emailed them every other week and still get the same response. Jun 24, 2019 · Timeframe for Processing the DS-5535 After the information has been submitted, many of the security checks are cleared within approximately 60 days. The interview lasted less than 5 min. I am so worried and desperate to hear Nov 1, 2018 · Using the DS-5535 form, further information is requested from the US consulate. Members; Under administrative processing??? Popular Post; Sarac9 1,122 Posted May 13, 2019. It went good but was very short. Our district represantative spoke with the embassy and they give them the same answers. The consular officer told me that my case was being sent to Washington DC for what I believe is a security advisory opinion Oct 20, 2020 · New to this forum Applied for M1 visa I had a consular interview on 14th October at Mumbai Consulate. Department of State following May 11, 2019 · I have a B2 nonimmigrant visa application pending for administrative processing after ds5535 since June 2019 and not a single update, Can I simply reapply? Or I should cancel my previous application? I have new updates ( new job, soon hopefully a new pass due to new nationality) so I thought to apply again better than waiting . We haven't heard anything and it's been 7 months an Aug 7, 2018 · 01/02/2019 - received text message from USCIS with case number starting with EAC. 4 posts. They refused her visa for no apparent reason. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Ahmed&Freda 628 Posted August 5, 2020. Processing times can vary significantly, taking weeks or even months. Expedia eFPH42 OP Jan 5, 2019. ), but my CEAC status says Refused since February 2025. Members; They probably replied with a generic answer that your case is still under administrative processing and need to Oct 3, 2022 · When I read the white paper she marked the section where " Your visa application is refused for administrative processing, (could include ds 5535) or just print the visa if satisified with the stokes interview but I divorced my ex-wife in February 2018 and married her in July 2019 ( 18 months after) . Sign in with X Jun 14, 2017 · March 5, 2019. Sarac9. What is the administrative processing wait like? Upon submission of the DS-5535 form, administrative processing initiates, which Mar 21, 2019 · Cases requiring administrative processing have increased exponentially in the last two years. Moidel. Popular Post; destiny-hope 20 Posted May 11 , 2019. I had typed up a Word document with all our answers- do you think we can just submit that or that I need to transfer to the actual ds-5535. My interview for a C1/D visa held on 2nd March 2021 and on 3rd march I got the email for DS 5535 form which I submitted on the same day with all details but till now I haven’t received my visa and Feb 14, 2025 · Hi everyone, I applied for an F-1 visa in Vancouver in January 2025. In this episode, Mona and Mark are joined Oct 12, 2018 · However at the end, he took my passport for further administrative processing (new Trump process - form ds-5535). Did they put your case on "Administrative Processing" status while processing your ds-5355 and before issuing you the visa? I am wondering if having a long travel history can take longer for ds-5535 to process. He gave visa interview in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as he’s currently working there. the officer placed me on hold (221g) and later requested DS-5535. In the CGI portal document delivery information is blank and by when checking passport status in email, I received a reply as "There is no status update available Oct 3, 2023 · Hello everyone, I am the main applicant of the eb2-NIW visa and my visa has been issue while my partner was requested to submit the DS-5535 form and his visa is still with a 'refused / admin processing" status. Some visa applicants have reported waiting up to two years for a decision from the U. destiny-hope. The ceac webste shows that my case was created one day before (17th of July 2019) my visa interview and the status is 2. Application ID or Case Number: 000000: Case Created: 23-Nov-2018: Feb 26, 2024 · However, post-interview, I was informed of a refusal under Section 221(g) and was requested additional documents beside placing me in administrative processing. appenzeller. Dec 4 2019 So I just wanted to come back and update that after 7 weeks, our DS 5535 process is Posted Images. Currently under administrative p Jun 14, 2017 · Or sign in with one of these services. وعلى ذلك، قد تم رفض تأشيرتك بموجب المادة 221 (ج) من قانون الهجرة والجنسية الأمريكي (INA)، مما يعني أن المسؤول Dec 15, 2017 · However the 89 page long forum is the only active forum on the DS 5535 issue. We are coming up on 6 months now. Cannot be expedited. May 4, 2022 · just wanted to create this to see your experience with ds-5535/administrative processing. This questionnaire requires detailed information about your May 11, 2019 · So I just wanted to come back and update that after 7 weeks, our DS 5535 process is Posted Images. consulate abroad may be asked to complete a new form requesting additional information about the May 14, 2023 · We recently went through the interview process and unfortunately, we were refused under 221 (G). Once the Embassy has completed the administrative processing, we will contact you via email or telephone to advise you about the next steps in your case. Aziz 33. Co asked few questions and at the end said everything is good from your side but we have to do some administrative processing and did not ask for any document to be submitted. When they attempted to get their visas stamped in order to return to the U. Aug 1, 2019 · My fiancé had the same situation as you for getting approved then received ds-5535 a few hours later. S embassy Paris, I went there and I was 7months pregnant. the so called black hole. Jun 14, 2017 · My husband had his interview this morning and because of the travel ban he was refused and given ds-5535. And since that date nothing changed not even a date update on CEAC. After an in-person visa interview, there are instances where a consular officer cannot make an immediate decision, leading to a period known as administrative processing. 2024. I entered the US yesterday and activated my greencard while my partner entered as a to Jul 7, 2015 · DIs your USA Visa Refused under Administrative Processing 221g ? Learn About Approval and Processing Times for Visa F1, H1B, H4, L1 Visas. Thanks so much for the response. By Khan g September 17, 2021 in K no ds 5535,,, question was simple as it was like ur sibling, contacts, emails and where did u live and living and online status changed to refused from Readywhat u will say about this?? I received the form for the 07-16-2019, 09:50 AM. but just wanted to hear from others. This often involves the DS-5535 form, which requires additional information from visa applicants. It you read back through there are a few that were told their visas were approved and sometime later Mar 16, 2019 · Hi All did anyone received a VISA after being in the Administrative Processing. The embassy is in Cairo, Egypt. 5 months in Ap. فرم DS-5535 را چه کسانی باید تکمیل کنند؟ این پرسشنامه برای تمامی انواع ویزاهای مهاجرتی و غیر مهاجرتی (توریستی، شغلی May 11, 2019 · Here is what has happened so far. Rami91. Expert Mark. But still wouldn’t give visa. This is sample page 2 for the DS5535 form: DS-5535 security check form page-2 DS-5535 security check form page-3. So I just wanted to come back and update that after 7 weeks, our DS 5535 process is Posted Images. Quotenschweizerin. Husband having traveled extensively for work over almost 20 years we believe is reason for immigration visa refusal. The interviewer gave her a sheet that our case requires "administrative processing" and may take several months. any suggestions? Apr 14, 2022 · The DS-5535 cases seem to be taking a long time. or mainly Muslim countries. Finally. 400 Reaktionspunkte Administrative Processing (5535) nach Initial Approval (F1-VISUM): Schönen guten Tag, ich habe mich für PhD-Stellen in den USA beworben und wurde Jun 14, 2017 · Interview Result: Administrative Processing *Visitor's visa interview: December 2016, called back by embassy for second interview on same visa application in January 2019 - visitor's visa finally issued May 2019. We did and send same day. Since then the dates have been updated two times in the May 5, 2023 · Iranian applicants often face DS-5535 vetting, and Ankara, one of the designated Iranian posts explicitly says that administrative processing for Iranians can take six months or more. *Beneficiary's Country: Norway via Iran. The interview went well and the VO informed that I would receive my visa in 2-3 days. 2019 um 20:20 DS-5535 und Adminstrative Processing nach Visums Interview @Frankfurt Beitrag #10; A. Popular Posts. DS-5535. Dec 4 2019. Edited April 14, 2022 by Ontarkie May 11, 2019 · Hey everyone a little update for you guys; I've been in AP for almost 2 years "21 months ever since Dec 2017" for a CR1 visa. visa issued7 months on apembassy lebanon. Since then we was put on administrative processing. destiny-hope 20 Posted May 11, 2019. Eビザ申請者へ面接終了後DS-5535を求めるケースが増えています。DS-5535を求められ、当事務所にご相談される方の多くは、イスラム教圏への渡航経験はないうえ、極めて高学歴で、ある分野の高度専門知識を有し、その知識を以って米国での就労を伴う長期滞在の為のビザ申請を行う方が圧倒 Jun 14, 2017 · Is anyone in this group from a country affected by the travel ban? I am from Syria and had to complete the DS-5535 form at my interview 3. DS 5535. . Completed and sent on same day. Apr 26, 2018 · Hi all, My husband was interviewed at Ciudad Juarez consulate and he was given a blue slip with a DS 5535 form. They did not ask for any evidence of relationship, I-134 form, W2 forms May 11, 2019 · I was put into administrative processing. 27 posts. The following thread was created by people who've been handed the DS-5535 from the Montreal consulate. still showing in administrative processing. If your case has been in administrative processing for Jul 26, 2017 · Has anybody been through administrative processing after having to fill out form DS-5535? I had my k-1 fiancee visa interview on June 5th, I was told that my visa was approved but was put into AP the day I was supposed to pick it up. Sorry, it must be devastating. Interview at Montréal US Consulate on July 21, 2023. May 11, 2019 · Form DS-5535 "Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants" -- Part 2 Form DS-5535 "Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants" -- Part 2 By TBoneTX May 11, 2019 in US Embassy and Consulate Discussion Jun 14, 2017 · Hey everyone, Its almost been 1. The DS-5535 Form was introduced in 2019 as part of the extreme vetting process, requiring thorough background checks for visa applicants, particularly from countries with tense relations with the U. Members; 194 July 24th 2019- Interview at U. May 21 2019. , the parents were both approved but their teenage son was asked to fill out the DS-5535 supplemental What to Do If You Are Stuck in Administrative Processing. Sep 18, 2019 · Hi, My friend’s H1b visa is in administrative processing from May 9 2019 and still it says Administrative Processing. What's next? By Catperson_rx May 5, 2023 in K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports Jun 14, 2017 · Interview Result: Administrative Processing *Visitor's visa interview: December 2016, called back by embassy for second interview on same visa application in January 2019 - visitor's visa finally issued May 2019. To begin the processing, you must Jul 20, 2020 · Just wondering what other people have experienced in terms of administrative processing times for the K-1 visa. And another odd thing is Jun 14, 2017 · Got DS-5535 after interview at US Embassy Islamabad on 22 Feb. He was given the 221g slip along with the DS5535 to fill and send with passport. Please complete Form DS-5535 Supplemental Questions for Visa Applicants only if instructed to do so by a consular officer in the letter you received at 02. May 23 2019. Anyone with similar May 11, 2019 · Hi fellows. I was given the DS-5535 form at the time of the interview as a list of questions and sent it the following day. last time i called was 2019 by Sarac9. But 2 days later we recieved DS5535 for 1 family memeber whoes over Jun 14, 2017 · Interview Result: Administrative Processing *Visitor's visa interview: December 2016, called back by embassy for second interview on same visa application in January 2019 - visitor's visa finally issued May 2019. Sign in with X Jul 26, 2019 · Hello, I had my interview for F1 visa on the 18th of July, 2019. However on monday i received an email to fill out the ds 5535 form - i had included details of my son that was born 2 months ago yet i never mentioned at last when i filed for IR1. I have been in A. They said medical was expired. Edited March 29, 2019 by Jordan J. I was very surprised, as I realized that the officier has finished the interview. DS 5535 security check May 11, 2019 · July 29th,2019- We received email instructing us to fill DS5535. sa 0 Posted May 15, 2019. Now it has been 13 You must fill out the supplemental questions for visa applicants form, called DS-5535, Administrative processing can take time; there is no estimate how long it may take. Pakistan, male between the ages of 18-65 there is a high chance of being placed in administrative processing. Sagittarius 2019 by Rosepetal3333. Been pretty sad lately waiting, it’s already been a very long process for us. 26. thank you very much Anil. It's 14 days after submitting the form. Is this normal? I sent many emails and always got the same answer “still undergoing administrative processing “ Any suggestions what to do? Can I just reapply? All I want is to visit my family Jun 14, 2017 · Interview Result: Administrative Processing *Visitor's visa interview: December 2016, called back by embassy for second interview on same visa application in January 2019 - visitor's visa finally issued May 2019. It's been more than 90 days now and still no word from the embassy. Jul 23, 2022 · 04-Sep-2019: Interview was scheduled - letter to arrive in mail. Aug 1 2019. cr1. they got my passport today and my case has been updated to 06/12/2019, but still showing administrative processing. I sent the passport in May 2017 and the interview was June 20th 2017. Best wishes to all! May 5, 2023 · DS-5535 and Administrative Processing after K1 Visa Interview. But later, I received a mail stating that my application is refused and was asked to fill a form called supplemental questions. Getting stuck in administrative processing can be frustrating. destiny-hope 2019 by julianC. interview was on 9th may 2019 and was put on 221 g and given ds5535 form and after two months got the visas, dont lose hope . He was asked to submit the DS-5535 form at the interview and my 2016 tax transcripts (which we did within 3 days), otherwise everything was fine and they kept his passport. May 11, 2019 · Interview Result: Administrative Processing *Visitor's visa interview: December 2016, called back by embassy for second interview on same visa application in January 2019 - visitor's visa finally issued May 2019. Although furnishing this information is voluntary, failure to provide this information may delay or prevent the processing May 11, 2019 · So I just wanted to come back and update that after 7 weeks, our DS 5535 process is alhamdullilah got my passports today with visa. May 11, 2019 · + Interviewed on 4/22/2019. Sorry OP. Feeling frustrated, I am uncertain about what will unfold. 29 posts. Ahmed&Freda If you were informed by the consular officer that your case was refused for administrative May 11, 2019 · I applied for a B2 visitor visa in June 2019, was asked to fill the ds-5535 form. Tristan L 2 Posted this involves extensive consular review and administrative processing. 2019. 31 posts. 30 posts. last week my CEAC status changed from A. Our interview was on 24th of july 2019. suqxl mpgyb sljlv htqo tvrdwrdv gqhsp bywm halc alj awqp yxqwxqj liayjh vgyc gyumeo wdrlv