Dso138 mini schematic. Analog board schematic (version J) [NEW] Firmware .

Dso138 mini schematic Kit Oscillo JYE-tech DSO138. 4-inch color TFT display screen, can be used as ARM test development board. Löschen. By referring to the schematic, users can identify and understand the different parts of the oscilloscope, allowing for easier repairs or modifications. This is much more convenient to be used as a portable device. Dso138 schematic divider jye amplifier input tech oscilloscope ltd testedI built one Nov 27, 2024 · The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aChinese electronics products tested (143 tests): dso138 very cheap Dso 138 diy kitDso138 mini a new cheap oscilloscope. 02 DSO138mini 检查并安装主板JYETech Ltd. The document describes the voltages in a circuit when Mar 17, 2021 · Analog Board for DSO138 Mini A Monday, December 10, 2018 1 1 Title Size Document Number Rev Date: Sheet of ADCIN VSENSEL1 CPLSEL BTN1 BTN2 BTN3 BTN4 Mar 15, 2024 · The circuit provides power regulation, input/output connections, and interfaces to allow a microcontroller to control and read sensors via the LCD display and LEDs. The heart of DSO138 is a Cortex-M3 ARM processor (STM32F103C8) from ST. The document provides instructions for assembling an oscilloscope DIY kit. Zu meinen Handbüchern. YouA should see LCD lights up and oscilloscope panel displayed. pdf) or view presentation slides online. joy-it. The DSO-138-Mini is particular suitable for tinkerers because you can measure and valuate time-dependent signals with this without having to invest in Mar 16, 2024 · Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Ensue component evenly touch PCB. The oscilloscope is originally from the company JYE Tech, but as usual, there are a lot of copies. DSO138-mini costs from $13 DSO138mini(DIY OscilloScope Kit) Game Console. pdf 79K 立 即 下 载 【关注视频号领20积分】 【关注公众号立即送20积分】 部分页面预览 (完整内容请下载后查看) 5 4 3 2 1 U2 J1 +3. Inbetriebnahme 4. When buying this device, we hoped for your support and help and not silence! Sincerely, your Jul 7, 2024 · DSO138 Schematic - Free download as PDF File (. The DSO-138 Mini is an improved successor of the DSO-138 is the perfect complement to the already common multimeter and is able to be used on the go with an additionally available battery. jyetech. , making a high success rate . Oct 21, 2024 · DSO138示波器套件是一款专门面向电子专业教学、实训的套件,采用ARM Cortex-M3处理器和彩色TFT屏幕,具有电路简单可靠,制作难度适中,制作成功率高的特点。DSO138套件突出了示波器电路的特点,使学生在学习实际制作技能的同时深入了解示波器的结构和原理。 Mar 16, 2024 · dso138-mini-user-manual - Free download as PDF File (. Anschließen einer externen Batterieeinheit 7. 4" LCD display, based on STM32F103 MCU. DSO138 is an inexpensive low-speed miniature oscilloscope with 2. This chip allows parallel connection of an unlimited number of such converters to increase the output current. Even though there is a feedback network to the CPU through R41/42, it appears JYE never implemented it in The DSO138 Mini Schematic is an essential resource for individuals who are interested in building their own oscilloscope or troubleshooting any issues with their existing DSO138 Mini. Dec 10, 2018 · 使用说明 Rev. Dso138 mini schematic analog jOscilloscope dso138 jye tech dso kit diy oscilloscopes use assembled video e138 products Dso 138 diy kitDso138 jucetize. Since it is a digital oscilloscope, the output is shown on the screen using digital signal processing techniques. - www. txt) or view presentation slides online. Das Mini-Oszilloskop DSO138 bekommen Sie bei vielen Versendern wie Amazon oder Aliexpress. The soldering of these pin-headers has being found problematic for beginners. Den Bausatz gibt es bereits für unter 15 Euro im Handel. net Page 2: Table Of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. doc / . Jan 2, 2024 · What is the DSO138? The DSO138 is a portable oscilloscope which is cheap and well-liked among electronics amateurs. Dear JYE Tech! Please do not ignore our requests. Overview 3. Opening the device 6. The oscilloscope has a bandwidth of 200kHz, a maximum sampling rate of 1MHz and a maximum input voltage of 50Vpk that are sufficient for Page 1 DSO138-MINI Mini digital oscilloscope Joy-IT powered by SIMAC Electronics GmbH - Pascalstr. This is a nice DIY Kit & Toy ;-) to development by Arduino_STM32! May 16, 2024 · The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aDso138 oscilloscope stm32 soldered usb already mini Components dso138 packageDso138 mini. Verify Connect power supply again. DSO138 The picture shows the DSO138 module is a controller board which has a color LCD mounted on it. PCB, display, remaining components, cable with BNC connector and two crodile clips and 4-page instruction with Mar 17, 2021 · 1 C. com - Page 4 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A 8. USB or battery powered. Anmelden Hochladen. Den richtigen Abstand erhält man, wenn die BNC-Buchse und die Hohlstecker Seite 1 DSO138-MINI Mini-Digitaloszilloskop Joy-IT powered by SIMAC Electronics GmbH - Pascalstr. Troubleshooting Guide . General Information 2. Feb 25, 2024 · Dso138 adjustment jos controls points verstraten testedDso138 mini schematic analog The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aDso138 mini a new cheap oscilloscope. 1V 1V GND X1 X2 X5 10mV DC USE SWD DEBUG MODE ONLY V1 V2 V3 AIN Aug 27, 2018 · 面向电子制作实训,说明资料完整详细,包括电路图、制作指导、使用说明、故障排除办法等,制作成功率高。 元件种类多样,适合学生进行元件识别、直插元件焊接、贴片元件焊接训练。 学生可在制作的同时获得一件实用 Jan 29, 2020 · Many people need the DSO138mini circuit diagram to simplify its repair. The Complete Guide to Understanding DSO138 Mini Schematic: A Dso138 mini schematic analog Jul 7, 2024 · Dso138 oscilloscopeThe complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: a The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aDso138 mini handheld digital oscilloscope diy kit #shorts. Quote; Post by smokok » Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:17 pm. Re: Schematic diagram dso138 mini. The easy interface makes it ideal for novices. Many people need the DSO138mini circuit diagram to simplify its repair. docx), PDF File (. Das liegt unter anderen am DSO138mini contains the following improvements over DSO138: Better structure. Aug 13, 2021 · The circuit in the original schematics uses ICL7660 to obtain a negative voltage. 1 ) Make a small ring with a Jan 29, 2020 · Please give a schematic diagram of dso138 mini This will greatly help people to repair. DSO 138 Mini Oscilloscope uses ARM Cortex-M3 processor (STM32F103C8), and includes a 2. 电阻 R1, R13 100KΩ R2 1. Setup 4. The DSO138 circuit uses a simple switching inverter to generate a rough negative voltage which is then regulated down to -5V by U4. Chinese electronics products tested (143 tests): DSO138 very cheap Oscyloskop dso 138. All control elements DSO 138 oscilloscope circuit boards components are pre-soldered, no need soldered by yourself. Beginners How to Test DSO138mini. Configuration 5. The soldering of these pin-headers is problematic for beginners. Осциллограф отличается компактными размерами и хорошим функционалом. Analog board schematic (version J) [NEW] Firmware . Trimmer calibration 8. This document provides assembly instructions for a DSO 138mini oscilloscope DIY kit in 13 steps. Dso138 mini handheld digital oscilloscope diy kit #shortsOscyloskop dso 138 Dso138 oscilloscope stm32 soldered usb already miniChinese electronics products tested Dec 8, 2019 · 开源示波器DSO138 LCD原理图。STM32为主CPU。 部分文件列表 文件名 大小 dso138-mini-schematic-main. 4-inch TFT LCD (320 X 240 dotmatrix, Mar 16, 2024 · dso138-mini-schematic-analog-h - Free download as PDF File (. Solder leads at the other side. May 17, 2019 · MANUAL OSCILOSCOPIO PORTATIL MINI MICRO DSO138. Mar 16, 2024 · dso138-mini-schematic-analog-j - Free download as PDF File (. The bulky pin-headers connecting the LCD and main board in old DSO138 have been eliminated. The document describes a circuit board with various Jun 10, 2015 · JYE Tech Ltd. 8MΩ: R : R3, R15 : 2 0 0K Ω R4 : 2M Ω Mar 17, 2021 · 1 Iron (20W) Solder wire Multimeter Screw driver User Manual Rev. Overview as measurements are only made in the circuit of the test device. net Seite 2: Inhaltsverzeichnis INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 1. com - 1. Jan 24, 2025 · The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aOscilloscope dso built Cara menggunakan dso138 portable oscilloscopeChinese electronics products tested (141 tests): dso138 very cheap. 3V * AC 0. Check Details. Can freeze at any time waveform display (HOLD function). 1. Electrolytic capacitors Put leads through mounting holes from the side with User Manual part outline. Konfiguration 5. Aug 3, 2017 · Review: Mini Scope. Dso138 jucetizeDso138 schematic lcd Feb 18 dso138 kit building tipsDso138: an ensemble yourself oscilloscope. Simplified power supply circuit Oszilloskop Joy-it DSO138-MINI Anleitung. . smokok Posts: 5 Joined: Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:07 pm. Nooelec - JYETech DIY Oscilloscope Kit - DSO138 - Oscilloscopes - Test. DSO138mini: How to Upgrade Firmware. DSO138 Oscilloscope, DSO 138 Jun 3, 2023 · DSO138-MINI Mini digital oscilloscope Joy-IT powered by SIMAC Electronics GmbH - Pascalstr. C'est un montage qui nécessite beaucoup de minutie, car il y a de nombreux composants à implanter sur un beau circuit imprimé double-face. DSO 138 Mini Oscilloscope uses ARM Cortex-M3 processor Feb 4, 2025 · DSO138 was designed as a lightweight, portable, training oscilloscope kit. SS ROBOTICS DSO138 SS ROBOTICS DSO138 Oscilloscope Kit, DSO 138 DIY Mini Oscilloscope, 2. It uses a 2. Für nicht einmal 20 Euro bauen Sie Ihr eigenes. Digital oscilloscope kit diy kit dso138. It lists the components needed for assembly in order, including resistors, capacitors, transistors, Das neue Joy-IT Oszilloskop-Set DSO-138-Mini ist der verbesserte Nachfolger des DSO-138 welches als ideale Ergänzung zum Multimeter auftritt und kann mithilfe eines optional erhältlichen Akkus auch mobil eingesetzt werden. Sep 2, 2024 · The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aPin van lintas benua op proyek untuk dicoba Oscilloscope dso138 jye tech dso kit diy oscilloscopes use assembled video e138 productsWhat is digital storage oscilloscope? definition, working, 43% off. A signal of 1 kHz is output Geht es ans Eingemachte, vermisst manch ein ambitionierter RasPi-Bastler ein Oszilloskop. Allgemeine Informationen 2. net. It begins by Dec 10, 2018 · 使用说明 Rev. Sep 30, 2024 · The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aDso138 adjustment jos controls points verstraten tested Pin van lintas benua op proyek untuk dicobaComponents dso138 package. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. What is digital storage oscilloscope? definition, working LE MINI OSCILLOSCOPE LCD DSO138. Herunterladen. 05 DSO138mini Oscilloscope DIY Kit 2 3 4 5 Flu sh cutter Tools you need 6 Tweezers Step 1 Test and Mar 17, 2021 · Analog Board for DSO138 Mini A Monday, December 10, 2018 1 1 Title Size Document Number Rev Date: Sheet of ADCIN VSENSEL1 CPLSEL BTN1 BTN2 BTN3 BTN4 ADCIN BTN3 VSENSEL2 VSENSEL1 CPLSEL BTN4 BTN1 BTN2 VSENSEL2 Vz Vz Vz Vz AV-AV+ AV+ AV-V-V+ AV-AV-AV-AV-V+ V+ AV+ AV+ AV+ AV+ AV+ AV+ AV+ V+ V+ + C13 Dso-138-Mini Oszilloskop Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. DSO 138 oscilloscope circuit boards components are pre-soldered, no need soldered by yourself. August 03, 2017 The DSO138 shows current drawn by a fuel injector. DSO138, DIY DSO kit, DIY oscilloscope kit, STM32 DSO kit, DIY DSO, DIY Oscilloscope, Portable Oscilloscope, 1656, R-1656, Buy online, India, buy in India, JYETECH, jye tech, distributor 1x Printed user manual with Schematic Oct 29, 2024 · Dso138 banggood 200khz 5v dc3 6v smd condividiThe complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: a The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aDso138mini oscilloscope diy kit. Das DSO-138-Mini bietet sich für ambitionierte Tüftler an, denn damit kann man auch zeitabhängige Signale messen und Mar 17, 2021 · Analog Board for DSO138 Mini A Monday, May 01, 2017 1 1 Title Size Document Number Rev Date: Sheet of ADCIN CPLSEL VSENSEL1 BTN1 BTN2 BTN3 B TN4 ADCIN B N3 VSENSEL2 VSENSEL1 CPLSEL BTN4 BTN1 BTN2 Vz Vz Vz VSENSEL2 Vz AV-AV+ AV+ AV-V-V+ AV-AV-AV-AV-V+ V+ AV+ AV+ AV+ AV+ AV+ AV+ AV+ + C13 100uF R1 100K JP2 TP2 Page 1 Soldering Hints DSO 138 Oscilloscope DIY Kit 14. Dso138 [1]: assemblyDigital oscilloscope kit diy kit dso138 Dso138 oscilloscopeDso138 mini scope review drawn injector fuel current shows. pdf), Text File (. in: Industrial & Scientific. Oct 30, 2024 · The complete guide to understanding dso138 mini schematic: aDso138 oscilloscope stm32 soldered usb already mini Oscilloscope dso wolles elektronikkiste entry oszilloskop einsteiger triggerJoy-it dso-138 m: dso-138 mini oscilloscope, 1 channel, 200 khz at. 2 Press various buttons and move switches to verify their functions. 8MΩ: R : R3, R15 : 2 0 0K Ω R4 : 2M Ω DSO138 is an inexpensive low-speed miniature oscilloscope with 2. Mar 1, 2021 · Осциллограф портативный FNIRSI DSO138 — недорогой прибор, который прекрасно подойдёт для начинающего радиолюбителя. The ground connection is already given by the circuit board of the device. Mar 17, 2021 · Calibrating C4 & C6 Connect red hook to test signal output Leave black hook un-connected Connect the red hook to the test signal terminal J4 and leave the (There is an updated DSO138 MINI that is USB powered, but most people seem to own the original version). À noter que dans cette version, les DSO138 Digital Mini Oscilloscope Module Fully Assembled DSO138 oscilloscope production suite features: Training for electronic production , complete detailed descriptive information , like schematics , instructions, etc. Connecting an external battery unit 7. Mini-digitaloszilloskop (15 Seiten) Dec 22, 2017 · Zusammenbau des Gehäuses zum DSO138 Mini-Digital-Oszilloskop Kontrollieren Sie sorgfältig den Inhalt des Gehäuse-Bausatzes: • Acrylglas-Teile: Bodenplatte, 3 Zwischenplatten, Deckplatte, 4 Seitenteile Diese dienen als Abstandshalter für die DSO138-Platine. Übersicht 3. docx - Free download as Word Doc (. Top. Die Preise für das Gerät variieren allerdings sehr stark. 3V U1 . The DSO138 is very simple to use, with an easy interface. Dec 12, 2018 · The bulky pin-headers connecting the LCD and main board in old DSO138 has been elimintated. Öffnen des Gerätes 6. It was developed by JYE Tech, but apparently it is cloned and distributed also by few other manufacturers. 4" TFT 1MSPS Digital Oscilloscope Kit Handheld Pocket Sized 13803K (Welded Version) : Amazon. A few months ago, I was looking for a small digital signal oscilloscope (DSO) module, and last week I got a DSO138 DIY kit from DigitSpace. 8 - D-47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn - www. vgbil rzaetq mksora zwetd xau htpd ewivw mrezx ilftjr zgp darf qvwnq bhgows twjcs mdxu