Forest service maps. FSTopo is the Forest Service series of .
Forest service maps The Custer Gallatin National Forest Visitor Maps include elevation contours and are at a scale of either 1:63,360 (one inch to the mile) or 1:126,720 (½ inch to the mile). fs. Buy Maps at any Umatilla National Forest Office. Additional Map Resources. Forest Service Home; About the Agency; Contact the National Office; Plastic tear proof map of the east and west sides of the Forest. Building 17 Lakewood, CO 80401 (303) 275-5350. They are available for Forest service maps on your iPhone or iPad! This app includes all areas mapped by the United States Forest Service. Explore the USDA Forest Service Digital Maps collection, covering all lands administered by the Forest Service at national, regional, and forest level scales. The material is available in many forms: brochures, maps, Recreational Opportunity Guides (ROGs), on such subjects Barlow Ranger District (541) 467-2291 780 NE Court St Dufur, OR 97021. File Size. Maps of the Nantahala, Pisgah, Uwharrie, and Croatan National Forests can are available for purchase at the U. Red Rock Country Map Descriptions. Last updated March 20, 2024. These maps are made possible through a partnership between the US Forest Service, Sedona Friends of the Forest, and a Keen Effect grant to build stronger communities and a healthier planet. Forests and Grasslands; Visit Us; Accessibility; Destinations; Know Before You Go; Maps; Photos and Videos; Recreation; Managing the Land. 11" X 8. FSTopo is the Forest Service's series of large scale topographic maps. Search for forest, grassland, district, wilderness & specialty printed maps online at USGS. Pacific Southwest Research Station Contact Us. D. Closure for Burnt Mountain Trail in DuPont State Recreational Forest. There are two maps needed to cover the Salmon-Challis National Forest; one for the Salmon Forest and one for the Challis Forest. Maps & Publications. , Jan. The Forest Service Geodata clearinghouse is an online collection of digital Plastic, weather-proof map shows most Forest Service system roads and trailheads, and are a 1/2" = 1 mile scale. An annual Wyoming ORV decal/permit is required to be visible on all OHV (display the permit Visit the Maps & Publications page for maps that are available for sale, such as the Flathead National Forest Visitor Map. Many Forest Visitor Maps are also available for purchase as georeferenced PDFs on Avenza , for use on mobile devices Google Earth Engine Data Catalog: Forest Service TreeMap v2016 (Conterminous United States) References: Riley, Karin L. For the best user experience, use our MVUMs within a GPS-enabled mobile app such as Avenza Maps. Visitors Map. These maps are typically created to cover and entire or larger areas of a national forest or grassland. Current wildfire simulation models addressed the fire Forest Visitor Maps and Atlases for each national forest and grassland provide forest-wide information on attractions, facilities, services, and opportunities. Alerts & Warnings. 5 minute, 1:24,000-scale over the conterminous Explore the interactive map of the U. S Geological Survey Store. Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry 22 State House Station 18 Elkins Lane Augusta, ME 04333 Phone: (207) 287-3200 Maps; Photos and Videos; Recreation; Managing the Land. gov/ or downloaded for free. FSTopo is the Forest Service series of The Forest Service Basemap service is created, maintained, and produced by the U. Interactive Visitor Map - Black Hills. Geological Survey Store, many Forest Service offices and other retail outlets. Maps show national forest system roads & trails open to motorized travel. Tree Canopy of Puerto Rico and National Forest Maps can also be found using our Map Finder Tool where you can purchase paper maps through USGS or download digital maps through the Avenza Map app. Active Fire Mapping Program, GTAC Active Fire Mapping is a satellite-based fire monitoring program, providing near real-time detection and characterization of fire conditions in a geospatial context for the continental U. Treesearch Research Data Archive Forest Inventory & Analysis Research Topics News About Us. 65 MB) The Forest Service publishes a variety of map products to help you plan your next adventure or enjoy your next visit! Topographic Maps. Menu. 5 MB): This map covers the northern end of Oak Creek Canyon from Bootlegger day use area to Additional Map Resources. The material is available in many forms: brochures, maps, Recreational Opportunity Guides (ROGs), on such subjects as recreation, sightseeing, FSTopo Legacy was the premier Forest Service topographic map series, but these maps have been retired and are now stored as historical maps. A map is created in ArcMap and published as a service to an ArcGIS Server site. An official website of the United States government. Find your perfect spot on these expansive lands that include more than 4,300 campgrounds and 158,000 miles of trails, including 31,900 miles on pristine wilderness areas. BC Forest Map. Find maps of National Forests and Grasslands for planning your trip, recreation, or travel. Maps for Mobile Devices. Interactive Maps. Map scale 1:126,720. Forest Service roads, trails, recreation, wilderness areas, and wild & Detailed Forest and District visitor maps are available directly from the Idaho Panhandle National Forests' main offices for $14. The fill color was used to differentiate forests from grasslands from other manager types. 5" X 11" 448kb. Not every national forest or grassland has a map in the Forest Series. These maps are available for download at Forest Service Topography Maps. usda. 00. A Guide to Your National Forests (includes United States map of all Forest Service Regions) On The Right Trail - An Ethical Guide for OHV Riders; For Smokey Forest Service Topography Maps: These maps show roads, trails, and campgrounds, on USGS's topographic maps. gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd1045012. Home; Visit Us; Find a Forest Forests and Grasslands Interactive Map - Search by zip code, address, and more. Also, maps can be found at any of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Offices for free or purchase. usgs. Sycamore Canyon. Forest Service Digital Maps are a collection of maps covering all lands administered by the USDA Forest Service. 11/13 Economic Analysis Areas of the Flathead NF. Trending News and Updates. They cover all Forest Service lands and were created at a scale of 1:24K for the continental United States and Puerto Rico and at a scale of 1:63,360 for Alaska. This requirement protects forest resources and prevents the development of non-system illegal routes. Forest Service Map Features Forest overview, including outstanding recreation opportunities 1:126,720 scale, or 1/2"=1 mile spot elevations water features highways, Forest Service roads, trails, and trailheads Reference grid for USGS topo maps chart of developed recreational facilities (campgrounds, picnic areas) surfa Georeferenced motor vehicle use maps are available for Android and iOS devices. Hood National Forest Headquarters (503) 668-1700 The Wildfire Risk Viewer is designed to increase wildfire awareness, provide a comprehensive view of wildfire risk and local fire history, and educate users about wildfire prevention and mitigation resources available from the Colorado State Forest Service. Forest Visitor Maps for each national forest and grassland provide forest-wide information on attractions, facilities, services, and opportunities. The Forest Each map covers all or part of one wilderness area and the scale is generally 1 inch per mile (1:63,360). Northwest Forest Threat Maps Interactive Map. Boots on the Ground Interactive Map. FSTopo maps are 7. Maps and Data Geospatial technology is used to acquire, manipulate, store, and display geographic information. Applications: Resources: FOREST ECONOMICS & RESOURCE ANALYSIS. Whether you live in BC or are visiting from abroad, Evo is a great way to get around with minimal fuss. 5-inch by 11-inch topographic quadrangle maps at 1 inch to the mile scale and are available for many of the forests in California. These maps designate roads and trails for summer, or snow-free travel, and do not apply to snowmobile trails, which are shown on the forest Visitor Maps and, where available, on Over the Snow Vehicle Use Maps (OSVUM). United States Forest Service Maps. MVUM maps can be picked-up for free at Forest Service offices or can be downloaded to your smartphone through the Avenza Map store for free. There are 4,482 total miles of motorized road, trail and area access on the Plumas National Forest displayed on the MVUM. Highlight Old-growth Forest Priest River Experimental Forest Interactive Map Interactive Map. Avenza maps are georeferenced so that you can find your location on the downloaded map, even Contact Information. ; National Forest Atlases are full color Evo is a car share program which operates in both Vancouver and Victoria. . Forest Service roads, trails, recreation, wilderness areas, and wild & For your convenience, you can order maps for New Mexico and Arizona National Forests online and in person. Forest and Grassland Visitor Maps. The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for Additional Map Resources. Categorized by region, the map displays the name, location and dates of spring festivals scheduled for the first half of this year. Forest Service maps are available for free download or purchase through the Avenza PDF Maps Store. Interactive Visitor Map. Not every national forest or grassland has a map in the 1:63,360 Series. The map is printed on durable plastized paper. Offers a full, nationwide selection of National Forest, Ranger District, Wilderness, and Specialty Maps for purchase. Pacific Northwest Research Station Contact Us Forest Service. The Forest Service Basemap is a scalable digital map product and can be used as background (or basemap) in web applications and GIS software. The Lolo National Forest consists of five district maps. Forest Visitor Maps and National Forest Atlases. These maps The Avenza free mobile app makes it easy to download forest maps onto your mobile device. West Side Map (or on Avenza) East Side Map (or on Avenza) Forest Visitor Maps for each national forest and grassland provide forest-wide information on attractions, facilities, services, and opportunities. Facebook. Direct Links to Motor Vehicle Use Maps Available for the Forest. A wide variety of brochures and publications are available at all Forest Service offices and visitor centers. Geological Survey Store and at the Klamath National Forest Headquarters and District A collection of links to various maps pulled from across the Forest Service. 29 MB) Tell City District Map (2. In addition to roads managed by the Forest Service, many roads within the Forest are under state or county jurisdiction, and users are advised to consult local laws regarding use of those roads. 2021. You can purchase maps by mail or in person at any office on the Umpqua National Forest. Map services are maps made available to the web using ArcGIS. Consult this description of all Pacific Northwest Region Forest Service maps to determine which map or maps will help you plan and complete a safe and enjoyable visit to a national forest. Discover Your Northwest: A nonprofit partner carrying a wide selection of maps, books, This application can be used to view and print maps from the 2020 Colorado Forest Action Plan. Caring For the Land and Serving People. 6 acres acres across the state. Great for: Hiking, backpacking, horseback riding. Forest Service. These lands include a vast treasure of diverse landscapes, ecosystems, fauna, and flora. Discover Your Northwest: A nonprofit partner carrying a wide selection of maps, books, Downloadable Overview Map. The material is available in many forms: brochures, maps, Recreational Opportunity Guides (ROGs), on such subjects as recreation, sightseeing, wilderness, travel management, and vegetation. Forests of Colorado, 2015 Interactive Map. Discover Your Northwest: A nonprofit partner carrying a wide selection of maps, books, The Korea Forest Service (KFS) has released a map showcasing forest and flower festivals set to take place nationwide this spring. US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region 1617 Cole Blvd. Map scale 1:100,000. Maps and publications that provide forest-wide information on special places, attractions, facilities, services, etc. Forest Service Visitor Maps include recreational information about camping, fishing, biking, and other outdoor The Alaska Region of the U. More options are available at our forest offices. The app provides access to Forest Service maps, such as motor-vehicle-use maps, which are free while pages from national forest atlases are 99 cents and forest visitor maps are $4. If Congressionally-designated wilderness areas are Explore the great outdoors by visiting America’s backyard -- 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands. See current wildfires and wildfire perimeters near you using the Map of Fire Wildfire Map. 5 The Forestry Licence Viewer map tool allows you to discover information about Ireland's forests. Forest Service Topography Maps: These maps show roads, trails, and campgrounds, on USGS's topographic maps. 5 minute, 1:24,000-scale over the conterminous The Active Fire Mapping Program is an operational, satellite-based fire detection and monitoring program managed by the USDA Forest Service Geospatial Technology and Applications Center (GTAC) located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Forest Service lands. 0 allows the public to view, through an online map interface, Forest Service roads, trails, recreation sites, wilderness areas, and wild & scenic rivers. A variety of other Forest Service Maps are available for purchase on-line through USGS on-line store. Coronado National Forest Atlas of 7 1/2' Quad Maps 120 Maps Scale 1 inch = 1 mile Cost $34. Avenza Maps. Forest Service Digital Maps are produced at national, regional and forest level Find various map products for recreation, fire, and planning on the US Forest Service website. Managing the Land Our Maps. Region 2: Rocky Mountain Region. There are two maps for the Frank Church - River of No Return Wilderness; a North half and a South half (both from Visit Us. FSTopo is an automated map product using inter-agency authoritative data and is updated annually. The Government now has an interactive online map of forest service roads in BC. Discover Your Northwest: A nonprofit partner carrying a wide selection of maps, books, A collection of maps from Forest Service available for download in the Avenza Map Store. Our digital maps are available to download as geospatial PDFs for viewing and/or use in any GPS-enabled mobile application, or directly from the Avenza Maps online map store. Black Hills Experimental Forest virtual tour Interactive Map. Date Vicinity Map of the Flathead NF Geographic Areas . These maps include many Forest Service system roads, recreation sites, lakes, rivers, streams, mountain peaks, and ownership. Also available: Wilderness, PCT and Special Area Maps. Browse and search for recreation sites and activities with our Interactive Visitor Map. 5-minute (1:24,000-scale) USGS topographic maps. Some current apps people use to locate these routes actually show outdated info from 60 or more years ago. Many of these roads no The Avenza Map Store is a source for purchasing and downloading digital versions of selected Forest Service maps suitable for use on mobile devices. National Forest Service Library; Operation Care and Recovery; Employee Services; Fulltext search. Explore online map services, geodata clearinghouse, dynamic maps, and active fire mapping These maps feature landownership, roads, trails, and recreation. Downloadable and Motor Vehicle Use Maps. This gallery displays some of the publicly accessible web products. "Locate and purchase a Forest or Grassland Visitor Map using this map interface. National Forest Visitor Maps. ; Finney, Mark A. Forest Service Digital Maps are produced at national, regional and forest level scales. Phone: 303-275-5350 TTD / TTY: 303 Forest Service. FSTopo is available in PDF and TIFF format. 8. Developed in a joint partnership between the EPA and USFS. Return to top. Plastic, waterproof and tear proof detailed map of the Apache-Sitgraves National Forests. 15, 2021 – Scientists from the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station have created TreeMap, a first-of-its-kind tree-level map of the forests of the United States. Managing the Land; Fire Management; Forests and Grasslands; International Cooperation; Invasive Species; Forest Service Supervisor walks the walk — right up Mount Interactive Map Pine Resin in the Blood: A Historical Account of Hochatown Culture and Wildfire Risk Benefits of State and Private Forest Lands for the South https://www. Visit our Forest Service Interactive Visitor Map To obtain a Recreation Map, stop by any of the Forest Service Visitor Centers or offices. In the absence of a posted speed limit, drivers should assume the speed limit on forest service roads is 80 kilometres per hour. Media Inquiries. You can search by application reference number; select an application from the recent applications list; or, to simply zoom in on a site. Beginning March 3, Burnt Mountain Trail in DuPont State Recreational Forest will be closed to all visitors. Order by Phone. They are planimetric and show some spot elevations. They are available for download by quadrangle. national forests and grasslands. Discover Your Northwest: A nonprofit partner carrying a wide selection of maps, books, There are nine Forest Service Regions, broad geographic areas, usually including several states, encompassing 155 National Forests and 20 National Grasslands. Other Maps. The US Forest Service provides several types of publications and maps to the public. Many U. It provides a public resource of information to best prepare and manage wildfire season. The BC government also lists some rules and best practices for driving on forest service roads. ; Shaw, John D. A collection of map services is available that allow you to view map images of Forest Service data from agency databases. Forest Service Visitor Map Finder Application. Free Downloadable Maps. Order maps by mail at USDA Forest Service, Forest Supervisor's Office at 200 Sycamore Street, Elkins WV 26241. This map shows the locations of US Forest Service sites. Click the image below to go to the app. Twitter. Visitor Map 2. 2 MB) Lost River Unit Map (2. These maps feature landownership, roads, trails, and recreation. The map can be used on personal computers, smart phones or tablet devices through any modern web browser. They are available for download by quadrangle. 5) from wildfires and other sources. Twenty-Eight wilderness maps are available for purchase through the U. Learn More. National Forests Map. Maps are geo-referenced PDFs. ESRI geodatabase (19MB) shape file (42MB). Geological Survey: Offers a full, nationwide selection of National Forest, Ranger District, Wilderness, topographic and Santiam Pass Winter Recreation Map Bundle; National Forest Map Store. Cost $14. The MVUM also displays uses allowed by vehicle class (highway/street legal vehicles, vehicles less than 50 inches wide and motorcycles), seasonal restrictions and other travel rules and regulations. Forest Service Geodata Clearinghouse; Forest Service Research publications and Ishi, Caribou, and Thousand Lakes Wildernesses Map; FSTopo is the Forest Service series of large scale topographic maps. The map provides high-level national guidance on land suitability for afforestation, supporting the establishment of forests for various purposes, including timber production, environmental enhancement, climate change mitigation, forest industry development, alternative off-farm income generation, and opportunities for tourism and recreational use. Some brochures are Popular Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests Maps. Date of last refresh: Mar 5, 2025. Forest Service uses ArcGIS Online to share maps, data, and applications for use by the other federal and state agencies, partners, and the public. Discover the Forest with this hidden gem - try the new Forest Map! The Visitor Map allows the public to view, through an online map interface, Forest Service roads, trails, recreation sites, wilderness areas, and wild & scenic rivers. Data Sources Contact Us. Forest Service Home; Inside the Forest Service; About the Agency Interactive Maps. A key feature of this application is the ability to generate a county-level report that describes the Forest Action Plan theme maps and The new window contains multiple links to the national forest or grassland's recreation information along with interactive maps, such as Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUMs) and national forest and grassland Visitor Information Maps, that are best viewed on-line with a high-speed internet connection. FSTopo is the Forest Service series of large scale topographic maps. Interactive Visitor Map: Sierra National Forest Topographic Maps. Order Maps In Person. 5 minute, 1:63,360-scale over Alaska FORT COLLINS, Colo. Managing the Land; Fire Management; Forests and Grasslands; International Cooperation; Invasive Species; From a TTY, call 711 to be connected to a Forest Service phone number. Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) The MVUM displays National Forest System (NFS) routes (roads and trails) or areas designated as open to motorized travel. Page Size. Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM's) All Off-Road Vehicles (OHV) riding must occur only on Forest Service designated routes where the class of vehicle and the season of use are permitted. . Other Maps Topographic Maps. Forest Service Map Finder - Locate and purchase a Forest or Grassland Visitor Map using this national interface. FS Geodata Clearinghouse. Department of Agriculture. Free, Downloadable Maps. Contact the Ranger Station you plan to visit ahead of time to ensure that they have the map you need before traveling to that office. Series. National Forest Store: Offers a full, nationwide selection of National Forest, Ranger District, Wilderness, and Specialty Maps for purchase online or by phone, fax, and mail. View Maps. Forest Service Topography Maps. 69" = 1 miles scale. Discover Your Northwest: A nonprofit partner carrying a wide selection of maps, books, The Ghana Forest Compliance Service was adopted as the official land use maps provider for the CFI in Ghana at the Ghana Oversight Committee Meeting on 16 June 2022. USDA Forest Service Visitor Maps are at a smaller scale (they show a larger area but less detail) than standard 7. Here's how you know Forest Service Topographic Maps. The Forest Service publishes a variety of map products to help you Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, EPA | USDA Forest Service Enterprise Map Services Program, Enterprise Data Warehouse | The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, completeness or utility New Mexico Forest Maps; All National Forest Service Maps; Return to Maps and Publications. Prescott National Forest Visitor's Map. FSTopo products cover the Forest Service lands and are available in PDF and vTPK Find and purchase maps of national forests and grasslands, including visitor maps, atlases, wilderness maps, and topographic maps. This viewer is intended to support homeowners and community leaders. 1617 Cole building 17 Lakewood CO 80401. S. Printed Maps. Resource Analysis: Forest Taxation: Economic Development: Wood Technology & Utilization: Yesterday, Texas A&M Forest Service responded to 4 new requests for assistance on wildfires burning 28. Looking to purchase maps online? Click the map covers below to be redirected to the USGS Read the Avenza Maps ® fact sheet for more information about the features of this mobile app. The maps are available to purchase online at the U. While Interactive Visitor Map. Save favorite spots with map markers that use iCloud to synchronize across your devices. eAuthentication Login guide - ArcGIS Forest Service Topography Maps: These maps overlay Forest Service assets, such as roads, trails, and campgrounds, on USGS's topographic maps. Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) for the Stevensville, Darby/Sula and West Fork Ranger District are Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. FSTopo Maps. Plan your next trip using the Forest Service’s Interactive Visitor Map, a digital map that can be customized to the road and recreation features that interest you. Carson National Forest. Forest Service Topography Maps: These maps overlay Forest Service assets, such as roads, trails, and campgrounds, on USGS's topographic maps. gov/ivm/ These maps are typically created to cover larger areas of a national forest or grassland in greater detail or to cover a small national forest or grassland in more detail. Traffic travelling “up” should move out of the way to allow drivers heading downward space to pass safely. US Geological Survey offers a variety of maps, including geologic maps, topographic maps, geospatial map applications, and more. Filter & Sort Results. Find A map of the United States from InciWeb taken April 14, 2021 showing examples of wildfires, prescribed fires, and Burned Area Emergency Response Team locations. 5 minute, 1:24,000-scale over the conterminous United Sign in to explore this map and other maps from U. The MVUM also displays allowed uses by vehicle class (ex. Mapa de la cubierta del dosel de Puerto Rico y las USVI Interactive Map. Breadcrumb. Shapefiles do not exist for all National Datasets. Link to Delaware Forest Service on Avenza Maps . highway-legal vehicles, vehicles less than 50 Public incidents viewer Forest Service maps are available to help you plan your next adventure and enjoy your next visit. Campsites and the Redden Lodge are now open. Discover Your Northwest: A nonprofit partner carrying a wide selection of maps, books, Plastic tear proof map of the east and west sides of the Forest. A. Forest Service and thousands of organizations and enrich them with your own data to create new maps and map layers. The map highlights Forest roads, trails, and recreational areas. These maps also show motorized and non-motorized trails, attractions, facilities, services, and opportunities. 5" Forest Service. To purchase passes, permits, A History of the Forest Service in the Southwest; Return to top. Search for all available online maps via The app provides access to Forest Service maps, such as motor-vehicle-use maps, which are free while pages from national forest atlases are 99 cents and forest visitor maps are $4. These maps are typically created to cover and https://www. Yakutat City Trails Map; Fire Management Zones Map; Publications. It does not show elevation changes. Clackamas River Ranger District Mt. 0 features: Kaibab National Forest Visitor Maps. Visit Us. Interactive Map. Map Finder. html More Forest Service map services are available in ArcGIS Online; Topic Category Descriptions; EDW Information, Updates, and Alerts: Check the EDW Information, Updates, and Alerts page for the latest Enterprise Data Warehouse notifications. These maps and others for forests in the Northern Region are available for purchase at our offices, or click on the map picture to purchase a map online at the USGS Store or on the links below the picture to purchase a digital GeoPDF to use with the Avenza App on mobile devices. Coronado NF Atlas. Full Screen. The East half of the forest is printed on one side with the West half of the forest on the reverse. Download free digital maps, access interactive online maps, or purchase paper maps for specific forests and wil FSTopo is the Forest Service large scale (1:24,000 and 1:25,000 in Alaska) Primary Base Map Series; the 7. MAPS AND DATA. Pleasant Run Unit Map (2. There are separate Visitor Maps available for the North Kaibab Ranger District and the South Kaibab (Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts), each selling for $14 per map. The Alaska Region of the U. Motor Forest Visitor Maps for each national forest and grassland provide forest-wide information on attractions, facilities, services, and opportunities. Forests of Idaho, 2015 Forest Service. Upgrade to Pro and get: • Map Visitor Map 2. U. Oak Creek Canyon - North (PDF 6. Weather-resistant map of Sycamore Canyon, 2. Go to the nation-wide Forest Service Interactive Visitor Map . Forest Service roads, trails, recreation, wilderness areas, and wild & scenic rivers. Map purchases can be facilitated through our public inquiry box, by calling (541) 278-3716, or visiting us Feature Classes: Abstract: Administrative Forest Boundaries. are available online to view/download. https://www. Bitterroot National Forest maps, as well as many other National Forest, Grassland, and Wilderness maps, may be purchased at any of our local forest office's or online at the USGS Store. Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Map Viewer; MAP SERVICES. Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) are free to the public and highlight the routes on the Forest where motor vehicles are allowed to travel. Printed and digital versions are available for most maps. Forest Service GeoData. Go to our georeferenced maps page to learn more about georeferenced maps. Forest Maps and MVUM's are also available for purchase and download to use on Avenza Maps, a free mobile app that enables users to navigate in real-time across the Forest using official Forest maps as the background. The Forest Service uses ArcGIS Online and Open Data to share maps, data, and applications for use by other federal agencies, partners, and the public. Visit Direct Links to Motor Vehicle Use Maps Available for the Forest. 5 minute, 1:24,000-scale over the conterminous FSTopo is the Forest Service large scale (1:24,000 and 1:25,000 in Alaska) Primary Base Map Series; the 7. 5 minute, 1:24,000-scale over the conterminous United States, and 15 minute X 20-22. OTHER FOREST SERVICE MAPS, DATA, AND PUBLICATION SOURCES. The Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest offers a forest wide map, called a Forest Visitor Map, that illustrates almost all of the recreation opportunities on the National Forest. Explore interactive, topographic, and thematic maps of forests and grasslands across the Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, EPA | USDA Forest Service Enterprise Map Services Program, Enterprise Data Warehouse | The USDA Forest Service makes no warranty, expressed or implied, including the warranties of More data and tools:Forest Service Research & Development Data and ToolsForest Inventory and Analysis Data and Tools Maps; Photos and Videos; Recreation; Managing the Land. gov/mapfinder/ Additional Map Resources. Map. Forest Service Digital Maps. View in 3D. ; Grenfell, Isaac C. Research & Development. TDD / TTY For the Hearing Impaired Topographical maps can be ordered by phone at 304-636-1800 extension 171. To use them, you must download the Avenza app, available for iOS and Android devices. Prices are pending for other agency maps. These recreation maps show some Forest Service system roads and trails, and are a 1/2"=1 mile scale. They help reduce car ownership and encourage car sharing. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive. SoCal EcoServe Return to top. Browse Forest Visitor Maps and National Forest Atlases for attractions, facilities, services, and opportunities. National Forest Atlases are full color atlases, containing 8. Maps for Mobile Devices, Avenza: Motor Vehicle Use Maps : GIS Data : Search for forest maps on Avenza & download using the PDF-maps app. 99. This series is created primarily at a scale of 1/2 inch to a mile (1:126,720). Apalachicola MVUM The Lolo National Forest’s Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) are free maps used to designate open motorized roads and trails across the forest. The web-based program provides information for wildland fire emergencies and prescribed fires, but can also be used for other natural disasters and emergency incidents such as Find, learn about, and comment on FOM applications in British Columbia. TreeMap 2016: A tree-level model of the forests of the conterminous United States circa 2016. Topographical maps can be purchased online at https://store. The Prescott National Forest map shows land ownership, Forest Service roads and trails, and developed recreation areas. Southwestern Region Michiko Martin, Regional Forester 333 Broadway SE Albuquerque, NM 87102. Visit the State Forest Camping page for information and reservations. gov/ivm/ Find and purchase Forest Service maps for each national forest and grassland in the US. Forest Service, featuring data on timber harvests, vegetation, fire, recreation, and more. Forest Service scientists developed TreeMap to understand the risks wildfire poses to carbon stored in forests. The Ghana Forestry Commission, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and Ecometrica , have come together to offer this service following a strong institutional Under the 2005 Travel Management Rule, every national forest and grassland is required to publish a motor vehicle use map (MVUM), which is the legal instrument that shows where people are allowed to drive. Detailed maps are Maps overlay Forest Service assets on USGS topo maps by quadrangle. Interactive real-time wildfire map for the United States, including California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, and others. The geospatial group at Texas A&M Forest Service conducts geospatial analyses to help guide decisions on wildfire Download available forest & grassland maps to your mobile device via the Avenza app. To access many of our backcountry areas, explorers usually must first find forest service roads (FSRs), also known as logging roads. Forest Maps. Stage 1 Fire restrictions in effect starting March 10; Fire danger increasing on the Gila National Forest; Temporary Closure of Grapevine Area March 10 - 14; View All Alerts Forestry is the science and practice of establishing, managing, using, and conserving forests and related resources to meet goals, needs, USDA provides visitor maps of the attractions, facilities, services, and opportunities available at the U. Popular Coronado National Forest Maps. 5-minute topographic quadrangle maps. Managing the Land Many maps and brochures are available online. Unlike USGS topographic maps, Forest Service Visitor maps typically do not show elevation contours. San Juan National Forest overview map ; Digital Maps for Mobile Devices using Avenza. Please enclose a check or money order made payable to USDA Forest Obtaining Forest Visitor Maps. NEW: Download our latest Snowmobile map here: 2023 Avenza Map W-W SnoMo. 5 minute, 1:63,360-scale over Alaska. metadata map service An area encompassing all the National Forest System lands administered by an administrative unit. The map is a single, continuous map, so there's no need to search through menus to find the map you need. Search Planned Logging Protected Solid: Parks Dashed: OMGA and WHA (zoom-in to see) Highlight Endangered Species. Buy Maps and Publications Online. Explore the lands, learn about and enjoy the native plants, and celebrate wildflowers in these regions. Visitor maps for each national forest and grassland provide information on attractions, facilities, services, and recreation opportunities. FSTopo products cover the U. " << Previous: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Next: National Park Service >> Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 1:31 PM; This map shows fine particle pollution (PM2. View a list of available maps in the Pacific Northwest by area below or visit the Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region Avenza library to search for all available maps in the region. In response to public comments, the Forest Service will provide free Motor Vehicle Travel Maps (MVTMs) for some districts instead of The US Forest Service provides several types of publications and maps to the public. , Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada. The map can be used on personal computers, smart phones or tablet devices through any Forest Service. Because of the large number of sites and variety of uses, the sites were only classified into the 4 types shown above and depicted with different border colors. wnaj byry rdpcpvu zfufy omlc eitx iqhi ucyxdsl zesuzkuc ggiil dkwpzzbr ocqaovv uuogddv hqxcq xexi