Grain dryer cost agtalk. I don't know if it is the service or price.
Grain dryer cost agtalk RE: Moisture consistency with grain dryers over 20 ft long - Graindryerrepairman: 8/5/2024 13:48; RE: Moisture consistency with grain dryers over 20 ft long - MGF. Get one Posted 8/29/2012 14:26 (#2564779 - in reply to #2563993) Subject: Re: Farm fans dryers costs ab120 or ab180 Southern MN Prices of those older dryers vary a lot based on how they are stored in the off season. Makes a huge difference if the last 3 years were high drying cost or low drying cost because it is based on potential energy Nov 22, 2023 · Thing I don't like about continuous flow dryers is the low amount of corn flowing down downspouts. 9 cents or 19. 3608 10hp fan. 00 JK SCLA Posted 3/6/2008 22:34 (#327700 - in reply to #327614) Subject: Re: Grain bin electrical cost? Oct 18, 2023 · NC Ohio: Finally found a 185 CFM air compressor. You definitely want stainless screens. we were thinking about putting 1 up for ourselves , the building aspect sucks as far as cost , Looking to upgrade grain dryer - steigerfan: 11/22/2023 05:46. Nov 12, 2013 · His output moisture would be much more uniform and in your case, it would be much easier to switch grains. I'm looking at getting a very small dryer, looking to do around 150-200 bushels per hour as I have a small farm, 120 acres and this year 60 acres of corn. Twitter facebook corn soybeans: bfrothinger Montevideo, MN: For Sale. 095/bushel with the yearly service charge ($924) for the meter included. Got ahold of a Neco mixed flow dealer that also sold Brock grain dryers. Dec 23, 2023 · Once you try to connect bins to a grain handling system and look at the cost of doing so, you might want to rethink the size of your bins. Grain dryers - P. Therefore , we will be selling our Shivvers equipment. Mar 16, 2007 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (68) | Skins | Language: You are logged in as a guest. Dec 9, 2013 · It has a sweep on the floor to unload the corn but depends on an external leg to bring the dry grain back to the top in order to stir the dry grain (leg not included). Posted 1/28/2012 13:24 (#2191282 - in reply to #1694664) Subject: Re: grain dryers North Dakota Delexe are a cheap, and have a lot of maintance issue, grain handler is the only way to go, dont even consider any other brand, dont even look at the price it doesnt matter for what you get! Oct 25, 2014 · I'm thinking of installing an older grain dryer to replace bin dryers:50,000 bu storage. Jul 20, 2014 · Good simple batch dryers. Nov 15, 2009 · The dryer orifice was drilled out to a larger size to run on natural gas. After pricing the new equipment, it makes me really appreciate what that shivvers did all these years for the cost per bushel invested! · one hopper bottom plugins for unloads drying bin all automatic. We were told our service was maxed out · Think of the price of the bin and the shivers and compare it to the $27800 I paid for the new dryer which has moisture sensor on outgoing grain. 20/bushel, depending on which bin and how wet. Our box happened to blow more than one starter switch last fall, (previous year ran through 400 acres/ not one problem). Apr 5, 2022 · I would set up either dryer to be able to reclaim grain to wet bin as well as storage bin for starting out and if ever have to empty. Can't say much about a loop, other than it somewhat binds you in on your expansion plans for the future. 9 cents per point for drying and 1. If the last 3 years you had dry corn and didn't spend too much then it probably doesn't pay. We use a 71 ft 10" auger to fill so far the dryer is 11 tiers, 4ft stands Jul 18, 2021 · I have about 5 cents a bushel in drying costs so far (3 phase). Currently have a 3500 bu wet bin with an auger feeding the dryer and use an air system to take dry corn away from dryer and fill bins. I seen a used dryer and air system on agtalk in IN, the dryer might be little far to haul but air system would be piece of · Thing I don't like about continuous flow dryers is the low amount of corn flowing down downspouts. Some co-ops charge drying costs based on LP and use natural gas to dry. Our drying the last two years was very similar as far as corn moisture and outside temperature, shivvers system last year cost 28 cents a bushel and neco cost 19 cents Jul 29, 2011 · Been looking around at getting a grain dryer for the past couple weeks. DeereMan97: Out of curiosity, is the quoted bin include side stiffeners? Also, does that include drying fans? oldirtyb: Posted 12/30/2024 21:15 (#11034009 - in reply to #11033969) Subject Dec 18, 2016 · I have a very poorly laid out grain set up that was put up or added to for 25 years. Someday I would love to Feb 12, 2023 · It’s 15 years old but hasn’t been too bad, just have to watch it. Apr 24, 2011 · Bourbon, Indiana: Endless nights of staying up, a few fires, things plugging up at 3am. Uses the same space on the ground as a 35K bin. Natural gas pipeline is at very bottom of pic and was 3,800 to hook onto with 2 inch plastic pipe and run about 300 feet to dryer. Nov 19, 2022 · You want just enough grain depth to fully saturate the air with grain moisture when it leaves (100% RH), and not too much because that cuts air flow. Dec 2, 2023 · I live in west central indiana. RE: New grain dryer - 2bfarming: 2/12/2023 18:54. Nov 24, 2019 · I will also suggest that in the overall cost of our annual corn drying, the cost of just running the blower motor isn't a major part of the cost. Title / Price: Description: Contact: For Sale. 8% corn, let the fans run for 2 weeks cooling the grain to 14. Feb 20, 2017 · It will be an uphill climb to pay for itself. I used two(2416--2420) mounted on a 50 ft flatbed I retired them some years ago and also have a small single burner AA dryer that I bought for scrap price on a farm auction. I currently have a farm fans continuous flow dryer that I have run in full heat mode 80% of the time since 1996. Posted 4/3/2018 06:45 (#6683219 - in reply to #6681766) Subject: RE: MC Grain Dryers WC MN Thanks for the input, I was hoping to find something closer to a 1000 bu/hr rating but price and condition are also factors. I am getting tired of moving augers around to fill the bins I have, some require two augers to fill them from the dryer. Posted 11/17/2024 21:01 (#10971731 - in reply to #10970514) Subject: RE: New grain bin cost On sept 10 I got a quote for a GSI bin turn key minus the electrical. . No screens to plug. One thing you should note is that your bill for having a meter capable of feeding a grain dryer will be $77/month before any gas is consumed. Local dealer has one that's been on the lot a couple years for cheap. I'm pretty sure repairs May 8, 2023 · We have 300,000 bu of storage in 9 bins. Last fall havesting 18-19% was around 400-500. Chief Agri's smallest Nov 23, 2023 · $100/bu/5pt (5 point removal, 200k for 2,000 bph)) is a recent price I have. 5 yr payoff. Mar 21, 2018 · How many cents a bushel per year is your dryer setup worth to you? $0. Sep 24, 2013 · The drying cost is half the price of LP. Mr Bowlus: Posted 12/11/2024 06:06 (#11004119) Subject: NRCS funded grain dryer? Stearns County Central MN: Has anyone gotten EQIP funding for new grain dryer? I have an application in and hoping for funding as it would Pay a nice chunk of the cost Jan 28, 2011 · Ogema, MN: We bought a Neco 24180 two years ago priced out grain handler, Neco, Mathews co. This looks like a better set up. 100 bushels wet comes as 98. Let's say Mar 16, 2023 · Dry on average 80,000 bu a year. · Pneumatic systems (blowers) are the most cost effective up front, but are the most inefficient in the long run. RE: New grain dryer - scottinswil1: 2/12/2023 19:16. Pofarmer Posted 12/9/2013 12:08 (#3504259 - in reply to #3504215) Subject: Sep 10, 2016 · Has anyone been around one. Ltd: 8/5/2024 15:58; RE: Moisture consistency with grain dryers over 20 ft long - 9670guy: 8/5/2024 16:22 Nov 22, 2023 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (3 looking at top dry as not too many moving parts ,fan/heaters on ground with new 1s ,storage and economical as far as drying costs . Plus the higher hp uses considerably more electricity. 4%/point of moisture. ? Grain Dryer updates cost - JP2: 11 /23 · The owner of the 20 ft dryer had applied for the energy grant to update grain dryers. buffinator: Posted 3/8/2023 09:42 (#10129107 - in reply to #9911113) Subject: RE: Grain leg cost: Jonesboro, AR: and always assume a new bin facility will have a dryer added at some point. Was 9 grand and power company provided a new transformer box for free. Can dry bigger variety of crops. Dec 6, 2013 · Then later installed a small farm fans batch dryer. What are your thoughts between or experiences in The Sukup Fastir Plus or the Shivvers system. Sep 7, 2012 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (5) | Skins | Language: You are logged in as a guest. That would do over 1200 at 5pts dumped hot. Jul 4, 2011 · I like the idea of a roof but how do you put a roof on a tower dryer and look at the cost. Have a drive over pit and long u trough auger to fill wet bin. Power washing dryers in November is not fun. My local elevator charges 3. In the future when you expand you can Apr 24, 2011 · We put up a new GSI dryer back in 2010, though we've only run it one year we are pleased so far. Tower Grain Dryer ? - coup : 10/22/2007 20:55 RE: Tower Grain Dryer ? - bulldog : 10/22/2007 21:07 Feb 16, 2024 · I've been clueless enough that I didn't know how much it'd cost and anyone I asked locally told me (outdated) $ #s much lower than what you all are hinting at a minimum (which isn't surprising). Nov 1, 2022 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (72) | Skins | Language: You are logged in as a guest. RE: New grain dryer - SilverClayON: 2/12/2023 17:50. My only complaint is the unload auger on the Sukup runs one speed, where as the SuperB ran at the speed of the Aug 30, 2018 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (91) | Skins Our electric rates must be low because we've found the fixed cost savings of an air system vs. 27102BU. 20, $0. This high-density material guarantees longevity, weather resistance, and reliable protection against the harshest conditions. Dec 28, 2021 · West Central Indiana: I have spent a lot of time the last year googling discussions about grain dryers. Sep 18, 2012 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums Tanks are in semi circle,approximately 54'from back of dryer to center of tank. Input ambient air temperature, plenum temperature, incoming grain moisture, outgoing grain moisture, outgoing grain temperature, gas cost, and electric cost. It replaced a farm fans, which are basically the same thing. for heat/cool drying. LP gas Call for delivery price and concrete pour price. Selling a GSI 2422 grain dryer and wet fill leg which is approximately 40 ft. No one shows much interest, so I suppose all three will eventually go for scrap. Have got as much as 600 Dec 30, 2009 · I replaced a shivvers system this summer with a 24180 neco dryer, before doing so I had NDSU do some comparisons on savings, cost me $500 for the analysis but I was making a big investment. Posted 4/2/2023 20:15 (#10170019) Subject: Cost to build a Grain facility to dry and store 500,000 Bushels of corn? Independence OR I am wondering what the ballpark price would be to build a new facility to dry and store roughly 500K bushels or so of corn. Edited by Greenleafagronomy 9/18/2012 21:23: Hurricane: Posted 9/18/2012 21:34 (#2598104 - in reply to #2598073) Subject: RE: Cost of pneumatic grain system and bin stairs Jan 29, 2009 · Leesburg, Ohio: We're on our second Farm Fans dryer. Screen dryers aren't fun to pressure wash, top drys aren't fun to clean the drying chamber but at least it's dry and no pressure washer needed. 8% wet into bins with full floors & hauling out now 14. May 31, 2015 · A batch dryer (usually what the older dryers are) loads in corn until the dryer is full, then turns on the fan and heat to dry it to a preset kernel temperature level (some are just based on timer); then it will cool it (fan, no heat), and then unload the entire dryer, kicking the augers in/out based on sensors (if it has a control system). There is a program that Super B dealers can access that will determine dryer effiency and costs to dry. If any of the 2 major components, blower & air-lock, need maintenance, it can be done while standing on the ground and working. I know there will be more costs with the pad and electrical and an auger that will run to the roof auger on the 48 foot Sukup. com, the leading marketplace for new and used farm equipment. At least with a leg and top dry you can transfer at higher bph and the grain is cooler also. I'm sure if I dig my heels in and try hard enough, long enough it will get done but cost and time by the end may not be worth it. 6 bushels dry. Grain Dryers - Cornking : 10/18/2006 10:01 RE: Grain Dryers - JD 4450 : 10/18/2006 11:53 Posted 8/24/2010 23:59 (#1331123 - in reply to #1329925) Subject: RE: Brock SuperB SQ Grain Dryers - Pro's/Con's & Cost NE SD We had a SQ500B that was a 20' and traded for a SQ24 last year. RE: New grain dryer - Bill Goodman: 2/12/2023 17:39. They will walk u through it amd yes u need an energy audit for sure. Got 13g, put in a super b with quantum. Jan 23, 2025 · Holland, Indiana (SW IN) the hotter temp you dry the more moisture removed per BTU We try to run our Super B dryers at 225 degrees dump hot at about 17. We've been looking at the GSI's Local service with them is excellant so that's Posted 1/23/2025 19:24 (#11070595) Subject: Grain dryer efficiency. Feb 5, 2024 · I am worried that the fans in the hopper bin might not provide adequate cooling so I've been thinking of having the grain go through a fan type grain cleaner before the bin to provide both some cooling and some cleaning. Nov 23, 2023 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (103) | Skins | Language: You are logged in as a guest. Like Lambton or LCDM both similar quality the one just costs twice what the other does: Grain Leg ?? - drfeelgood: 1/5/2025 Dec 30, 2024 · Just over $3000 in taxes a year for a bin. The dilema this year was to rebuild, or buy new, too many projects already on the plate to rebuild, so Posted 1/24/2025 06:52 (#11071116 - in reply to #11070595) Subject: RE: Grain dryer efficiency. If you never going to get over 1000bph going to certain bins then put 6" down spouts to them bins otherwise 8" spouts and roll. I would like something very reliable dry n cool that we could walk away from without worrying about it. I was wrong. all controls in dryer shack 24000. Oct 30, 2011 · The dryer will then dump the dry corn into a mass mover which then unloads the grain into a leg that will deposit the grain into the bins for cooling. Portable dryer will probably be similar priced per pt. We currently run a MC tower dryer with the capacity to run 50 to 60 acres per day. 8% This year the savings on the . Nov 5, 2006 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (57) | Skins I don't know if it is the service or price. A leg will be the most cost up front, but will be the most efficient in the long run, with the ability to expand later on. Jun 10, 2017 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums (#6063968) Subject: Grain Dryers: Te Awamutu north island: We are thinking about a grain dryer. Feb 21, 2011 · I run a 5 inch air system, works good for a low capacity needs out of the dryer. We documented 8-10 cents a bushell less drying cost as neighbors with full heat dryers. He was turned down because his new dryer, a tower dryer, was not going to save enough energy compared tp the Super B. when it was all done the neco was very close to the same price as the tower dryers(all approximately 1800bu/hr). Seems every discussion the last 10 years on here says to get a mixed flow (Screenless) dryer and don’t consider anything else. Sep 21, 2010 · Hand calculator works. discharge height and guessing 1500-2000 bushel Nov 21, 2017 · Was in ur situation with batch dryer and hir d grant writer. Feb 27, 2017 · AgTalk Home: Search: to a Grain handler. IL: Looking at grain system upgrades for next year, trying to narrow down cost on dryers. So sometimes you're choking iar flow, other times you are wasting energy. I think you would be much happier. All updated in 2012 with new MC tower dryer, 12,000 bpa wet leg, 8,000 bpa dry leg. Jan 20, 2019 · Stormor says they can design a 30’ bin dryer next to our leg that would hold around 35000 bushels below the burners. Oct 21, 2009 · Luckily due to a late/wet spring I didn't plant any corn however all my neighbors did and now I have a few asking if they could rent my dryer/bin (wasn't smart enough to sell all my corn so I only have one bin empty but hey the price is getting better every day) anyway's what I have is a Sukup Stack dryer that is rated @ a little over 2000 bph taking out 5 points, a 6500 Nov 22, 2023 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (54 looking at top dry as not too many moving parts ,fan/heaters on ground with new 1s ,storage and economical as far as drying costs . We will be looking into a Oct 22, 2016 · Holland, Indiana (SW IN) Less than 1 cent per PT haven't ran numbers for a year or two IIRC ran the numbers couple years back electricity and nat gas was about 1/2 cent per point mostly 25- 20% out of field try to get to 15-16 -- we dump hot and cool in bin that is including running fans enough to keep corn until we haul usually Jan -Feb. You might lose a bit on a slightly exaggerated shrink "factor", but not on the whole 1. Sukup 24 ft. Have been looking at new and used. One question I have as we are considering upgrades/modifications for next year, has anyone ever added a moisture sensor to the discharge of this vintage of dryer? · We ran new 660 3 phase from road to dryer, about 600 feet, when put in bigger dryer 5 years ago. It doesn't take many bushells for the extra $$$ spent on the dryer to get them back and start making money!!!!! Mar 7, 2018 · Thinking about putting in a 30K bin with a shivvers in bin drying system. Jan 5, 2025 · Grain country: I would recommend a 3k bushel elevator to take away from a dryer that size. Morris, IL Drying 150k+ a year, I’m a believer that wet harvest is worth it we start 25% try finish before under 18%. Aug 5, 2024 · Moisture consistency with grain dryers over 20 ft long - john holland: 8/5/2024 13:29. Paid for itself in a couple years. A bunch of BTO use them now. The cement work in particular wasn't well done, and after-sales service was terrible to non-existent. New grain dryer - fezman : 2/12/2023 15:02 RE: New grain dryer - deereman : 2/12/2023 15:25 · Not only in drying costs but while guys were either waiting for their in-bin systems or only being able to dump from 8-10:00AM in town, we were combining. So 16% dried to 15% for selling costs 3. Nov 8, 2010 · Regarding drying cost, I always thought that our in-bin dryers were the most efficient in energy use by far, compared to any type of stand-alone dryer. The final pick is a new CF sukup dryer. "The advantage is you can come out of the dryer at a higher moisture content, and then you lose one, two, or three points of moisture in the cooling Posted 12/11/2024 08:15 (#11004273 - in reply to #11004119) Subject: RE: NRCS funded grain dryer? Unless you are talking about something different, i don't think it has anything to do with NRCS but I applied for and received an energy grant for putting in an energy efficient (sukup mixed flow ) with suction cooling, believe my grant was for · Think of the price of the bin and the shivers and compare it to the $27800 I paid for the new dryer which has moisture sensor on outgoing grain. Have a bin that will cost more than I expected to get enough power to run much more than unload auger and small fan. I know there will be more costs Nov 19, 2017 · Put up a 25,000 bushel drying bin. Ran a behlen batch dryer growing up and hated it. We now have a Sukup double stack dryer, the computer is a lot more user friendly. , and corn either to wet or to dry, we've finally decided last year was the last year for our chicago eastern dryer (I"ll bet few of you have ever heard of that one, it pretty much dates back to the stone age). Sep 18, 2009 · Ohio: We ran one for a few years, seemed to always work well very simple design. I want to add one more bin and there is no way to fill another bin with an auger from the dryer. Was around 20% of dryer. Single phase. It was worth it to me. Your grain test weight will also be impressive coming out of your top dry. Posted 1/24/2025 06:52 (#11071116 - in reply to #11070595) Subject: RE: Grain dryer efficiency. Both using a leg to move dry grain. 5 cents drying and weighs 7% less or 100 bushels wet by weight is 93 bushels Greywolf - 9/18/2009 19:01 You aren't losing bushels to the shrink factor, just adjusting for a moisture content over 15% which is need to sell the corn anyway. Using a large auger to load bins currently. Dryer shack with 3 phase. Message format . The price of a new cleaner like this scared me so I thought of maybe stripping down an old combine instead. We have the Jan 24, 2025 · There is a program that Super B dealers can access that will determine dryer effiency and costs to dry. Yes, it's a contributor, but not the major item. I think the key is to have enough wet storage to be able to dry corn 24 hours a day while you are only combining 12 hour a day or so. Edited by AGB1640 11/23/2023 08:00 May 31, 2015 · A batch dryer (usually what the older dryers are) loads in corn until the dryer is full, then turns on the fan and heat to dry it to a preset kernel temperature level (some are just based on timer); then it will cool it (fan, no heat), and then unload the entire dryer, kicking the augers in/out based on sensors (if it has a control system). in reply to #120955) Subject: RE: Dri-All grain dryer Attica, Indiana: Rochester IN: Dropping 10 points would be around 150 bushels per hour. · Ogema, MN: We bought a Neco 24180 two years ago priced out grain handler, Neco, Mathews co. ( logon | register) small grain drying setup Jump to page : 1 Now viewing page 1 [50 messages per 4 or 5 farm fans dryers and electric augers advertised recently that you could buy to set up something very quickly and cost effectively. Dryer sales people push you to drop the grain hot to up the capacity, but this just wastes the heat in the grain and it costs money to run aeration fans on the bins too! If you need more capacity, get a bigger dryer. Saves the time and expense of transferring corn. 9% and the bushels are down by a factor of 98. Mar 21, 2018 · Kept all the corn, dropped from dryer at 16. If budget is of no concern, go with a leg. How loud are these systems? What do bin stairs cost? TIA. Actually the price of my 2019 bin was about the same as today. Grain dryer $30,000 USD or best offer 364 views. Bottom line is plan carefully and book equipment early for best savings. If Nov 23, 2010 · Based on our experience, I would stay away from Lambton. I've said it on here before. Shivers system was a disappointment to me. TD15: Posted 11/23/2023 09:39 (#10493424 - in reply to #10493163) Subject: RE: ? Grain Dryer updates cost: Price out your electric needs, I was shocked how expensive that has become. dryer. Oh yeah , it would be nice if it didn't take a lot of power so I don't have to upgrade service (400amp). hobby95: Posted 2/27/2017 22:53 (#5867765 - in reply to #5867500) Subject: RE: Tower Dryer versus Mixed Flow Dryer: SW MINNESOTA: What's a ball park cost difference between the two. Dec 19, 2015 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Looking for someone who has experience with either or both of these continuous flow dryers. Sep 9, 2023 · So I am looking at getting a better drying setup. 20% wet to 15% dry costs 5 x 3. Sep 23, 2024 · Browse a wide selection of new and used Grain Dryers for sale near you at TractorHouse. The solution for us is to add a holding bin and more tightly control grain depth. RE: New grain dryer - Trint: 2/12 Posted 1/23/2025 19:24 (#11070595) Subject: Grain dryer efficiency. 5 --18% was told the most efficient way to dry higher temps --as long as dumping hot and not cooling really fast works good IF quick cooling in the dryer will end up with more FM and stress cracks BUT removing a · The owner of the 20 ft dryer had applied for the energy grant to update grain dryers. Our 2016 gas cost for drying corn came to about $. Currently have two 50k bins for it to run into for cooling bins. I think neglecting the cost of drying fuel vs the value of the corn. Takes time to gather all energy information from last 3 years I think it was. The fans on our dryer say Sukup right on them. I compared costs closely last year, which was a year with alot of wet corn. Oct 13, 2023 · Makes a huge difference if the last 3 years were high drying cost or low drying cost because it is based on potential energy savings. Priced a leg this winter and would cost 4 times as much as an air system, granted there is more capacity in the grain leg price. Used M-C 975 EM Grain Dryer, Nat gas, 3ph, Enclosed top, All heat or Heat and cool, we can load, wmagee Maroa, IL. Oct 29, 2018 · Dodge County, WI: Our old SuperB and wet bin had reached the end of their usefulness for us, (in both capacity and condition) so we took the plunge on a new grain dryer and wet bin. Talk: Message format . Farm Fans 400 grain dryer $15,000 USD 358 views. Capacity of 1000-1200 @ 5 pts. Have a severe price difference between them and trying to sort out the clutter of who makes the best and efficiencies. If · If you run it on auto batch and let it fill while the old batch is going out so the burner can stay on the entire time you end up with corn a little dryer at the start of the batch and a little wetter at the end just before it shuts down the unload to finish drying the new batch. CaseFarmer Posted 7/4/2011 21:50 (#1848883 - in reply to #1848831) Subject: Re: grain dryer shelter? building? roof? Posted 11/5/2006 08:14 (#58210 - in reply to #58070) Subject: RE: Igniter for grain dryer Northern Indiana I call it a spark plug, but the dealer calles it a igniter. The next spring Saskenergy buried the line to the grain dryer at no cost. I had a farm fans low profile dryer for 26 seasons. the propane guy that has to give it the go ahead has basically told me he will not approve it. Input ambient air temperature, plenum temperature, incoming grain Jan 24, 2025 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (1 There is a program that Super B dealers can access that will determine dryer effiency and costs to dry. Feb 9, 2012 · Farm Fans quit building 320J because of the cost of 3 fans and 3 burners, but is a very good setup. Easy to expand, they are 2 foot sections that just bolt on top of each other. System works well but wet holding capacity is a bottleneck. As far as I know, a dryer outfit in Fargo ND bought the company and still builds or · Posted 11/23/2023 20:11 (#10494318 - in reply to #10492977) Subject: RE: Grain dryer updates gsi dryer Croswell, Michigan If you have a chance maybe text a picture and price to 810- four zero four - 4783 · Last year we saw 100 degrees of heat reclaimed above outside temps that we didn't have to burn gas to make. He suggests using the following formula to estimate the cost of propane for Apr 5, 2022 · We now have a Grain Handler mixed flow dryer, 6 years now. Feb 25, 2015 · Air systems take a lot of hp to run and it gets tricky to run on single phase. · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (34) | Skins | Language: You are logged in as a guest. Had to give some paper work for 3 years about my estimated energy savings over Posted 7/28/2021 22:12 (#9135220 - in reply to #9091291) Subject: RE: Haber Technologies, DRI stack system, “Grain Drying” I guess it depends on if you hate money because i was just quoted $1. Would love to have a grain leg and tower dryer but thinking this might be cheaper. It didn't keep well. I think I saw a new Superb SQ28 advertised for around $90k last week. Edited by AGB1640 11/23/2023 08:00 Apr 25, 2023 · MN: We have two 1220 GSI dryers there's lots of options for the type of drying you want to do all controlled by the dryer, full heat,dry cool,continues flow,continues batch,staged batch,dry by grain temp or moister, the dryer control will run one 10hp fill and one 10hp unload auxiliary motor,more can be added by your electrion. Login Dealer Login VIP The tradeoff is that frequent dryer use can increase an operation’s energy costs, so growers have to factor in both initial purchase costs and ongoing operating costs. Jan 8, 2012 · We Run a Grain Handler with fans underneath. Top dryer are efficient because of heat recovery from the steeping/cooling grain. In-bin averaged about $. A Lambton bin is basically a Sukup anyway. Guys with grain handling experience? Pierce Dec 18, 2012 · Posted 12/19/2012 08:58 (#2761424 - in reply to #2760148) Subject: Re: Continuous flow Grain dryer cost Peace River, AB, Canada Bought a MC 675 B for $500,00, 5 years ago and run it on propane, dryer is in great shape and even can dry canola because screen is · North Mankato Mn: Our covers are constructed using 1680 Denier fabric, renowned for its exceptional strength and durability. We have a two year old SuperB SQ 24' dryer and after we worked the bugs out of it we have really liked it, especially the Quantum controller. We just put up a ten ring 42' bin, about 45k bushels. Posted 10/18/2006 12:03 (#52888 - in reply to #52884) Subject: Re: Grain Dryers Martinsville, Ohio You COULD buy them pretty cheap here, most cost in moving and setting up. ? Grain Dryer updates cost - JP2 : 11/23 Posted 11/17/2024 22:09 (#10971808 - in reply to #10971648) Subject: RE: New grain bin cost Fender Radio - 11/17/2024 20:15 What’s the new air system pipe? We have an air system to fill bins from dryer. g. I think grain pumps are $$$. Looking at GSI 1226 (26' long box) or equivalent of other brands Posted 5/9/2022 10:37 (#9653753 - in reply to #9651845) Subject: RE: Grain dryer GSI Vision control NW IL Schultz interstate ag out of Monroe Wi has always been helpful letting us know who they can get to rebuild components. Figure out your dry matter pounds to find the true shrink and see the difference from the 1. 15-. Anyone have any good Ideas on how to fab up some kind off air wand or whatever to make blowing off outside of grain dryer other then just a pipe hooked to air hose. 3 phase, 230 volt, LP gas. This year we are adding a low temperature lp burner on it so when the weather gets cold or humid we will raise the outside air temperature about 10-20 degrees to speed up the drying process even more. to dry and little repair cost. lights out side. screen dryers are obsolete. Oct 7, 2016 · Second it doesn't mix the corn. Grain Dryers - Cornking : 10/18/2006 10:01 RE: Grain Dryers - JD 4450 : 10/18/2006 11:53 · Not only in drying costs but while guys were either waiting for their in-bin systems or only being able to dump from 8-10:00AM in town, we were combining. I have gotten a few quotes and they seem to be astronomical. 66 a bushel for a system. Jan 23, 2025 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (85 There is a program that Super B dealers can access that will determine dryer effiency and costs to dry. I have two issues now: 1. 6%, e. We had a small top dry (18 foot bin) and it was a real pain to babysit. Apr 25, 2014 · with regulations here currently on grain dryers fixing the old one and getting it all approved is looking to be not worth it. For Sale. Jan 29, 2009 · Even if the best dryer is brand X and there is no service person close. less than a third of that IMOHO. Morris, IL I bet that’s same 28” farm fans burner I have in shop right now that’s getting new motor, a bin dryer. And would run on lp. I’ve attached an overview of grain setup. then i would not consider it. I have two bins at site I would like to install setup a 48ft by 7 and 36ft by 7 tall. Towers $120-150K (Myer 1400, GSI 1200) Haven't been able to get a good fix of box dryer prices, hearing numbers all over the place from $45-90K for an equivalent size box dryer. GSI Top Dry Cost? - TurnbullFarms: 1/20/2019 07:37. (#6961706 - in reply to #6961507) Subject: RE: Questions about mc 970 dryer, and a grain leg. That might not matter when drying 18%, but when drying 30 plus, the bottom corn was 10% or less and handled like popcorn, and the top foot of the batch dryer was still 20%. He told me the Neco would be as fuel efficient or better than a Brock Meyer tower dryer. I Aug 12, 2012 · There's a lot of difference in dryers. Dec 24, 2009 · Dryers that can either mix grain (or invert the column) will be more efficient thatn those that cannot. Didn't quite get full amount that were eligible for because there was only so much money left in the pot. Also look at the maximum output speed of the dryer. 30? Example: If it costs you $100,000 for a dryer, air system and versa loop and it Dec 1, 2009 · Moisture shrink tables AE-94, "Grain Drying Tables," are available from the NDSU Extension Service. They are noisy, take a lot of HP, and do create some damage to the grain. TIA : gbenkfarm: Posted 12/19/2015 18:33 (#4972587 - in reply to #4972482) Subject: RE: GSI VS Sep 25, 2016 · How is dryer project coming along Jeremy? Hanging around shop drying as we speak. Our grain drying cost was cut in half when we went from the Shivvers to a CF dryer. Posted 9/1/2021 19:49 (#9197621 - in reply to #9197098) Subject: RE: Grain Storage and Drying Setup ROI Nw Iowa Numbers have really gotten skewed with recent price increases. This wouldn't happen at all now. We had them put up our 30' x 7 ring top-dry dryer bin. 1000 bu pit. Nov 27, 2018 · Working the bugs out of our new to us early 90's SD-375 Super B continuous flow grain dryer this fall, but it has been working very well for our needs. If you can find a creative solution, such as proper heat recovery at the dryer, plus heat exchangers for the cooling bin, you will meet and likely exceed the Jan 5, 2014 · Labor cost a lot for the down spouts 6000 bu leg is not much more then the 3000 10 inch pipe is more then the 8 inch for the 6000 leg I'd run a 6000 with the ten to the wet bin, 8 to the storage bins you maybe have a 8 inch unload so the 6000 will not transfer faster then the 3000 if you make the stands for the down spouts ,have the bottom 20 feet of leg set level, Oct 11, 2023 · It was worth the time in our case. The new computer controls are great but sometimes like always you have to work out the bugs in everything. Posted 11/4/2022 20:58 (#9916356 - in reply to #9911113) Subject: RE: Grain leg cost Leesburg, Ohio Just a couple thoughts from our experience with several legs and drying systems: Towers are over-rated, IMHO. Huffman : 4/5/2022 15:02 RE: Grain dryers - Catfan1 : 4/5/2022 16:06 · Input ambient air temperature, plenum temperature, incoming grain moisture, outgoing grain moisture, outgoing grain temperature, gas cost, and electric cost. · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds (139) | Skins | Language: Posted 1/2/2011 15:31 (#1521751 - in reply to #1521625) Subject: Re: Educate me about Grain Dryers: Start with the grain drying handbook from Midwest Plans Service. $86K, same bin was 49k 4 years ago. I took a few photos along the way. The Sukup works well also. Posted 2/21/2018 13:57 (#6594526 - in reply to #6594235) Subject: RE: Low Temp Grain Bin Dryer E718 - 2/21/2018 11:19 I sure think it is a good deal. They hold alot of bushels per rated capacity compared to other dryer styles which gives very good grain quality from a longer drying time and mixing on the way down. It is loud, but only runs a few weeks and I know if it shuts off at night. Not sure if grain bins will follow or not. Dec 11, 2024 · Unless you are talking about something different, i don't think it has anything to do with NRCS but I applied for and received an energy grant for putting in an energy efficient (sukup mixed flow) with suction cooling, believe my grant was for about 20% of purchase price roughly Posted 12/11/2024 08:15 (#11004273 - in reply to #11004119) Subject: RE: NRCS funded grain dryer? Unless you are talking about something different, i don't think it has anything to do with NRCS but I applied for and received an energy grant for putting in an energy efficient (sukup mixed flow ) with suction cooling, believe my grant was for Dec 11, 2024 · AgTalk Home: Search: Forums | Classifieds | Skins | Language: You are logged in as a guest. · Think of the price of the bin and the shivers and compare it to the $27800 I paid for the new dryer which has moisture sensor on outgoing grain. 4%. a leg more than cover the high electric usage. With very close $ per bu. Currently only running 1 combine in the fall so don't need tons of drying capacity. It all worked. Farm Fans 400 grain dryer $15,000 USD 338 views. Read the terms here. Grant writer cost me little over 3g upfront. · South Eastern ,ILL: We had a SuperB for thirteen years. 3 phase. I like the way everything has been laid out and the system should work very well for our operation. bleedred: Posted 11/5/2006 18 (like 5' deep grain) and then the drying really sloooooooows down. You are targeting 500bph, but if the grain gets dryer you need to have the leg big enough to handle the dryer at full speed. Posted 12/17/2009 19:14 (#971994 - in reply to #971977) Subject: Re: grain drying cost (continuous flow dryer) Gilby,ND 20-25 cents at 10 points i guess, we spent 14 cents this year taking about 5 to 7 points and cooling in the bin using Aug 13, 2024 · In all-heat mode, you heat the grain in the dryer and cool it in the bin. 2. This was a major reconfiguration of the layout of our grain setup, which required a new driveway, but now we are set up for painless expansion in Feb 12, 2023 · I don’t even want to know the amount of money that dryer cost me over the years in moisture discounts and over drying. That was just the top dry, no electric or concrete. I doubt the cost will be more than two smaller bins. 4% shrink per point. 5 points would be 225-250. Thanks we have one site no bins and only dry 1000-2000 tonnes of corn a year maybe in the future 9000 tonnes Need low Nov 23, 2023 · $100/bu/5pt (5 point removal, 200k for 2,000 bph)) is a recent price I have. Currently running two 6000bu bins with stirators and they are 60 years old and getting tired and it gets to be a pain to stop and move grain out of them. I thought the Quantum controller was complicated & over kill, but it worked ok. We use a 71 ft 10" auger to fill so far the dryer is 11 tiers, 4ft stands Oct 18, 2006 · I bought a Supurb last year, the cost difference between the smallest dryer they make (around 300 bu per hour) and the next size up that is rated around 400 per hour cost over $10,000 more. Posted 1/24/2025 15:03 (#11071897 - in reply to #11071146) Subject: RE: Grain dryer efficiency. · with regulations here currently on grain dryers fixing the old one and getting it all approved is looking to be not worth it. RE: GSI Top Dry Cost GSI Top Dry Cost? - welder6013: 1/20/2019 08:17; RE: GSI Top Dry Cost · Your kidding you me there is cost sharing on dryers, I got to spend more time at FSA to see what I can get while letting others pick up the tab for me. Used M-C 975 EM Grain Dryer $4,500 USD 1444 views. I took his word on itbut have no way of backing it up. I do appreciate the insight, because I haven't really gotten a good answer on things like I said and the local sales guy that multiple ppl have used Posted 2/12/2023 16:18 (#10091417 - in reply to #10091329) Subject: RE: New grain dryer I’m just curious why you say anything but a Sukup? I’ve had a Sukup T16 since new in 2010, and I thought it’s been reliable and done a good job, just hums away, if it shuts down, it’s usually due to a belt or something having to do with the augers Nov 18, 2022 · You want just enough grain depth to fully saturate the air with grain moisture when it leaves (100% RH), and not too much because that cuts air flow. Pros are no screens to clean. · N. incoming grain moisture Posted 1/23/2025 19:24 (#11070595) Subject: Grain dryer efficiency. First one was a used AB250, mechanically pretty good, had some timer issues at first, switched to imron electic timers and got along good after that. 10, $0. The problem I had centered around the control box. tower, (GSI, Zimmerman, Farmfans all from same company man not a dealer). I still use that same gas supply but have a lot bigger dryer. 53 was just about paying for the initial cost of the bin itself but just the bin itself-figure about a 2. Oh, don't think they would cost $25-35,000, too old. Took about 600 bushels to fill, then do nothing Feb 2, 2013 · Genoa, Illinois: Would it be possible to turn turn the dryer 180* and have the fans facing away from the house and shed. We get very good test weight and grain quality from the dryer and even dry Apr 2, 2023 · We currently have a small facility that can handle 700 acres or so max. Are you talking 1000 bushels at 5 pts, 10pts, hot, cold, etc? A dryer that dumps cooled and reclaims heat will cost a lot more than one that dumps hot. incoming grain moisture Feb 12, 2023 · RE: New grain dryer - johns_79: 2/12/2023 16:17; RE: New grain dryer - Mark (EC,IN): 2/12/2023 16:58. discharge height and guessing 1500-2000 bushel Feb 15, 2010 · We started drying 600 acres but now dry 1700 acres with it, so we recently bought a Grain Handler dryer and air system. 05, $0. I now need to add more drying capacity for next season. Understand this is not 100% accurate but a way to compare different size dryers vs capacity. North Central OH Don't think they designs have changed much in those dryers the last 20 years, I know 13 years ago when we were looking SuperB claimed to be more efficient. Took plenty of time making the choice, because both of the above gave great service. aoeqz ujffqkg czcdw ise uek pqsp asycf wioltyu dzsdlj jwqnnvd oqc mozfy imom zqph huocx