Gsfs 200 mcgill ca Office Hours: TBA This course provides an introduction to the key concepts, issues, and modes of analysis in the View gsfs_200_syllabus_sections_1_and_2. 3 TEXTS All GSFS courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. The core courses offered within the program focus on engaging with Indigenous knowledge systems and societies from within, in ways that promote the resurgence IGSF 3487 Peel Street, 2nd floor Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W7 Tel. Graham Course Logistics Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 AM, by appointment Email the instructor to set up a time to speak via phone or Zoom Email: pascale. Cultural Studies Drama and Theatre Literature Courses in Other Departments Cultural Studies This list comprises 2024-25 courses in the Department of This research guide is meant to support scholars in discovering resources in gender, sexuality, and feminist studies (GSFS) at the Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies (IGSF), as well as the general academic community. mcgill. To navigate this research guide, use the navigation menu located to the left of the web page. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours. ca (Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator) This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Alex Ketchum in the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies at McGill University. Sexual and Gender Diversity Studies. Before joining McGill, she was a Henry Luce Foundation McGill University. ca Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 or GSFS 250 and any GSFS 300 level course. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather. Recommended GSFS 305. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. FALL 2021 / McGILL UNIVERSITY 1 GSFS 250 SEXUAL AND GENDER DIVERSITY STUDIES Schedule Mondays 11. Please note, some courses may have department restrictions, meaning Minerva McGill University. Prerequisite(s):GSFS 200 OR GSFS 250. sandwell@mcgill. Summer Studies and Calendars. Ketchum Class website: GSFS 200: Introduction to Feminist and Social Justice Studies MCGILL INSTITUTE FOR GENDER, SEXUALITY, AND FEMINIST STUDIES Class: Thurs 2:35-‐5:25 in EDU 624 Professor: Rachel Zellars Office: TBA rachel. With the exception of gsfs 200 and 250 who I think have around McGill University. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken WMST 302 in Winter 2014 when topic was “Indigenous Women GSFS GSFS (27) Apply GSFS GSFS filter ; HISP Hispanic Studies (Arts) (51) McGill Writing Centre (22) Apply McGill Writing Centre filter ; Music Research (13) Apply Music Research filter ; Philosophy (74) Apply Philosophy filter ; 200 Level (346) Apply 200 Level filter ; 300 Level (833) Apply 300 Level filter ; 400 Level (639) Apply 400 These lists show English Department courses for 2024-2025 that fulfill requirements of the Cultural Studies, Drama & Theatre, and Literature programs, as well as complementary courses offered in other departments. GSFS : Introduction to the key concepts, issues, and modes of analysis in the interdisciplinary fields of feminist and social justice studies. Top 2% Rank by size These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses during your studies at McGill (ideally in your first year), by passing a McGill placement exam, or by receiving exemptions based on your pre-McGill coursework. ca GSFS 303 Gender and Disability Twisha Singh twisha. Consult the Minerva Class Schedule (https:/horizon. GSFS 304 Postcolonial Feminist Theories-Fall 2020* Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies McGill University Instructor: Dr. pdf. GSFS 200. 200 is more about feminism and 250 is more about sexuality, so maybe just take whichever sounds more interesting to you (that said, there’s probably a decent amount of overlap in content between the two). ca Overview This course aims to give an introduction to disability as a category of analysis in Gender Studies. 5 through Monday, Oct. Location This course takes place in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal) on unceded GSFS : Practices and methods of research inquiry in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies with a particular emphasis on feminist epistemologies, research methodologies and methods in interdisciplinary contexts. View Notes for GSFS 200 . Politics (POLI GSFS 401-002 Special Topics 1: Practices and Perspectives in Contemporary Media and Theory Instructor: Nicole De Brabandere (Postdoctoral Fellow, IGSF and MIRL, McGill University) Schedule: W 11:35-2:25 PM in Peel 3487 Seminar Room How we think about the difference between the animate and the inanimate is a question of increasing importance with the current McGill University. Tuesday, September 10th 2019 Lecture 2 - Historical roots Part 1 - History of women's movements and feminism until mid-20th AI Chat with PDF McGill University. Courses at McGill. I need 12 credits of complementary courses, 6 of which must Fall 2024 EMAIL COURSE Yolanda Munoz yolanda. Dr. GSFS * We aren't GSFS 200 15 Documents; GSFS 250 29 Documents; 1 Q&A; GSFS 301 2 Documents; GSFS 302 5 Documents; GSFS 306 2 Documents ; GSFS 307 GSFS : Internship with an approved host institution or organization. You must register for a separate View Exploring Feminist and Social Justice Studies: GSFS 200 Overview from GSFS 200 at McGill University. Alex Ketchum Email: Alexandra@mcgill Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30- 3:00 EST (via Zoom beginning Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for GSFS 200 : Feminist and Social Justice Studies at McGill University. Feminist and Social Justice Studies. Emphasis on the intersections of gender, race, class, sex, sexuality, and nation in systems of Instructor: Dr. Required Courses (12 McGill University. gg/HDHvv58 Is the GSFS 200 or GSFS 250 absolutely mandatory for the minor? Reply reply More replies. ca Office Hours : By appointment Email the instructor to set up a time to speak via phone or Zoom Note: Please post questions concerning the course Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 or GSFS 250 and any GSFS 300 level course. Schools. I'm asking specifically about GSFS 250 if that matters Email: Rachel. Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 or GSFS 250 and any GSFS 300 level course. Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. The list below has been approved by the respective departments and is the recommended list of course options for your Foundation Program requirements. ca (Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator) Winter 2018, Prof. You must register for a separate conference section through Minerva. Open to U-2 and U-3 GSFS students who have completed 30 credits of a 90-credit program or 45 credits of a 96-120-credit program. GSFS : Focus on critical theories of impairment and visions of social justice from gender and disability studies perspectives. TERM Subject Summer 2025 ARTH 200 001 536 Introduction to Art History 1 3 Downtown 01-MAY-25 — 04-JUN-25 https: Feminist and Social Justice Studies GSFS 200 Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, McGill University Summer 2021 Course Logistics: Instructor : Dr. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken WMST 401 when the topic was “Trans*Feminisms”. 25 pm + Conference (times/days vary) *Note: You must also register for a separate conference section. ca Experiential Community-Engaged Learning & Research (ExCELR) is a teaching and learning approach that integrates volunteer community work with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Program Structure & Key Concepts Course levels: 200, 300, 400 and 500. Minimum cGPA of 2. singh@mcgill. GSFS : Introduction to the key concepts, issues, and modes of analysis in the interdisciplinary fields of feminist and social justice studies. GSFS 301. D. ca Office Hours (aka Student Hours): Tuesdays 1:30- 3:00 ET(via Zoom beginning September 7) Sign up for your meeting time here: Fall 2021 Office Hours Sign Up with Dr. Restriction(s); Open only to students in the GSFS Major Concentration, Honours, or This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Email: yolanda. The Minor in Indigenous Studies currently provides students with a broad interdisciplinary approach to key topics in the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous life on Turtle Island (North America). Log in Join. igsf@mcgill. Many classes will be held online. Just Methods is designed for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in a range of disciplines by addressing broad questions of research methodology. Restriction(s): Consult the lists below for Faculty of Education approved Foundation courses You must have your fall and winter course selections verified prior to the start of classes. Terms: Hiver 2025 . If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! Please use this megathread for these questions as otherwise we will end up with 200 threads in 48 hours and no one will get answers. Studying gsfs 200 gender studies at McGill University? On Studocu you will find essays, practical, summaries, lecture notes and much more for gsfs 200 McGill View Notes - Syllabus GSFS 200, Fall 2018. Students are required to take the intro course(s) and one GSFS course at the 300 level before taking GSFS courses at the 400 level. Sexual, and Feminist Studies [course medium GSFS 200] [course medium GSFS 250] Geography [course medium GEOG The Summer term at McGill covers the months of May to August. GSFS 200 Feminist and Social Justice Studies (3 credits) Faculty of Arts | Inst for Gender, Sex & Fem St | Undergraduate | Winter 2025. pdf from GSFS 200 at McGill University. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025. McGillUniversity InstituteofGender,Sexuality,andFeministStudies GSFS200:IntroductiontoWomensStudies Monday,8:3510:35 McGill University. GSFS 200 Feminist and Social Justice Studies (3 credits) Visit Minerva > Student > Registration > Class Schedule for course dates & times. FALL 2022 / McGILL UNIVERSITY GSFS 250 SEXUAL AND GENDER DIVERSITY STUDIES Mondays 2. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken WMST 302 in Winter 2014 when topic was “Indigenous Women of the North”. Terms: Winter 2025 . Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 or GSFS 250. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken WMST 301 or WMST 302 with the same topic. GSFS 303 GENDER AND DISABILITY Yolanda Muñoz, Ph. Chair and adviser approval required. Emphasis on the intersections of gender, race, class, sex, GSFS 200: Introduction to Feminist and Social Justice Studies (Fall 2021) Professor: Dr. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken WMST 402 when topic was “Anti-Racism and Activism in Canada”, FALL 2020 / McGILL UNIVERSITY 1 GSFS 250 SEXUAL AND GENDER DIVERSITY STUDIES Schedule Tuesdays 08. ca GSFS : Critically examines bodies of postcolonial feminist theories from a variety of cross-disciplinary and transnational perspectives. Restriction(s): Open only to students registered in the Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies programs. Students are advised to take GSFS 200 and 250 in their first year in the program, GSFS 300 in their second year of the program, and GSFS 400 in their final year of the program. Tiohtià:ke/Montréal is historically known as a For GSFS 402: GSFS 200/250 and one intermediate course in GSFS. docx from GSFS 200 at McGill University. Terms: Automne 2024 . Humanities Languages Social Sciences Mathematics & Science Humanities Note: Some of the courses listed below are not suitable for first term as they require university-level prerequisites. Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 OR GSFS 250 and any GSFS 300 level course. Students must see an adviser in Women's Studies at a minimum upon registering in GSFS and prior to selecting courses for the final year of study. Coursicle. IGSF 3487 Peel Street, 2nd floor Montreal, Quebec H3A 1W7 Tel. En; eCalendar. If you have taken WMST 200, you cannot also get a credit for GSFS 200 (i. GSFS 300. ketchum@mcgill. zellars@mcgill. Because all of Québec's university libraires use the same Sofia Search Tool, you can also search across all Québec University Libraires in addition to searching collections from Libraries GSFS 200: Introduction to Feminist and Social Justice Studies Professor: Dr. Alex Ketchum Email: Alexandra. munoz@mcgill. folco [at] mcgill. Terms: Fall 2024 . Emphasis on the intersections of gender, race, GSFS 200, Winter 2024 FEMINIST AND SOCIAL JUSTICE STUDIES Course schedule: Mondays, 8:35am to 11:25am Conference times/days vary. Remote work required where possible. 35 pm - 4. I think difficulty-wise they’re pretty much the same. Instructors: Ketchum, Alexandra (Winter) Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 and GSFS 250 Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 OR GSFS 250 and any GSFS 300 level course. 7; Permission of the IGSF andrew. This course may be used as a required or complementary course in the following programs: McGill University. GSFS 250. Enter your keywords . Fr; eCalendar. Related Content. Alex Ketchum Email:Alexandra@mcgill. GSFS. 35 am – 1. they are the same course, the name just changed). 35/09. Current Topics 1. Special thanks to the Schulich Library's Liaison Librarians for the boolean operators page in their Health Sciences Research Basics Guide. Offered by: Inst for Gender, Sex & Fem St ( Faculty I had her for GSFS 200, and in this class it felt as though the lectures dragged and lost direction, often becoming incredibly mundane. GSFS courses [course medium GSFS 250] [course medium GSFS 301] [course medium GSFS 450] [course medium GSFS 499] Complementary courses [course medium ANTH 227 gsfs 200 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. ) available at the McGill Library. Shanon Fitzpatrick HIST 433 British Queer History - Winter 2018, Prof. Sexual, and Feminist Studies [course medium GSFS 200] [course medium GSFS 250] Geography [course medium GEOG I didn’t take 200, but I heard great things about it too. Instructors: Ketchum, Alex (Winter) Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 and GSFS 250 Program Structure & Key Concepts Course levels: 200, 300, 400 and 500. graham@mcgill. The Sofia Library Catalogue is a search tools that allows users to discover the collections (books, journals, newspapers, microfilm, music, etc. View More. Complementary Courses (two sources) 1) Additional GSFS courses (course offerings rotate every year). Restriction(s); Open only to students in the GSFS Major Concentration, Honours, or *For course descriptions, please consult the McGill eCalendar Note: This schedule is subject to change. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken WMST 302 when topic was “Gender and Disability”. Alex Ketchum Email: Alexandra@mcgill Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30- 3:00 EST (via Zoom beginning September 8) Once you are registered for the course you will have access to a version of the syllabus with the links to sign up for Zoom office hours with me and the TAs. During that period a wide array of credit courses from McGill degree programs are offered. Please click on the course GSFS : Practices and methods of research inquiry in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies with a particular emphasis on feminist epistemologies, research methodologies and methods in interdisciplinary contexts. Once you have selected your courses, please ensure to have them verified by your Advisor (ensure your program checklist is ready to go!). Winter 2018, Prof. Past, Present and Future Offered on Downtown Campus GSFS 200 Assistant Professor, Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies and the Department of East Asian Studies Peel 3487 Room 303 Maria Cecilia Hwang (Ph. All details should be confirmed before the start of class. Chem181 or chem 183. gg/HDHvv58 Gsfs course themselves are usually small (ish). The Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies program recognizes social justice as a Students are advised to take GSFS 200 and 250 in their first year in the program, GSFS 300 in their second year of the program, and GSFS 400 in their final year of the program. Required Courses (12 This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Instructors: Munoz, Yolanda (Fall) Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 OR GSFS 250. Undergraduate or graduate students who participate in McGill courses with an ExCELR option have the opportunity to work on a project From Saturday, Oct. S. Pascale N. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! , I recently decided to declare my minor in GSFS because of how interdisciplinary it is (you only need 2 courses in the GSFS program). ca GSFS 403 Feminisms and the Law Previous terms GSFS 304 Postcolonial Feminist Theory Summer 2023 Calev Litvack - GSFS 200 Feminist and Social Justice Studies Steven Greenwood - GSFS 301 Current Topics 1 The Anti-requisite is WMST 200. Alex Ketchum Email: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. 2) A list of courses offered by a range of disciplines and faculties at McGill University is located on unceded Indigenous land. Research Inquiry in GSFS. GSFS 200 Feminist and Social Justice Studies (3 unités) Offered GSFS 200: Introduction to Feminist and Social Justice Studies -Previously WMST 200: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies (Taught: Fall 2018 (2 sections), Fall 2019 (2 sections), Fall 2020 (2 sections), Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Fall 2023, McGill is a student-centered institution and one in which the learning of faculty, staff, and community partners is also actively supported. GSFS 200 Feminist and Social Justice Studies (3 credits) Overview. GSFS Summary 3. Calev Litvack Email: calev. It is the University’s role, as an educational institution, to produce learning outcomes that create aware and engaged citizens. Find GSFS study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. Bunch is the kind of professor that is rare to find in many intro-level university courses: passionate, understanding, knowledgeable and interesting. These requirements can be fulfilled either by taking the required courses during your studies at McGill (ideally in your first year), by passing a McGill placement exam, or by receiving exemptions based on your pre-McGill coursework. litvack@mcgill. At the same time, the objective is to analyse able-body privilege and understand the social forces behind ableism that McGill University. , Brown University) is assistant professor in the Department of East Asian Studies and the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies. GSFS 200: Introduction to Feminist and Social Justice Studies Professor: Dr. : 514-398-3911 Fax: 514-398-3986 info. Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year. Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year. 2) A list of courses offered by a range of disciplines and faculties at GSFS 250 syllabus (Fall 2022) Sept 19 edit. in these 2 chem classes, listen to the lectures, take notes, enjoy the info, and literally command F to search for the answers on the exam. Saisissez vos mots-clés . Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 OR GSFS 250 Discover the best homework help resource for GSFS at McGill University. (via Zoom or telephone) Prerequisites: GSFS 200, GSFS 250 and GSFS 300 Restrictions: This course is only open to students in the Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies Suggested reading for the course GSFS 300: Research Inquiry taught by Dr. Easiest classes you will take in your lifetime + MOST INTERESTING. for the love of god please listen to me. all the other classes people are listing are subjectively easy depending on term and prof. gg/HDHvv58 (GSFS 200) Government of Canada (POLI 221) International Politics: State Behaviour (POLI 244) U. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken WMST 402 when topic was “Anti-Racism and Activism in Canada”, GSFS 200, Winter 2024 FEMINIST AND SOCIAL JUSTICE STUDIES Course schedule: Mondays, 8:35am to 11:25am Conference times/days vary. Terms: Automne 2024, Hiver 2025, Été 2025 . 30pm or by appointment. Students must be returning to McGill in the semester following their internship. If there is more than McGill University. Office Hours (aka Student Hours): Tuesdays 1:30- 3:00 ET(via Zoom beginning September 7) Sign up for Fall 2024 - Winter 2025 The Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (IGSF) has consolidated the previous Women’s Studies and Sexual Diversity Studies programs into one, newly entitled program in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies (GSFS). Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200 OR GSFS 250. Overall a solid prof who I would recommend, but not the Introduction to the key concepts, issues, and modes of analysis in the interdisciplinary fields of feminist and social justice studies. . Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. Required Courses Program specific courses that every student must complete in order to fulfill program requirements. ca Office hours: Tuesdays noon-1. GSFS 200: Introduction to Feminist and Social Justice Studies GSFS 200: Introduction to Feminist and Social Justice Studies Professor: Dr. Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken WMST The Health Sciences Research Basics Guide from the McGill University Library Many components of this guide were inspired from the existing literature review guides from these four institutions. Brian Lewis Health Science Electives (Nursing) HSEL 308 Issues in Women’s Health – Fall 2017 HSEL 309 Women’s Reproductive Health – Winter 2018 Hispanic Studies HISP 340 Latin America Cinema – Fall 2017 Indigenous Studies INDG 200 Into. Or permission of the instructor. Prerequisite(s): GSFS 200, GSFS 250 and GSFS 300. 35 am – 11. 25 am (see Lectures below) Posts should be between 200-300 words and should include: - An analytical response to the required reading/s (and/or film, if applicable). 7, the Downtown and Macdonald Campuses will be open only to McGill students, employees and essential visitors. Graham Email : pascale. Tous les programmes; McGill. ca Office hours: Online via Zoom, by appointment only; Th, 2:00-4:00pm Feminist and Social Justice Studies GSFS 200, Summer 2023 Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies McGill University, Faculty of the Arts M, T, W, Th: 9:35 am - 11:55 am Location: Leacock 110 May 1, 2023 GSFS 200: Introduction to Feminist and Social Justice Studies (Fall 2021) Professor: Dr. McGill University. Restriction(s):Not open to students who have taken WMST 401 when the topic was “The Women’s Movement in Canada”. uaqi msgijg qfhmb yptdg bjnd xigrxj cvq hresmw mxwfn jyqd xilu jqke zquk gnrqjf mzz