Gto base vs gto wizard. After calling the raise, the flop is dealt: T72r.

Gto base vs gto wizard GTOWizard. River – Rivers are calculated manually with the actual stack depth and bet sizes used in the hand, using ranges from the presolved solution. With a monster hand, you’re virtually guaranteed to win the pot, so the question of just how big a pot you win can feel secondary. This library contains GTO poker solutions for Spin&Go and HU Hyper Turbo SnG disciplines and covers 5-30bb stacks depth and all possible postflop runouts. Dec 10, 2024 · The SB shows up with a considerable advantage on the river! Betting 20% on the turn allows OOP to include a good chunk of 9-x, which means OOP rivers some amount of trips, even relatively close to the amount of the IP player. Our solutions consist of over 300. This article explores the theoretical fundamentals of bounties, starting with an analysis of the structure and function of the two sub prize pools—the regular prize pool and the bounty prize pool—that comprise the total prize pool in bounty tournaments. Half of the game in Spin and Gos essentially mirrors a HU hyper SNG, with players using the same ranges preflop and postflop. A river bet with the right mix of value bets and bluffs makes your opponent indifferent to calling with their bluff catchers. Use flop reports and filtering to find underlying trends for different board types. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach Nov 1, 2022 · Now change one of the ranges (e. range that has decent board coverage. After a hard-fought battle, only three players remained: Phil Ivey – The GOAT, Stephen Chidwick – The MTT Endboss, Espen Jørstad – 2022 WSOP Main Event Champion GTOWizard, GTO Wizard Mar 4, 2025 · In November we have released GTO Wizard, an advanced GTO tool where you can browse the entire game tree for 6 Handed Cash Game poker. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, this poker software can help you take your poker game to the next Mar 4, 2025 · 当业余玩家还在为“AK翻前是否该全下”争论不休时,职业圈早已掀起一场静默革命:全球顶尖选手的电脑后台, GTO Wizard 的界面永远在闪烁。 从 WSOP 冠军到高额桌常 Feb 23, 2023 · DTO and GTOWizard do not use the exact same inputs. Turn play, however, is what gets the heart pumping. Ranges Tab – This lets you compare and contrast the composition of ranges, view equity distributions, hand class breakdowns, copy ranges to your clipboard, and more. Presolved solutions are fast and useful, but this meant users couldn’t change anything about the spot. SPR is commonly used to gauge the value of implied odds and the relative value of made hands. We have already written about Dec 16, 2024 · 20bb cEV – In a Chip EV (cEV) simulation, only the stack of the shortest player is strategically relevant. 0; 90% of Low Stakes Players Make These Mistakes Feb 13, 2025 · Here at GTO Wizard, we’re always pushing the boundaries to create the world’s best poker Introducing GTO Wizard AI Heads Up Preflop Solver Today, we’re announcing a major upgrade – introducing Heads Up Browse GTO solutions. But don’t get complacent! The question of how big GTO Wizard is a specialized poker solver designed to aid players in mastering the game theory optimal (GTO) approach in the realm of poker. . / 49 sec. Share. I’ve personally set this up and made it so I see the best option but if I click my gtow score is artificially high. My writing at GTO Wizard is very much colored by the perspective of a student trying to plug leaks in his own game. That means they also need some bluffs. It can be a surprisingly polarizing discussion, with each strategic methodology having devout adherents who dismiss the other. Understand how hand values differ on the turn compared to the flop and river, and learn how to navigate the challenges of limited Jan 9, 2024 · The out of position player cannot guarantee a free river card by checking, nor will they have the option to check behind on unfavorable rivers. Preflop Incentives: The biggest driver of postflop strategy is the preflop action, with board texture being a Mar 6, 2025 · Aggregate Flop Reports are an extremely powerful tool that allows you to find deeper trends in game theory. This is true in pots that were both raised first in Dec 20, 2024 · Previous Previous project: Maximize Your Winnings: Bankroll Management Tips for MTTs Next Next project: 90% of Low Stakes Players Make These Mistakes 1 day ago · Strategy Tab – This shows you strategic information about your range. We’ve also added several new blind-vs-blind opening sizes to better accommodate your game!Now you can choose the SB open size 2. Action folded to Jose Aguilera, who three-bet to 4. ” Benefits of 3-Bet Only - There is a good reason for this; it prevents (over)calls from positions where you shouldn’t have any, with hands that should probably just be folded. Savvy opponents will recognize how dangerous it is for you to play a big pot on the bubble and look for opportunities to pressure you both before and after the flop. It does not matter how many chips the other players at the table have or that the BB covers the HJ. 4-betting reduces the importance of position, either by ending the hand preflop (if the 3-bettor folds or shoves) or by dramatically reducing the amount of money remaining to be wagered after the flop. In a PKO setting, the adjustments begin with how we play preflop in a tournament’s early, mid, and late stages. I prefer MTTs partially because Jul 25, 2023 · With only fourteen players remaining in the 2023 WSOP Main Event and blinds of 400K/800K/800K, Joshua Payne opened to 1. Nov 27, 2024 · Hand History Analyzer Upgrades – A revamped interface, advanced stats, customizable filters, and more. In this article, we’ll examine how and why the SB approaches the flop differently than OOP preflop raisers in other positions. 🎁 ¡10% de descuento en tu primer suscripción de GTO Wizard! 🥳. My coach, Dara O’Kearney, got me on the right track initially Nov 17, 2023 · The world’s most elite players gathered to compete in the $40k Mystery Bounty tournament. The large sizings are still favored, but there is also a small-betting range. Rational exploitative players use GTO as a means to identify leaks and as a baseline strategy Feb 17, 2025 · Solver-derived preflop charts for both cash games and tournaments have historically assumed small raises on the part of the original raiser, usually two to three times the big blind. They go all-in and agree to run it twice. ; OOP arrives with more full houses on the river. GTO Wizard is a Upload hand history from your sessions and compare your actions vs GTO by using purpose-built reports that help to identify both your and your opponents’ leaks so you can maximize your EV. Compare your actions vs GTO by using our purpose-built reports Feb 16, 2025 · GTO Wizard solutions are solved to an accuracy of around 0. With deeper stacks, things get a bit trickier. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach Feb 10, 2025 · Aggregate Flop Reports are an extremely powerful tool that allows you to find deeper trends in game theory. Note, the presented solutions are generated using GTO Wizard’s AI postflop solver, and are based on the PKO and Classic 1,000-player tournament structures respectively. Shopping. GTO vs Exploitative. Check out the Dec 30, 2024 · In part 1 of “Introduction to Bounty Theory,” we analyzed how the structures of bounty tournament prize pools form the basis for several potentially significant insights into the fundamental differences between bounty and non-bounty MTTs. In other words, it creates a situation where neither calling nor folding is a particularly good option. Watch later. 3% of 5. In our previous article on Raise Aug 29, 2023 · Our custom solutions have achieved speed and accuracy that outperform all benchmarks! GTO Wizard AI leverages the power of artificial intelligence to quickly and accurately solve complex poker spots. Go to Top. A lot of the time, you can even pick the seat. Rather than the casino having an edge, they make their money by charging a fee to play, Feb 18, 2025 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. hands raise, with smaller offsuit broadways and medium suited hands limping heavily to Feb 20, 2025 · Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. gets lower postflop strategies will vary significantly. Considering the complexity of each postflop scenario, we will only be reviewing a single hand for this article. Feb 12, 2024 · The way they do this is by putting opponents in situations where they have no good options. The BB also has a lot Oct 7, 2024 · One of the keys to adapting to new game formats, such as Progressive Knockout (PKO) tournaments, is understanding when and how to adjust our preflop approach from the one we’re familiar with (e. We’ll talk about customizing your settings, how you can configure your sessions, and discuss some exciting Jan 11, 2025 · To get started, navigate to the situation you’d like to study using the Spot selector at the top of the page. The solutions were calculated using сutting edge GTO solving algorithms developed by SimplePoker to achieve high accuracy. 000. Rather, our solver employs artificial intelligence to estimate the EV of all possible betting strategies while accounting for the player’s ranges, stacks, board, etc. In general, range research in combination with AI solutions GTO Wizard work wonders. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach Sep 2, 2024 · In the Clairvoyance game, a player holding either the nuts or the nut low when last to act on the river with a pot-sized bet remaining in the stacks maximizes their (Chip) EV, at equilibrium, by always shoving the nuts while Feb 28, 2025 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach Mar 4, 2025 · Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. The narrow ranges and extremely low stack-to-pot ratio (SPR) make it relatively simple to assess the strength of your hand compared to, say, a single-raised pot. They're both great products, I think one of the main disadvantages of 通过重新创建一个简单的模拟,对纯求解器、GTO Plus和GTO Wizard AI进行比较,我们发现纯求解器和GTO Plus的结果非常相似。 实际上,我们可以看到在一些情况下,它们的结果几乎完 Dec 9, 2024 · GTO Wizard offers a rich variety of solutions, allowing you to check GTO strategies calculated from various hand ranges and bet sizes settings. These hands value the fold equity that comes from raising and are too Feb 15, 2025 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. What used to take hours of computation on high-end hardware can now be done in seconds from your browser! This fantastic advancement naturally leads us to an exciting inquiry: How precise are these rapid Mar 8, 2025 · Una base de datos de 5. In the first run, the turn comes 4♥ and the river comes 3♣. GTO and exploitative play go hand-in-hand. , Classic tournament). Перейти к содержимому Приложение Функционал Цены Отзывы Вопросы Go to App EN RU Call 21. This is well beyond the level of human play. We’ll talk about customizing your settings, how you can configure your sessions, and discuss some exciting Nov 27, 2024 · Hand History Analyzer Upgrades – A revamped interface, advanced stats, customizable filters, and more. The later breakthroughs of custom rake and ICM+bounty solving brought a new and more effective way for players to study cash games and Jan 16, 2023 · all SB vs BB spots; SRPs; 3-bets against open-raisers; 4-bets for open-raisers; cold 4-bets against 3-bet non-squeezes; Overall, the new GTO Poker strategies in the 6-max cash library in the GTOBase application are a valuable resource for players looking to improve both preflop and postflop game strategy. Start crushing with GTO Wizard Feb 25, 2025 · Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach May 28, 2024 · The Pareto principle, or the ‘80/20 Rule’, is an economic theory that, when you learn about it, you will start to see in all aspects of life, including poker. Beat the best and crush the rest with GTO Wizard. For an in-depth view, we’ll look across a few rainbow flops to see if we can spot any patterns that would Feb 26, 2025 · To get started, navigate to the situation you’d like to study using the Spot selector at the top of the page. Jan 15, 2018 · It's a web-based solver that calculates each street in seconds. There are good reasons to use such small raise sizes at a table full of savvy, studied players. It deepens the understanding of 5 days ago · In this article, we’ll explore the 5 best GTO solvers available on the market. Whereas pairing a Q or even a 7 gives the BB a fair chance of winning a heads up pot, these modest pairs are less likely to GTOBase is the ultimate GTO poker app that includes all necessary tools a professional poker player needs to work on a game in one place. When I’m early on studying particular spots I think it would be good to watch this / watching cheat mode as a way to just watch how the spot plays from a GTO perspective. One of the areas where players struggle in this regard is multiway pots. Most likely the In this GTO Wizard review, we’ll explore the solver’s features, usability, and whether it’s worth the investment. Jan 10, 2024 · As 2023 draws to a close, GTO Wizard invites you to explore your poker journey through our Year in Review. → 1 2 3 Nov 6, 2024 · Today we are releasing our largest batch of new solutions to date! In fact, we added so many new solutions that we needed to completely revamp the solution selector! GTOWizard, GTO Wizard Nov 5, 2024 · Open-raising on the bubble into players who cover you is scary. So many discoveries have been made, that the following will barely scratch the Jul 8, 2024 · The flop is T♥J♥ 2♦, player 1 has A♥K♥ and player 2 has Q♣ Q♠. We’ll talk about customizing your settings, how you can configure your sessions, and discuss some exciting Beat the best and crush the rest with GTO Wizard. Cash game players will be happy to learn that we’ve added new ultra-accurate Simplified cash game solutions featuring easy-to-learn bet sizing trees. We will look primarily at solves for 200bb 6-max cash games, but many of the principles Jan 20, 2025 · In this two-part series, I am going to look at how we can identify and fix leaks in our game. Jan 11, 2025 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. Tap to unmute Watch on / • • Dec 19, 2022 · Game theory, or GTO (for Game Theoretically Optimal), is best understood not as a rigid set of rules to be accepted or rejected but rather as a framework for thinking about poker, predicting your opponent’s actions, and Dec 8, 2023 · Effective stack depth – As the effective stack depth decreases and the Stack-to-Pot Ratio (SPR) Stack-to-Pot Ratio (SPR) The effective stack divided by the size of the pot. Our analysis will cover the 3 available models: GTOWizard, GTO Wizard Sep 30, 2024 · One of the great modern debates in poker is GTO vs Exploitative strategy. Given that ~48% of hands in the range are under 50% equity and 14% of the range is considered ‘trash,’ the BB has plenty of options for the bluffs. You can even combine filters. In a cash game, you can pick the exact table you play based on the people at the table. Jun 19, 2023 · The BB’s response to a check in limped pots is quite similar at all stack depths, despite wildly different preflop checking frequencies. For example, if you want to view the solution for UTG vs BB 3bet pot, you would select UTG Raise 2, select Fold for each player until BB, select BB Raise 12, and then select UTG call, as shown in the picture below: Feb 13, 2025 · Preflop through turn – Your play will be compared to our pre-solved solutions on preflop through turn streets. Filter any spot by equity buckets, detailed hand classes, suits, or actions. Feb 13, 2025 · GTO Wizard builds advanced analysis features into every solution, allowing you to maximize your study time and extract the most useful information quickly. The processing speed of GTOBase Lately I've been using GTO Wizard and the built-in range research function in Hand2Note. Player 1 wins with their nut flush. Your strategy is then graded and compared to the GTO solution. In this instance, UTG can attack the BB so much because their range is much weaker due to it containing more trash (that has been let Feb 26, 2025 · With the release of GTO Wizard AI, we removed the limitations of pre-solved solutions that constrained players to fixed parameters, allowing you to edit the solving parameters and solve poker spots in mere seconds. We start with a check, expecting a continuation bet. This is where GTO Wizard AI comes in. Four-betting and then folding to a shove is unappealing in such a large pot, as is offering attracting calling odds to the BB, who should be squeezing a Aug 21, 2023 · Dynamic Sizing is a revolutionary new poker algorithm that automatically simplifies your strategy with the highest EV bet size(s) at each decision point! A simple strategy executed well will invariably outperform a complex strategy executed poorly. This can result in discrepancies between the Feb 19, 2025 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. Use turn reports to see how you should follow through with different lines. Even in higher risk premium spots, such as near the bubble, the bounty factor in PKOs leads to wider calling ranges versus both non-all-in 3-bets and all-ins when covering. I thought exploring this in the context of late registration would be interesting, given so many regulars do it. Named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who first observed it in Oct 8, 2024 · For more information on when and how this sizing is used, see Matt Hunt’s GTO Wizard video: ‘The Fake All-in’: A New Trend in Poker Tournaments. Unlike on the 333 flop, LJ’s medium-strength hands like A2, K6, and JJ have little to protect against by betting. Feb 18, 2025 · To get started, navigate to the situation you’d like to study using the Spot selector at the top of the page. With that, we will also add a new Premium tier. They have straights, two pairs, and top pairs that all want to extract value and do not want UTG to check back. This is considered far beyond human levels of accuracy. Jul 1, 2024 · The last thing you want when you have a nice stack at the final table of an MTT is to get 3-bet by a player who covers you. 75. With that in mind, today I am writing about a big leak I fixed in 2024. Or you can do it here. GTO Wizard. The SPR is still low, but not quite as Dec 2, 2024 · When first beginning to study cash game poker strategy, there is a common refrain that you might often hear: “Just play 3-bet or fold from anywhere but the BB. This tab also has the option to show equity, EV, equity realization, range weights, or all metrics simultaneously. I’m by no means Nov 11, 2024 · For consistency, we will look at the same flop of A♥T♥8♠ where CO has cold-called an open from a covering LJ. Analysis. In particular, we noted that the two prize pools—the bounty prize pool and the regular prize pool—have different natures: The Oct 14, 2024 · Playing the flop OOP in a 3-bet pot can be challenging. Jul 24, 2023 · First, note that four-betting less than all-in is a rarely used option by any player, at any stack depth. This means that we can get a sense of how significant ICM is, even in the early portion of an MTT. 1 Fold Apr 24, 2023 · Not even KK is strong enough to be excited about a big pot! 24% may not seem like an especially high folding frequency, but in a ChipEV scenario with 45bb stacks, where being covered is irrelevant, the BB folds just 12% to a BTN raise, despite the BTN having a stronger range Range A collection of hands that a player could feasibly be holding given the action of Mar 6, 2025 · For reference, GTO Wizard typically solves to about 0. Study – Improving off the Felt Playing (any game) at a high level implies that the player has gone through a Beat the best and crush the rest with GTO Wizard. 5BB. We’ll talk about customizing your settings, how you can configure your sessions, and discuss some exciting Jan 16, 2024 · Solver solutions with multiple bet sizes often involve a lot of mixing Mixed strategy To mix between different actions with the same hand. In the second run, the turn comes 9♠ and the river comes 4♦. When SB enjoys a greater equity advantage, they bet more often, making their checking range a bit weaker, so that BB ends up betting about as often as they would at Feb 9, 2025 · To get started, navigate to the situation you’d like to study using the Spot selector at the top of the page. Unless you have exactly Aces, your skin is liable to crawl. 25x, 2x, Jan 11, 2025 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. In that format, a playstyle involving around 48% VPIP VPIP An online poker acronym which stands for ‘Voluntarily Put In Pot’, Feb 10, 2025 · Becoming a GTO Wizard | BTN vs CO 3-Bet Pots. 2%-0. A linear range might contain nutted to medium strength hands, or value to thin value. Against this bet, we can choose to fold, call, or raise, depending on our read on the situation. 2% to 0. In live Beat the best and crush the rest with GTO Wizard. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach Feb 24, 2025 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. For example, if you want to view the solution for UTG vs BB 3bet pot, you would select UTG Raise 2, select Fold for each player until BB, select BB Raise 12, and then select UTG call, as shown in the picture below: 3 days ago · GTO Wizard AI will autonomously estimate the optimal (highest EV) sizings at each decision point! This tool doesn’t merely simplify or reduce sizes using a predetermined solution. That means the best possible strategy can exploit this solution for at most 0. Back to glossary What is Dynamic Sizing in poker? Dynamic Sizing is a revolutionary new poker algorithm that automatically simplifies your strategy to the highest EV bet size(s Oct 11, 2023 · Today, we roll out the feature you’ve all been asking for: Unleash the power of Nodelocking with GTO Wizard AI. 5M with QQ on the Dec 3, 2024 · As I often like to remind readers, I am not a professional poker player; I am just a writer who is well-versed in solvers. Yet, there are hands strong enough to warrant contesting a pot on the bubble against covering players. Category: Mar 4, 2025 · Mostly checks, but ~5% of the time, the BB leads. 5, or 0. We’ll talk about customizing your settings, how you can configure your sessions, and discuss some exciting Jul 23, 2024 · Rake is one of the main things that allows poker to distinguish itself as a skill game compared to other casino offerings. And I also have Flopzilla, sometimes I blow the dust off it. ; GTO Wizard AI Performance Upgrade – Even sharper and more consistent GTO solutions for ultimate Feb 23, 2023 · Next, we replaced the General solutions with ultra-high accuracy solutions! These were solved to an eye-watering accuracy of 0. This is what we call “solver Feb 16, 2025 · Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. It is also one of the most contentious topics in poker. Consequently, many former HU hyper players transitioned to Spins as they gained Feb 11, 2025 · Let’s say you have 2nd pair, out of position, and block-bet the river. 2. Learning from GTO solutions with too many bet sizes has been a significant challenge for poker players since the May 4, 2022 · How to CRUSH Players Who Bet the Wrong Size! How Good Is Joey Ingram at Poker? Uri Peleg’s GTO Analysis; How to Crush Poker in 2025; The 3 Most Aggressive GTO Strategies Explained Feb 20, 2024 · Imagine yourself defending as the BB caller vs BTN preflop raiser in a 100bb cash game pot. 9 months ago. 017% of the pot Additionally, we’ve optimized the sizings to be closer to GTO. GTO aims to be balanced; Nov 28, 2023 · Greetings from GTO land. The Analyzer will automatically pick the closest stack depth and bet sizes. 20bb ICM – This is the final table sim described above, where BB starts the hand with 53bb and HJ with 20bb. This piece of advice is the simplest Feb 10, 2025 · It has almost become a range-bet. Yes I Mar 6, 2025 · Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. In all cases, the postflop simulations use a Chip EV model (that is, neither player’s postflop strategy accounts for ICM considerations) and the same bet May 1, 2023 · SB’s raising range is narrow and polar, with the value region consisting of only the biggest pairs, suited Aces, and suited Broadways. In addition, we’ve uploaded thousands of preflop cash Jan 7, 2025 · A new year is upon us, which is classically the time that most people start thinking about their aspirations for the next 12 months. 1%-0. Jul 5, 2023 · All the hands that drop out of BB’s calling range in favor of folding are offsuit disconnected hands, such as A8o, Q7o, and weak Kxo. Eliminate your leaks with hand history analysis. For example, if AK always bets 1/3 pot on K♦ 9♥ 6♠ in a BTN vs BB SRP scenario, this would be considered a pure action. To demonstrate this, I simulated the postflop play using both sets of ranges. Instead of c-betting, our Apr 27, 2023 · How to CRUSH Players Who Bet the Wrong Size! How Good Is Joey Ingram at Poker? Uri Peleg’s GTO Analysis; How to Crush Poker in 2025; The 3 Most Aggressive GTO Strategies Explained Mar 6, 2025 · Training against custom solutions is a fantastic way to improve your poker skills! With Custom Training, you can define exactly what bet or raise sizes you like to practice with, define each player’s range, and customize the stack Dec 27, 2024 · New Year, New Poker (Re)Solutions! As 2025 approaches, we are setting the stage for an incredible year. GTOWizard, GTO Wizard Beat the best and crush the rest with GTO Wizard. 14% +2. Sit and Gos (SNG). It’s impossible to calculate GTO strategies on the fly. Nodelocking is a powerful new feature that allows you to define player’s strategies and craft exploits to crush the competition! You can set strategies by combo, hand category, or action frequency, then compare how the response changes with our new Dec 2, 2022 · Equity (EQ) measures how often you’ll win if the hand were checked down. Both of those are solved solutions but the variables are different to how they were solved to the solution. Back to glossary What is Blind vs. “Broadway cards” can also be used to describe any 10, J, Q, K, or A card. IP raises their sets and K9 very aggressively on earlier streets versus the small sizes, Nov 4, 2024 · Why did Dracula quit the game when Wolfman insisted on a mandatory straddle? — Why? — Unlike zombies, werewolves, and vampires, monsters in poker don’t necessarily cause stress. We’ll talk about customizing your settings, how you can configure your sessions, and discuss some exciting Oct 11, 2023 · Crush with GTO Wizard ©2023 GTO Wizard. 3% of the pot. As the pot gets bigger, mistakes become more costly. GTOWizard, GTO Wizard Oct 16, 2023 · UTG has a tight linear Linear A range construction that consists of the top-down strongest hands. The danger is not just that you may run into a better hand but that even if you are ahead, claiming your equity may require you to put your tournament life on the line against a hand that could Mar 1, 2025 · Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. Copy link. Equity Realization (EQR) measures the difference 6 days ago · You will then be able to upload your database or session to GTO Wizard and see where you deviate from GTO. Try to work out why. 000 de soluciones listas para usar te permite desarrollar aún más la comprensión de los principios de la estrategia equilibrada. Jan 14, 2025 · One of the many valuable aspects of GTO Wizard’s new postflop ICM feature is that we can use it at any stage of the tournament. In tournaments, small preflop raises are indeed the norm, both live and online. Once you understand how to approach the turn, you’ll Dec 23, 2024 · Bounties are a significant new variable to take into account when studying tournament theory and ICM. If that same hand sometimes bets 1/3, sometimes bets 2/3 and sometimes checks, that would be a mixed strategy. Mar 3, 2025 · Game selection is not something immediately associated with tournaments because the seat draw is random. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach Jun 20, 2024 · How Good Is Joey Ingram at Poker? Uri Peleg’s GTO Analysis; How to Crush Poker in 2025; The 3 Most Aggressive GTO Strategies Explained; How to Spot Your Biggest Leaks with GTO Wizard Analyzer 2. Unlike ‘house games’ like roulette or blackjack, poker players play against each other, not the casino. In reality, GTO and Exploitative poker are two sides of the same coin. Doing so profitably requires walking a Feb 27, 2024 · Thankfully, GTO Wizard is positioned well to harness the benefits of this new field of effective learning. By the time the BB squeezes, there are more than 20bb in the pot, with no one holding an especially strong range. There are even private cash games where half the skill in poker is getting invited to them. The Oct 26, 2023 · The other function of Jack-x in BTN’s calling range is to value bet rivers when checked to. In today’s article, we will use the Turn Reports feature to gain a macro view of what turn cards are good and bad for us in a single-raised pot where the preflop raiser (PFR) is in position and made a flop c-bet, which out of position called. With the largest database of pre-solved solutions and a relentless drive for innovation, GTO Wizard is raising 2 days ago · Strategy Tab – This shows you strategic information about your range. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach Dec 11, 2024 · Now change one of the ranges (e. Player 2 Mar 1, 2025 · Strategy Tab – This shows you strategic information about your range. For example, if you want to view the solution for UTG vs BB 3bet pot, you would select UTG Raise 2, select Fold for each player until BB, select BB Raise 12, and then select UTG call, as shown in the picture below: Feb 4, 2025 · Welcome back to part 2 of our series on how to become a winning poker player in 2025! In case you missed part 1, check it out here! In this follow-up piece, we will cover the second and third cornerstones of becoming a profitable poker player. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. The main difference between the Starter tier and the Premium Mar 12, 2024 · This mistake is particularly prevalent among players transitioning from Tournaments to Spin & Gos. 000 flops from 300+ different heads up post-flop situations than can occur in the games. Discover the Power of Nodelocking! Search. To change the language, click on the “Account” icon in the top right of GTO Wizard, and select “Languages”. g. This article aims to apply some of the new research on effective learning to poker study, particularly in the context of the level of difficulty in the study. So, they have a bit more incentive to get all-in on the turn, but only a bit more. 017BB per hand. Back to glossary What is Equilibrium in poker? Refers to "Nash equilibrium" which is a stable set of adversarial strategies where no player can gain by unilaterally changing their own strategy. 20/06/2024 66 min. Expected value (EV) measures how much money you’ll actually win in the long term. We’ll talk about customizing your settings, how you can configure your sessions, and discuss some exciting Nov 9, 2024 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. I wanted to end this psych series with an add-on article that looks at some more cognitive biases besides the confirmation bias that specifically makes you lose traction on the road you must travel to Apr 17, 2023 · The BB shoves 6% of hands with a clear preference for those with robust equity but poor postflop performance at a low SPR: small pairs, AQo, and AJo. With over $5,000,000 in prizes, this was an event to be remembered. Lacking the potential to make straights and flushes, these hands perform especially poorly in multiway pots. The fact that players are incentivized to make high-variance plays for bounties often masks just how complicated they can be. Info. Jan 28, 2025 · 4-betting in position (IP) is a totally different phenomenon from 4-betting out of position (OOP). After calling the raise, the flop is dealt: T72r. ; 40bb cEV – Doubling the stacks in the Chip EV simulation May 18, 2023 · Greetings, Wizards! We have an exciting update for you! The interface has been completely redesigned with new customization options, allowing you to study in style. ; GTO Wizard AI Performance Upgrade – Even sharper and more consistent GTO solutions for ultimate Jan 27, 2025 · 4-bet pots (4BP) can be scary because the stakes are high, but with 100bb stacks, they are not really tough to navigate. Jan 30, 2023 · Learn the principles of turn strategy in poker and discover what makes the turn unique. This powerful solver provides users with more than 10 million pre-solved situations, aiming to improve decision-making skills at the poker table. Jul 19, 2023 · GTO Wizard has combined the power of artificial intelligence with traditional solving methods to bring you high-quality GTO poker solutions at incredible speeds. If you are a GTO Wizard customer, those plans will likely involve study-based goals. (My leak was to bet too big postflop when effective stacks are shallow, thereby giving my opponents easy Mar 19, 2024 · In this article, we will compare some solver results to better comprehend the effects of rake and position on preflop raise sizing. But don’t worry; this article covers everything you need to start crushing your opponents in 3-bet pots OOP on the turn as the preflop aggressor (PFA). Feb 21, 2025 · Poker is a complicated game. Jun 24, 2024 · In the past, I’ve written about gambling biases that can affect how you play and how confirmation bias can hurt your study efforts to improve using GTO Wizard. The range builder has you construct your entire strategy for any spot on any board. This tool forces you to think globally about how you approach May 8, 2023 · The LJ has a massive equity advantage, with 65% of the equity, plus has nutty hands like AA, KK, and AK at a far higher frequency than BB. How exploitable is this? Well imagine we have a BTN vs BB scenario, the pot is 5. CO vs BB becomes HJ vs BB) and see if the strategy has shifted. Unlock powerful GTO solutions, sharpen your skills with the trainer, and learn from top coaches to elevate your game. 5x, 2. This range also has some interaction with middling boards via the occasionally Mar 3, 2025 · Say goodbye to the limitations of presolved solutions with GTO Wizard AI! In the past, we solved spots using traditional solvers and then uploaded them to a library of solutions. Smart EV Feb 21, 2025 · GTO Wizard now speaks Polish and Hungarian Cześć! Szia! GTO Wizard is now available also in Polish and Hungarian language. Only the strongest offsuit Broadway Broadway A ten through ace straight. See how GTO Wizard can help you master poker strategies. This guide gives an overview of our custom solver’s performance. Mar 1, 2025 · Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. The tool has garnered widespread acclaim, evidenced by May 29, 2023 · With even deeper stacks, the SB once again has a lot of incentive to limp traps, as limp re-raising is more appealing for their strong hands than playing a single raised pot out of position after the flop. It’s a perfect opportunity to reflect on your progress, set new goals, and share your achievements within the poker Feb 28, 2023 · Progressive Knockout (PKO) tournaments are much more complex than traditional MTTs. View a side-by-side comparison of both ranges using the ranges tab. It is often correct to take seemingly wild gambles, and play in a way that would Dec 19, 2023 · This dramatic change to BB’s preflop range does indeed have significant implications for UTG’s postflop continuation betting strategy. This gives BB more incentive to check and call blank rivers with bluff-catchers Bluff catcher A hand that is likely only able to beat the opponent’s bluffs, and will therefore likely lose to the opponent’s value Aug 21, 2023 · Dynamic Sizing is a revolutionary new poker algorithm that automatically simplifies your strategy with the highest EV bet size(s) at each decision point! Dynamic Sizing uses a machine learning algorithm (learn more in this article) to estimate optimal sizing. 3K subscribers. Completely agree. Unlike UTG, they have many straight draws that pure call on the turn. For example, if you want to view the solution for UTG vs BB 3bet pot, you would select UTG Raise 2, select Fold for each player until BB, select BB Raise 12, and then select UTG call, as shown in the picture below: Beat the best and crush the rest with GTO Wizard. Low boards are covered by the suited Aces and small pairs. This board is neither particularly good nor bad for either player. Apr 29, 2024 · Continuation betting from the SB does not follow the usual patterns for out of position (OOP) c-betting in single-raised pots (SRP). With custom solving, you can change every Feb 11, 2025 · GTO Wizard’s Range Builder is the ultimate tool to practice range construction! Strategically, poker is played range vs range, not hand vs hand. You can fully customize your solutions (so you can set one sizing if you want) and they have some very cool Sep 27, 2022 · Wondering what you guys think, or if you have other suggestions? GTO+ and GTO Wizard user here. I feel uniquely qualified to write this, not because I am a brilliant player, but because I have a lot of leaks in my game. Знищ своїх опонентів Apr 12, 2024 · GTOBase、ベータ版として無料で使えた時は『タダで使えるGTO Wizardがあるぞ』と少し話題になりましたが、有料化してからは存在感を失ってしまいました。 GTO Poker Strategy Viewer, Trainer and HH Analyzer Mar 11, 2024 · The format most similar to Spins is Heads Up hyper Hyper Poker term that refers to the fastest blind level structure in tournaments. You’re gonna get called by better sometimes, you’re gonna get called by worse sometimes, you’re gonna get raised sometimes, and you’ll fold out hands that you had beat anyway. In that article, I used a leak of my own to have a practical context for the ideas discussed. We’ll talk about customizing your settings, how you can configure your sessions, and discuss some exciting Jan 19, 2025 · Strategy Tab – This shows you strategic information about your range. As a result, they could profitably bet any two cards, but they do a bit better by occasionally checking behind. Feb 22, 2025 · Wizards, our GTO Trainer allows for a fully customizable poker experience that lets you practice from preflop to river! In this guide, we will describe the features and discuss valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the GTO Wizard Trainer. This personalized retrospective showcases your growth, highlighting key metrics like total hands practiced and performance improvements. This begs the question – how accurate is this algorithm? How often does it find the best sizing, and how do Jan 21, 2025 · In the first part of my series on fixing leaks, I looked at the many technical ways in which GTO Wizard can support your efforts to plug a hole/leak in your harness/game. By reducing it to a toy game, we can solve it by hand, and learn the fundamental incentives of game theory optimal poker. 6M from the LJ with KK. This makes it a more appealing prospect for OOP, as it promises to Nov 12, 2024 · Thanks to GTO Wizard’s AI functionality, we can easily compare PKO and Classic postflop play based on ICM preflop solutions. These reports account for all 1755 strategically different flops and can be accessed from any flop node. This is because the SB’s strategy is built from their equity distribution. Blind (BvB) in poker? Any formation involving only the players in the SB and BB. wuz syvk ucwt udequ xuv qyrv ncwik qkfpl dzonz kggmd cpbtin fhiyen boxs exdu onj