Disable scroll react. 3, last published: 3 days ago.
Disable scroll react (refer ss, you can see a scroll bar) . Click any example below to run it instantly or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution! Jan 8, 2019 · When the popup is opened, add a class to the parent that will disable the scrolling via CSS with overflow: hidden. By setting activeOpacity={1} to default and the pressed state to true when clicking, we can delay the rest of the onPress functionality by a unnoticeable 100ms to display an opacity shift when clicking. This component renders an inline I have a modal window with a keyboard in it. How can i disable vertical scrolling either with CSS or JS and the Mar 28, 2021 · When I click anywhere on the screen during a scroll animation the animation stops. Prerequisites:NPM & Node. I manually scroll the page to the top in between the out and in transitions so the user never sees the jump. This is how Oct 3, 2021 · To prevent scrolling using CSS on React rendered components, we can set the overflow CSS property to hidden with JavaScript. If only applied position: fixed, the body will scroll to the top Aug 30, 2018 · The problem is: The webview have its own scroll (Vertical scroll), so when I tried to do a scrolling gesture, the image just stayed on top, and ONLY the content of the webview scroll How to make the webview disable its scrolling behavior, and extent its height to fit its content? To disable scroll in a React application using JavaScript, you can achieve this by preventing the default behavior of the scroll event. Is there any way to disable HTML content scroll so that it takes all the space of my scrollable page ? Sep 28, 2020 · Is it possible to disable "swiping" and "mouse wheel scrolling" if the transition starts, and enable it again if the transition end? Something like that. Mar 4, 2021 · I am trying to disable parent scroll, when scrolling up/down in the child component (child component is a horizontal FlatList). g. jsReact JSTailwind CSSTo implement reveal in scroll in react using Tailwind CSS we have these methods: Table of Content Using the Intersectio Oct 8, 2019 · When focus is on one of the input fields with a number type, it will disable scrolling. setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(false); webViewAndroid Jun 20, 2021 · I have a map element using an svg, and have functions to zoom and pan, however the zoom function, which uses the mouse wheel, wont stop the entire page from scrolling when the mouse is inside the m Jan 10, 2025 · The window. Jun 4, 2015 · Disable scroll whilst scrolling in view react native. Is there an optimal way? <ScrollView scrollEnabled={scrollEnabl Sep 20, 2018 · We implemeted a custom Touchable component using TouchableOpacity as click element and a wrapper View handling the opacity of the children elements. Default ts true : lockTarget? HTMLElement | string: The target element to lock the scroll (default is the body element). I'd like to have the upper edge of the picture "stuck" to the status bar. How do I make modal scrollable in reactjs. React Native Flatlist is not scrolling. 7. Explanation. listener for the scroll of the page (the tag that holds all the text) using useRef in react-hooks. I have tried many different ways, but mainly adding overflow:hidden to the body whenever I open my modal. @amangeot sometimes you need to change the behaviour of your application because of an event X. 1, last published: 5 years ago. There are 198 other projects in the npm registry using react-scrolllock. preventDefault = e => e. I want to disable this scrolling in both directions because I have swipeable components inside the view, so if the whole view moves things just don't work as intended. useEffect() hook to disable scrolling on a specific page then cleanup. This is to prevent the user from scrolling or swiping too fast between slides. I am using it horizontally and can see the scrollbar. I have tried. css to make it work but that obviously disable scroll on all pages. When the inner Scroll is at zero we can pull down the outer scroll view. Mar 4, 2019 · React. pageXOffset and document. When you disable a scrollview, the momentum scrolling still persists. Improve this answer. The example consists of two main parts. Sep 14, 2022 · I'm building a site using React were the user can scroll down the homepage through other users posts. Latest version: 0. Feb 9, 2015 · I would like to disable scrolling on the HTML body completely. To prevent the background scrolling when the modal is open I'm using conditional rendering - once the modal is open the background position is set to fixed May 23, 2016 · I began to learn three. Not able to use refresh list as scroll is not working. To do so, set the MenuProps properties disableScrollLock to true and marginThreshold to null : < Select MenuProps = { { // disable scroll lock disableScrollLock : true , // allow the menu to go outside the window marginThreshold : null } } /> Dec 8, 2015 · When user moves mouse to the element B and starts to scroll, the element A should not get scroll event. css but it doesnt seem like the right solution. Hence you can use To have a clear understanding, we will use a state variable to enable or disable the scroll. I've read about adding blur after scroll, but I don't want to blur the field. Aug 25, 2021 · So the other day I was looking for ‘how to disable background scroll when a modal/sidebar is already opened’ on internet! Got many answers but sadly none of them worked for me! The most common Find Disable Scroll Examples and Templates Use this online disable-scroll playground to view and fork disable-scroll example apps and templates on CodeSandbox. For this example, let's create a simple Feb 19, 2019 · When a page is navigated after a button click, it opens lower, which makes the user to scroll up every time. Since I am new to React and UI, someone suggested to use tabindex = -1 in the link tag, but that didn't work. Start using react-remove-scroll-bar in your project by running `npm i react-remove-scroll-bar`. scrollTo(0, 0); }); sets the scroll position back to 0 but the overflow-scrolling still applies which ends up in a buggy behaviour. Not sure as to why it is getting added. Would anyone know how to conditionally disable scroll to top on certain pathnames or locations? Here is my ScrollToTop: Oct 4, 2021 · I want to "disable" the scroll view when the touch is happening over that graph; I'm not sure how to do that. I have the code below to prevent scrolling during page load. Now I need to make the map be focused on one specific country so it won't be possible to scroll the map outside its May 21, 2022 · Disable scroll whilst scrolling in view react native. 1. When closing the popup, remove that class. Only something inside Lock does exists for the browser, and that might be less than you expected. 📜 removes document scroll bar maintaining it space; support nested scrollable elements; 🕳 supports react-portals (uses React Event system) ☠️ it could block literally any scroll anywhere Oct 4, 2023 · React provides a simple solution to this problem using custom hooks. Disable scroll but without hiding the scroll bar for React JS? 1. So, import useState from react and a Button component from react-native and create a variable to accept boolean values. I've looked at React router training restoration scroll guide but wasn't successful. May 3, 2013 · Is there a way to either a) disable & re-enable the scrolling of the page (so I can turn it off when each line is started, but turn it back on after each is done), or b) disable the default handling of touchmove events (and presumably the scrolling) that go to the canvas the sketch is drawn in (I can't just disable them completely, as the works with vanilla JS and frameworks such as React / Angular / VueJS; To disable scrolling on iOS, disableBodyScroll prevents touchmove events. There are 494 other projects in the npm registry using react-remove-scroll. I tried a lot of scripts but nothing works. Mar 29, 2018 · Of course this example can be adapted to allow left scrolling in specific conditions. Jul 19, 2018 · That’s super easy — style="overflow:hidden" on body. window. May 19, 2020 · I have react native app which has tabs and scroll views, I want the outer scroll view to slide up to a certain point and when it reaches that height then the inner view can be scrolled. I am stuck on this issue and would appreciate if anyone could help me Is there a way to not register zoom on scroll when the cursor is inside the node? Currently, whenever the user scrolls inside the node (assuming it will scroll the node instead of zooming in), the react flow doesn't seem to register it. You can now turn off the Select component's scroll lock and margin threshold. At first look everything seems ok but if user swipes to right side then the text/div moves outside of screen. This happens only in the mobile version and works fine in the desktop version. Feb 25, 2019 · Is it possible to stop the user being able to zoom in or out using the react leaflet library? I can see the following option in the documentation but this just controls whether you see the plus and Name Type Description; autoLock? boolean: Whether to lock the scroll initially. Jun 24, 2021 · I am trying to hide scrollbar in my react app but not being able to achieve it. Detecting the scroll direction and disable scroll if necessary; Enabling the scroll again ; Detecting scroll direction As you can see in the screenshot, I have Image and HTML content on one screen. Prevent page scroll. and this is what happened Feb 10, 2019 · It sounds like your FlatList is meant to scroll vertically but is also scrolling horizontally, and you want to prevent that horizontal scrolling. function Graph() { return ( <View onTouchStart={e => /* prevent ScrollView from scrolling */} /> ) } I know about scrollEnabled on ScrollView, but it won't be easy for me to thread that prop. I have already added scroll on this screen but HTML content has its own scroll. then there's a timeout until ios thinks you're done scrolling the whole page, until ios thinks that any inner scrollable items aren't scrollable as its still scrolling the whole Oct 15, 2021 · Disable scroll whilst scrolling in view react native. This ability to scroll might also be a browser-dependent behavior. Scroll to the bottom of a scrollable div in react. body as position: fixed and set its offset based on the current scrolling. 3, last published: 3 days ago. Feb 11, 2024 · how to enable or disable scrolling on FlatList. when opening the modal, set the document. There is an option in ScrollView to hide the scrollbar but not in FlatList. divRef = React. 6. Feb 20, 2020 · How to hide scroll bar in react app with allowing scrolling. There are 48 other projects in the npm registry using react-remove-scroll-bar. Aug 7, 2019 · This is a React Native Question. React native flatlist scroll depth? 5. Hot Network Questions Thought Experiment indicating incompleteness of Special Relativity for Rotating Systems Oct 15, 2022 · Photo by Catherine Heath on Unsplash. That could happen - you disable scroll on the body, you are suppressing all scroll and wheel events, and you are ghosting the rest of the page by the inert prop. Demo. Now I want to scroll these divs in a customized synchronized* way regardles Dec 19, 2022 · I'm using MUI type="number" textfields, but when I focus it and then scroll the mousewheel, the value of the input changes. I've read too about adding blur and focus again, but the behaviour isn't good enough. In the code, I marked the position where to add such a condition. Prerequisites. Could somebody help me? Thanks a lot! :) I'm using React How can I prevent the middle mouse (wheel) click from scrolling? I want it to close a tab instead. Your body probably have scroll and this library won't change that. I found the horizontal props, on the source code, and it works well at false to disable the horizontal scroll. Documentation for usePreventScroll in the React Aria package. In constructor: this. So the only way to do it that comes to my mind is to set CSS class conditionally on the body. Oct 24, 2023 · there seems to be an issue, if you scroll outside a scrollable inner window, then ios handles this as you scrolling the page (just you can't tell, as your fixed body is on top of that so you won't see the scrollbars). You can use another package for that, like disable-scroll or some other CSS only i need to disable scroll without hiding the scrollbar because when using overflow-hidden the scrollbar gets hidden and the other element covers it space. I hope it’s helpful. Nov 27, 2019 · Disable scroll whilst scrolling in view react native. Changing the overflow property of the body does work, but also mess with the document's width. Please keep in mind that this will not prevent a user from manually dragging a scrollbar down with the mouse. But that would mean I would have to turn my root layout into a client component, which I can't do I need it to be a server component. 0, last published: 4 years ago. You need to disable scroll by yourself for this particular step. . Hot Network Questions Make the QGIS browser also show Nov 11, 2017 · Note that in both cases (React and HTML), the input needs to have focus for scrolling to work. but not disable scrolling: webViewAndroid. Everything's fine, except that I can't remove the scrollbar. overflow:hidden will remove the scrollbars (they are hidden), and block the scroll, as long this overflow mode is not scrollable. Apr 25, 2022 · When I run the code as an expo app on my iPhone the view does not scroll vertically or horizontally (as I intended), but on web it does (Safari - after publishing with expo web). A scrolling background is also a nuisance when dealing with a mobile menu. What's the equivalent for the vertica Jan 5, 2022 · write an event. There are 24 other projects in the npm registry using disable-scroll. scrollTop provide the vertical scroll position, while window. getElementById("B"). Is there a way to disable the scroll and prevent the modal from closing ? Feb 9, 2022 · I created a simple map in the react project with the help of the leaflet library. I am clueless any Jul 14, 2019 · By default, the behavior of the FlatList component of react native is to scroll. find the y-axis value of the ref you just created where you want to stop scrolling. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Create a React Component: First, create a React component where you want to disable scrolling. Also, even when using May 13, 2018 · Problem: I have two containers with overflowing text content like so: where the blue <div>s have overflow:hidden. Aug 5, 2019 · I couldn't find a way to prevent scrolling in React events but it's possible to achieve same effect using refs. Start using react-remove-scroll in your project by running `npm i react-remove-scroll`. Before we dive into the implementation, make sure you This solution will maintain the current scroll position whilst scrolling is disabled, unlike some which jump the user back to the top. preventDefault() In render: Dec 16, 2021 · Attempting to scroll back up only scrolls the background page up, not the content that the mouse is hovering over. Mar 27, 2017 · You signed in with another tab or window. Component that wraps platform ScrollView while providing integration with touch locking "responder" system. Keep in mind that ScrollViews must have a bounded height in order to work, since they contain unbounded-height children into a bounded container (via a scroll interaction). onscroll event triggers on page scroll; overriding it and using window. Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Oct 11, 2024 · In React, the reveal on the scroll is a technique, where elements on a page gradually appear or animate as the user scrolls down. function Component() { // We need a unique ID for manual scroll restoration on a specific element // It should be as unique as possible for this element across your app const scrollRestorationId = 'myVirtualizedContent' // We use that ID to get the scroll entry for this element const scrollEntry = useElementScrollRestoration({ id: scrollRestorationId, }) // Let's use TanStack Virtual to Feb 15, 2020 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand I'm making a game using canvas, and javascript. cd my-react-app Apr 14, 2021 · I want to stop a ScrollView from scrolling in React Native. You signed out in another tab or window. Emulates the browser's scroll restoration on location changes. I tried using ::-webkit-scrollbar with width as 0 or display as none but not able to achieve the desired result. – I want to disable scrolling during page load and also have Lenis smooth scroll on my website. So, is there a better New to React and MUI, and having a UX issue where when we have a popover (dropdown menu, or autoselect dropdown) we can still scroll the main body of the site. On blur it'll enable it again. Clarke Jun 27, 2017 · React: How to disable clicking while scrolling with react-scroll? 1. Apr 16, 2017 · I had a similar problem; wanting to disable vertical scrolling while a "popup" div was displayed. But for android no property like this exists. Thanks. The main word here is disable. It's based on galambalazs' answer, but with support for touch devices, and refactored as a single object with jquery plugin wrapper. For example: Jul 31, 2017 · I'm using the scrollview of react native v0. 4. I created the Modal using React portal. If you style that div so that it takes up less than the height of the available viewport, and render enough items to fill it up, infinite scroll will work fine. and thus inherits it's props (as well as those of ScrollView) If you check the documentation for ScrollView, you'll see that all you need to do is set the scrollEnabled prop to false to disable scrolling. I am trying set my scene in div (no in full document) without zooming, with option to scroll document by mouse wheel and zooming document. Oct 10, 2016 · use React. stopPropagation();} Dec 5, 2019 · preventing the default on scrolling of the window and setting the scroll position back to 0. How to hide scroll bar in react app with allowing scrolling. I tried adding overflow:'hidden' as inline css but still nothing. React Native, how to call onScroll event only once Sep 13, 2021 · Disable scroll whilst scrolling in view react native. g useEffect(() => { document. Here's an in-depth explanation with code examples and expected outputs: 1. This blog post goes through how to disable scrolling in FlatList. e. Is that possible? Apr 23, 2021 · React: How to disable clicking while scrolling with react-scroll? 1. preventDefault(); window. body. It's impossible to disable that. so it's an ok solution. Jan 23, 2021 · I had this same issue. Oct 21, 2022 · I wanted to disable the scrollbar when a popup screen is opened and with my current method, the screen tends to randomly glitch on scroll despite the scrollbar being disabled. Feb 15, 2021 · @AnisBenna your question was to disable page scrolling when react-loading-overlay is active, not to provide a pixel perfect solution. Apps should only render one of these, right before the Scripts component. scrollLeft provide the horizontal scroll position. Jul 23, 2016 · I'm trying to disable the html/body scrollbar of the parent while I'm using a lightbox. Hence I am not able to scroll this entire page . Latest version: 2. Latest version: 5. I added overflow-y-scroll and overscroll-y-none to the fixed container and it worked nicely. 3. However, Jul 19, 2017 · The documentation states that a FlatList has the props of a ScrollView:. 0. addEventListener("scroll", (e) => { e. In all the applications I have built so far people have asked me to prevent this behaviour because it sometimes causes corrupted data. I have tried the following options: overflow: hidden; (not working, did not disable scrolling, it just hid the scrollbar) position: fixed; (this worked, but it scrolled completely to the top, which is unacceptable for this specific application) The overlay is positioned on the top of your content and doesn't have scroll at all, since it has overflow: 'hidden' already set. scrollTo() sets a fixed scroll position, disabling scroll effects. I used scrollEnabled, for IOS it works fine. Jan 18, 2023 · I'm trying to disable the elastic scrolling on top of the list view. My parent container was scrolling for the entire length of the site when the fullscreen overlay was active, but the content was not scrolling in the fullscreen overlay. Also, note that if you inspect the HTML that's being output by your React example, you'll see the same HTML that I've written above, so this is definitely not a behavior specific to React. You're welcome by the way. Share. Disables scroll outside of `children` node. Sep 7, 2018 · People give you feedback, and you should be around to react to that. 0. I see that its fixed in the new beta V1 for MUI, but using the current stable release, Ive been asked to see if we can hack it up to stop the scrolling - but I cant seem to target/catch Oct 25, 2022 · See React Native ScrollView doc here. I see that if I comment out the <About/> component then the scroll disappears. Dec 17, 2024 · React hook to enable/disable page scroll. React: How to disable clicking while scrolling with react-scroll? 2. Reload to refresh your session. Here, you can set height (or maxHeight) of the <Layout/> which is wrapping <Header/> and <Content/>. overflow = "hidden"; return () => { document. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a custom React hook to disable scrolling events within number input fields. js - Disable background scroll when a modal is showing. Hot Network Questions Vinegar battery to generate 5 V on 1 kΩ load Do decisions based on personal beliefs Jul 26, 2024 · This hides the horizontal scrollbar while still allowing horizontal scrolling if needed. The only way I can think of doing this is by giving the body an overflo I have a couple of view components inside a scroll view but one view has a drawing function on a canvas i want to disable scrolling whilst drawing in the canvas but not on other. I want to disable all scrolling. React - how to remove scroll listener. As you know, FlatList inherits the props of the ScrollView component. Is it possible to disable the scroll wheel changing the number in an input number fie Oct 4, 2023 · In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a custom React hook to disable scrolling events within number input fields. What I want to achieve is to prevent triggering the scroll event if user is dragging a particular part of a scrollView. import { ScrollRestoration} from "react-router"; export default function Root {return (< html > < body > < ScrollRestoration /> < Scripts /> </ body > </ html >);} Copy. I know I could disable body scroll by conditionally adding "overflow-y-hidden" tailwind class to the body depending on the modal open state. Jun 1, 2021 · I'm using swiper i created this with some customization The problem is that even if i scroll vertically, slider changes the slides. scroll = function(e) {e. When set, the scroll view will adjust the scroll position so that the first child that is currently visible and at or beyond minIndexForVisible will not change position. This styles the div so that it doesn't need to scroll and infinite scroll therefore doesn't work. Hot Network Questions To what BBC competition did Arthur C. See useDialog for an example of using usePreventScroll to prevent scrolling on the document body on dialog mount. Start using disable-scroll in your project by running `npm i disable-scroll`. How to disable scroll event from propagation? EDIT: I've tried this js code and it does not work. How to make child prevent ScrollView from scrolling. tapGestureEnabled={false} But it's not working, and I searched the docs for prop for this scenrio, but I couldn't find any. Link demo Hello, I have a modal that I want to show, and while I show it, I want to block the rest of the page from scrolling. ) pressing the down arrow scrolls the page down, and makes the game impossible to play. May 20, 2018 · In your codepen, you have height: '100%' for your scrolling div. Then set fixed height for <Header/> and set overflow: "auto" for <Content/>. But, in some unusual situations, you may want to disable scrolling in react native FlatList. Is there a way or an option in the react flow? Here is my react flow config: Oct 10, 2021 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Sep 26, 2022 · Disable scroll whilst scrolling in view react native. therefore need help in disabling the scroll but not hiding the scrollbar. It’s not until scrolling pauses for a second, that the browser will allow the cursor to scroll the content in the modal. js and I need help now. The problem is that if I scroll during the page load, after the page load ends, the page jumps to the extent of the scroll. style. Feb 9, 2023 · This method will effect to Ctrl+ “+”, Ctrl+ “-” and Ctrl+ “ Mouse Scroll Up Down” Sep 25, 2018 · Final Solution. It goes away if I add overflow-x: hidden to App. Is not viable because of buggy animations. I want to scroll to the top whenever a specific button is clicked, however I do not want it to scroll smoothly, which seems to be enabled by default. If you have questions or other solutions, feel free to Jan 30, 2018 · If you want to turn off the value scrolling behaviour on some fields by class/id, For those using react, here's a stand-alone hook the worked well for my use case Mar 7, 2018 · I have a problem with webview and scrolling. Start using react-scrolllock in your project by running `npm i react-scrolllock`. Hot Network Questions Mar 30, 2020 · I am noticing that my react application has an unwanted horizontal scroll. I do not want to hide it with overflow: hidden;. pageYOffset and document. Each post has a '' menu which when selected opens up a modal with the menu options. Follow how to enable or disable scrolling on FlatList. Aug 3, 2020 · This question was asked before but provided solution is just for jQuery, as I'm facing same problem in ReactJs. documentElement. What Problem description Scrolling in a number field changes the values. a chat thread, where new messages coming in might otherwise cause the scroll position to jump. I want to disable this and figured one of the ways would be to make the whole screen unclickable during the scroll Prevent scroll on the body when component is mounted. Jan 3, 2019 · I want to add the pdf viewer to a Scrollview so a user can scroll past the PDF viewer. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 44. ReactModal__Body--open, is defined by the react-modal, but it has no effect because this rule is not defined by react-modal. 2 and I wanted to disable the pull to refresh and only generate the scroll of my views, is there another way to do it without being with scrollview? I saw some old version, I do not know if I put this animation recently. I've tried to use conditions in my ScrollToTop component but failed. Is there any way to disable scroll on one single page? I tried to set overflow: hidden on the specific page but that didn't work. When the page is longer than the screen (comments, etc. Toggle its value on press of the button and use that value to enable/disable the scroll. This can be beneficial in scenarios where you want to restrict scrolling while displaying a modal, a dropdown menu, or any other component that requires the user’s focus. You can find the code implementation below. May 23, 2017 · I am trying to use FlatList (React-native) in my app. Steps to Create a React Application: Step 1: Create a React application using the following command: npx create-react-app my-react-app. Sep 15, 2022 · I am using react-native-modalize package for modal in react-native and I want to disable the scrolling feature to close the modal. You can store a variable in the state of the parent that will track if the popup is opened or not, and add / remove the class depending on that variable. Jan 23, 2025 · ScrollView. This is useful for lists that are loading content in both directions, e. I have to set it on the body in index. I don't want to disable it, I just want it to stop scrolling at a specific point. Locking horizontal or vertical scrolling is totally possible, using FlatList's directionalLockEnabled prop. Step 2: Navigate the Project Directory using the following command. 8, last published: 2 months ago. Jan 21, 2016 · Hi! I would like to disable the vertical scroll. Removes body scroll without content _shake_. createRef() this. So I put it into my div and now it is there, but mouse wheel is zooming object in throughout the document and I can scroll only by arrows or scrollbar. Any ideas? document. Oct 10, 2020 · I am trying to disable the background body scroll when a modal pop up window is open. I've seen several posts on how to do it with a normal javascript event, but I'm doing this in rea Mar 3, 2023 · It's pretty simple, if you want to scroll inside an area, it must has a fixed height. How to stop custom modal from expanding past the screen. If this answers your initial question, please validate it so other people can benefit from the solution too. The reason for this is that overflow: hidden makes the site jump and take up the area where the scroll was. overflow = "scroll" }; }, []); The useLockBodyScroll hook temporarily disables scrolling on the document body. I can do this just fine with a react-native-webview scrollEnabled={false} Or are there any ideas on how I can do this with the existing API for react- Mar 19, 2022 · I'm building a site with NextJS and using a fade in and out page transition. @emmerich's css class, . The comments explain how it works exhaustively, so I won’t repeat it here. I am using the react-scroll library in order to handle scrolling on my React app. rkko ltzlf tzuwt gvnje aevnmw vjxhk pmfto osvsxxz ukul mjutoq swxdippt ekxh vnmlr mnyfdvi hdct