Guess country by shape wordle. Enter Z X C V B N M .


Guess country by shape wordle Look at the hints For every bad guess, you get to see hints displaying the distance towards the hidden country and the direction it is at. ‎Official daily Worldle game from Teuteuf Games - guess the country by its shape and test your geography knowledge with 7 bonus rounds. You have 5 guesses each day to identify the correct country. You will have six chances to correctly guess the name of the hidden country you need to find. The more intense the color of the country's territory, the nearer you are to uncovering it. You have up to six guesses to find the right answer. Oct 26, 2024 · Wordly is a spinoff of the Wordle game, only with words from 4 to 11 letters and in various languages. Each time you fail, you can unlock another part of the hidden flag. The game gives you clues about how far and in which direction the country is from your guess. In this version, players must identify a country using only six guesses. Learn and Compare: After your guess, delve into the fascinating world of global trade. The hotter the color of the territory of the country, the closer you are to the hidden country. Can you guess the flag of a random country in 6 tries? Enter first guess To start the game, enter the name of any country. Color Indicators: After each guess, the country will appear on the globe with a specific color. You have to guess which country is hidden behind the shape of its territory. Players are presented with a blacked-out territory and must carefully examine its contours to identify the corresponding country. Try to Unlock Wordle Today is a word guessing game. Flagle Play Adoptle Wordle! Play Adoptle each day and see what adoptable pet is featured! You have six guesses to figure out the pet's name. How to play Worldle. Waffle To start the Worldle game, look at the shape and outline of the territory and make your first guess by choosing a country in the search form. There's also Waffle , which is about swapping letters in a completed grid to complete all the words; Moviedle , which shows you an entire movie in a tiny space of time and challenges you to guess the movie within six guesses; and Quordle , which May 10, 2019 · Country Shapes Can you name the country by its shape? Read How To Play More Info. What's more, every time you will receive geographical hints about the location of the target country. Enter the name of any country to make your first guess. Play Daydreams Wordle! ☁️ Guess the A. Goal of the game: Guess a five-letter word in 6 GUESS THE COUNTRY GAME QUIZ BY SHAPE. It's almost impossible to get Wordle right on your first guess, and once you've come up with an efficient starting word which includes common letters, there's little reason to ever switch from it. Try to Unlock The rules are very simple: you have to guess the flag of a random country and you have 6 guesses to do it. After submitting a guess you will be told the distance in kilometers you are away from the correct answer along with the relative direction of where the answer resides Feb 17, 2022 · Fun little wordle-inspired guess game where you get presented a country shape and you need to guess its name. Enter Z X C V B N M Guess the word in 6 tries. In this game, your objective is to guess the mystery country based on the shape of its territory using the fewest number of guesses. Hotter Colors: Indicate you are closer to the mystery country. While the game's rules share similarities with Wordle, there are some distinctions: You're granted an unlimited number of guesses, and the clues provided only consist of the distance and direction information for the concealed country. Guess the country by shape. The darker the color (from yellow to red), the closer you are to hidden country! Guess the Country with WORLDLE The world-famous word game has been transformed into a geographic quiz game called Worldle. Guess the flag in 6 guesses or less, + 5 bonus rounds with trivia about the country. 19. Aug 22, 2024 · Official daily Worldle game from Teuteuf Games - guess the country by its shape and test your geography knowledge with 7 bonus rounds Guess the country by shape. Mar 11, 2022 · A very basic deck to help practice Worldle, a game where you have to guess the country just from the shape of its border. UnWordle. Like Wordle, the game only allows one Countryle puzzle per day. How many hints you used. Each day there is a new mystery five-letter word. Try to Unlock Wordle. By continuously striving to create better games, we hope to help everyone appreciate regions and landmarks worldwide and enjoy relaxing moments playing games on GeoWorlde. Enter first guess To start the game, enter the name of any country. Geo challenge you to check your geography knowledge by guessing the country name by looking at the country shapes. Making a Guess: Enter the name of any country in the guess box. 7K Plays 19,743 Plays 19,743 Plays. Everyday, a country or territory is picked randomly! So, it will continue to pick a random one everyday, forever! Two rules have been added: it doesn’t pick a country or territory of less than 5,000 km2 when one has already been picked less than 7 days ago. Worldle → Related: Globle also lets you search for a country, without an initial shape hint. Limited Attempts: Use your 6 daily attempts wisely, as you won't be able to play again until the next day. Time Limit: Solve the challenge within the time limit provided by the game. Play Wordle, the popular free word puzzle game with no ads, and compare your performance with other players. Guess the country Enter first guess To start the game, enter the name of any country. Play Guess The Game Wordle! Try to name the game shown in the screenshots in 6 guesses or less! Guess the country by shape. When a guess is made, Globle gives feedback by shading the guessed country on a 3D globe. Sudoku. Per guess you get to see how far off you are and which direction to look into. This is a flag guessing game inspired by Wordle. Foodle. it doesn’t pick a country that has already been picked less than 100 days ago. Worldle is a daily geography guessing game where you are presented with the silhouette (outline) of a country, and your goal is to guess which country it is based on its shape. It includes clues like hemisphere, continent, average temperature, population and hidden country coordinates that you have to guess the country by daily. If you want … Continue reading "Worldle — Name the Country based on its Shape" Mar 24, 2018 · That's how Panama is, but it's often oriented sideways because the west side is the way to North America while the east side is the way to South America (Darien Gap) Globle is a geography-based guessing game where players try to identify a mystery country by making educated guesses based on proximity. Gameplay is very similar to the classic Wordle. Aug 22, 2024 · Official daily Worldle game from Teuteuf Games - guess the country by its shape and test your geography knowledge with 7 bonus rounds. Receive Feedback: After each guess, Worldle provides helpful clues. After each guess, you will be shown a similarity flag that displays which portion of your guess shares the same colour as the answer. There are more than 200 countries all over the world, and of course you know many of them. Guess the country by their map outlines in this fun and endless practice game! 🗺️ Worldle Unlimited . Unlike Worldle or Globle, Countryle is not tied to guessing a country by location. Play 2048 number game. How to Play Wordle Geography (Worldle)? Your guess Chile is 13,557,000 away from the target country, the target country is in the North-East direction and you have only 32% of proximity because it's quite far away! Meet Countryle, a country guessing game where you can test your knowledge of the world. Jul 30, 2017 · Browse Country. Hints when you get lost Everyday, a country or territory is picked randomly! So, it will continue to pick a random one everyday, forever! Two rules have been added: it doesn’t pick a country or territory of less than 5,000 km2 when one has already been picked less than 7 days ago. Guess the country Sep 27, 2023 · Worldle is a game that puts a geographic twist on the classic guessing game. After each guess, you'll get clues about the hemisphere, continent, average temperature, population, and coordinates of the mysterious country compared to your choice. The geo game guess the country quiz game is designed by a geography lover just for entertainment purposes. Feb 14, 2022 · The premise is simple: instead of being presented with five empty squares, you’re shown the shape of a country. You have six attempts to guess correctly. Consider the size, proportions, and overall shape to determine if it’s from Africa, Europe, Asia, etc. A S D F G H J K L. You have to guess the name of the country or territory outlined in a shape. Play Worldle Unlimited. Use the clues to guess it with the fewest attempts possible. By clicking on the lines and selecting the correct country from the provided list, players have six attempts to make an accurate guess. Compare your guess with reality, gaining insights into international commerce intricacies. NEW MEXICO is 975 miles from the target state, which is in the northeast direction, and you have only 66% proximity since it's so far. How is a country or territory picked? What will happen when all the countries/territories have been picked? Everyday, a country or territory is picked randomly! Enter the name of any country to make your first guess. If your guess is not correct, you are given the distance and approximate direction to the correct country. Make your first guess To begin playing it, observe the shape and outline of the territory and make the first attempt to guess by selecting a country in the search form. Look at the Worldle hints After each incorrect guess, you will receive Worldle hints about the distance to the hidden country and the direction where it is located. Initially, you will see the country's shape and begin to guess. You get six attempts to guess the word. Your goal is to identify the mystery country based on its unique shape outline. Worldle, meanwhile, gives you an opening clue in the form of the country's shape. Worldle will assess your geography knowledge. You can play Worldle with anyone, anywhere, and have fun learning about the world. 🗺️ Guess. Play newest popular geo quiz game - Globle. Your goal is to identify the country based on its shape. . How to Play Wordle Today. About this State Shape Guessing Game This state shape guessing game is the first game me and the kiddos made on a random Saturday. Worldle draws inspiration from the well-known Wordle game, but it shifts the focus to test your geography knowledge. WhereTaken US. Here are the game rules: Your task is to identify the mystery country by examining the shape of its territory, using as few guesses as possible. Can you guess the mystery country? Everyday, a country or territory is picked randomly! So, it will continue to pick a random one everyday, forever! Two rules have been added: it doesn’t pick a country or territory of less than 5,000 km2 when one has already been picked less than 7 days ago. Your goal is to find a hidden country using hints. Guess the Country: Examine the shape of the territory presented in each challenge and make your guess by entering the name of the country. Play Countryle Wordle! Guess the hidden country every day. Feb 17, 2019 · You should change the shape of Mauritius to just the main island (the big one seen in the bottom left). By Rycecake. The accuracy of your guesses based on the provided hints. Jan 20, 2024 · Countryle provides a new map each day, challenging you to identify the mystery nation based on its shape and location. When people talk about Mauritius they always refer to the main island, the other islands are more like territories part of the country (kinda like the USA with Hawaii/Alaska or the UK with all its pacific and Atlantic territories, everyone referes to the British Islands when speaking of the UK). Guess the country quiz game by shape in our simple and enjoyable games, explore the world ! Guess The Country All the games on this website are for fun only and do not reflect and political, military changes the world is experiencing now. Each time you guess, you will receive clues to know if your chosen letters are in the mystery word, and whether they are in the correct place. You’ll get unlimited attempts to guess correctly. Q: How do I play Worldle? A: Well, all you need to do is look at the image of the country and try to think of the country that it is. Guess the country by shape Countryle is another geographic spin-off of Wordle. Begin by entering any country name into the search form for your first guess. No A daily word puzzle with a shape-based clue Polygonle #918 ⬢ ⬢ Q W E R T Y U I O P. Follow the hints Explore clues to find the mysterious country faster. Guess the food word. Inspired by some Wordle-inspired Country Wordle has prepared for players a number of difficulties that only true geography fans can cope with. Guess the US state from a photograph. Each day, the game selects a different country, and players attempt to guess it with unlimited tries. Worldle is a game that tests your knowledge of geography. Follow the hints Examine hints to expedite your search for the mysterious country. Each guess will provide you with hints about the approximate distance and direction to the hidden country. Try to Unlock Wordle HOW TO PLAY. Top Contributed Quizzes in Geography. Challenge yourself to guess the country exporting the selected product, adding excitement to your journey. Play Globle map game! Globle is a game inspired by Wordle and it will test your knowledge of geography. Distance: Shows how far your guess is from the correct country in kilometers or miles. After each guess, you will have the distance, the direction and the proximity from your guess and the target country. Next, the territory of the country will be highlighted on the globe and you will receive further hints. Examples. WhereTaken Classic. However, unlike Wordle where you get to guess a five-letter English word, in Worldle, you get a country outline and have to guess what country it is. generated image in this Hangman-style daily game. After every guess you make, you get a new hint for the country. A: Worldle is easy. GeoGrid. Play. Solve a 9x9 Sudoku grid. 2048. His task - for a limited number of attempts to guess the encrypted country. Each day you’re presented with a new country or territory Feb 5, 2022 · In some ways I like it more than Wordle, even. Following this, the globe will highlight the country's territory, providing you with additional clues. How to play Country Worldle There is no playing field in the quiz game. I. Worldle will test your knowledge of geography. With each guess, you will receive a hint - the direction (Nor… A: Worldle is an enjoyable geography-based game in which players guess the name of a country or a region by the shape of its map. This deck contains all 237 countries/territories which have a domain name, each card has a solid filled vector graphic of the country/territory for you to guess. Game Rules: You have to guess the mystery country according to the shape of its territory using the fewest number of guesses. Can you guess the mystery country? The Wordle game is exactly for this, your task is to guess the hidden country by its outlines in just 6 attempts. Vector graphics sourced from Mapsicon. The analog of the Wordle game quickly gained momentum and now more than half a million users are eagerly guessing territories and countries from the contours. Fill in your first guess – if you get it in one, you’re a geographical genius. The user is allotted several attempts. Use the Distance Clue: After your first guess, the game gives you a distance from the correct answer. Guess the movie with emojis! 3 How to play Country Wordle. Your goal is to guess a country or territory's flag within as few tries as possible. Start with the Continent: If the country shape isn’t immediately recognizable, try narrowing down the continent. As you journey around the world in this game, you must guess the country's name based on gradually revealed clues. UnWordle Inspired by Wordle, GeoWorlde will help you improve your knowledge of geography and countries around the world without having to suffer from headaches or stress. Globle is a Wordle map game where you have to guess the territory and country on the globe using a map and distance clues. 📍 Guess the State by its Capital 🖼️ Guess the State by its Picture 👌 Guess the State by its Abbreviation Guess the State by its Outline 🚩 Guess the State by its Flag. Guess the countries that fit into a grid of clues. Make strategic guesses and receive helpful hemisphere and continent clues after each one. Playing Worldle is both enjoyable and enriching. Enjoy Guess The Country Game Quiz! Guess the Country: Engage in a captivating guessing game. How to Play Globle. 7 hours ago · One of our favourites is Worldle, in which you must guess a country of the world based on its shape. 1 Countries of the World - No Outlines Minefield 2 Quick Pick: Capitals of 'N' Countries Versi unlimited dari permainan Wordle ini menggunakan kamus bahasa Indonesia dengan kata-kata dari 4 sampai 11 huruf. Each day you’re presented with a new country or territory shape and have to guess its name in 6 tries. Quiz by warriorzzcharli3 Globle game. How fast you were. - At the end of the game, you get points depending on: If you found the hidden country. So come back daily to test your global IQ and learn about new lands. Play Globle Wordle online and free. After each guess, you will see the distance and the direction to the hidden country. Guess the country/region from a photograph. Nov 5, 2024 · Wordly is a spinoff of the Wordle game, only with words from 4 to 11 letters and in various languages. Each day presents a new mystery country to guess. Second guess MICHIGAN is close! 470 miles away, west direction, and 83% correct! Now it's your turn - Every day you get a new country to guess. - You have 10 guesses . Emovi. Each row and column has its own category. like Wordle. Follow the hints and try to guess a daily country in as few attempts as possible! About Worldle. After each guess, the distance, direction, and how close your guess is to the target state are shown. Make a Guess: Type in the name of the country you believe matches the map. Enter first guess Begin the game by inputting the name of a country. May 1, 2023 · Can you name the Countries by shape: Progressively harder? Test your knowledge on this geography quiz and compare your score to others. awz zhg icoy odi drjac yhg nqiymjl vszam ylnr myhiu xug hdmqln orscr cies vrlb