Newborn screening positive results What is a positive newborn screen result? •Result interpretation: positive, abnormal, out-of-range •Result meaning: the child is at high(er) risk for having one of the conditions on the screening panel •Potential interferences/influences (https://www. family to notify them of the newborn screening result and assess family to notify them of the newborn screening result and assess symptoms. A positive CMV screening result means that your baby has a high chance of having a cCMV Your baby should have an assessment by a pediatrician or Infectious Diseases (ID) doctor, who will discuss the screening results in more detail and arrange further testing. A screen positive result means that more tests are needed to know whether or not a baby has MSUD. It does mean that the baby will need follow-up Jun 1, 2017 · Parents should be informed in person of positive newborn screening results and the need for retesting. [1] The newborn screen itself is a specific set of laboratory evaluations and point-of-care examinations performed on newborn infants in an attempt to identify clinically occult but A screen positive result means that more tests are needed to know whether or not a baby has PKU. Save Babies Through Screening Foundation: www. Methods: Parents of 173 infants with false-positive screening results for a biochemical genetic disorder in the expanded newborn screening panel were compared with parents of 67 children with normal screening results. savebabies. Babies who are found to have CF early can be treated early. False-positive newborn screening results for this condition may happen. A screen positive screening result for a rare disorder means that there is an increased chance that the newborn has the disorder. Untreated classic galactosemia may progress very rapidly to hepatic toxicity, with death resulting from sepsis or bleeding. One group of authors described cases of false-negative newborn screening results despite the use of CFTR gene analysis as a screening strategy. It does not mean that a baby has SCID. False-positive newborn screening results for this condition do occur. Other than for direct medical care, how can screening results be used? CCHD screening is a component of newborn screening. Screen positive results mean that the infant has an increased chance to have the disease. Newborn screening began in California in 1966 with screening for one disorder, called phenylketonuria (PKU). Babies with these diseases can be identified through newborn screening because they have a screen positive result due to an elevated C3 level. IRT is a . When a child with an out-of-range newborn screening result has a follow-up test result within the normal range, it is sometimes called a “false positive”. that your baby has high levels of C3 acylcarnitine. Oct 12, 2018 · If a baby’s newborn screening result is positive or “out-of-range,” the baby’s health care provider or the state newborn screening program will notify parents and provide instructions for the follow-up testing process. 5,6 The importance of considering the number of false-positive test results is largely attributable to 3 considerations: (1) a higher number of Positive screening results require urgent attention. Some babies with positive newborn screening results for Krabbe disease have “pseudodeficiency. We investigated the parents’ perception of the CF screening process in Bavaria and the communication after positive screening results with a questionnaire. notified them. 5 to 8% was reported regarding to use of universal newborn hearing screening tests including OAE. Is my child really healthy? Screen Positive Results Toggle Section. Jan 18, 2024 · There are four possible results in newborn blood spot screening: Within Normal Limits/Negative, Trait, Borderline, and Positive/Abnormal. Early detection, diagnosis, and intervention can prevent death or disability and enable children to reach their full potential. Newborn screening (NBS) for inborn metabolic disorders is a highly successful public health program that by design is accompanied by false-positive results. Some babies with positive newborn screening results for MPS I have a “pseudodeficiency. Newborn Screening Ontario 415 Smyth Road Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8M8 Toll-Free: 1-877-627-8330 Local: (613) 738-3222 Mar 9, 2019 · In Germany, screening for cystic fibrosis (CF) is part of the newborn screening since September 2016. These are arranged as quickly as possible to confirm the presence and type of sickle cell disease. Samples exposed to too much heat or took too long to get to the screening laboratory can also have false-positive results. A high level of C26:0-LPC means that your baby also has high levels of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). Twenty-four papers were included in the review, many of which focused on cystic fibrosis. A positive or abnormal newborn screening result means that there are slight differences that were found in the baby’s blood, and further testing is needed to figure out if the baby has a metabolic disorder. Newborn Screening A screening test that looks for different disorders using a small sample of blood taken from a newborn’s heel. , St. Those unaffected will include (1) genetic carriers, (2 The CA Newborn Screening Program follow-up staff will contact the baby’s doctor as soon as a screen positive screening result is identified. Fasting. False-positive results are higher among neonatal intensive care unit infants, resulting in increased confirmatory testing and family the newborn screening card or because your baby was stressed at birth. 5 In a study evaluating the newborn screening program in the state of Paraná, Brazil, 30 months after its implementation, 11 only one case of a false-negative newborn screening result was found. Paul, MN 55155. That means that all newborns should be appropriately screened. These babies do not have and will never develop MPS I. What does my baby’s abnormal CF newborn screen mean? False-positive newborn screening results for this condition may happen. Screening is important In Ontario, a heel prick is used to take a few drops of blood from each baby shortly after birth. A scoping review was undertaken in October 2023 underpinned by the Arksey and O’Malley framework. Unusual analytical pictures may occur, depending on whether these rare abnormal variants with migration properties similar to HbS (or other common variants) derive from Nov 2, 2020 · The expansion of national newborn screening (NBS) programmes has provided significant benefits in the diagnosis and early treatment of several rare, heritable conditions, preventing adverse health outcomes for most affected infants. Pel ase r efer to the testing as the “ newborn screen” and not the “PKU test” to avoid confusion. What does Sep 24, 2021 · OBJECTIVE. [61] Feb 27, 2023 · In newborn screening, false-negative results can be disastrous, leading to disability and death, while false-positive results contribute to parental anxiety and unnecessary follow-ups. Screening samples that are exposed to high heat or humidity or that take a long time to get to the testing lab may have false positive results. Some babies have a screen positive newborn screening result. It does not mean that a baby has CAH. Within Normal Limits/Negative result A Within Normal Limits or Negative result means that the screen was normal for the disorder and no additional follow-up is required. Mar 13, 2024 · Psychosocial consequences of false-positive results following newborn bloodspot screening have been identified as a potential risk to this highly successful public health initiative. Some babies with positive newborn screening results for Pompe disease have “pseudodeficiency. Cutoffs are set conservatively to prevent missed cases for Pompe and MPS I, resulting in increased falsepositive results and lower positive predictive values. Your baby may need the following tests after an out-of-range screening result: Blood and/or urine tests False-positive newborn screening results for this condition are rare. To learn more about screening results, visit the Blood Spot Screening Results page. Whether your baby's results are positive or negative, every result should be taken seriously. Parents with an inconclusive result were invited for a second heel prick, which gave a normal result. Positive Result: Blood Spot Screen Result Notification What was found on the newborn screen? The newborn screen that was collected at birth . Your baby likely does not have CF; however, it is . It does not mean that a baby has galactosemia. protein made by the pancreas. Discuss this result with the family as MDH has . for positive newborn screening results from the newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) laboratory to clinicians to highlight differences, understand how the pathways are implemented in practice, identify barriers and facilitators and make recommendations for future practice and research. The Iowa Newborn Screening Program may be reached at 1-866-890-5965 or 319-384-5097. False positive results cause unnecessary worry for families but come as a by-product of striving to find every baby who has the disease. The baby’s health care provider or a Screening for SMA started in mid-January 2020 as a pilot program and the end of July 2020, SMA was officially added to the newborn screening panel in Ontario. Dimensional and content analyses were conducted on interviews with 203 parents of 106 infants having positive NBS results. Jul 3, 2023 · Tracking screening results helps with quality-assurance efforts, public health surveillance and improving the process of CCHD screening overall. The results indicated . Patients and methods: We conducted telephone interviews with parents of 3 groups of children who had received abnormal newborn screening results: (1) false positive but otherwise healthy (FP, n = 28), (2) true positive (TP, n = 20), and (3) false positive with other medical conditions (FP Premature infants are known to have a higher rate of false positive newborn screening (NBS) results, with TPN as a contributing factor. Babies with other conditions that have elevated very long chain fatty acids may also be detected through this screening. A screen positive result means that more tests are needed to know whether or not a baby has congenital hypothyroidism. What happens next? Your baby’s doctor will collect a repeat newborn Although test specificity has traditionally been used, PPV is a more useful and meaningful measure in newborn screening because of the relatively low prevalence of the disorders currently screened. A screen positive result does NOT mean that a baby has the disease. A result that is out-of-range, even though the newborn does not have the condition. False-positive newborn screening results for this condition can happen in the following cases: Babies who are cystic fibrosis carriers ; Babies whose screening samples were collected before they were 24 hours old; Babies who are very sick with conditions other than cystic fibrosis; False-negative newborn screening results for this condition can This descriptive study examined parents’ reactions to newborn screening (NBS) results and their recommendations for improving communication. However, screening samples that are collected after a baby receives red blood cells from someone else (a red cell transfusion ) will be inaccurate. The majority were discovered during population surveys and are not associated with clinical manifestations. Feb 20, 2017 · If the screening detects one or more conditions, the result is "positive" or, more accurately, "out of range. To explore current communication practices for positive newborn screening results from the newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) laboratory to clinicians to highlight differences, understand how the pathways are implemented in practice, identify barriers and facilitators and make recommendations for future practice and research. Phone: (519) 685-8500 x56341 Screen Positive Results Toggle Section. use if a newborn screening result is abnormal. In other words, false positive results are when a baby screens positive for a disease, but follow-up testing shows that the baby does not actually have the disease. Earlier studies, using a subset of our study sample, demonstrated increased parental stress among parents of children with false-positive newborn screening results. Without quantitation those newborns with A and E hemoglobins The positive predictive values for many newborn screening tests is generally between 1% and 10%, so there may be 10–100 unaffected infants with false-positive results for every affected infant identified (Kwon & Farrell, 2000; National Newborn Screening & Genetics Resource Center, 2011). The results of the studies have also demonstrated that some factors including ear canal debris, ambient sound, myogenic interference, infant’s position, or activity may falsely influence the A recent study by Genetic Alliance and partners suggests that communication between health care providers and parents may be key in minimizing the potential harm when a false positive test occurs. Your baby may need the following tests after a sickle cell trait screening result: Blood tests; Genetic testing using a blood sample; False-positive newborn screening results for this condition are rare. S hare the specific [positive]* newborn screening result and associated condition(s The baby’s health care provider or a health care provider at a newborn screening regional treatment centre will discuss the results with the baby’s family. Review with Family A positive result does not mean your baby has CPT-I deficiency, but more testing is needed to Newborn Screening Program, 601 Robert St. This does not mean that the baby definitely has a medical condition. This is particularly important as additional disorders are added to expanded screening panels, yielding important clinical benefits for affected children but also a higher frequency An out-of-range screening result usually means that your baby has the condition and that your baby needs more follow-up testing. Each year, around 10,000 parents of babies born in England are given a positive NBS result indicating their child You will be contacted if your baby has a positive CMV newborn screening result. Because the IRT was elevated, your baby’s A high rate of false-positive result ranged from 2. There are more than 1,100 human hemoglobin variants. The most Oct 31, 2013 · Newborn screening includes testing for many metabolic diseases. The purpose of a screening test is to catch all babies that may have a condition. A positive newborn screening result does not mean your baby has CF, only it’s possible that they have CF and further testing through a sweat test is required. Educate family about signs, symptoms, and when to Dec 17, 2024 · What is newborn screening? Newborn screening identifies conditions that can affect a child's long-term health or survival. Sometimes, babies who have another condition called G6PD can screen positive for classic galactosemia, even though they do not have the condition. Sometimes false positive newborn screening Screen positive result. Diagnosing CF Early Is Important Newborn screening (NBS) for cystic fibrosis is done in the first few days after birth. Follow up testing is important to find out whether the baby truly has IVA. False-positive newborn screening results for this condition are rare. Interruption of TPN for 6 hours was significant in reducing NBS false positive results in neonat … False-positive newborn screening results for this condition may happen. A multidisciplinary team reviewed the literature and developed a new NBS collection protocol, which was implemented Interpretation of Newborn Hemoglobin Screening Results. A screen positive result means that the baby most likely has a type of SMA and more tests are needed to be sure. The purpose of this quality improvement (QI) project is to reduce false positive NBS results via a TPN Apr 27, 2012 · False-positive screening results have been associated with increased anxiety and stress in parents of infants who require follow-up testing, even after the infant's good health is confirmed. • Contact. However, IEF (the test used for screening) does not quantitate results. This FAQ one-pager explains the different newborn screening results and answers commonly asked questions about what to do after your baby is screened. Design A qualitative exploratory design was employed using False-negative result. aphl. Screening Program genetic counselor is available at (651) 201-3548. Babies identified at a young age through screening can be treated early to help prevent health problems. The risk of psychological harm due to false-positive screening results is a longstanding concern. A screen positive result means that more tests are needed to know whether a baby has galactosemia. May 1, 2023 · Newborn screening is a state-run healthcare initiative that encompasses the process of parental education, infant screening, appropriate follow-up, diagnostic testing, disease management, and continued evaluation. Baby’s First Test: www. Attention must be given to improved laboratory tests, use of more specific markers … Newborn screening (NBS) for inborn metabolic disorders is a highly successful public health program that by design is accompanied by false-positive results. The results from this study also reveal that parents found newborn screening to be a beneficial and necessary tool to prevent treatable diseases. The true impact of false-positive newborn screening tests is just beginning to be well described. Here we trained a Random Forest machine learning classifier on screening data to improve prediction of true and false positives. Positive Result: Blood Spot Screen Result Notification Next Steps Today, you should take the following recommended actions: • Consult . org/programs/newborn_screening/Pages/NBS%20Interference%20List. referral to a metabolic specialist for further diagnostic work-up. The co-designed interventions included standardised procedures, such as (i) condition-specific laboratory proformas for communication of positive NBS results from the NBS laboratories to clinicians based on those developed by the Department of Clinical Chemistry and Newborn Screening at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust; (ii False-positive newborn screening results for this condition are rare. 9, 10 Other authors have also found an association between false-positive newborn screen results and negative psychosocial effects. This screening can also pick up other conditions that affect the immune system. Design A qualitative exploratory design was employed Sep 1, 2006 · All newborn infants with positive screening results should be evaluated rapidly by an experienced physician for feeding difficulty, signs of sepsis, jaundice, and hepatomegaly. Here we trained a Random Forest machine learning classifier on screening data to improve It is normal for parents and guardians to feel worried when their baby has a screen positive result. Babies born early (premature) may have out-of-range results. not. A An out-of-range screening result does not mean that your baby definitely has the condition. Phone (800) 664-7772, Fax (651) 215-6285 *interpreters available. NBS Newborn bloodspot screening; TP true-positive; FP false-positive; IC inconclusive. 31, 32 We hypothesized that such psychosocial Save Babies Through Screening Foundation: www. If the student athlete is requesting their newborn screening results for their own purposes, the student athlete should work with their health care provider to obtain their newborn screening results. However, screening samples that are collected after a baby False-positive newborn screening results for this condition can happen. Abstract Objective. Dec 12, 2020 · Objective: To explore current communication practices for positive newborn screening results from the newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) laboratory to clinicians to highlight differences, understand how the pathways are implemented in practice, identify barriers and facilitators and make recommendations for future practice and research. It does not mean that a baby has PKU. The Newborn screening panel is now made up of more than 50 disorders. Three types of results are possible: In-range (also called negative, normal, or low risk) Out-of-range (also called positive, abnormal, or high risk) Borderline (also called inconclusive or medium risk) In-Range Screening Results A Positive result means that the screening result was abnormal and further testing is needed, often by the baby’s primary care doctor or a specialist. The results of your baby’s newborn blood spot screening become available five to seven days after birth. T1 was sent 5 weeks after the NBS result and T2 was sent 4 months after the NBS result. Contact information for the metabolic specialists can be found on the resource list provided. Until August 2018, 192 children went Genetic constellations like Hb Hope and HbS can lead to false positive screening results for SCD, which can then be excluded by a second-line method or by confirmatory testing . Moms can also have glutaric acidemia type I without knowing it. A ‘screen positive’ result does not mean that a baby has IVA. Newborn Screening Ontario 415 Smyth Road Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8M8 Toll-Free: 1-877-627-8330 Local: (613) 738-3222 The baby’s health care provider or a health care provider at a newborn screening regional treatment centre will discuss the results with the baby’s family. • Arrange. A result that is in-range, even though the newborn has the condition. Premature infants are known to have a higher rate of false positive newborn screening (NBS) results, with TPN as a contributing factor. org. The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics action sheets and algorithms can Oct 12, 2018 · A “positive” or “out-of-range" result means that the baby’s screening exam did show signs that the baby may be at higher risk of having one or more of the conditions included on the newborn screening panel. Screen Positive Results Toggle Section. These babies do not have and will never develop Pompe disease. Sep 23, 2020 · You have the right to see your baby's newborn screening results. If you have questions about the newborn screening . Similarly, communicating these results can be a complex multistep process for health professionals. It does not mean that a baby has CH. My Baby had a Positive CF Newborn Screening Test What is CF newborn screening? CF newborn screening tests help to find babies who might have cystic fibrosis. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of families who receive a false-positive newborn screening result in an attempt to discover ways to help improve the newborn screening communication process for families. In our study, when the screening procedures (first, if available second tier test and in low-risk disorders retesting on a second DBS) have been completed and a positive result has been found, the newborn is rescheduled for a “first visit” by a metabolic doctor at IRCCS Meyer Children’s Hospital with a phone call. Newborn Screening Process: Newborn Screening Communication: ACT SHEET FOR POSITIVE NEWBORN SCREENING RESULT (FAE) HEMOGLOBIN E TRAIT (Hb AE) Meaning of the Screening Result: Hemoglobin FAE pattern on newborn screen is highly suggestive of Hemoglobin E trait. An out-of-range screening result does not mean that your baby definitely has the condition. Newborn Screening Program, 601 Robert St. A screen positive result means that more tests are needed to know whether or not a baby has SCID. False-positive newborn screening results for this condition do happen. New technological developments have enabled the implementation of t … Objective: Our goal was to assess the impact on families of receiving abnormal newborn screening results. Additional testing is needed to find out if the newborn has that disorder. aspx What do Newborn Screening Results Mean? Key Points to Share: Newborn screening is used to find babies with a higher risk of having certain medical conditions. If your baby has a Mar 5, 2024 · Flowchart of the study. It does mean that your baby needs more follow-up testing. Carling , 2 Martin Lindner , 3 Leifur Franzson , 4 Rolf Zetterstrom , 5 Francois Boemer , 6 Roberto Cerone , 7 Francois Eyskens , 8 Laura Objective To explore current communication practices for positive newborn screening results from the newborn bloodspot screening (NBS) laboratory to clinicians to highlight differences, understand how the pathways are implemented in practice, identify barriers and facilitators and make recommendations for future practice and research. test”, Phenylketonuria ( PKU) was simply the first disorder on the newborn screening panel. Receiving an abnormal, positive, or out-of-range newborn screening result can be a challenging and stressful experience for parents. The expansion of national newborn screening (NBS) programmes has provided significant benefits in the diagnosis and early treatment of several rare, heritable conditions, preventing adverse health outcomes for most affected infants. Share the follow-up plan with them. Some situations can affect screening results for CAH: Screening samples were collected too early (before the baby is 24 hours old) Babies who were born early (premature), had a low birth weight, or were ill Earlier studies, using a subset of our study sample, demonstrated increased parental stress among parents of children with false-positive newborn screening results. New technological developments have enabled the implementation of testing panel covering over 50 disorders. IRT can be elevated for a number of reasons, including cystic fibrosis (CF). found that your baby has a high level of C26:0-lysophosphatidylcholine (C26:0-LPC). False-positive result. The purpose of newborn hemoglobinopathy screening is to detect sickle cell disease. possible that your child has changes to the cystic fibrosis gene that newborn screening did not find because we only test for the most common changes. Fatty acid. Detailed fact sheets on many disorders have been published in . Bonham , 1, * Rachel S. REV 06/2019 Minnesota Newborn . Parents first completed structured interview using likert scales, closed and open questions. babysfirsttest. Parents completed an interview that elicited information about demographic features, child and parental health, and Positive Result: Blood Spot Screen Result Notification What was found on the newborn screen? The newborn screen that was collected at birth found that your baby has a high IRT level. Babies with certain conditions must eat frequently (avoid fasting) to prevent symptoms. These babies do not have and will never develop Krabbe disease. It means that there is a chance that the baby may have IVA. Babies whose moms have this condition may have false-positive screening results for glutaric acidemia type I. The baby’s health care provider or a health care provider at a newborn screening regional treatment centre will discuss the results with the baby’s family. False-positive newborn screening results for this condition can happen. Paul, MN 55155 ACT SHEET FOR POSITIVE NEWBORN SCREENING RESULT (FAC) HEMOGLOBIN C TRAIT (Hb AC) Disease Category: Hemoglobinopathy Meaning of the Screening Result: Hemoglobin FAC pattern on newborn screen is highly suggestive of Hemoglobin C trait. A sweat test will be arranged as quickly as possible for the baby. Screening Program The California Newborn Screening (NBS) Program is a public health program that screens all babies for many serious but treatable genetic disorders. Your baby may need the following tests after an out-of-range screening result: Blood tests; Genetic testing using a blood sample Positive Result: Blood Spot Screen Result Notification Next Steps Today, you should take the following recommended actions: • Consult . The magnitude of false-positive results generated in newborn screening programs, particularly for congenital endocrinopathies, presents a great challenge for future improvement of this important public health program. An abnormal (positive or out-of-range) result does not mean that the baby has a condition. Consequently, the increment of false positive rate has Oct 13, 2021 · The objective of this research was to explore current communication practices for positive newborn bloodspot screening results for congenital hypothyroidism from the newborn bloodspot screening laboratory to clinicians and then families, in order to (i) understand how the pathway is implemented in practice, (ii) highlight regional differences Families who have had [positive]* newborn screening results have suggested that the following key points are important in helping families cope with the uncertainty of a [positive]* newborn screening result and understand the next steps needed to gain certainty. REV 12/2018 Minnesota Newborn Screening Program The implementation of a strict NBS collection protocol reduced false positive NBS results, which potentially can improve patient care by reducing unnecessary laboratory draws, pain, and parental anxiety. Babies who received carnitine can have false-positive screening results for glutaric acidemia type I. This means that many children with an out-of-range screening result are healthy. 31, 32 We hypothesized that such psychosocial A screen positive result means that more tests are needed to know whether or not a baby has CAH. What does this mean? High levels of C3 acylcarnitine can indicate that your child has a metabolic disorder. Newborn Screening program staff will call your baby’s doctor or clinic to inform them of the result. family to notify them of the newborn screening result and assess symptoms. Screening is important because babies with SMA can be healthier if they Sep 4, 2019 · Newborn blood spot (NBS) screening seeks to prevent ill health, disability and death through early diagnosis and effective intervention. Screening samples collected from babies who were born early (premature) or who are very sick (in the newborn intensive care unit, or NICU) for other reasons can have false-positive results. Feb 3, 2016 · Understanding the impact of false positive newborn screening results can help to inform newborn screening programs in designing support and education for families. following up on newborn screening results in the hands of the Practitioners caring for the babies. The purpose of this quality improvement (QI) project is to reduce false positive NBS results via a TPN interruption protocolMETHODS. A sweat test is a painless test that measures the amount of salt in a baby’s sweat. Going a long time without food. A screen positive result Newborn Screening Ontario 415 Smyth Road Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8M8 Toll-Free: 1-877-627-8330 Local: (613) 738-3222 Fax: (613) 738-0853 Purpose: Newborn screening leads to improved treatment and disease outcomes, but false-positive newborn screening results may cause distress for parents. Pediatrics. result or your next steps, an on-call Newborn . It does not mean that a baby has MSUD. The Newborn Screening Advisory Committee and the Newborn Screening Program Staff wish to support Practitioners as they care for babies and fulfill their responsibilities relating to newborn screening. Review with Family. N. LHSC Pediatric Hematology Clinic LHSC - Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario 800 Commissioners Road East London ON, N6C 2V5. Follow-up blood tests are important. " The child's health care provider or someone from the state health department will notify the parents, usually within 2 to 3 weeks, if the results are out of range. It means that the baby has a higher chance of having the disease and that more testing is needed to find out for sure. Positive Result: Blood Spot Screen Result Notification Next Steps This week, you should take the following recommended actions: • Consult . with a metabolic specialist. Most babies with positive newborn screening tests do not have CF. Feb 10, 2018 · Raising Awareness of False Positive Newborn Screening Results Arising from Pivalate-Containing Creams and Antibiotics in Europe When Screening for Isovaleric Acidaemia James R. For screen positive dried blood spot or biliary atresia results, NSO refers the infant to a regional treatment centre or specialist physician for follow-up diagnostic testing to determine if the infant truly has the disease. Your baby may need the following tests after an out-of-range screening result: Blood tests Positive Result: Blood Spot Screen Result Notification What was found on the newborn screen? The newborn screen that was collected at birth found . Newborn Screening Ontario 415 Smyth Road Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8M8 Toll-Free: 1-877-627-8330 Local: (613) 738-3222 Positive Result: Blood Spot Screen Result Notification Next Steps Today, you should take the following recommended actions: • Consult . Some situations can affect screening results for congenital hypothyroidism: Screening samples were collected too early (before the baby is 24 hours old) Babies who were born early (premature) or had a low birth weight; Babies who have very low levels of iodine Methods: Parents of 49 infants with false-positive screening results for metabolic disorders in the expanded newborn screening panel were compared with parents of 42 children with normal screening results. ” Pseudodeficiency means that a baby’s enzyme levels are low on the screening but are normal in their body.