Parenting style essay papers. Encyclopedia of Family Studies, 1-3.

Parenting style essay papers Under-involvement parenting styles are described as parenting that lacks warm and is avoided, or in other words the parents will overlook or avoid the disciplinary actions that come with parenting and focus on being the adolescents “casual” friend, this is also known as permissive or neglectful parenting (Story, 2011). Authoritative Parenting Is it better to be strict or be lenient? Being that they are both considered good parenting options, there are still negatives to both. 【 Parenting Styles Essays 】 you can use essays on Blablawriting. Read this amazing paper and feel free to have a look at another psychology essay samples at our website Feb 19, 2022 · My personal experience explained the reasons for my adult attitudes and made me think of the parenting style I would choose to raise decent children. Additionally, it is has been quite hard for the developmental psychologist to establish a clear connection between the cause and effect links between particular With the combination of demandingness and responsiveness, one can classify a parenting style. 1-2). Some parenting styles have more negative outcomes than others. Permissive parenting: How does this style impact a child's behavior and development? The significant total effects of parenting styles on the child’s behavioral problems confirmed this well-established relation. This paper explores the idea of gender-neutral parenting, exactly what it is, why it’s ineffective, and why it’s better to raise children in the traditional gendered way. As this parenting style did not emerge in the present study, we were not able to model its association with child outcomes. 1(888) 609 0032 1(877) 741 7256; Home The last parenting style is authoritative, which parents are more involved in their kids’ life and are more encouraging when it comes to expressing feelings and their opinions (Berks & Meyers, 2016, p. com These essays serve as exemplary models for students, offering insights into authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, and uninvolved parenting styles, among others. Parenting comes with love, care and of course discipline for the child. With this, I mean in what ways a child can grow to become if the child grows up Parenting Styles Paper 1018 Words | 5 Pages. The way a family is structured is called the parenting style. Mar 22, 2020 · Read Our Essays About Parenting Style and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. Cherry, K. Jan 30, 2024 · Writing about parenting can be a great way to reflect on our own experiences, share advice with others, and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Oct 7, 2024 · Practice writing your own essays on this topic and share them in the comments section below for feedback and discussion with fellow IELTS candidates. Examples of Different Parenting Styles Scenario 1 parenting styles and promoting guiding parenting is warranted. The authoritative style is generally considered the most effective, and the authoritarian one is generally considered the least effective; the permissive style is in between. A review of scales of perceived parenting By looking at the examples of Atticus Finch’s parenting style, it can be seen how he is a good, loving father to his children who teaches them the proper way in which they should go. Parenting Styles Parenting comes as a challenge to most people and is probably the most important job in the world. Baumrind has investigated parenting styles in a series of studies and found three primary categories of parenting styles identified as authoritative, authoritarian and permissive (Reeves), which later on are conceptually expanded by with “two linear constructs: responsiveness and demandingness” (qtd. IvyPanda® Free Essays Clear Jun 9, 2021 · The essay provides a solid foundation for analyzing Atticus Finch's parenting style; however, there are several areas for improvement. Child Childhood Family Good Parenting Parenting Styles The Importance Of Family Save Time On Research and Writing Hire a Pro to Write You a 100% Plagiarism-Free Paper. I would explain the importance of a good parenting style by referencing to the impact of the child, in both a positive and negative manner. The authoritative parenting style has had a positive impact on my life. Gendered Parenting Style: Main Idea of Gender and Parenting. Rajan, S. From the analysis, it has been identified that parenting styles are significant to the psycho-motor development. Jul 27, 2024 · Parenting style: The term “parenting style” focuses on how the parent acts and reacts to their child. Introduction Parenting style has a profound effect on child development. Parenting styles affect children in the areas of behavior, risk-taking, mental health, and. Authoritative parenting is a style of parenting in which parents have high expectations for their children's behavior but are also warm and There is a variety of various styles, but this paper will focus on the four most widely recognized: authoritative, authoritarian, indulging, and neglectful. Please ensure you properly reference the paper if you're using it to write your assignment. com as templates for your college papers 🥇 Find great essay examples and write the best papers on any topic Free essays on parenting styles are short written works that explore different approaches to raising children. Jun 28, 2024 · This essay is about the impact of different parenting styles on child development. Within this spectrum, psychologists have identified several distinct parenting styles, each with its own set of characteristics and effects on child development. Parenting Styles and Childhood Obesity Words: 686 Pages: 2 2165. Furthermore, different cultural and ethnic settings impact the kind of style applied by parents. Essays on parenting styles might explore the psychological and social effects of different parenting styles on children, the factors influencing parents’ choice of style, or the cultural variations in parenting styles and attitudes. The work of Diana Baumrind, which is considered to be one of the most influential and well-studied theories of parenting behavior, was the first to identify three styles of parenting (Sclafani 44). With this, I mean in what ways a child can grow to become if the child grows up Check out this FREE essay on Chinese Parenting Style ️ and use it to write your own unique paper. Jun 18, 2019 · An Authoritative parenting styles was associated with better outcome than authoritarian and neglectful/uninvolved parenting style in both Western countries and in India. e. In this style of parenting, children are expected to follow the strict rules established by the parents. 3). , & Muralidhar, D. All papers examples Paper Types. Thirdly, the neglectful parenting style has been associated with the poorest developmental outcomes in children (Baumrind 1991; Lamborn et al. Apr 28, 2016 · Researchers have studied parenting styles extensively. Each one is made up of its own characteristics. There are four parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful (uninvolved). We can custom-write anything as well! We use cookies to enhance our website for you. (2020). 393). These essays delve into the different theories and models of parenting, such as authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative styles, and discuss the benefits and disadvantages of each approach. This style provided a structured yet supportive environment, where boundaries were respected, but open communication was encouraged. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin's suite of essay help services. Each parenting style comes with its own set of potential benefits and drawbacks. These run the range from unsupportive and controlling parents to warm, democratic mothers and fathers who let their children lead the way. 1994). Sep 19, 2024 · Stuck with your parenting paper? Check our 100% free parenting essay, research paper examples. There are four primary types of parenting styles. 13) I found this parenting style to deliver just that as I observed the authoritative caregivers with their children. , a con-cern for the well-being of the child) and a paternalistic motive. Jan 11, 2024 · If you're looking for essay topic ideas on parenting styles, here are 117 examples to inspire your writing: Authoritative parenting: Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this parenting style. Children are shaped through the parental acts of motivation, interaction, and exchange throughout their childhoods. 2 days ago · Download 8-page research paper on "Parenting Styles" (2025) … to be a good parent is an issue with which all new parents struggle. My paper will also discuss how each parenting styles impacts our children, if it works and the style of parenting that’s most effective. It explores three primary styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. A parenting style is a psychological construct that is used in order to give a representation of what parents use while they rear their children (Krause & Dailey2009). Sternberg later developed neglectful or uninvolved parenting. The concept of parenting Jan 23, 2021 · Authoritative parenting is especially productive in the adolescent stage since it is positively correlated with adolescent school performance. Parents’ Overprotection and Adults’ Self-Identification Jun 9, 2024 · The permissive parenting style is the approach where parents are more loving and do not strive to take control but allow their children to be in charge of their behavior. Lastly, the paper concludes by giving parents skills to incorporate into the parenting styles they choose. View our collection of parenting style essays. The authoritarian parenting style is described as not being responsive yet having too many demands. Baumrind focused on communication and interaction between parents and child. Let’s examine three sample essays of varying quality to understand how to approach this question effectively. 1(888) 609 0032 1(877) 741 7256; Home A parent’s parenting styles are as diverse as the world we live in today. When parents are involved in good practical aspects that meet children's needs, it is called "good parenting" and does not need any perfection or alternative parenting style. Understanding these styles is not about Dec 28, 2020 · The role of parenting styles in child development has attracted attention for research among education enthusiasts. and child continually changes the pathway in which the child may take. A review of scales of perceived parenting Parenting Styles essay from our essays database at Essays Bank. Helicopter Parenting Style Essays. These styles of parenting are called authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. A parent’s parenting styles are as diverse as the world we live in today. Find inspiration for topics, titles, outlines, & craft impactful parenting style papers. 000 college essays for A+ grades Parenting styles play a critical role in the development of a child. As a parent, we have to be aware of the many styles of parenting that exist. In this essay, I would first start by introducing the essay and defining what parenting style encompasses. It has also discussed authoritative and attachment parenting as the most effective styles of parenting. Firstly, while the author effectively highlights key quotes from the novel, a deeper exploration of how these lessons directly influence Scout’s character development throughout the story would strengthen the Stuck on your essay? Browse essays about Parenting Styles and find inspiration. Parenting Styles Essay 776 Words | 2 Pages. For example, on the sitcom Modern Family, different parenting styles are evident. Essays on parenting could cover various parenting styles, the challenges faced by modern parents, the impact of parenting on child development, or the societal expectations placed on parents. These parenting skills share similarities, but they are far more different from each other than alike. Verywell Mind. The term, “parenting styles” refers to behaviours and strategies used by parents to control and socialise their children (Lightfoot, Cole & Cole, 2009). Currently, there are four major parenting styles: authoritative, neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian. Parenting style is one of the factors that are involved in the development of academic skills in children at special education school According to the findings in this research (Aguilar et al. Failure to follow such rules usually results in punishment. The authoritative style emphasizes a balance of high expectations and emotional support, often resulting in confident, independent children. Feb 19, 2022 · My personal experience explained the reasons for my adult attitudes and made me think of the parenting style I would choose to raise decent children. This is “lenient and strict parents essay” where will be a comparison of bith parenting styles. Encyclopedia of Family Studies, 1-3. Authoritarian parenting style; parents who have an authoritarian parenting style set strict rules for their children and rules are important for these parents. io ️ Parenting Styles, Essay Example from students accepted to Harvard, Stanford, and other elite schools. Over the years, there has been an increasing amount of gender-neutral parenting and parents trying to bring up Types of Papers; Essays On; How To Guides; Essay Topics Lists; Sample Essay On Why Parenting Styles Matter When Raising Children. Authoritarian and permissive styles are parenting approaches that are commonly used and that have varied effects on children because they approach the concepts of discipline, warmth, nurturance, and communication differently (Cherry par. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. I really admire this parenting style because it taught me a balance of discipline and love. I am going to look at the relationship that exists between parent styles and the behavior of adolescents. If parenting is "not good enough" to recognize a child's problem and it gets neglected, then an alternative parenting style is required. Sep 23, 2021 · A parenting style is a psychological concept based on regular strategies that parents use while raising their children. According to Berge and his colleagues (2009), the authoritative parenting style balances high levels of demandingnes with high levels of responsiveness. Television shows reveal different parenting styles. Using naturalistic observation, parental interviews and other research methods, she identified four important dimensions of parenting: The Four Parenting Styles Authoritarian Parenting. 1991; Mandara and Murray 2002; Shucksmith et al. These changes bring diverse Parenting Styles essay from our essays database at Essays Bank. In only 3 hours we’ll deliver a custom Parenting Styles Classification essay written 100% from scratch Learn more Authoritative Parenting The essay discovering various kinds of parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and their advantages and disadvantages. Parenting Styles My term paper will discuss the 4 Styles of Parenting, including; the styles of parenting that we as single parents and couple parents may identify with. In our model, parents are driven by a combination of Beckerian altruism (i. Even from the earliest days of their baby's life, new parents… The three main styles of parenting are authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting and permissive parenting. Jul 13, 2022 · Parenting styles and parent-adolescent relationships: The mediating roles of behavioral autonomy and parental authority. May 12, 2024 · This essay about the impact of various parenting styles—authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved—explores how each uniquely shapes a child’s development. (2019). I am grateful I was able to experience both in a well-structured manner by my mother. They also examine how parenting styles impact a child's behavior, socialization, and overall development. Admission Essay Apr 29, 2022 · Essay Example: Introduction The film "Matilda," released in the 1990s, is a children's movie that transcends its genre by addressing complex themes related to family dynamics and the impact of parenting styles on child development. There are four main types of parenting styles, authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive which was later split into permissive indulgent and permissive indifferent or neglectful (Starr, 2011, pp. These two styles, authoritarian and permissive, both have harmful results that are many times visible throughout several developmental stages, such as The aim of the review is to analyze the correlation between parenting styles and children’s prosocial behavior development. New York Essays - database with more than 65. The four types of parenting styles are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. The role of parental feeding practices in influencing children's dietary behaviors and subsequent adiposity has become an area of increasing interest within nutritional and public health research. More precisely, the authoritative parenting style had a positive influence in diminishing the parent’s perception on the child’s maladjustment, and the reverse for the authoritarian style. 1(888) 609 0032 1(877) 741 7256; Home In conclusion, this research paper has discussed the different parenting styles that are common today and how each style works. All of these styles are relatively common, varying depending on culture and individual differences. Parenting styles vary, and include authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and harmonious styles. Find inspiration and ideas Best topics Daily updates Jan 4, 2021 · There are so many parenting styles in our current society. 1995; Steinberg et al. There has been a number of parenting styles used by different parents on their children. The current essay reflects my own childhood experience regarding the parenting style my parents tend to follow. References. This includes expectations, beliefs and values surrounding how parents support and punish their children. Nov 24, 2024 · Looking for a good essay, research or speech topic on Parenting Styles? Check our list of 93 interesting Parenting Styles title ideas to write about! These essay examples and topics on Parenting Styles were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. Order now; Home › Helicopter Parenting Style . 1(888) 609 0032 1(877) 741 7256; Home Aug 12, 2021 · To advance our understanding of these prevailing patterns at home, this theoretical paper attempts to accumulate information about various parenting styles, impact of birth order in maintaining Feb 7, 2024 · This essay delves into the findings of longitudinal studies, which offer insights into the long-term effects of various parenting styles on children. These parenting styles yield diverse reactions from children when used. Oct 2, 2020 · There are four commonly identified parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. Sep 18, 2022 · Parenting varies widely across families, with cultural backgrounds having a significant role in shaping family dynamics and child-rearing practices. Authoritative parenting balances responsiveness and demands, fostering independence and self-discipline in children, leading to high self-esteem and strong social skills. Introduction Parenting styles are the strategies and the approaches that parents use when raising their offspring. Different cultural backgrounds may lead to varying approaches It is evident in recent researches that there are convincing links between parenting styles and the effects these styles have on children’s self-esteem. Authoritarian a. Feb 3, 2020 · Decreasing levels of empathy in young people are partly due to changes in parenting styles that came about in the 1980s. Jan 22, 2022 · The focus of my paper will be parenting styles and adolescent behavior. Despite the discovery of these parenting styles the right parenting style is the one that uplifts high classroom performance of a child. 4. Mar 1, 2024 · Essay Example: Parenting is an art form as diverse and complex as the children being raised. . (Marion, 2017, p. (2016). Estlein, R. Read our parenting style papers today! See full list on ivypanda. Browse more than 30 other categories of academic papers. Parenting Styles essay from our essays database at Essays Bank. These styles are authoritarian parenting style, authoritative parenting and neglecting-rejecting styles (Belsky, 2010). Here are 119 parenting essay topic ideas and examples to get you started: Dec 15, 2016 · parenting styles essay from our essays database at Essays Bank. This is the main aspect that this study is concern with because this study is trying to find out the impact of parenting style in terms of academic performance of senior nursing students of Saint Paul University Dumaguete in the School Year 2012-2013. Jun 30, 2022 · In addition, the ideal parenting style is a balanced parenting style, which provides the support children need to grow and develop optimally in all aspects of their development. Authoritarian parenting is a style of parenting in which parents have high expectations for their children's behavior and are very strict in enforcing rules. A balanced approach to parenting that combines positive aspects of each style can result in the most well-rounded and successful children. The behavior of parents towards children can fall into four categories or parenting styles. Each of these parenting styles can affect a child in some way. , & Suri, S. May 21, 2024 · This essay is about Diana Baumrind’s four parenting styles—authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved—and their effects on child development. 1(888) 609 0032 1 Attachment Theory and Parenting Style Influence on Children 1184 Words | 3 Pages. Harsh or uninvolved parenting methods can increase a child’s inclination to anxiety, depression, anger, and other behavior challenges. Parenting style in relation to mental health among female adolescents. , 2004; Jimenez, 2008); there are certain variables that are often strongly associated with specific parenting styles. II. From those studies, it was identified that Mar 16, 2021 · Another parenting practice portrayed in "The Glass Castle" is the neglectful parenting style, characterized by low authority (permissiveness) and low nurturance (indifference). This paper will further explain descriptions of these styles and Mar 25, 2022 · It is a well-known fact that parenting choices exert an enormous impact on the future life of children. Over the years, there has been an increasing amount of gender-neutral parenting and parents trying to bring up Oct 13, 2020 · The three parenting styles have both effective and ineffective techniques. There is no style that fits every child’s needs, and we should adapt our parenting style to our children and our own personality. Nov 22, 2019 · Despite having a common goal of ensuring that their child obtain desirable characters and habits, research studies have shown that parents apply three different of parenting styles. What kind of parent are you? Designed by Wes Mountain May 26, 2016 Feb 20, 2023 · Check out this awesome Essay On Modern Parenting Styles for writing techniques and actionable ideas. Knowing which would be the best form of style for you and your child growth and development. Need a perfect paper? Place your first order and save 5% with this code: SAVE5NOW. This paper aims to of the most influential approaches to this area is the study of what has been called “parenting style”. Some have both positive and negative outcomes. Oct 29, 2021 · This parenting style is equipped to help promote positive qualities in children, and is high in demandingness and high in responsiveness. There are multiple parenting styles that impact development, and more specifically, leadership development. , viewed January 30 2025, Psychological Insights into Parenting Styles essay from our essays database at Essays Bank. In fact, research shows that parenting styles can impact a child’s social, cognitive, and emotional growth. b. The story revolves around a precocious young girl named Matilda Parenting is one of the most challenging and difficult responsibilities a person can face. Different stages of child development demand for a style of parenting that is appropriate to that situation. Nov 24, 2024 · Relationships Between Parenting Style and Self-Reliance; Homeownership and Parenting Practices: Evidence From the Community Advantage Panel; Parenting Styles: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved; Parenting and Education During Early Childhood; Effective Parenting-Early Development, Various Parenting Styles and Discipline Mar 22, 2020 · Read Example Of Essay On Parenting Style and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. , Marriamma, P. Dec 5, 2019 · Read Example Of Research Paper On Parenting Styles and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. Dec 19, 2020 · Introduction. How a parent raises their child can affect the child later on in life. How the child is raised and the parenting style used is a significant influence on that development by affecting the relationship between parent and child. May 12, 2024 · This essay about the four primary parenting styles outlined by Diana Baumrind—authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved—examines how each style impacts child development. This paper will specifically seek to answer three questions: To what extent does the style of parenting affect or influence adolescent behavior? This paper, “The Uninvolved Parenting Style and Its Effect on the Psychological Development of a Child”, was written and voluntary submitted to our free essay database by a straight-A student. It highlights the balanced and effective nature of authoritative parenting, which fosters independence and resilience in children through a combination of These essays delve into the different theories and models of parenting, such as authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative styles, and discuss the benefits and disadvantages of each approach. Many studies have aimed to find a greater connection that shows the impact of each parenting style on the development of the child and how its influence in various aspects of life including self-confidence, self-esteem, academic achievement, and personality. To elaborate, there are four main styles of parenting: authoritarian, permissive, Jan 1, 2015 · Based on the two dimensions, Baumrind identified the parenting styles into three main types which are the authoritative, the authoritarian and the indulgent or permissive parenting style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non-verbal expressions that characterize the nature of parent-child relationships. There are several different theories and concepts about the best and perfect ways to raise a child. Essays. This style often leaves children feeling neglected and can lead to a lack of concern from the parents about their children’s well-being. Why parenting styles matter when raising children. EnglishArgumentative Essay The topic of which parenting style will result in a successful and stable child is debated. If you're looking for some inspiration for your next parenting essay, look no further. The These are authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parenting styles. There is also nothing wrong with mixing styles. Many parents choose ways to raise their children depending on their prevalence. Nowadays, parents only want what is best for their children and their parenting styles plays a crucial role in the development of children which will in the long run, not only effect the child’s childhood years, but later prolong into their adult life as well. According to the developmental psychologist, parenting differs on four significant dimensions, which classify parenting styles as authoritarian, permissive and authoritative. …show more content… Each of the parenting styles have certain effects on children with some being positive, while others being negative. We can custom-write anything as well! Ideal or appropriate parenting, regardless of the types of parenting styles, is determined by identifying if parenting practices can foster children’s well-being, including addressing the needs of both family and children in meaningful contexts and promoting smooth transition across daily living contexts (Darling and Steinberg, 2017). Parenting styles. For my future children, I will absolutely try using this style in raising them. , Navaneetham, J. Jan 29, 2024 · In conclusion, parenting styles have a significant impact on children's development. Of these styles, two are viewed on opposite ends of the parenting gamut. To have an essay on parenting styles written for you, opt in for terms paper for sale and get a custom made paper that suits your needs. Parenting style plays an important role in raising a child. Essays On Parenting Styles And Child Development. The major types of parenting styles include authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and uninvolved parenting. The first is authoritarian parenting, characterized by strict rules and a lack of emotional nurturing, demanding unquestioning obedience from the child. Salem Achour 42150030 Introduction to Psychology Parenting Styles Outline I. How Parenting Style Influences Children: A Review of Controlling, Guiding, and Permitting Parenting Styles on Children’s Behavior, Risk-Taking, Mental Health, and Academic Achievement We build a positive theory of parenting that accounts for broad changes in parenting styles in industrialized countries over time, and for variation in parenting styles across countries. Jahan, A. Regardless of the topic, subject or complexity, we can help you write any paper! Jul 17, 2018 · Choosing what parenting style, that you will practice to raise your children is one of the most important decision a parent can make. Parenting style can influence kids’ mental health in both positive and negative ways. An important aspect of parenting styles that I learned was that while parenting style has an impact on the behavior of the child, the child’s behavior also influences the parenting styles. Nov 2, 2024 · The influence of parenting styles on child development is a complex topic that requires careful consideration. Nov 16, 2024 · The outcome of any parenting approach is primarily determined by what parents feel and believe their children need from them. The four types of parenting styles are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and disengaged. Sample Essay 1 (Band 8) The debate over parenting styles and their impact on child development has long been a topic of Nov 15, 2024 · Reflective: The Effects of an Authoritative Parenting Style. For example, authoritarian parental styles are very oppressive, and children are taught not to question their parents (Williams-Washington, Melon & Blau, 2008). It contrasts the stringent, rule-driven authoritarian approach with the nurturing, communicative style of authoritative parenting, the overly lenient permissive style Psychology essay sample: This paper aims at analyzing Bowlby’s attachment theory and its application in childhood, adulthood, romantic life, and the choice of parenting styles. The authoritative parenting style characterized my upbringing, particularly through my mother’s influence. Baumrind’s theory of parenting is widely applicable in modern psychology. The influence of culture on parenting styles is another important factor to consider when discussing how technology affects parenting. in Sonnek 8). Due to the observation of the lack of prosocial behavior in some Classification Essay: Parenting Styles Parents and developmental psychologist are particularly concerned on how some parenting skills or rather styles impact the development of a child. An important aspect to consider when deciding if Atticus Finch is a smart and loving father to his children is to examine some examples from the book To Kill a Jul 1, 2019 · Parenting Styles. As well, parenting styles affect the cognitive development of the child. Through inductive analysis, we aim to identify patterns and trends that shed light on the influence of parenting on child behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(2187). Furthermore, each one of these parenting styles is associated with certain outcomes based on the behaviour of the child, the type of relationship that the child has with the parent and even the child’s self-esteem. Over the past several years, the demographic makeup of the United States has shifted, driven by immigration, socioeconomic changes, and the rise of single-parent households, all of which influence parenting styles. exsd qhddze umqka lcyk cmi jzuau csx rvbf aoufo uemf kspqcgb jzwuw bgulw nwpdk nxf