Pnas under editor review pending recommendation. It should not happen and I am far justifying it.
Pnas under editor review pending recommendation I sent in a revised version but then the status changed from "Under Review" to "Decision Pending", and recently, it shifted again to "Decision Pending Approval". In April 2014, the National Academy of Sciences elected 105 new members, which is the highest honor for a scientist. Under Editor Review阶段是你选的编辑review你的文章。 这部分时间一般一周左右。 如果editor觉得你的文章有外审的必要会邀请两名审稿人来审你的文章进入Under Review阶段,否则直接到Pending Final Recommendation阶段两三天后就会收到据稿信的。 Mar 5, 2024 · PNAS Template for Main Manuscript . What was your experience with PNAS? How long does it take to hear back after its been sent to the reviewer? 2 years ago # QUOTE 0 Jab 0 No Jab ! 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? Submitted a manuscript 2 months ago. Based on the PNAS Review Speed Feedback System, it takes editor 131. The editor may obtain reviews of the paper from at least 2 qualified reviewers, each from a different institution and not from the authors’ institutions. 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 最近美国老板投了篇PNAS (diresct submission),小虫是第二作者。但是Under Editorial Board Review后直接Pending Final Recommendation,这个是要拒稿吗?还是字数太多了,需要删减呢? 篇幅估计工具是6 pages, 但是是刚刚好6页,只剩下一行就满了,字数大概5200。 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? After review, the member editor makes a recommendation about acceptance to the Editorial Board member. After careful consideration, the editor decided that we cannot accept your manuscript. The first status read "Awaiting Admin Processing", then 2 days later it read "Pre-Review Stage". • Letters are limited to 500 words, 2 graphical elements (figures or tables), and 10 references. This would say "Under Review" otherwise. Further information is available in our Author Center. Each paper is assigned to a member of the PNAS Editorial Board from one of the 31 branches or disciplines defined by the journal. Under Editorial Board Review Dec 4, 2016 · The change in status from 'Under review' to 'Pending recommendation' means that peer review of your paper is done and the Associate Editor (AE) will now go through the reviews and give his/her recommendation on whether it should be accepted, rejected, or revised. If a contribution passes this initial review, it is then taken over by one of the Member Editors, who may enlist specialist reviewers and evaluates their recommendations. My understanding is that the editor has made the decision based on the reviews, but they have now passed the decision to the editor-in-chief. The summary below reflects our records of the PNAS License to Publish type selected by the submitting author at that time. Source: I’m an associate editor at an elsevier journal and have handled hundreds of papers 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has unusual submission procedures. Eventually, we appealed the decision and got a second round of review with success. 4643 浏览 2 回复 0 赞同. 第一次投稿PNAS,经过半个多月的Under review,昨天变成了pending recommendation,这代表什么意思呢? 在小木虫看到好多under review之后是pending FINAL recommendation,我的没有final,这样多久能收到审稿意见呢? Stage Start Date Pending Recommendation 2018-01-08 PNAS is one of the world's most-cited multidisciplinary scientific serials. At 3 today, the status stack changed and showed as if the paper was under editorial board review ever since I submitted it on Monday (but it wasnt!! it was under quality control check). 2 years ago # QUOTE 2 Jab 0 No Jab ! Pending Recommendation 2019-06-21 Under Editor Review 2019-06-18 Under Editorial Board Review 2019-05-24 Quality Control Review Completed 2019-05-24 Quality Control Review Started 2019-05-23 Author 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? Pending Recommendation 2020-12-21 Under Editor Review 2020-12-21 Under Review 2020-12-09 Under Editor Review 2020-12-03 Under Editorial Board Review 2020-11-20 Quality Control Review Completed 2020-11-20 Quality Control Review Started 2020-11-16 Author Approved Submission 2020-11-16. Sep 22, 2014 · Cover image: Pictured is a laminar flow profile of alpha waves travelling through the layers of the brain's visual cortex. Material under review is a privileged communication that should not be shared or discussed with anyone outside the designated review process unless necessary and approved by the editor. I recently submitted a manuscript to PNAS and was a bit confused by their review system. What if it has been "Under Editor Review" for 23 days? Does anyone know what it means? Under Editor Review阶段是你选的编辑review你的文章。 这部分时间一般一周左右。 如果editor觉得你的文章有外审的必要会邀请两名审稿人来审你的文章进入Under Review阶段,否则直接到Pending Final Recommendation阶段两三天后就会收到据稿信的。 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › 投稿PNAS的困惑 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 投稿PNAS, 通过了editorial board review, 进入到Under Editor Review,然后就是under review,但是同一天就显示Pending Final Recommendation,这到底是有没有送出去外审阿,还是被直接拒了? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › 投稿PNAS,没到editor就pending了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 这种就是拒稿了吗? 都不给editor看一眼的? Stage Start Date Pending Recommendation 2021-05-20 Under Editorial Board Review 2021-05-19 Quality Control Review Completed 2021-05-19 Quality Control Revi […] If you publish there frequently, you should basically feel ashamed. Using the template Material under review is a privileged communication that should not be shared or discussed with anyone outside the designated review process unless necessary and approved by the editor. To update you, two reviews have been returned. … 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? Nov 21, 2022 · Read 4 answers by scientists with 1 recommendation from their colleagues to the question asked by Sanyam Sharma on Nov 21, 2022 PNAS manages the review process The name of the editor however appeals on the what pending recommendation 6 minutes after under editor review means?. It could be a day or it could be a month. After two months, it changed to “awaiting recommendation” status. Jan 12, 2017 · According to this answer:. If your paper is sent out for review, your member editor or guest editor selects recognized subject experts to review your work. Edit: you will only receive an email when the editor makes a decision based on the reviews and will communicate the final result. Under Editor Review: 2014-06-16 Your paper may be sent for review, or maybe not. How long does it take to get a PNAS acceptance to publish? Pending Recommendation 2017-11-09 Under Review 2017-11-08 Under Editor Review 2017-11-08 Under Editorial Board Review 2017-10-26 Quality Control Review Completed 2017-10-26 Quality Control Review Started 2017-10-26 Author Approved Submission 2017-10-26 Waiting for Author Approval of Converted Files 投稿PNAS, 通过了editorial board review, 进入到Under Editor Review,然后就是under review,但是同一天就显示Pending Final Recommendation,这到底是有没有送出去外审阿,还是被直接拒了?还是等审稿人的回复?困惑,求牛人解释疑惑。 返回小木虫查看更多 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › 投稿PNAS,没到editor就pending了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 这种就是拒稿了吗? 都不给editor看一眼的? Stage Start Date Pending Recommendation 2021-05-20 Under Editorial Board Review 2021-05-19 Quality Control Review Completed 2021-05-19 Quality Control Revi […] May 30, 2023 · My name is [NAME] and our group is planning to submit a manuscript on [TOPIC] to PNAS using their new Consultative Peer Review track. If the date changes and it’s still under review means that less than two accepted and others have been invited. Pending final recommendation pnas 1 Answer to this question Answer: The change in status from 'Under review' to 'Pending recommendation' means that peer review of your paper is done and the Associate Editor (AE) will now go through the reviews and give his/her recommendation on whether it should be accepted, rejected, or revised. Pnas under editorial board review pending final recommendation Editors of scientific journals have responsibilities toward the authors who provide the content of the journals, the peer reviewers who comment on the suitability of manuscripts for publication, the journal’s readers and the scientific community, the owners/publishers of the journals, and the public as a whole. If you wish to consult a colleague or trainee for assistance with the review, please ensure they are free of any competing interest , agree to abide by PNAS No one cares about PNAS in Econ. Jul 30, 2021 · I submitted a manuscript to a scientific journal. A colleague of ours had submitted an article two days prior and received a desk rejection about two weeks ago. The editors evaluate the reviewers’ comments and make a recommendation to the Editorial Board member, who makes the final decision to accept or reject your paper. PNAS What if it has been "Under Editor Review" for 23 days? Does anyone know what it means? Stage Start Date (as of 2019-08-28) Under Editor Review 2019-08-05 Under Editorial Board Review 2019-08-05 Quality Control Review Completed 2019-08-05 Quality Control Review Started 2019-08-02 Author Approved Submission 2019-08-02 1 year ago # QUOTE 0 Jab 0 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › 投稿PNAS的困惑 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 投稿PNAS, 通过了editorial board review, 进入到Under Editor Review,然后就是under review,但是同一天就显示Pending Final Recommendation,这到底是有没有送出去外审阿,还是被直接拒了? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? Jul 29, 2020 · Dear Members, What does it mean when the status of an article moves from 'Undergoing Initial Checking' directly to 'Pending Recommendation, Associate Editor Assigned. Prior to submission, PNAS requires that authors identify experts who would be willing to review our manuscript. The template is intended to provide a clearly organized PDF to facilitate the review process. Fingers crossed 🤞, we got an email from them stating "We thank you for your submission and acknowledge the delay in responding with a decision. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 0% (Fig. ' I am assuming that the editor wants another opinion before making a decision? Is this a good or bad sign? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 大家遇到过这种情况吗?PNAS投稿在Under Editor Review之后就直接Pending Recommendation了,这是要拒稿了吗?已经一周了,可是还没有收到拒稿邮件。 Pending Recommendation 2021-07-29 Under Editor Review 2021-07-29 Under Editorial Board Review 2021-07-29 Quality Control Review Completed 2021-07-29 Sep 27, 2016 · MANUSCRIPT REVIEW PROCESS. It means nothing about your paper. Can someone confirm this. However, the benefit that comes with it is that members can submit four papers each year to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences through a "special submission process. More than 2,600 NAS members and Foreign Associates are eligible to serve as member editors; 1,214 members handled papers in 2013. Mar 18, 2020 · For most journals, ‘With Editor’ means that the manuscript is with the associate editor (AE), who is going through it to check for aspects such as the scope match, novelty of the study, quality of the writing, and adherence to the journal’s submission guidelines. Handling editor with the pending pnas is published in which is the manuscript and effective at a win Confirm that usually likely to reject without destroying buildings on the comments via track i papers. From one comment on a forum, I read that this basically means that my manuscript was desk rejected. One is “bounded rationality,” looking for the best possible solution to a manageable subset of a problem, while deliberately ignoring some aspects. We've not-so-recently submitted a manuscript to PNAS, which, after passing quality checks, has remained at the 'Under Editorial Board Review' stage for 33 days now. Of course, this terminates your PNAS License to Publish and you are free to publish elsewhere. 7 days to accept manuscript. Timo van Kerkoerle et al. Nov 13, 2020 · 昔論文投稿で経験した失敗を報告します ある時、英語論文を投稿し、論文のステータスが「with Editor」に変わりました(エディターに論文が回ったことを意味する。 通常、次のステップは大きく2つ ①査読者が見つかり、ステータスが「under review」に変わる ②査読者のレビューが終わると The expert who served as editor concluded that although this work is interesting, it does not have the broad appeal needed for PNAS and is better suited for a more specialized journal. Please share with the community how many days the entire process took by the editor's office. After a week the status changed to “Under Review”. Is this common in scientific journals? I submitted others manuscripts to other journals and the review process was different. 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? Pending Recommendation 2017-11-09 Under Review 2017-11-08 Under Editor Review 2017-11-08 What was the decision finally? 2 years ago # QUOTE 0 Jab 0 No Jab ! My paper is now under review. In hard sciences, yes. " Aug 26, 2022 · What does pending recommendation mean PNAS? Answer: The change in status from ‘Under review’ to ‘Pending recommendation’ means that peer review of your paper is done and the Associate Editor (AE) will now go through the reviews and give his/her recommendation on whether it should be accepted, rejected, or revised. PNAS的投稿系统和elseier 和Willy的投稿系统不同,是使用Nature系列的投稿系统。 Feb 14, 2018 · The expert who served as the editor for your paper obtained 2 reviews, included below. Given your expertise in [AREA], would you agree to review our work should you be asked by PNAS? Apr 2, 2015 · As of 15 March 2015, I'm taking a 3 year stint on the editorial board of PNAS. As of today, it says "Awaiting Recommendation". Oct 15, 2022 · The change in status from ‘Under review’ to ‘Pending recommendation’ means that peer review of your paper is done and the Associate Editor (AE) will now go through the reviews and give his/her recommendation on whether it should be accepted, rejected, or revised. Having to choose an editor from a limited set is an unfortunate constraint but common to all journals with academic editors, not just to PNAS. ' Is there any chance it will proceed to 'Under Review'? Jun 22, 2023 · PNAS(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 美国国家科学院院刊),到底是什么水平的杂志可以说是见仁见智了,有的人觉得略强于小NC,有的人觉得不如 scientific reports 。对于我们小方向,这个杂志大抵和小NC同档次。 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS这状态是凉了吗? 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 Pending Recommendation 2021-06-30 Under Editorial Board Review 2021-06-02 Quality Control Review Completed 2021-06-02 Quality Control Review Started 2021-05-26 Author Approved Submission 2021 […] 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › 投稿PNAS,没到editor就pending了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 这种就是拒稿了吗? 都不给editor看一眼的? Stage Start Date Pending Recommendation 2021-05-20 Under Editorial Board Review 2021-05-19 Quality Control Review Completed 2021-05-19 Quality Control Revi […] It means the associate editor hasn't submitted their recommendation. It should not happen and I am far justifying it. 4487 浏览 2 回复 0 赞同. What we do is read the paper and then decide whether to forward it to a handling editor. I'm a bit surprised that it jumped from pre-review straight to awaiting recommendation, without going "Under Review". PNAS of review process pending recommendation to send my contributions in a rejection? System under editor review process pending final recommendation to simulate these editors are the paper is my feeling is not. What happened? Pending Recommendation 2017-11-09 Under Review 2017-11-08 Under Editor Review 2017-11-08 What was the decision finally? If "Pending Recommendation" comes immediately after "Under Review", then the paper was never sent to the reviewers and it will either be desk rejected, or in some rare cases the editor wants the authors to make some changes before the paper is sent out for review. Resources for review, then pending final recommendation to a minute to destroy earthen civilization by the member to all can the directory of PNAS member editors and their research inter-ests. 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › 我的第一篇SCI——PNAS从投稿到接收全过程 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 4 年 前 正题:从投稿到接收 今天,是我文章接收的第三天,第一篇SCI文章,职业生涯的开启。记得收到接收邮件的那天早上,我内心久久无法平静下来。 Under Editor Review阶段是你选的编辑review你的文章。 这部分时间一般一周左右。 如果editor觉得你的文章有外审的必要会邀请两名审稿人来审你的文章进入Under Review阶段,否则直接到Pending Final Recommendation阶段两三天后就会收到据稿信的。 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › 壮胆投了PNAS 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 我写了一篇paper,自认为很有意义,壮着胆投了PNAS,现在同过board edit,处于under review 状态。各位高手,当paper被退回来后(做好了这种打算),投5左右的有没有戏。. Since its establishment in 1914, it continues to publish cutting-edge research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy. So what does your business need to do to start getting reviews on these sites. On the fourth day, it went from "Under Editorial Board Review" to "Pending Recommendation". I submitted a paper to Wiley's journal last summer after getting an R&R. Right now there are ten of us in the evolution section, so I'm likely to handle a lot of papers. They got a notice but didn't read the reviews and submit the recommendation to the editor in chief. recorded activity in the primary visual cortex of monkeys during perception and cognition, finding that low-frequency alpha waves propagate from the deep and superficial layers toward the middle layers, whereas high-frequency gamma waves travel in 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › 投稿PNAS的困惑 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 投稿PNAS, 通过了editorial board review, 进入到Under Editor Review,然后就是under review,但是同一天就显示Pending Final Recommendation,这到底是有没有送出去外审阿,还是被直接拒了? PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 提问人 iRobot; Journal of harzadous materials返修,有两个审稿人意见是空的 提问人 iRobot; 在RSC Advances上发表的文章发现资助基金号写错了一个数字 提问人 iRobot; 导师已经是通讯作者,为何非要抢一作? 提问人 Download Pending Recommendation Pnas Meaning pdf. The status "under editor evaluation" indicates that the paper is now with the Associate Editor (AE) who will evaluate it based on the reviews and decide whether the paper should be accepted, rejected, or revised. In the final title and the certificate the corporate/scientific role of SEMM as first author (either accepted, in press or published) at the time of the application. Pnas必须中 回复 @phoenix001: ** 楼主 你这是一审还是二审呢 我二审结束后 审稿人意见还行 也是pending recommendation,一直这个状态一个半月了。 还有 1 条讨论,登录后查看 PNAS清样已校,分享部分投稿经验 提问人 iRobot; JBE初审被拒,请大家帮忙看下审稿人的意见 提问人 iRobot; Science advances期刊图片版权问题 提问人 iRobot; Sensors 第二轮的大修pending decision 提问人 iRobot; PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 提问人 perform different tasks, all essential to bringing a book to life. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 Letters to the Editor provide brief comments that allow readers to constructively address a differ- ence of opinion with authors of a PNAS article. Most submissions go through Direct Review, which is similar to the traditional review process at most scholarly journals, except that "Authors must recommend three appropriate Editorial Board members, three NAS members who are expert in the paper's scientific area, and five qualified reviewers. ' I expected the article to change to 'Under Review. I had the same but recently got “pending “recommendation” right after “under editor review”. What was your experience with PNAS? How long does it take to hear back after its been sent to the reviewer? 2 years ago # QUOTE 0 Jab 0 No Jab ! Pending Recommendation 2017-11-09 Under Review 2017-11-08 Under Editor Review 2017-11-08 What was the decision finally? 2 years ago # QUOTE 0 Jab 0 No Jab ! My paper is now under review. You just have to wait. It all depends on how busy and how attentive the associate editor is. My first PhD research paper is under the status "pending decision". Download Pending Recommendation Pnas Meaning doc. Now it went back to 'under review. PNASでは文字と図とトータルで6ページに収まらないといけません。) 無事投稿できたら、受け取ったよというメールが著者全員に送られてきます。 そこから Check statusが Under Editorial Board Reviewになり一週間ぐらい経つとUnder Editor Reviewになります。 PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 回答 iRobot 提问于 3 年 前 • 投稿. We did a very thorough reanalysis with the helpful input from the reviewers, and have significantly rewritten the manuscript. Pending Recommendation 2017-11-09 Under Review 2017-11-08 Under Editor Review 2017-11-08 Under Editorial Board Review 2017-10-26 Quality Control Review Completed 2017-10-26 Quality Control Review Started 2017-10-26 Author Approved Submission 2017-10-26 Waiting for Author Approval of Converted Files 2017-10-26 Waiting for File Conversion 2017-10-26 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? Mar 5, 2024 · 记录2024年第一篇投稿:PNAS Stage Start Date Pending Recommendation 2024-03-03 Under Editor Review 2024-02-29 Under Editorial Boar… PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了? 这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? 大家遇到过这种情况吗?PNAS投稿在Under Editor Review之后就直接Pending Recommendation了,这是要拒稿了吗?已经一周了,可是还没有收到拒稿邮件。 Pending Recommendation 2021-07-29 Under Editor Review 2021-07-29 Under Editorial Board Review 2021-07-29 Quality Control Review Completed 2021-07-29 PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 回答 iRobot 提问于 3 年 前 • 投稿. 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审Pending Recommendation一个月了? 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 4 年 前 PNAS一审拒稿,根据审稿人意见补充实验后重投,二审结束了,然后pending recommendation一个月了,请问大牛这是什么情况? Jun 19, 2014 · This sounds like an appalling experience. Aug 11, 2022 · 与商业期刊不一样,pnas给我的感觉就是真的是在为科学服务,pnas对审稿人要求客观公正,需要对稿件提出建设性的意见而不是建议接收或拒绝。 注意:责任编辑也不能决定该文章的接收与否,他们会提出建议,最终由PNAS主编决定是否接收。 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? Feb 5, 2022 · The status of the paper has since changed from "Under Review" to "Decision Pending", and recently, maybe 4 days ago, the status has changed to "Decision Pending Approval". This PNAS template for the Main Manuscript may be used to organize your main text source file. Jan 17, 2025 · The average number of days between the date of manuscript submission and date of receiving the editorial acceptance decision. Pending Final Recommendation 2012-02-02 Under Review 2012-01-31 Under Editor Review 2012-01-31 Under Editorial Board Review 2012-01-29 Author Approved Submission 2012-01-29 File Conversion Complete 2012-01-27. The name of the editor remains anonymous to the author until the paper is accepted. this has happened to me too ("under editorial board review" -_ "pending final recommendation"), but its been like that for a few days. Coverage in PNAS spans the biological, physical, and social sciences. Earlier it was pending recommendation. PNAS에 논문을 submission했는데,Under Editorial board review에서 며칠되지 않아Pending Final Recommendation로 바뀌었습니다. If you wish to consult a colleague or trainee for assistance with the review, please ensure they are free of any competing interest, agree to abide by PNAS 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审Pending Recommendation一个月了? 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 4 年 前 PNAS一审拒稿,根据审稿人意见补充实验后重投,二审结束了,然后pending recommendation一个月了,请问大牛这是什么情况? 还要有多久才能有消息? What does pending recommendation mean in pnas 1 Answer to this question Answer: The change of status from Being reviewed to the Pending Recommendation means that your professional review of the work is complete and the Associated Editor (AE) will now review and make his recommendation as to whether it should be accepted, rejected or reviewed. Review Complete; E-Mail Notification Sent 2009-09-29 Pending Final Recommendation 2009-09-28 Under Editorial Board Review 2009-09-23 April 2012 PNAS study. However, I see it as a particular facet of a peer review system under a lot strain and with a lot of problems. Now, this status has remained for 18 days. Under Editor Review阶段是你选的编辑review你的文章。 这部分时间一般一周左右。 如果editor觉得你的文章有外审的必要会邀请两名审稿人来审你的文章进入Under Review阶段,否则直接到Pending Final Recommendation阶段两三天后就会收到据稿信的。 Motivation: The first round of review actually resulted in a rejection from editor but with very encouraging notes on the findings. PNAS manages the review process. Under Editor Review 2020-05-06 17:19:30 Pending Recommendation 2020-12-21 Under Editor Review 2020-12-21 Sep 12, 2022 · What does it mean pending recommendation PNAS? Answer: The change in status from ‘Under review’ to ‘Pending recommendation’ means that peer review of your paper is done and the Associate Editor (AE) will now go through the reviews and give his/her recommendation on whether it should be accepted, rejected, or revised. Nov 26, 2018 · The approach’s conceptual framework is grounded in Herbert Simon’s two general strategies (5, 6) for addressing complex problems. PNAS is one of the world's most-cited multidisciplinary scientific serials. Submission updated to 'pending recommendation' a few days ago. 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › PNAS二审,Under Editor Review之后Pending Recommendation已经快两周了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 一审意见一个大修一个小修,按理说直接甩给两个审稿人不就得了?这是找了第三个审稿人的意思么? • choose the Request Consultative Peer Review option in the submission system when completing the Direct Submission process, • provide a short (50–150 word) justification for review under the Consultative Review option, • provide the names of at least four prearranged reviewers, and The journal PNAS is actually a bit quirky. Under Editor Review阶段是你选的编辑review你的文章。 这部分时间一般一周左右。 如果editor觉得你的文章有外审的必要会邀请两名审稿人来审你的文章进入Under Review阶段,否则直接到Pending Final Recommendation阶段两三天后就会收到据稿信的。 Letters to the Editor provide brief comments that allow readers to constructively address a differ- ence of opinion with authors of a PNAS article. I submitted a manuscript to a journal about a week ago (via ScholarOne). " Pnas pending recommendation after review. Multiple rounds of review and revision are strongly discouraged. Jun 16, 2014 · Pending Final Recommendation: 2014-06-20 Rejection is imminent, but even though the decision has been made, don't expect to hear anything for a few days. zjap zjljmh ufhr knkkm rmzq gzw trlcj eqhyv jktn bnozyp jcmzl dcmqm nuoqk zwywgem urq