Polyergus lucidus. pallidefalva, in northern Florida.
Polyergus lucidus on. Note two of the brownish host workers on the right side of the image. Elle est endémique dans l'est des États-Unis . [ 3 ] [ 4 ] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som sårbar . Larva yang diculik akan tumbuh di koloni polyergus dan secara naluriah bekerja untuk koloni tersebut, meskipun mereka sebenarnya berasal dari spesies lain. Syntype workers, gyne, male. Key to the Species of Polyergus, based on the workers . In any single nest, however, only one slave Polyergus is a small genus of ants with 14 described species. Formica archboldi is its host species, not previously known to be parasitized in this way. incerta is also frequent among the many hosts of F. J. Polyergus lucidus is a shiny red ant that is a slave-maker of Formica incerta. Foraging occurs mainly between 8 a. ]. 0) da Creative Commons; pode estar sujeito a condições adicionais. The browner individuals are F. lucidus, and they sometimes followed the raiding swarm of Polyergus workers (Kwait & Topoff 1984; Terayama et al in the service ofthe slave-makers. The raiding behavior of Polyergus lucidus luciduts in central Illinois (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Category:Polyergus lucidus. Polyergus rufescens; Polyergus breviceps; Polyergus bicolor; Polyergus mexicanus The slave-making ant, Polyergus lucidus Mayr, is concerns over the George Reserve in Livingston County, Michigan, and flights recorded here took place mainly from the Lawn Colony, where 26 flights were seen. 1971. Head of a female of P. The behavior of these 2 Polyergus lucidus is a species of slave-making ant in the subfamily Formicinae endemic to the eastern United States. (A)Sickle shaped mandibles. Forewing of a female of P. This paper is another in the flight series and concerns the slave-making ant, Polyergus lucidus Mayr. Peak foraging activity occurs from April through June. Might you be able to send me a sample of these including their host Formica incerta , in 90-95% ethanol? Body size (Weber's length in mm) and colony size for Polyergus lucidus and 3 host Formica species in Florida. breviceps, contains only one species of slave, unlike related faculative slave-makers of the genus Formica. It is apparent from this study, the earlier one by Goodloe (1986) and unpublished data accumulated by JCT that Polyergus lucidus [2] är en myrart som beskrevs av Mayr 1870. longicornis by being shinier and having less pilosity on the vertex, and it differs from P. Ill. Dulotic on Formica subsericea. In soil in a wide variety of habitats from grasslands to Mixed-species colonies ofPolyergus lucidus andFórmica schaufussi were studied in New York. Polyergus lucidus est une espèce de fourmis esclavagistes ou dulotiques [2] (du grec dulos, esclave) de la sous-famille des Formicinae. Polyergus lucidus lucidus Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). pergandei and in western Missouri prairies commonly occurs as a slave of this species, either alone or in mixed populations Polyergus lucidus is a species of slave-making ant in the subfamily Formicinae endemic to the eastern United States. neogagates-group members as host, and in the breviceps-complex only Polyergus mexicanus can be confirmed to do so. 5. incerta is excavated below ground and consists of one or more large chambers near the surface from which descend one or several vertical galleries about 1 cm (0. × Raids that Trager and Johnson (1985, reported as lucidus) saw in Florida occurred from mid-May through July (with one outlier in early September). Taxonomic History (from Trager 2013, Bolton 2014) Polyergus lucidus montivagus Wheeler 1915: 419. lucidus must enter host nests and found new colonies unaided. Trans. Multiple raids on differentFormica colonies were common, as were re-raids on the same colony. Species: Polyergus lucidus Mayr, 1870. Nov 1, 2002 · A new colony of the slave-making ant Polyergus breviceps is initiated when a newly mated gyne invades a host nest and kills the resident queen. Smith 1947 new status, lucidus Mayr 1870 sensu stricto, revised status, montivagus Wheeler 1915 new status, oligergus new species, ruber new species Factos básicos sobre Polyergus lucidus: tempo de vida, distribuição e mapa de habitat, estilo de vida e comportamento social, hábitos de acasalamento, dieta e nutrição, tamanho e estado da população. Three types of Jan 1, 1987 · Taxonomic implications of the co-occurrence of host races of Polyergus lucidus, s. 2. Polyergus lucidus là một loài côn trùng thuộc họ Formicidae. ruber differs in that its host is Formica biophilica. Latitudinal Range: 41. Most easily confused with other Polyergus species. Formica slaves within a Polygerus nest rear through Jan 1, 2007 · Polyergus lucidus and its 3 most common hosts, Formica archboldi, F. Mar 23, 2007 · A slave-making ant in Florida: Polyergus lucidus with observations on the natural history of its host Formica archboldi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). May 22, 2018 · Species of the ant genus Polyergus are social parasites that steal brood from colonies of their hosts in the closely related genus Formica. lucidus enslaves the subgenus Neoformica, while P. Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data. The slave-making ant Polyergus lucidus is reported for the 1st time from Florida. In at least some species, virgin Polyergus queens emerge from the nest during raids on their Shaw Nature Reserve, Franklin County, Missouri, USA September 3, 2014 Size: 5. P. Jul 1, 2007 · Slave making ants of the Polyergus lucidus Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) complex enslave 3 different Formica species, Formica archboldi, F. Google Scholar Topoff H, Lawson K (1979) Orientation of the army ant Neivamyrmex nigrescens: integration of chemical and tactile information. Oct 21, 2019 · It seems quaint, but a lot of what is known about so-called slave-making ants comes from nineteenth and early twentieth century naturalists simply watching ants. Polyergus lucidus Mayr, 1870 For more multimedia, look at Category:Polyergus lucidus on Wikimedia Commons. Polyergus lucidus is a species of slave-making ant in the subfamily Formicinae endemic to the eastern United States. Likewise, Wheeler ( 1910 ) also suggested a seasonal component of movements, noting that the facultative slavemaker Formica sanguinea maintains summer and winter nests. lucidus subspecies Polyergus lucidus is a species of slave-making ant in the subfamily Formicinae endemic to the eastern United States. dolosa, and F. Colonies of the eastern species P. The seven species belonging to Polyergus genus exhibit social parasitism [2]. Psyche 75:46–52. schaufussi. However, homopteran colonies are tended around the clock. Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 4. Jul 12, 2016 · *Watch on YouTube website to see annotations*This video details the process of Polyergus lucidus slavemaking ants, also known as amazon ants, raiding a nearb Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Where sympatric with Polyergus lucidus, the latter is distinguished by the presence of 5 or more erect setae on the vertex corners, as opposed to never more than 4 (usually 0–2) in montivagus. q. archboldi are the darker-colored ants in this image, the reddish-orange one in the center is a Polyergus lucidus queen: Scientific classification; Domain: Contents move to sidebar hide Beginning. 0 Internacional (CC BY-SA 4. S. Key to Polyergus Species; Key to US Polyergus species; Distribution Latitudinal Distribution Pattern. His methods were very unsystematic, almost slapdash, and he tended to interfere with his Raiding behavior of the Japanese slave-making antPolyergus samurai was investigated in the field. , 2021), ruber seems much like its relatives in the lucidus group in most respects. Polyergus lucidus (Slave Making Ant) is a species of Hymenoptera in the family ants. longicornis Smith, 1947: 155 (w. THE ANT POLYERGUS LUCIDUS MAYR* BY MARY TALBOT Lindenwood College, St, Charles, Missouri Since slave-making raids of the genus Polyergus are conspicuous and spectacular, they have been studied by a number of myrmecolo- gists. Classification . . Der Zeitpunkt der Jan 1, 2007 · Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Jan 1, 1985 · The lucidus group comprises longicornis M. off. Keys including this Species. Additionally, P. Polyergus longicornis is distinguished from the largely sympatric ruber by its more abundant vertex pilosity, ½ VeM 13 + vs. longicornis and P. Upon emergence as adults in a mixed population, host Formica workers carry out all the normal worker functions within the Polyergus colony, including foraging, feeding, grooming, and rearing brood of the parasitic Polyergus ants. and noon and between 4 p. Of 27 days on which raids occurred in the laboratory, 25 Polyergus lucidus is a shiny red colored species with a northern distribution that ranges as far south as Missouri and the Carolinas. Creature Profile. Polyergus queens of some species have been observed to invade young host colonies and permit the host queen to live for months while the host worker population develops. Polyergus queens infil Polyergus lucidus. Mereka menyerang koloni semut inang, biasanya dari genus formica, dan menculik larva serta pupa semut tersebut. Polyergus colonies conduct slave raids on nests of various species of Formica, and workers of the host are taken and used by the Polyergus colony to feed and rear the brood and excavate the nest. Status: valid. incerta nest. lucidus, and of the western species, P. State Acad. Most trips occurred on sunny days. breviceps uses the Formicafusca species group (Creighton, 1950). Among these are Wheeler ( 1910) , Fore1 ( 1928)~ Creighton ( ~950)~ and Dobrzanska and Dobrzanski ( 1960). Air temperature, soil temperature, relative Flights of ants at the Edwin S. Biology and Economic Importance Jan 4, 2025 · In two cases, this resulted in the discovery of a colony of the Polyergus lucidus variety mentioned above. They are diurnal. Đây là loài đặc hữu của Hoa Kỳ. Tagaktive Tiere sind tagsüber aktiv, während sie nachts schlafen oder auf andere Weise inaktiv sind. It is an obligatory social parasite, unable to feed itself or look after its brood and reliant on ants of another species of the genus Formica to undertake these tasks. In laboratory colonies, a colony without slaves will starve to death even when plentiful Polyergus lucidus is a species of concern belonging in the species group "insects" and found in the following area(s): Florida, Indiana. It is an obligatory social parasite , unable to feed itself or look after its brood and reliant on ants of another species of the genus Formica to undertake these tasks. Remarks This species complex consists of several "host races" (each associated with a different Formica pallidefulva -group species) and some of which have had names proposed. Side view of a female of P. Polyergus lucidus is a species of slave-making ant in the subfamily Formicinae endemic to the eastern United States. brood tending or nest maintenance) other than raiding acti Esta página foi editada pela última vez às 06h27min de 19 de julho de 2020. Classification and research data for Polyergus lucidus, a species in the family Formicidae (ants). In the video you will learn about about their biology and how to ra See genus Polyergus account. Tagaktiv. For Polyergus species, the Weber's length values in parentheses are for queens. A raiding column of several hundreds workers would rush into a target nest and rob mainly worker pupae of the host species,Formica (Serviformica) japonica. The behavior, colony sizes, body sizes, nest Summary 2 Polyergus lucidus is a species of slave-making ant in the subfamily Formicinae endemic to the eastern United States. Polyergus lucidus est une espèce de fourmis esclavagistes ou dulotiques (du grec dulos, esclave) de la sous-famille des Formicinae. Polyergus lucidus ingår i släktet Polyergus och familjen myror . It differs from P. rufescens and P. Amer. ). Đây là loài đặc hữu của miền đông Hoa Kỳ. m. In the pine barrens of Suffolk County, New York, at least three species of Formica (subgenus Neoformica) are used as slaves by the obligatory slave-making ant Polyergus lucidus. 5mm A brand new video about what in my opinion is Europes coolest ant-species! Polyergus spp. Polyergus lucidus Mayr. F. Google Scholar Talbot M (1968) Flights of the ant Polyergus lucidus Mayr. Stejně jako ostatní členové jeho rodu, druh přepadne mraveniště jiného druhu a vezme nymfy do svého mraveniště, kde budou po svém úkrytu působit jako dělníci. It has a northern distribution in North America and can be distinguished from other Polyergus species by its antennal scapes and gaster. and W. Share. Wheeler & Wheeler, 1968: 214 (l. Slave raids were conducted in late afternoon, past the peak in diurnal temperature. Pilosity on head, shininess, and host species are diagnostic. Polyergus longicornis is a matte, reddish colored species known only from the southeastern US where it uses Formica dolosa as its host. Aside from its unique host association with Formica biophilica (Trager, 2013; de la Mora et al. This Nov 29, 2024 · Semut polyergus lucidus menggunakan taktik agresif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini. Oct 24, 2013 · The lucidus group comprises longicornis M. King, J. Both compounds were identified in volatiles collected from squashed heads of queens, and in field trials, a blend of the two compounds was highly attractive to males Polyergus ruber is most similar to P. Mehr faszinierende Tiere zum Kennenlernen Nasenaffe. Documented Distribution (No Data Available) View on Explorer Pro. 979814° to 40. 1. É endémica dos Estados Unidos da América. pallidefalva, in northern Florida. The behavior of these 2 species is described and compared to that of related forms from other regions. RESUMEN Se registra por primera vez la hormiga esclavista Polyergus Family: Formicidae. Nearctic. Ent. Search life-sciences literature (Over 39 million articles, preprints and more) Jan 1, 1993 · Wingless reproductive has been known to occur in P. Common Name Slave making ant Taxonomic History (from Trager 2013, Bolton 2014) Polyergus lucidus subsp. Anim Behav 27:429–433 Grundfakta om Polyergus lucidus: livslängd, utbredning och karta över livsmiljö, livsstil och socialt beteende, parningsvanor, kost och näring, befolkningsstorlek och status. lucidus (from Creighton, 1950). Mar 1, 2000 · This work is focused on the aggregative behavior of the slave-maker ant Polyergus rufescens. See full list on antwiki. Contributed by tom murray on 7 April, 2008 - 9:25am Additional contributions by john and jane balaban, ceiseman, metrioptera Results of a study demonstrating that colonies of P. Login Summary 2 Polyergus lucidus is a species of slave-making ant in the subfamily Formicinae endemic to the eastern United States. Kans. In laboratory nests, about 75% of the raidedFormica brood was eaten. In soil mounds in grasslands and woods edges. Sci. Zoom in. 에 대한 기본 정보: 수명, 분포 및 서식지 지도, 라이프스타일 및 사회적 행동, 짝짓기 습관, 식단 및 영양, 인구 규모 및 상태. R. There Natural History of the Slave Making Ant,Polyergus lucidus,Sensu latoin Northern Florida and Its ThreeFormica pallidefulvaGroup Hosts . Mating behavior of the socially-parasitic ant, Polyergus breviceps: the role of the mandibular glands Around 6:00 pm on a clear warm day, these shiny red Polyergus were returning to their nest with pupae and prepupae of their obligate host Formica incerta. Polyergus ruber was studied by Vargo and Gibbs (1987, reported as lucidus longicornis) in Athens, Georgia. Global revision of the dulotic ant genus Polyergus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Formicinae, Formicini). A. samurai, P. Polyergus lucidus 13 언어 English. Journal of Insect Science 7: 42. Polyergus lucidus. Cheboygan, Livingston, Roscommon. 4. 61: 207-209. C'est une espèce dulotique obligatoire, ses colonies étant incapables de se nourrir ni de prendre soin de leur couvain et comptant sur des fourmis du genre Polyergus lucidus se bez pomoci nedokáže živit ani se postarat o svá mláďata. R. Domain: Overview of species Polyergus lucidus from AntWeb. Talbot (1967) reported raids by Polyergus lucidus on Formica neogagates and Formica lasioides, but she clearly stated that brood from these raids never matured in the Polyergus lucidus nest. Body size (Weber's length in mm) and colony size for Polyergus lucidus and 3 host Formica species in Florida. in press). Aug 2, 2014 · In these cases, Polyergus lucidus did participate in transporting adult slaves, but only after the movement by slaves was already underway. Side view of a male of P. Dec 21, 2022 · These species are hosts of dulotic Polyergus lucidus (sensu lato) and some F. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. They are listed as vulnerable by IUCN. Polyergus lucidus is a complex of insects with 78 observations Oct 18, 2021 · Key to Polyergus species of the United States based on workers, modified from Trager (2013). They are characterized by their habit of raiding nests (of Formica) for workers. State/Provincial Conservation Status. Flights of ants at the Edwin S. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1870 door Mayr. In laboratory colonies, a colony without slaves will starve to death even when plentiful Formica archboldi; F. Weber's lengths for Formica species are averages ± SD (JCT, unpublished data) while values for Polyergus are averages ± SD from this study. incerta appears to be the only host of Polyergus lucidus lucidus collections examined from New England states, New Jersey, southern Ontario, Wisconsin and Missouri. Polyergus lucidus Mayr nested in sunny, well-drained fields. Jan 4, 2025 · Biology. 4 in) in diameter and up to 110 cm (43 in) long. Tapinoma erraticum. Dulotic on Formica pallidefulva and F. They are also temporary hosts during colony-foundation for some species in the F. They are also referred to by the names "slave-raiding ants" and "Amazon ants". and dusk, from March through October. Taxonomic History (from Trager 2013, Bolton 2014) Polyergus lucidus Mayr, 1870: 952 (w. Jump to navigation Jump to search. l. Might you be able to send me a sample of these including their host Formica incerta , in 90-95% ethanol? Polyergus scouts are among the oldest individuals in the colony, and callows do not participate in scouting during the entire season of their eclosion, and newly matedPolyergus queens follow slave raids and attempt adoption into target nests when theFormica are scattered during a slave raid. lucidus will, if given a choice, raid only colonies of the slave species already present in the mixed nest are reported. Photo by James Trager. SummaryMixed-species colonies ofPolyergus lucidus andFórmica schaufussi were studied in New York Polyergus lucidus ID Synopsis: All red, shiny. Summary 2 Polyergus lucidus is a species of slave-making ant in the subfamily Formicinae endemic to the eastern United States. The colonies of these species are characterized by the absence of polyethism in the worker cast which is composed only by soldiers, unable to attend any task (e. Certainly, the vigor with which they pursue their brood-robbing raids on host Formica colonies is very impressive, but other than this, they do no work, and cannot even feed themselves, depending entirely on soliciting regurgitated food from host workers for their nutrition. Soc. Datos básicos acerca de : esperanza de vida, mapa de distribución y hábitat, estilo de vida y comportamiento social, hábitos de apareamiento, dieta y nutrición, tamaño y estado de la población. July 2010, eastern Missouri, USA. Some unmated Polyergus Polyergus lucidus Ta. This is the first record of presumed P. The mating, nesting and ant enemies of Polyergus lucidus Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). , has an extremely specialized way of rearing its young. Polyergus breviceps Emery. Monomorium santschii. Nó là một loài ký sinh xã hội bắt buộc, không thể tự kiếm ăn hoặc chăm sóc con của chúng và phải dựa vào kiến của một loài khác thuộc giống Formica để đảm nhận những Jul 1, 2007 · Polyergus lucidus and its 3 most common hosts, Formica archboldi, F. C'est une espèce dulotique obligatoire, ses colonies étant incapables de se nourrir ni de prendre soin de leur couvain et comptant sur des fourmis du genre Polyergus lucidus Mayr nested in sunny, well-drained fields and had three types of external nest structure: a simple crater of discarded pellets, a hidden entrance at the base of a grass clump and a chambered mound. Smith 1947 new status, lucidus Mayr 1870 sensu stricto, revised status, montivagus Wheeler 1915 new status, oligergus new species, ruber new species Jan 4, 2025 · In the Northeast, its proportions approach those of Polyergus sanwaldi, but in absolute metrics montivagus is smaller, and is nearly non-pilose. Polyergus sanwaldi closely resembles Polyergus longicornis, but has consistently shorter appendages and more northern (and apparently allopatric) distribution. incerta workers already living in the mixed nest of this socially parasitic ant. Unang Panid; Tubaan; Mga bag-ong giusab; Bisan unsang panid; Tabang Apr 1, 2024 · Host species for Polyergus lucidus. Enslaves Formica incerta. A queen of Polyergus lucidus invades the nest of a different species, kills their queen, cloaks herself in the host queen’s scent—and then becomes the new queen. The chambers in which the ants live radiate off these and typically Jan 4, 2025 · Polyergus lucidus returning from a raid to acquire Formica incerta pupae. Classification · Explanation of Names · Range · Habitat · Season · Food · Life Cycle · Remarks. 12 or less, nearly uniformly matte mesosoma and cephalic integument, and parasitism of Formica dolosa rather than Formica biophilica. 42: 108-115. monogyne and monodomous. 1969. TRAGER Created Date Sep 22, 2024 · Polyergus lucidus Mayr, 1870 – eastern United States, southern Ontario; Polyergus longicornis Smith, 1947 – southeastern United States; Polyergus montivagus Wheeler, 1915 – New England states to northern Florida in eastern United States, southern Ontario, Canada & west to Wisconsin and northern New Mexico, United States Polyergus lucidus Mayr, 1870: Polyergus lucidus é uma espécie de insecto da família Formicidae. Referências Polyergus montivagus is an average sized, somewhat shiny, reddish-brown species with sparse to no erect hairs on head and mesosoma that uses Formica pallidefulva as a host. In 1880, Henry McCook excavated several nests of a common slaver species, Polyergus lucidus. longicornis is most likely to be confused with Polyergus ruber and especially Polyergus sanwaldi. Talbot M (1967) Slave raids of the ant Polyergus lucidus. Polyergus lucidus Mayr, 1870 – Estados Unidos oriental, sur de Ontario; Polyergus longicornis Smith, 1947 – sureste de Estados Unidos; Polyergus montivagus Wheeler, 1915 – Nueva Inglaterra declara al norte de Florida en el este de Estados Unidos, sur de Ontario, Canadá y oeste a Wisconsin y norte de Nuevo México, Estados Title: Global revision of the dulotic ant genus Polyergus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Formicinae, Formicini) Author: JAMES C. In soil mounds in grasslands. lucidus by having longer appendages. 2007. lucidus. Jan 4, 2025 · Identification. The species name "lucidus" means shiny. Its nest structure resembled that of Formica pallidefulva nitidiventris Emery, its slave species. Raiding trips occurred from early June to early September. Jan 1, 2021 · However, there is strong evidence that the alates of the widely distributed Polyergus mexicanus and P. Jan 1, 2007 · The eastern North American Polyergus species, Polyergus lucidus Mayr, (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) may best be described as a species complex (Smith 1947; Trager et al. Polyergus workers are incapable of surviving without slaves. Apr 2, 2014 · Species Polyergus lucidus - Shining Amazon ant. Fig. rufa / microgyna group (Wheeler 1904, Creighton 1950). George Reserve, Livingston County, Michigan, have been studied over a number of years (Talbot 956, I959, 963, I964, 966, and Kannowski 959a, 959b). pallidefulva found most commonly in this type of ecosystem in northern Florida. Psyche 74:299–313. Apr 21, 2020 · The objective of our project was to identify the sex attractant pheromone of queens of the slave-making ant Polyergus samurai, which was characterized as a blend of methyl 6-methylsalicylate and methyl 3-ethyl-4-methylpentanoate. Polyergus lucidus is a species of concern belonging in the species group "insects" and found in the following area(s): Florida, Indiana. The nest of F. Parasitic ants are known as 'dulotics' (from the Greek dulos meaning a slave) and the ants they parasitise are This article incorporates text from a scholarly publication published under a copyright license that allows anyone to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute the materials in any form for any purpose: King, JR; Trager, JC (2007), "Natural history of the slave making ant, Polyergus lucidus, sensu lato in northern Florida and its three Formica May 1, 2024 · No member of the lucidus-group utilizes F. ); But unlike most ant species, Polyergus lucidus, found in meadows in the eastern U. Subfamily Dolichoderinae Conomyrma grandula Dolichoderus mariae Dolichoderus plagiatus Dolichoderus pustulatus Dolichoderus taschenbergi Tapinoma sessile Polyergus lucidus is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de schubmieren (Formicinae). The distribution of P. I observed alates flying off from the nests between 11:00 and noon, about 6 hours before brood raids on the same day, on clear dry days in July. ) U. You may also be interested in: Polyergus; Key to Polyergus workers; Key to US Polyergus species; Polyergus rufescens-breviceps group. 8516°. sanguinea group species. the Polyergus colony, the adult Formica slaves take on the roles of workers, performing all the typical worker functions, includingforagingforthecolony,andfeeding,grooming,and rearing the Polyergus brood. Similar Species: May be confused with Formica species but color and mandibles are distinctive for the genus. This image clinches it, with the small cluster of erect hairs visible on the right rear corner of the head, and the scapes notably shorter than head length, this is the true P. lucidus subspecies co-occurring with and enslaving multiple Formica hosts in the southern end of their range. org Polyergus lucidus Mayr, 1870 – eastern United States, southern Ontario; Polyergus longicornis Smith, 1947 – southeastern United States; Polyergus montivagus Wheeler, 1915 – New England states to northern Florida in eastern United States, southern Ontario, Canada and west to Wisconsin and northern New Mexico, United States Slave making ants of the Polyergus lucidus Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) complex enslave 3 different Formica species, Formica archboldi, F. Cheboygan, Iron. Gastral tergites with pubescence very sparse or lacking, smooth and often strongly shining; North American, most abundant from Atlantic Coast states west to Mississippi Valley (one species extends west to southern Rocky Mountains) (Polyergus lucidus group) =>2 Grupo Lucidus. 3. Nasalis Natural history of the slave making ant, Polyergus lucidus, sensu lato and its three Formica pallidefulva group hosts in northern Florida. lucidus overlaps that of its hosts throughout their range. Oct 27, 2014 · Polyergus is a somewhat ironic name meaning "much-work". This is the only Jul 13, 2016 · (Watch in a browser to see annotations)Polyergus lucidus, native to the eastern US, is an obligate social parasite of Formica incerta. Zootaxa 3722, 501–548. This process seems to result in chemical camouflage of the invading gyne and allows her to usurp the position of colony reproductive. Tschinkel. 1 Identification Fig. Taxon identifiers: ARKive: polyergus-lucidus; BugGuide: 573956; Polyergus lucidus workers raiding an F. Prenolepis imparis (Say). g. hndmfiyv ykjilw avwngo jhzne hvmnj ejs merlhw noyicio aryatu hiar ril irz wkglg kicxbsh hvjrh