Safari click event not working. It's strange that Firefox and IE work with the click event.
Safari click event not working 6 7 Window. . 3. Ideas? On Chrome both event works perfectly. Better use onchange on <select> instead. path[1]. the part of the block where content does not exist, the background). jQuery . addEventListener('click', function(event) { alert("Where's my click?!"); I now have wrapped my app with a <div onclick="void(0);"></div> and that works. November 11, 2017 by Andreas Wik. Sep 1, 2016 · alert - which is expected, as on mount I have registered the click event onClick in the Hello component. – Aug 13, 2015 · Touching the red outline will not trigger a touch event on the body element, but the click event seems to fire when tapped anywhere within the grey -webkit-tap-highlight-color region which expands outside the anchor itself. Safari onClick event to focus() not working in React. But, there is a way around this lack of support. touchstart event is not triggered. If i touch (scrolling stops) and slide the finger, touchmove events does not trigger also. But on Safari and all iOS browsers, the click event in step 2 isn't working. Jul 1, 2016 · Touchstart click event is not working for iPhone / iPade. Jun 6, 2014 · My general click event listener didn't work because of this in iOS Safari: window. May 25, 2020 · It started off not working then started working again. createElement('a'); link. 3 iOS Safari: 'click' event not triggerd when there is an event-listener on 'mousemove' safari click Oct 4, 2016 · Below is my setup for automation on Safari Browser for an internal web Application. The (click) events that are inside the radio buttons are not working, the event is not fired. Simply remove all the inline events and migrate event handling implementations to addEventListener. It works good on iPad's Safari, but when I use touch events on the same page then the click event stops working; only the touch event works there on the iPad. I've tried setting via CSS the pointer-events property to none, and that sometimes helps but not always. log(e); }); Dec 16, 2018 · It works perfectly in chrome and firefox (desktop and mobile) On Safari (IOs) however the (click) event is not fired at all. I’ve done some reading and the consensus seemed to be this was a known bug, but by adding cursor: ‘pointer’ the issue should be resolved, however this hasn Jul 8, 2022 · I’ve encountered an issue with a button that works properly in a browser on a computer / Android, but does not work in iOS or the Safari browser on Mac. Jun 11, 2012 · I am using a click event on a page link. log(e); }); It works if I attach click event like this: $('button'). I read that I Jul 19, 2023 · In Chrome and Mozzila browsers it's working perfectly, but in Safari browser for IOS, the PopUp is only appearing if you click on the link with the id some_ID. click(); }); The . Mar 1, 2017 · But it's not working. Safari on iOS 9 does not trigger click event on hidden input file. That DOM object only has DOM methods (not jQuery methods) and there is no industry standard . Jun 8, 2023 · Yes, I saw that . month'). Please advice me the solution. In react class component, when opening the menu I trigger click events listener on the window. You switched accounts on another tab or window. onclick = onLinkClick; Touch event: Nov 9, 2023 · In the attachment you can find the OML. click(); and The reason javascript is not working on the iPhone in Safari is because iPhones have the option to turn off Javascript. click() does not fire in Safari. HTML > Jun 12, 2023 · My solution was the following: I changed the whole table structure to use divs instead. 0 Am able to launch my application Apr 23, 2015 · In Safari click event not fired on button with svg element. Press F12 and check events Jul 28, 2017 · Opera, latest version on windows (using right-click and touch) Firefox, latest version on windows (using right-click and touch) Safari, on macOS Sierra, (using right-click) All of the above work as expected. 0. Apr 11, 2017 · I am loading content using ajax from external HTML Files. ready but this does not work at all with Safari, just nothing happens but it works fine with Chrome, Firefox, and IE. Feb 25, 2014 · Add two mutually exclusive events that don't fire on both touch / desktop e. – Brandon Lebedev Commented Jun 23, 2011 at 18:15 Nov 20, 2014 · Here the CheckSearchTextBox() is a javascript function and the btnMainSearch_Click is the event which is handling the code behind part of the button. click event not firing in Chrome on iOS). 2. What's actually causing the button's OnClick event to not work following the OnClientClick event function is that MS has defined it where, once the button is disabled (in the function called by the OnClientClick event), the button "honors" this by not trying to complete the button's activity by calling the OnClick event's defined method. I utilized the following Tailwind classes: table; table-row Sep 14, 2010 · $(document). As said, in the Chrome browser the event works, but in Safari it doesn't. onclick event is not firing in Google Chrome. Try instead to add the click handler on a button element instead of li element. Dont know why after loading content, click event is not working in safari (mobile safari as well) on any of the newly loaded elements (ul, li, images etc). JavaScript OnClick not working on iOS. Click event doesnt work in safari mobile for some HTML content. jQuery click on iframe video (youtube) 0. preventDefault(); I used onclick="javascript: return false;" for now this solution works working example below tedted on ios/chrome/win Oct 25, 2011 · Seems click events will be registered on ios for items with cursor:pointer; an <a> tag by default will trigger that click event. Jan 5, 2018 · so I guess not everything "click" the element will fire :active, on safari, finger or mouse pointed on element does not count, unless: By default, Safari on iOS does not use the :active state unless there is a touchstart event handler on the relevant element or on the element. jquery safari. click" event not executed. 3, Safari with default settings. js (which is included for the plugin to work): $('#drop a'). open then it does work in all 3 browsers. e. Dec 27, 2012 · I'm making a web app and I want to click on an element and handle the click in one long click event handler. The function must be inside the to Jan 12, 2011 · The alert() works in all browsers, so there seems to be something preventing the window. I was testing a website on my iPad, and my jQuery click events did not work. I tried adding onclic Jul 8, 2012 · I have different JavaScript function associated with each option tag to toggle layers on/off in an OpenLayers map. On click events are not working on iPad but working on desktop and mobile. 7. Can anyone tell me why addEventListener behavior in Safari is not the same as in other browsers? Sep 16, 2020 · After getting answers from a different source, Safari doesent support regular expressions so they must be removed, also jQuery was used instead of JavaScript as the click event. ngClick binds to the native click event, so if a native event handler works, so should ngClick. I have not really touched this button either! So confused - hopefully someone can help. If you put window. At least on iOS 11. Click Event on SVG path not Oct 10, 2017 · Tapping the SVG icon propagates a "click" event to the <label>, which results in a "click" on the actual checkbox element. Jun 5, 2012 · I think you can't attach an onclick on <option>. 12. open in a function and call the function with onclick, Safari will not open a new tab. Event listener 'click' not working on iOS I have a simple function that is called by an event listener on 'click'. May 13, 2019 · Click event not working after page scroll in safari with reactjs. selenium-safari-driver-2. on('click', '. it's working fine anywhere except on Iphone Safari Jun 7, 2013 · Why your click events don't work on Mobile Safari After ensuring that your newly created website works great on all desktop browsers, you put in the effort to make the site responsive. The #preloader element doesn't fade in before the new Jan 28, 2021 · Some articles suggests using type="button" on the button instead of type="submit". Oct 17, 2012 · $('. The code is working fine in all the browsers except safari. Jun 18, 2013 · onClick event not working on tablet,ipad? it is perfectly working on Pc browser but not working for touch events , i tried . click handler gets executed at all. 1 Aug 17, 2015 · I am using Safari version 8. Nov 7, 2018 · Then, when you click on a link, the #preloader element fades in while the browser loads the next page. Aug 7, 2019 · I found a lot of other questions on here that lead to clicks on other elements not working in iOS Safari, blog/js-click-event-bubbling-on-ios but not having Nov 23, 2011 · This works as intended, however when the user is on an iPhone and uses the "Next" button built into Mobile Safari's "form assistant", the change event (using jQuery) doesn't appear to fire and the 2nd select does not update. querySelector("#GL-Surface"). Autoplay of YouTube using iframe not working in android So I have a click event registered for Save Btn calling a function which is also called when blur event's related Target is the Save button to compensate for the click event not firing. on() and many thing but they are not giving 100% result. location = $(this). You can see I have a onChange event as well, attached to the inputs - It triggers the same function. Oct 27, 2016 · onClick event is not working in Safari but its working fine in IE/FF/Chrome/Opera browser. 36. Apr 21, 2019 · click event not working on mobile when opening from safari on iphone . $('. binding(),. 0 iOS Safari: 'click' event not triggerd when there is an event-listener on 'mousemove' 1 Jul 11, 2011 · That provides a work-a-round for the Safari bug, but it still doesn't address why using "option" as a jquery selector doesn't work in Safari. 48. My mobile-menu is supposed to wrap or unwrap based on the click on "hamburger" icon. How do I use jQuery for click event in iPhone web application. It suppose to do. The inline onclick events are going to cause issues in your Web App. open is nested too far away from the click event, then it doesn't work in Safari Jul 21, 2020 · As you have mentioned on your previous comment, you are testing this on Safari. click(function(){ // Simulate a click on the file input button // to show the file browser dialog $(this). Without connecting to Mac machine, it is difficult to debug. Javascript onClick() function is not working for Firefox OS Mobile App. parent(). open from executing in Safari/Chrome. After adding to the playSound function to detect. Whereas other divs or elements that need click events on ios but don't have cursor:pointer won't fire. It's just sporadically does not work. Reload to refresh your session. 2) You'll see a checkbox at the bottom of the Preferences window called Show Develop menu in menu bar. on('click',. The problem happens on the Contact page within the ContactFooter web block. Why is that? In my most recent project, I've encountered two different causes for this. g. I have another (click) in a button later and it works fine. Jan 7, 2021 · 1) In Safari, navigate to Preferences (Safari > Preferences) and choose the tab called Advanced. addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e) { e. I found my problem. If I reload the page, or come back to the page, it will then work. 1 onClick won't fire, chrome/safari. JQuery Click event is not working in Firefox and Safari Browsers. I solved it by adding below code in the body CSS. Console reports no javascript errors. Sep 4, 2017 · The following is an excerpt from Apple's own document describing how Safari on iOS uses touch inputs to emulate mouse events:events arrive in this order: mouseover, mousemove, mousedown, mouseup, and click. I would like to know why this is happening and how to solve it in a better way. I just ran into a really weird problem, appearing only in the Mobile Safari browser. Make onclick work on iphone. But I see you use a list element click handler. Viewed 2k times 2 . To do so I am trying to check if the any click event fired on HTML body and check if it was on not the 'div element'. The change event does get triggered in Safari as well. The weird thing is this only happens when the web app is running on standalone mode (home screen shortcut). Is this a well-known issue and can it differ for the type of browser? Sep 18, 2020 · Does anyone know how to modify this code so it can work on all platforms? it works on windows and chrome but not on iPhone/Desktop or any Safari browser I attached a link to Stack Overflow below. On Safari onclick event works without any problem, but onblur event doesn't get triggered. click() works on every browser but Safari. Aug 18, 2010 · within my $(document). Or you could use touchstart, which is not exactly correct from usability point of view (but neither is click Nov 11, 2017 · Dynamic jQuery Click Events Not Working In Mobile Safari. Click event: link. In a certain page this button click event btnMainSearch_Click is not fired. Click event not working in Safaridriver on Catalina OS where the same working on Firefox and chrome Hot Network Questions Can a nuke be safely destroyed mid-flight without triggering its explosion? I've looked at In JavaScript can I make a "click" event fire programmatically for a file input element?, calling click event of input doesn't work in Safari, Unable to click input type="file" in windows safari browser, Programmatically trigger "select file" dialog box, and all the others I can find already. onchange for photos taken directly with the camera (i. The following works fine in Safari on my Mac but not in iOS: < Aug 28, 2014 · onClick won't fire, chrome/safari. It seems that the onClick event is not fired. This works well in Chrome on the desktop and on Android mobile, but does not on iOS. Problem: Oct 25, 2014 · Click event in safari on input type file will work if it is not hidden and click() is called out of user interaction (e. click() will call event handlers that you've bound but not cause the default click behaviour. document. Make onclick work on iphone Feb 14, 2017 · I am creating a web application where I made a clickable card. Not sure if that'll work. Jan 1, 2012 · Span onclick not working in webkit (safari mobile) Related. shell a')[0] gets a DOM object out of the jQuery object. But for normal constructions this indeed does the trick. I have setup a snippet here for better understanding. It simply makes Apr 28, 2011 · OnClick event not working in google chrome and safari. href="h Dec 20, 2013 · The OP has a more complicated construction, so this answer might not be the solution for him. click() method: $('#mylink')[0]. Event delegation will work if the target of the event is a link or an input field. Nov 9, 2023 · I have set a OnClick event on a container, which triggers a client action. Jul 4, 2021 · randomRestaurant() cues a function with a switch case, but clicking the button in Safari always defaults to case 0 before not responding to clicks anymore. live("click") event not working on ios safari and even onclick='' isnt It's Apple's take on web security. click event does not fire on IOS safari - JavaScript only. Aug 11, 2020 · Yes this seems to be the behavior in iOS and Safari. To sum up, the following code works across all browsers: I've tested it on Safari and Chrome. preventDefault(); }); Note that the options that appear on right click do appear only when the right click button is released, so I don't think mousedown is at all suitable here. Dec 17, 2014 · I have the same issue, where I need to double click to get any click event to fire. Oct 9, 2019 · Click action is not performed in the Safaridriver on OS Catalina Safari v13. jQuery click event not working in mobile Firefox. I use the onclick event, which should trigger the OnClick_FormDropdown action. 3 Can't Set Focus in Safari Jul 13, 2011 · The below code works fine on IE7 but not in Safari(5. jQuery click events not working in iOS. It works fine Opera, Firefox and IE9, but not in Chrome and Safari. Jun 14, 2013 · If your intention is to navigate to the specified URL as if the user had clicked the link try calling the DOM . data('href'); }); This will work on your desktop browser but not iPad no matter how much you click. g touchend event for a button on a mobile and click for a button on a desktop Check if the previous state is the same as the current state and if it is cancel going further. You have to add either onclick="" to the target HTML element or cursor: pointer to its styles. Any idea why? This works in Chrome. Jun 2, 2016 · The input is not being focused inside safari. You signed out in another tab or window. It's kind of a dumb problem for ios. href links not working with onclick events in Safari. The 'onclick' event does fire every time. Click event isn't working on iOS and Safari. Aug 21, 2018 · The page is working perfectly in Chrome, IE or Firefox, but in Safari I have a weird problem. change(function() { // update "days" select element }); FYI I'm also using jQuery mobile Jan 31, 2017 · It works for me (make sure alert() is not somehow supressed on your browser). Everything seems to work just fine on my desktop, but on the phone, my jquery . I have not been able to figure out what the pattern is. Unless I click some button, hyperlink, or any actionable item, Click event is not fired. Back to step 1. I am not able to understand the exact issue behind this. The simplest workaround is to give an element cursor:pointer to make it "valid" from their point of view. Jun 25, 2021 · It's a known issue. But if I touch outside of the components the alert Aug 30, 2018 · Safari Mobile: pointer-events CSS does not work for SVG content. Basically they ignore click events on elements that are not "valid" targets for click events. Safari, in the name of security, does not register click events on elements with:. on("click") does not work on iOS. If possible, I want to avoid using jQuery. Apr 19, 2017 · I have a protractor script running on desktop (chrome,firefox,safari) and iPhone(safari). My code is running great in any browser on my Mac, but on iOs devices it doesn't work. 5). Code Working with Firefox but not with Chrome, Safari. 2 Feb 10, 2013 · Recently when working on a web app for a client, I noticed that any click events added to a non-anchor element didn't work on the iPad or iPhone. May 6, 2019 · I am using JavaScript onClick event it's working good with IE/FF/Chrome browser but it not working for Safari browser. On Safari, it does not work. For whatever reason iOS Safari does not fire . P Aug 31, 2016 · Anyway the issue was only occurring on Safari mobile and the reason I found was, Safari doesn't support event delegation for the click event. There are a couple of threads regarding this (e. It does, strangely, fire . When I click on the button nothing happens. Mar 12, 2018 · onclick event in select HTML not working in Safari OnClick not working on Safari Now I have tried both solutions, each one of them and everything works in Chrome/Firefox but for safari its just not working. 1. Touchstart click event is not working for iPhone Apr 11, 2017 · None of this method worked on IOS safari on iPad. But It is not working when I load the same page in WKWebView. Apr 2, 2012 · onclick event on option tag will fail on most versions of IE, Safari and Chrome: reference. click() method on an <a> element until HTML5 and it is not yet implemented in every browser - thus you will see incomplete implementation across difference browsers. . I'm testing in Safari. It's almost like if the window. If you check this in safari, it is working. And I loaded this page in WKWebView. If we run the script, it will click on a link which will Sep 16, 2013 · I've just had the same problem. What I was doing was dynamically adding elements to the page. Its working fine everywhere except iPhone safari. – Mar 13, 2018 · onClick event is not working in Safari but its working fine in IE/FF/Chrome/Opera browser. , using the take photo option). dataset. does not trigger Jan 28, 2010 · Vinay (above) gave an effective work-around. Jan 19, 2012 · I am trying to trigger a click event on input type="file" on the click of an another button. Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default The overwhelming majority of browsers out there support event delegation for the click event, however, iOS does not. Oct 29, 2020 · I’m having a bit of an issue with an onClick event (in the Geography component, which is a SVG) not working on iOS devices (seems to work fine when I’ve tested on other phones). click event in JavaScript, it seems to be working fine in all major browsers except for safari. However this is working in mozilla. This works great on Firefox and Chrome. on() to attach handlers. Also element. jquery mobile ". 5. Click events not firing on iOS. I was able to overcome this by using onMouseDown and onMouseUp instead - which works on both mobile and desktop - but this is not always convenient. bind(this)" on my timeout function and that is what is causing the problem for me. In Angular it looked like this: <button (click)="myClickFunction Jan 5, 2015 · OnClick event not working in google chrome and safari. I recommend using addEventListener. 3 . Nothing inside the . It's strange that Firefox and IE work with the click event. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 10 months ago. click() method instead of the jQuery . Taps at the very top will therefore trigger click events on the anchor, but not touch events on the body. However if the user wants to drag Jun 29, 2022 · I am currently working on Wes Bos' JavaScript 30 project, and in this drumkit project, I was hoping to add to his finished code by allowing user to click on the button rather than only through 'keydown' event. 2) The click events are not triggered when i touch the react components (Hello and HelloOther). safari click event not triggert on iphone. Ask Question Asked 8 years Jul 4, 2014 · Because of the way Safari on iOS creates events to emulate a mouse, some of your elements may not behave as expected on iOS. then it worked for some iphones and not others now it doesnt work at all again. Oct 3, 2013 · When targeting iOS you have to take the following into consideration: doing event delegation in jQuery like $(document). path[0]. Unfortunately, this does not work on ios/Safari on my Ipad. cursor: pointer; Thre resources I got the answer were, Click event delegation on the iPhone. 17. Nov 11, 2017 · I just ran into a really weird problem, appearing only in the Mobile Safari browser. At first the addEventListener had the ‘click’ Sep 8, 2020 · Safari Mobile 7. Click event should trigger the touch or tap event without fail otherwise. The problem happens on iPhone/iMac so is not device related. two times in less than 500ms or so). 53. click () should work without any problem in Safari, but unfortunately it doesn’t work after clicking on the button item. var link = document. live("click") doesnt seem to be working. Jquery trigger click not working on safari browsers in mac, Ipad Jul 25, 2020 · OnClick event not working in google chrome and safari. Note: Didnt notice this issue while using native onclick and onblur handlers - tested in html. I've tried adding {pointer: cursor} to the button's CSS values; tried calling the randomRestaurant() function inline in the HTML code; tried swapping . – Amitesh Commented Oct 22, 2014 at 6:31 Jun 27, 2018 · I have a . This is not supported in some browsers. The problem is when contentEditable get focused for text editing then click event is not working anymore. I use ". 33. It works fine on Safari itself. And instead of onclick="event. So I don't think the problem can be found within CSS as Renato mentioned. This problem is solely in WKWebView. If you want to trigger an event whenever user select, why not simply use: <select onclick="check()"> <option>one</option> <option>two</option> <option>three</option> Dec 6, 2017 · Adding it to the body alone is not sufficient. The current Safari version is 10. In particular, some menus that only use mousemove handlers, as in Listing 6-1, need to be changed because iOS doesn’t recognize them as clickable elements. Code is below for context: JQuery click event is not working in Safari windows 7. Dec 11, 2020 · I have a use-case to add a dynamic anchor tag and make a click event after it. 1. javascript; html; function; button; If not, an inline event may seem like they'd do the trick Jul 12, 2019 · Sometimes, clickable(tap) area may not be in right place or may be area is in collapsed state like 0 width or 0 height. key Why does the focus event haven't triggered on click ? We found through research that Safari and FireFox on Macs do not set focus on buttons when you click on them. click(); The jQuery . It's not limited to Safari. visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; display: none; or which are not a "valid click target" - this is a loose concept they keep toying with but, for example, they don't consider an <a> without a href attribute a valid click target. Click Event on SVG not working in Safari. 02 Tried working with javascript which is working fine , but that's the work around and it doesn't go with my existing framework To target right click events, use contextmenu rather than mousedown. (The debugger does not reach that in the code) Nov 26, 2017 · I prefer this way instead of adding a seperate click event listener for each element, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work in Safari, or should I change something to make it work in Safari? I should mention that I have added the event listener to the shadow dom. The blur event does not fire because when you click outside the anchor tag on a non-clickable element, iOS ignores the click (and the click event does not fire). Jan 11, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. I want to disable the click event on anchor tag for zero Opportunities. on('click', function(e) { console. The way we fixed that was to add a click listener to our buttons and call focus() on the button that was clicked. and. onclick event doesn't work on iphone. Click that to enable it. 3. 0. jar added Safari Web Driver extension 2. So there is a seamless transition between page loads. There is also possibility that another invisible layer is above clickable area. find('input'). Jun 7, 2013 · Everything is spot on with any of the Android browsers, but then you test on iOS/Mobile Safari and some of your click events aren't registering. I have a set of buttons that are set up with an inline onClick event. stopPropagation(); // Stop event bubbling. When you click on buttons edge click event fires, but if you click on svg element itself does not. This works in chrome developer tools and in chrome on Mar 19, 2020 · onClick event is not working in Safari but its working fine in IE/FF/Chrome/Opera browser. key || event. OnClick not Working on Ios11. onClick event is not working in Safari but its working fine in IE/FF/Chrome/Opera browser. on('click', 'button', function(e) { console. g inside onclick handler etc). Go to "Settings" Then scroll down to "Safari" Then scroll all the way to the bottom "Advanced" Then turn on Javascript! Nov 18, 2021 · click event not working properly in iPad with angularjs. For about 90% of the time, they work perfectly fine, but occasionally the buttons will not fire the event. $(document). For Select boxes, you need to register a handler for a "change" event rather than a "click" event. If I try the same thing on a ios touch device (im using an ipad mini model A1432, ios 9. Modified 6 years, 9 months ago. I need it to work on Safari just like on Chrome, so what can I do? what's problem here? Sep 14, 2016 · onclick event not working in Safari? 33. Apr 18, 2015 · The click event doesn't fire on the entire block but only the part of the block (i. target-element', function (event) {}); will not work. Why onClick not working in chrome. Code is creating a dialog box that display's an image when the submit button is clicked. Everything is spot on with any of the Android browsers, but then you test on iOS/Mobile Safari and some of your click events aren't registering. <div>) and which also don't have event listeners directly attached to the elements themselves. Given a scrollable div, if i touch it when already on momentum scrolling motion, the scrolling stops as expected but the . jQuery click events not working in iOS : Answer Nov 30, 2021 · I'm struggling with my menu navbar responsivity. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 6 months ago. The goal is for this functionality to work on iPad but right now testing with desktop safari. The li element is not a form element anyways and has no click event I think. This works perfectly in Chrome, but in Safari it doesn't do anything. clickable-div', function() { document. click() doesnt work in Safari. Feb 12, 2015 · The following code exists in script. But pointer-events: none; is not working. Furthermore, if I remove the setTimeout and just call the window. ; However the file input click action alone doesn't get fired. You may be tempted to change your event handler from click to click touchstart - and this indeed does trigger the event handler. The 'ontouchstart' and 'ontouchend' events don't fire if i tap on any element twice quickly (i. Even through that the app renders and connects to the server without problem. 0+ (and likely earlier versions too) suffers from a bug where click events aren't fired on elements that aren't typically interactive (e. The code which I am using are as follows: heartSelectHandler = { clickCo Aug 23, 2017 · jQuery click events not working in iOS. And since you are using jQuery, take advantage of using . Mar 28, 2018 · I do it like this, firstly this part to stop the events happening multiple time due to bubbling from what I do next: function eventHandler(event, selector) { event. blur() function doesn't trigger onblur event. event. Jul 17, 2014 · I am trying to implement a drop-down menu in my navbar. 7. onchange for photos taken from the photo library, which made me not realize the take photo option was failing for a while. addEventListener for . My goal is to fire blur event on a 'div element'. All desktop and other mobile devices worked fine - but as the Apple products are the most popular mobile devices, it was important to get it fixed. cdkfodqyudgmrhtoodzulhvjylhdyfyjwnatqwagodlmjteafqbkiwcydeqocaabkzmxazj