Set div width based on screen resolution in html. based on screen resolution.

Set div width based on screen resolution in html Sep 7, 2016 · My div works fine (occupies all the area) only if the screen size equals my default screen resolution. ar { width:100%; /* 100% of width of container */ padding-bottom: 75%; /* 75% of width of container */ position:relative Apr 5, 2013 · I'm looking to set a parent DIV as 70% of the full 100% screen height. You also need to make the html and body width 100%. Also, position: relative might work along with viewport units (vw / vh standing for viewport height / viewport width). height) - header - title - footer) the entire document scrolls, rather than just the list div. tutorial about media queries. For example; Let's say there is a div. Nov 29, 2024 · Explanation. Mar 2, 2013 · I need to have 3 divs, out of which 1 is set to width of 1000px and be in the middle of the page, and the other 2 should fill the screen width from the left and right of the main div. 9134px but when you open it in other device the element will become smaller than the original size in desktop screen. based on screen resolution. Something like this: Apr 4, 2013 · I'm looking for suggestions on how to change the size of a div dynamically using the size of browser window. It's actually remarkably simple. HTML Change Class May 26, 2015 · I'm trying to change the image src depending on the screen size using media queries. How do I make it so that my HTML page fits into the browser window without a need for scroll bars? EDIT: I am basically asking, how can I make the document size the same as the viewport size? Apr 6, 2017 · Media queries can help you to define different styles for different screen sizes. this-class { font-size: 12px; } /* condition for screen size minimum of 500px */ @media (min-width:500px) { /* your conditional / responsive CSS inside this condition */ . Aug 28, 2013 · Based on the size of the screen, they have classes added to the body tag such as: . An example: html, body { width: 100%; } #pos { width: 80%; } This example assumes the #pos element is straight on the body. container { max-width: 800px; width: 100%; } Jun 18, 2020 · I want to set a padding value based on screen width with respect to specified intervals. Jul 20, 2011 · I am trying to set the width and height of a div exactly equal to the size of my users screen. As codehorse said, add. I've tried using css and can't get that to work as I can't use a percent value. It is displayed as an inline-block element and positioned in the middle of the screen, stretching across most of the page (from 1% left to 1% right). I want to avoid this. @media screen and (max-width : 320px) { body or yourdiv element { font:<size>px/em/rm; } } @media screen and (max-width : 1204px) { body or yourdiv element { font:<size>px/em/rm; } } You can give it manually according to screen size of screen. . Jul 13, 2012 · html; resolution; Share. , tablets and mobile phones), you can use the following media query: @media (max-width: 768px) {body {// CSS Styles}} Example: Targeting Screen Height. Oct 19, 2015 · I set a width of 70% on my , which looks ok, but for mobile screens it wouldn't hurt if the width was higher, say 90%. Show/Hide a div according to screen size HTML/CSS. header { height: 70%; } For some reason it doesn't seem to be working though and the header isn't 70% of the screen size. Right now, on big screens . So my question is Is there a way to make the site's width higher percentag Jun 10, 2009 · Generally speaking, the easiest way to size an element relative to the client screen is to give it a width specified as a percentage (e. Oct 5, 2016 · So here's one way to do it: Add min-width: 50% to the leftNavSection and rightNavSection. The problem is the image is not that big and I am not sure how to enlarge the image if the user expend the browser window. The “. However, when seeing this on phone, it wouldn't fit the width of the screen. May 14, 2015 · This solved my problem. You could try display: inline-block and see if that works in your situation. You can also size an object relative to the font size by specifying the width in terms of ems (e. If the div is within another element that is only set to width:500px or any other size, the div will only be the width of the parent. div2, then you need to use flexbox. So I want to give people with that screen res a different placement of that content and it will be Sep 30, 2009 · If you want your div to be a width other than 100%, you need another wrapping div on which to set the width: div. Now comes for a bit tricky point. There are multiple things working together: max-height: 100%;, max-width: 100%; and height: auto;, width: auto; make the img scale to whichever dimension first reaches 100% while keeping the aspect ratio Mar 1, 2012 · However, the browser window size is larger than the viewable size and horizontal and vertical scroll bars appear. , 1130px, the panel-body looks normal, but still looks abnormal if the screen resolution changed. So if user screen resolution is bigger than that specified width and height, then it leaves blank spaces. So first I hide the image with CSS: based on Screen-Resolution [via HTML Only Jan 6, 2016 · I want to change a division width based on screen resolution like bootstrap column col-md-6 col-xs-8. GeeksForGeeks” class styles the div with a blue background, centered text, and absolute positioning. Mar 7, 2021 · Resize div height based on screen width. row{display:table-row Dec 14, 2021 · So I'm trying to learn HTML and CSS for now, and not getting yet into jvS. This will prevent your site from getting all stretched out and messy looking, but still solve the blank space problem. feature_content (grey background) adapt it's height and width to different screen sizes. ready(func Now, if your goal is to have . this-class { font-size: 20px; } } This should change the font size to 20px when the @media query condition is true, in this case when the screen is over 500px. Only Gecko-based browsers are updating the viewport values dynamically, when the size of the viewport is modified (by modifying the size of the window on a desktop computer or by turning the device on a phone or a tablet). Jan 24, 2017 · I have a container div and would like to put the container div in the center of the page. Try Teams for free Explore Teams May 23, 2018 · The width is 52. The div should be dynamic based on screen resolution can anyone help me out Jun 6, 2014 · Your key problem is that you did not change the height of #main. Share Improve this answer I want to hide a floating div if the user screen is &lt; 1024px as it will overlay with my blog content area. screen. Jul 21, 2013 · I set fixed heights for all the divs when developing this and it works on my iPhone5, but when I try to set the list div height as ((window. Then set the width of the image to 100% and the height to auto. I am using angular 5 for coding. The position will then change based on the size of the screen. g 1366x768. I understood how I change CSS via media queries (such as media="screen and (max-width:640px)") but let's say I want to write (just for example) &lt;div&gt; [if screen resolution is lower then 960 Feb 10, 2017 · If the screen width exceeds 1200px, the header width should be 100%; If the screen width exceeds 1920px, the header width should be the default one, and the header should be centered; If the screen width exceeds 1200px, and the screen itself is large (anything above 19"), the header width should be the default one, and the header should be Dec 15, 2013 · I guess on an older browser you'd just have a minimum width / height and set it to that - if it had scroll bars so be it Initial size is based on full width: div Oct 21, 2011 · I come across with same requirement where, I wants to show responsive image map which can resize with any screen size and important thing is, i want to highlight that coordinates. Try setting the container's max-width for that and set the width to expand to that. Mar 27, 2014 · When you set a specific height on an image it will always stay that height regardless of browser resize. You also had a miss type between your CSS and HTML, in your CSS you referred to #image_container while in your HTML you used 'id="img_container"'. ; This allows the rightNavSection to wrap to the second line on smaller displays when the content widths forces it down. I'd like to adjust the height of that div to 720 to match the <video>. I was able to correctly get the layouts that I want for desktop and mobile by removing the 4th container and changing flex-direction property. or use the media query for example. – Mar 8, 2017 · Learn how to change the width of a div based on different screen sizes using Bootstrap. May 12, 2010 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. I ve searched for an answer, but I didn't find. So i tried many libraries which can resize coordinates according to screen size and event. But if div's parent is the html body, then it should be the full width of the screen. Also I set the height of 120px. Jul 20, 2012 · A html element, set to width: 100%, stretches to a 100% of it's parents width. I have a div element in twitter-bootstrap which will have content that will overflow vertically outside the screen. conditional css settings based on screen resolution. I need Mar 27, 2015 · Those will help with resizing most of the content on the page based on the device width, other changes you'll have to manage more manually via css media queries, here is an example: @media screen and (max-width: 300px) { body { width: 80%; font-size: 15px; } } Jun 17, 2015 · Use vh:. However, you won't be able to center it using margin-left: auto & margin-right: auto because that technique requires a width value. div3 is at least as tall as . 3. Formatting for different sizes is usually done using Media Queries which apply different stylesheets based on the user's screen size. Mar 14, 2017 · What I am trying to do is display a different image depending on the screen size. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. : Dec 20, 2016 · you can do this by set the width and height by vh & vw CSS Units for example 100vh = 100% of the height of viewport 100vw = 100% of the width of viewport. html, body { height:100%; width:100%; margin:0; padding:0; } to you css as width: 100%; will render correctly if the dimension of the parent elements have been set beforehand!! working demo Show Different Images Depending on Browser Width. But the panel-body and the table are not displaying full-width based on the screen resolution. The intended behavior is to have an element collapse at one of Bootstrap 3's responsive breakpoints (screen-md). iewport-percentage lengths defined a length relatively to the size of viewport, that is the visible portion of the document. i want to fit width of div element size of screen how do i set Div's width that fit with resolution Thanks/ Nov 18, 2013 · I have some floating elements to my site that won't be seen if the screen res is 1024X768 and below. Jun 7, 2011 · This panel has gridview which shows data from database. You can do this with CSS: @media only screen and (max-width: 1026px) { #fadeshow1 { display: none; } } We're using max-width, because we want to make an exception to the CSS, when a screen is smaller than the 1026px. The container div will grow and shrink when I resize the windows size. Dinamically change size of div based on content. HTML/CSS - Automatically adjust size of element for different screen size(s) 1. Even when the screen is zoomed in or zoomed out the div height should fit the place This is my html part &l Jan 20, 2014 · I once had it oke width some padding left but I figured out that was the correct padding for my screen resolution. If you set an explicit width, width: 800px;, that's the width it will be rendered at. com. i{ height: 100%; /* or 10vh as 10% of devices screen */ width: auto; /* if the image isn't square it won't be deformed */ } If for any reason the size is unpredictable - let it jump :) To make the div size invariant of zooming (But not contents inside it) do the following : Inside your css for that div : min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%; This will freeze the width, you can do the same for height too. May 11, 2017 · But position does not apply to inline elements such as <a>, hence you will need to position the surrounding container or set the a itself to display: block. g. The way that I usually do it:. ar-outer{ width: 60%; /* container; whatever width you want */ margin: 0 auto; /* centered if you like */ } div. Mar 19, 2012 · Learn how to set a div's width to its siblings' width using HTML and CSS on Stack Overflow. Sep 11, 2013 · In case anyone building an full-screen application of let's say 1920x1080 and wants to perfectly fit in a smaller screen - e. Let's say the browser window is 1280x800. @media only screen and (min-width: 1490px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 1490px) and (min-width: 1366px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 1366px) and (min-width: 1280px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 1280px) and (min-width: 1024px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 768px) { } Oct 19, 2017 · You have to use an observable of the client window size! Here is how to do it! Or you can start to use flex-layout for angular, I find this library pretty helpful. Currently I have fixed width and height of the panel. I found this jQuery on the net but I am not sure how to use it. myContainer { width: 50%; } /* you know know that your container is 600px * so you style accordingly */ @media (max-width: 1200px) { /* your css for 600px container */ } Jun 16, 2015 · use media Query. I would like the div to take the height of the size of the browser window and le Jan 18, 2016 · The issue you are having is based on the way you designed your site using percentages. 4. In order of implementing media queries, it is a better and more professional opinion that you use the tag directly into the HTML containing source tag for different screen size. I'm trying to create a responsive design, and I understand media queries somehow. js - but can be done with pure js and css - based on answer above - the main importance is that I set the original width and height specifically otherwise it wasn't working for me: Apr 4, 2015 · For example, to use half of the space you would set the class of the div to be "six columns" (out of a total of twelve). body { width:1920px; background-color: #f8e0b3; height:1080px; } div. Hot Network Questions Jan 12, 2014 · @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) and (min-width: 769px){ /* CSS that should be displayed if width is equal to or less than 991px and larger than 768px goes here */ } @media only screen and (max-width: 991px){ /* CSS that should be displayed if width is equal to or less than 991px goes here */ } Aug 17, 2020 · I assume icon means image, best practise is to set the fixed size, because browser doesn't need guess and doesn't jump when loading. Essentially if the user maximize the browser window, he will see the whole webpage. What would be the easiest way to do this? Aug 1, 2012 · This is called responsive design and is usually applied to re-formatting your layout for mobile devices. Here is the code: &lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt; &lt;html&gt; &lt;body onload="changeClas May 15, 2017 · table, th, td { border: 1px solid Black;} /* make the table a 100% wide by default */ table { width: 100%;} /* if the browser window is at least 800px-s wide: */ @media screen and (min-width: 800px) { table { width: 90%;} } /* if the browser window is at least 1000px-s wide: */ @media screen and (min-width: 1000px) { table { width: 80%;} } /* and so on Jan 26, 2014 · Is there a way to set auto height div with scroll bar, because as of now I'm using a fix height but I see the problem that when I open it in another laptop or pc with bigger or smaller screen resolution its still in the fix height. container { width: 100%; } but add . Mar 20, 2013 · Here is an example using Shail's suggested approach, but without duplicating layouts. However you could get those different setups easily, and if you want the width of each div to change based on screen size you can use media queries for that. html { /* set size of body to full page and remove margins */ width Feb 7, 2017 · How do you change the order of html elements based on the size of the screen? For example, on large screen like desktops, the order would be like this: element1 element2 element3. Using the media query, the user can change the style of a particular element for different sizes of screen. Mar 12, 2024 · Example: Targeting Screen Width. Percentages are part of a fluid layout. The video resolution will double in size to 1280x720 to fit it's 100% width, but the parent div will have 80 more pixels height because of the window's 800 height. Jan 17, 2012 · Another great way to accomplish this is to use a transparent image with a set aspect ratio. Aug 16, 2014 · Responsive design is to present, not adapt, the html as it is but adjusted via css to accommodate the view port. @media screen and (min-width: 1024px) , screen and (min-height: 768px) { /* css for 1024px x 768px resolution and up */ } Jul 14, 2012 · Set the html or body tag to 100% width with a background. Set width:100% Simple way to resize an image based on Screen resolution. If I switch to 800 by 600 pixels, I want m Jul 7, 2010 · /* css as usual */ . I believe it is likely a combination of your width: 100% on the table and your text-align: right on your td. However, the size should be different for different screen resolution (1920x1080 vs 1440x900). This will only works with relevant Screen resolution. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Dec 22, 2021 · I'm working on the website and I'm trying to make it responsive to all resolutions but without success. – Use the latter meta viewport value and simply set the min-width CSS property for the itself based on the screen resolution. Otherwise i get this How to make it responsive to screen resizing? ul{ list-style: n Sep 23, 2011 · I found this courtesy of ryanfait. container { display: flex; // Force default row wrapping behaviour as bootstrap initially intends. Soo briefly it is: Setting a div width - align the div center - align its text (content) left. Sep 21, 2012 · set your divs to use display: inline-block; this will ensure each row isn't staggered. then use css3 media queries to account for the various screen sizes. Just have a look of different screen size and add manually the font size. As this is a responsive site, the same background image (1920 x 1080px) is scaled up and down dep Dec 1, 2016 · Yes you can use flexbox for this, to be precise, the order property on flex childs: // Create a flex container . Dec 24, 2013 · With a fixed width: 1300px;, you can not have a responsive to the window size div. So, I would like it to look like this: element2 element1 element3 Mar 28, 2016 · Learn how to limit the maximum width and height of an element to the screen size using CSS. 0. header{background-color:#000;color:#fff;width:100%;min-height:40px;} a{color:#fff;font-size:120%;line-height:2em;margin:10px;} h1{ color: #585858; font-family: "arial";font-size: 100%;line-height: 20px;} p{margin-top:1em;font-family: "arial";font-size:80%;color:#585858;} . To apply styles for devices with a screen width of 768 pixels or less (e. Sep 5, 2022 · For example, let's say you decide to make your container's 50% of the screen width. The media queries allow the users to change or customize the web pages for many devices like desktops, mobile phones, tablets, etc without changing the markups. div { width Jun 17, 2014 · If you want to have only one css per page, but in that css file you want to import other css files that have differences based on screen size, you can do it like for example for screens less than 960px Mar 8, 2017 · I am trying to change the name of a class tag dynamically when a user loads the page based off of the screen size. 5. div2 so that it is only as tall as it needs to be to contain its content while . If it's directly in body, it will fill to the size of the browser. Then I tried to change the class of a div using media query: if width is < 991px change col-md-6 to col-md-12. HTML div width over resolution. Jun 23, 2013 · I have 2 issues with this layout : . Dec 9, 2010 · For me, the following CSS worked (tested in Chrome, Firefox and Safari). I made this change using jquery but it only affect the first div. But I want to give a different percentage for different resolution, for example 20% width for medium size and 90% for small size, that s why I do not use the bootstrap. 1. Aug 11, 2009 · Learn how to expand a div to fill the remaining width in CSS with practical examples and code snippets. It works for me locally under Chrome, FF, IE 7+, Safari, and Opera. Nov 26, 2012 · The video is 640x360. Mar 15, 2017 · change the size of a Div based on the screen size with Jquery. Jun 30, 2010 · I would like to be able to change my webpage background image according to the screen resolution the user uses so: if screen resolution is greater than or equal to 1200*600 then background = Mar 30, 2017 · I have an image in my footer with width:1363px and height: 100px. Follow asked Jul 13, 2012 at 5:32 How do I change the size of a Div based on the screen size with Jquery. I have read that we can use javascript to get screen resolution of user screen. The example shows three sections: Head, Sidebar, and Content. Please find below an example implementation of this methodology: Jun 17, 2016 · I have a section with a fullscreen background image that is loaded via a JavaScript data-attribute. Mar 8, 2016 · I want the header of my website to take as much width as the monitor's screen. 10em). Jan 16, 2011 · You could start by closing your HTML containers, and giving a good example of what you've tried. Nov 21, 2024 · There are several ways to change the width of elements based on screen size in CSS: Media Queries : The most common method for responsive design, allowing precise control based on breakpoints. If the screen width is 1000px, then i want to set padding-right:30px to the div. The question is, as the page is responsive, could you call the -2 div, if the screen size is a smaller resolution, like on a mobile phone, or if it's on a larger resolution, call the -6 script and show more profile images? EDIT: Now, bumming off of Isaac's idea, it's easier in modern browsers to simply use vw units to force aspect ratio (although I wouldn't also use vh as he does or the aspect ratio will change based on window height). container May 14, 2009 · Could you tell me how to fix a HTML layout automatically with the screen resolution? Example, I am coding HTML in screen resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels. When I get to phone sizes, I want that logo to move on the right bottom corner of the screen and be sticky there. If the screeen resolution is 1440px * 900px, only when the table min-width set to, e. Plus, It will be a good idea to set the viewport meta tag: Apr 16, 2016 · If you want it to be the full width of the screen, it really depends on the way your page is configured. I read somewhere that I should use content:url(x) instead, but wh Nov 13, 2017 · And here is a codepen here. I've set the following CSS but it doesn't seem to do anything: body { font-family: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif; margin: 0 auto; height: 100%; width: 100%; } . Now, what I would like to do is change the class of an element when the screen size is less than a specific amount. feature_content is far from the footer. Basically, I have a screen-size width nav bar on the desktop with a logo in it. I wrote the attached code but the container is always sticked on the left and it won't change the size when I resize the window. Jul 31, 2018 · I need to set a div height based on screen resolution. Check screen size change for a specific width. I am using bootstrap and want to change the image size. You need to make sure that the containing elements widths are also 100%. Nov 26, 2011 · What's the best approach to creating a div that will take the full width of the screen, no matter what resolution? I'm trying to add a 'top' bar and bottom 'footer' area with divs that have a black background and styled border that I'd create with a small image and repeat. Oct 9, 2018 · Change HTML attribute depending on screen size. I think the following crudely drawn diagram explain this better: #div { width: 100%; height: 100%; } does not seem to work Oct 24, 2015 · I want the size of a div class 'content' to change depending on the size of the users' screen resolution. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. When you set a specific height on a "container" or an element surrounding your image, your image will be constricted to that containers dimensions. Mar 3, 2011 · Even if you can technically solve it by using 100% height also on html, body and wrapper divs I think it's sometimes useful to set 100% height on a div based on canvas height minus other known heights, and check again on resize. In order to float a footer to the bottom of the page when content is shorter than window-height, or at the bottom of the content when it is longer than window-height, utilize the following code: Oct 5, 2016 · If you are coming here, there is high chance width: min-content or width: max-content can fix your problem. Footer, Nav and Content would looks same as header. Both Sidebar and Content fill the page horizontally (minus a 25px bottom margin). Ther Jan 5, 2014 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Then set the container for the rest of your site to a max-width of whatever pixel size you want. Can test responsiveness by resizing window. Then for a screen width of 1200px you know that your container is 600px. This is what I did in Vue. div2 but still able to expand if its content makes it taller than . Give the 100% width to the body and the div you want give 100% width. Similarly, you can target devices based on their screen height: Apr 24, 2014 · Next I set the header element width of 100%; now here you have to make sure that it doesn’t take 100% from browser instead it takes 100% width from Container div. Change Image based on screen size. This can force an element to use the smallest or largest space the browser could choose… Feb 6, 2014 · I am trying to create a image that will enlarge or shrink based on screen resolution. table{display:table;width:55%;margin:0 auto;} . The HTML <picture three div elements below will display horizontally on large screens and stack vertically on Jul 23, 2024 · The CSS Media Query can be used to make an HTML “div” responsive. If you have it in a div, width: 100% will extend to the size of the div. Improve this question. 25%). Also, I'd recommend a different accomodation of HTML items, e. Oct 4, 2016 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Nov 7, 2014 · This will not change the aspect of your width, in your image example you could not go from the second image to the third image by simply adding more content to the div. Pixels are the standard for a "fixed" layout. I made a page that looks perfectly fine on 1920x1080 resolution, but when my friend who uses a 2560x1440 resolution loaded Aug 2, 2014 · and if i apply outer div's width it also goes to out of screen in less resolution. Aug 4, 2016 · Learn how to resize a div based on screen resolution using CSS and/or JavaScript. This way, when the screen is less than X px I could change the class of a div element to make it full width Feb 17, 2014 · . You can use the viewport height, just set the height of your div to height:100vh;, this will set the height of your div to the height of the viewport of the device, furthermore, if you want it to be exactly as your device screen, set the margin and padding to 0. I tried background:url(x); but it didn't work. An example: For 1920x1080: div will have width 1600 For 1400x900: div will have width 1000. Add class to html If you set width to a percentage, it will base it off of whatever container it's in. EDIT: Here is the code for let data observe the screen width size: Apr 19, 2011 · Solution with inline-block. Jun 8, 2011 · I want to make a div fit the initial height and width of a users screen. Aug 4, 2022 · Just set width of the image to and use percentages % for your div and image width. $(document). May 7, 2019 · To fix this issue I assigned height to the div but it didn't work because when I open my page in mobile view the details of the product overflow from its div. I want the element will be the same size in all devices like iphones, ipad, android phones and etc. Adaptive design, using server side tools, can serve up different html based on the device. Nov 4, 2011 · you can use with and height in percentage to set your screen for all resoulation. Apr 30, 2017 · So i'm using bootstrap 4 with some cards and i've came across a problem. (generally speaking) Apr 18, 2018 · I have a div with 300px static height and another div with dynamic height below the static div. This looks fine on my desktop computer with resolution 1366*768 but when I check the site with resolution 1024*768 the size of the image is not shrinking. If its size changes. I've tried giving width: 100%, width: vw and width: device-width. If the screen width is 700px, then the padding value will be padding-right:15px. I suspect your td is not acting as you want, and not keeping its width: 230px, but is expanding with the screen width along with the table. qhydx aevus quuwumwd xgtkd ssn tzdaaz xzpedx dsgfxh qslweg mfl rct hkcyj pytf qdcs zopfdl