Tooth pain after biting hard object reddit Did they check your bite? If you’re hitting high, the periodontal ligament that surrounds the tooth gets bruised and makes your tooth feel achy. Mar 25, 2021 · 1. . I had a coffee cup hit my tooth very hard. Day 1 was horrible, I switched sides unconsiously the whole time and I couldnt really bite hard. Hello! My wife had a root canal following a mouth injury approximately 20 years ago. This happens to me too. A missed canal in the tooth where it's still infected leading to symptomatic periapical periodontitis, or a root canal system where leakage has lead to a reinfection of the root of the tooth. I did have some hard candy yesterday (Halloween!) and I figured I just bit down and caused pain- it's been hurting since then. The filling supposedly went well, some soreness the day after from manipulating. The pain goes away instantly after I bite (does not linger) and I have no sensitivity to hot, cold, or light pressure…literally only when I chew on something crunchy or hard does it give me a sharp zap. In this case, the crack extends into to the deeper, sensitive part of your tooth, and the crack flexes ever so slightly when you bite down on that part of your tooth. I attempted to drink some water, again. More specifically, the pain feels like it's coming from where the teeth meet the gums. It's often fine for many hours, and then suddenly starts to hurt. After the filling in March, i had sensitivity/pain in the filled tooth when I chewed food on that side. It seems the tooth above it is also in sometimes in pain now too. If pain didn't go away after some days I think you should meet a dentist then Hope this helps. I have Tourette's and one Hello! My wife had a root canal following a mouth injury approximately 20 years ago. It's 3rd tooth from my wisdom, lower right. Both teeth are on top. After picking up some sensodyne toothpaste, the sensitivity went away for the most part. I don’t recall feeling pain after other root canals. These teeth have hurt to bite on for at least 2 weeks, and the pain is described as a brief sharp, shooting, electrical shock-type pain. They drilled into crown to get to the root. The gums above my front tooth feel slightly swollen and there’s a bit of pain when I press on them. Ask the patient where they think the problem is located. When I first got the filling, the first 3ish days was the most sensitive - then after about 2 weeks there was no sensitivity to hot/cold or SOFT foods at all- but only hard foods I had a sharp pressure like pain. No pain before the filling. I can not eat anything remotely hard or tough. I tried this to spot where the pain was coming from exactly. If not, then your tooth is reacting normally to treatment. not even close, i have many issues with my teeth and ive even had teeth smashed clean in half, ive also broken 12 bones, had multiple pneumothorax and a video assisted thoracotomy with pleurodesis to name but a few of the agonies ive been through but none come even close to the unspeakable pain of nerve damage (neuralgia) I got regular tooth colored fillings. Got too painful after a while and finally went. If I do, I get what feels like an electric painful shock when I bite down. The teeth are sensitive to pressure (e. We get to a place where I think my bite is feeling much better, and I leave. the first week my tooth still hurt but i thought it was getting better. If biting or chewing is causing tooth pain, it’s most likely due to one of these factors: The Tooth / Crown / Filling is “High” “Occlusion” is the word we use to describe the way teeth bite together. Sometimes it also pains in the same spot on the bottom but not as bad. Prior to filling the tooth (since he wasn't 100% sure it was a cavity), my dentist thought I may be having issues with exposed dentin (i think) and he tried applying desenitizing solution on it twice, which didn't help. The pain gets worse if I put pressure on the tooth. Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. Dull and achy is indicative of STS. Place a slice between the gums and inside of cheek or lips where the pain is. Hold it as long as you can stand. Over the course of 3 weeks the sensitivity to heat/cold has gone down a bit. If you happen to bite into something hard the wrong way, you can cause a sprain to not only the tooth but also sprain the tooth ligament as well. It happens with hard or soft food but the strange thing is it doesn’t always hurt every time I am biting down. Verified professionals will have flair assigned to them. If you eat something hot or cold enough the tooth nerve is activated, but it can only say one thing: Pain. This is pretty normal to have some pain/soreness 2-3 days after. A vertical root fracture, where your tooth would likely need to be taken out. I had bite adjustments done like 10 times and nothing ever worked. I went back in to get it shaved down because it seemed too high. The reason I'm here today is that after the procedure, I have been getting progressively more and more pain and discomfort. After a few hours the same thing will occur again. However, for the past three weeks, I've been experiencing a persistent, low-level pain in one of my molars whenever I bite down on something hard. It's on the "minor pain" side, like it's tolerable but still noticeable and painful. I put my retainer in and left it, so I didn’t notice until a few minutes ago that the tooth is slightly loose. After that I noticed an improvement, but still some lingering pain and sensitivity. dentist said the filling was too high and filed it down to adjust my bite. First week I had no real pain, and didn’t notice any issues when eating. The dentist I was seeing moved out of state, so I went back in today to complain there’s still pain biting down (3 weeks later). Face looks a little puffy. I was having a pain that got worse over time. I went back a week later to have a high bite adjusted, but it’s still just as painful to bite down. It's not pain in my jaw. Let's hope your teeth feels better in the next months! Dec 16, 2024 · Whether it’s a sharp, sudden jolt or a dull ache, the discomfort can leave you wondering what’s causing the pain. Anyhow, one tooth that has a crown has been 'sore' for a few days, only when I first wake, due to the clenching. I can even feel it a bit when brushing the tooth. There is no pain with teeth touching, no pain on tapping the tooth, just pain right in the middle of the tooth when it hits something I’m chewing on like Possibly, you have a cracked tooth. Had to redo an old root canal from years ago cause there was another root that didn’t get treated but got infection years later. In the cases of a bruised/sprained tooth, what is the likelihood that a root canal is needed? This sounds like me. ( cold, heat, pressure) It's tooth pain, like the nerve. Like I said, very hard to say definitively. If I bite down on it, it's not a sharp pain (never has been) but can sometimes elicit a dullish ache that will go away on its own, even if I continue to eat. Another thing that can cause pain when biting is a cracked tooth and it’s hard to diagnose because often it is not visible to the eye or even xray. No root canal required, though my bite position changed and my dentist simply shaved a little bit off the tips of my bottom teeth to help adjust— a decision I regret letting him do because those teeth later got chipped at the top without me even noticing and I believe it wouldn’t have I suffered with this for two months until I said fuck it. Again I could be totally off base with this!! It's not when I lift off of the tooth though, it only twinges when I bite down. Dec 19, 2023 · If you've ever bitten down on a fork or a hard food, you may be familiar with the dull, lingering pain that comes after. Occasionally a very minor and very brief version of the deep tooth pain from 5 weeks ago comes back on its own or when I bite down, but overall things are better than they have been for years. One of my front teeth never had any pain or anything but I noticed that there seems to be a tiny lump above the tooth. Why the tooth aches is hard to understand, RCT looks sound, apparently it is irritation of periodontal ligament, but nothing visible on x-ray. I'll eat a full meal of chewy or hard foods and be totally fine, and then it will start hurting out of the blue while I'm sitting on the couch and watching TV. Pain on releasing your bite: most likely a cracked tooth or root (which makes sense if your tooth was in bad shape before the crown, so the I’ve been dealing with on and off tooth pain when biting down. After that I wasn’t able to bite down or chew hard or chewy food on it because it gave me a very sharp pain that lasts for seconds and was quickly relived once I stopped biting down on it. I continued to eat (though without using those teeth). If I chew on a piece of tissue paper with that tooth the pain is really bad. ( cold, heat, pressure) Toothache and headache would NOT be related via the nerves. I think the pain is when the pressure is directly on top of the filling. Well, i went to the dentist and i had to do 8 fillings(not too deep) in two weeks. Sometimes with pain on biting. The pain was worse in the beginning. I took two painkillers that day (not for the pain, but because I assumed it's inflamed), the next day it was still the same. It has not changed in appearance, and is not sensitive to temperature. Place a cotton roll or "Tooth Sleuth" over the suspected teeth and have the patient bite. A little bit later I was drinking somewhat cold water and after I swallowed the water I had this sharp tooth pain on my upper left molar (?). It's not as strong a pain as it was last night. There is no sensitivity to hot/cold/sweet stuff, but I do feel a sharp pain when I am clenching my teeth or when I eat some hard food. I bit into an olive pit VERY hard last week. I am scheduling an appointment with my dentist to get an x ray to evaluate the root. No pain during the filling. I can't even think of eating anything cold without a ton of pain and even chewing hurts in so many of my teeth. Hi! My dentist did a root canal a month ago on a tooth (tooth #1 on the x-ray), but it still hurts when I bite down. I’m having tooth pain when I bite down and this pain has been going on since Thursday. Recently within the past couple months, I get a pain in my tooth on my right side when I bite down on something hard or crunchy. If it is not showing any improvement after a week from the incident, you need to see the dentist. The pain hasn't gotten any worse and generally doesn't seem too bad but its noticeable unlike any of my other teeth. Keep holding it in place until you can’t take it anymore. Everything I read online said Ibuprofen is only a temporary relief for dental pain. It’s mainly on the upper left on a specific tooth. Hello r/Dentistry, . Good Because at the time you’re numb and it’s hard to tell you’re biting normally, a quick adjustment takes like two minutes. Tooth Decay. If I tap on it at the right angle I hit the nerve and feel a sharp pain. Please abide by the following rules in order to get an accurate answer to your question: (1) Ensure you include a title of your dental problem. New comments cannot be posted. Typically there is an untreated cavity that's there for a long time and then biting on something is the straw that breaks the camel's back, unless there is clearly a foreign object that should not be there. But now the area hurts again. I immediately freaked out thinking I had to have broken a tooth but all seemed fine when I looked in the mirror. That just ended but now for the last 24 hours or so two of my teeth near the back (a pair above/below eachother) feel sensitive and has a dull pain when chewing. A week later, the molar with the "medium" filling is still causing me issues when I bite on hard food. Brushing back of my teeth hurts pretty bad. I had an x-ray done and I would like to ask for an opinion on whether it was done correctly. Tonight my jaw and crowned tooth are both throbbing, after having a day with zero pain. My original dentist thinks that it's caused from gingivitis, but I was skeptical, so I decided to get a second opinion. I ended up getting 3 root canals on all the teeth as well as crowns. Source: am a neurologist. One thing that did improve is pain while chewing: 1 week after the filling, it was so painful to chew with Tooth 19 (with pain coming from the filling area) that I had to rely on my other side to chew. Crazy how many others are going through this! My story is in July of 2020 I got like 11 fillings done at a new dentist and 3 of them were really bite sensitive to hard/crunchy foods. Very frustrating. I am taking ibeprophin 4x a day just to basically go about my day normally. i got a composite filling about three weeks ago. Sometimes I got some sensitive pain, but nothing major and it only lasted for a few minutes. Needed a root canal and now I've got a good tooth because the infection grew while I was trying to ignore it. It was very tender when I flossed. I had this snd no nightguatds helped. It’s when I bite down on that sharp tip I think I do not get pain whenever I don’t put pressure on it this is only when I put pressure on it. After the crown I had pretty bad constant pain from bite being off, so had bite adjustments twice over the past two weeks. I bought a very hard gum (turkish brand called "Falim") and chewed on the painful side as much as I could. One of natures little cruel tricks is that the teeth in the nerve are mostly pain fibers so many different stimuli are mostly perceived as pain. Sprained Tooth Symptoms There's a few things this could be. I ate a few bruschetta that were both hard and hot. I saw the dentist yesterday (Monday) and he did an x-ray and did not find any tooth decay or cavities or anything that would lead him to believe that I need an RCT on it but he did notice that my roots are in my sinus cavity (I think? I have never had tooth pain. Its in my gums mostly between the back tooth on the upper left hand side and the tooth next to that one. After the filling I had quite a bit of pain and sensitivity in the tooth. My family says they can’t tell, but I can. ) Because god hates you he made teeth only able to process all sensations as pain. That tooth is longer than every other tooth with one corner especially longer. A simple bite adjustment can resolve your symptoms within a day or so. I was having pain around the crown on the tooth that bit the pit - mostly in my gum area. The intense pain you described might be indicative of a more significant problem, like a cracked tooth or an advanced cavity. I’ve narrowed it down to three teeth that bothering me- 15, 29, and 31. Chips, goldfish cause a sensitive sensation. 1. tl;dr No sharp pain, only happens if I press or bite into the teeth, not by itself, and only sometimes, not constantly. TL;DR Occasional sharp pain when chewing food. I have isolated it to my first molar with a few older amalgam fillings in it. In the last 2 weeks the pain has only gotten worse. Tooth decay, or cavities, is one of the most common reasons for tooth pain when biting down. Hello! I got a filling around 1. As soon as I stopped the bite, the pain was gone. My dentist suggested crowning it, but I haven't done so yet since I don't have insurance. After 3 follow up visits in which dentist did bite adjustment, fluoride application etc. While it did hurt the first day or two some, it has gotten worse since then. Also, hot/warm things have not seemed to be any issue. I'd recommend a couple things that could help: 1) schedule an appointment with a dentist for a cleaning and checkup. Give it a month, maybe 2, 3 or 4. Sometimes with this test, the patient is not sure if the pain is coming from the top or bottom. I bit on that tooth into some chicken breast meat (dry and tough) today and had a sharp pain. Bending over makes the pain worse IF it was already hurting, but doesn't cause it to start if it wasn't. I just had a cbct scan done and the tooth is alive. it’s been four days since I go home but soon realize after the next two days that my bite is still off and when I chew on that side I’m getting some pain on tooth 15. This started when I sneezed a few days ago and bit down pretty hard, hard enough to feel pain in this tooth. Additional info: I don't drink, smoke or do any drugs. That’s great news! I’ve been dealing with spontaneous pain for 4 weeks after biting on something hard ☹️ I’ve seen my dentist twice in that time but he hasn’t found any issues. Tooth bruising can occur from biting into hard objects like candies and nuts, undergoing certain dental procedures, or experiencing accidents or injuries. Hi Reddit. I am in constant pain, a dull, persistent pain. The pain was pretty localized around #31, it came and went throughout the day and ibuprofen worked well. I had composite tooth fillings done in bottom right section and I was having bite pains with hard foods like almond. I gave it a month to see if it was still there and it was. It’s still sore, maybe better than it was earlier today. Additionally, sometimes in the morning when I will wake up I will feel a slight tightness on the front side (the sensitive side) of the gums on my tooth right where the gum meats the tooth The pulp can also repair the tooth internally by creating secondary dentin. It sometimes gets up to moderate pain and has been difficult to deal with, but the most likely option at this point is still likely a bruised ligament. An infected tooth will cause inflammation which in turn is associated with headache. Try not to touch that part of your mouth with your tongue. The dentist filled the cavities and pretty much since then I’ve had pain when chewing hard foods (chips, fried chicken, etc). When I eat softer things like a sandwich or pasta, no issues. It's tooth pain, like the nerve. If the pain wakes you up from sleep, that is a sign that you could need a root canal or have the tooth pulled. However, I just had a checkup recently and the dentist cleaned my teeth and everything and there wasn't any issues that he saw. I’m an endodontic assistant. It then extended to all the teeth in my mouth and after months of treatment for tmj/bruxism I started having migratory pain in other parts of my body. Tonight she was biting something hard and felt a crack. If the pain is still there and never goes away, then you definitely need to go back and ask what's going on. It goes away right after. I get it when I unexpectedly bite a solid… I had ZERO pain or issue, and the crown was more of a preventive measure before the crack gets worse. I visited my dentist, we confirmed the pain was local to this one tooth with a bite stick and she spent about 30 minutes examining the tooth. I have never experienced pain in my teeth as a result of eating. I think mostly those things have gotten better, but I am still not able to chew on that tooth and still sore to floss. This issue has only been an annoying ache that flares up occasionally, nothing else of note. Most headaches are blood vessel pain and have nothing to do with nerves. I had no idea. week two, the pain increased, making me unable to chew on that side of my mouth. If I run my tongue over the tooth, it feels tingly like there is pressure but no “zaps” of pain with thermal stimuli or biting. went to the dentist to have a different tooth checked and after doing an xray to all my teeth, that front tooth is actually infected from the inside and is already dead and the other teeth beside it were affected. It is normal to have sensitivity for a few days to a few weeks. **EDIT One wisdom tooth is 90% in and the other is 50% in. Your skin has many different types of receptors in it that respond to a variety of stimuli (hot, cold, pressure, pain. Then no pain at that tooth unless biting on it and mild cold sensitivity. Additionally, sometimes in the morning when I will wake up I will feel a slight tightness on the front side (the sensitive side) of the gums on my tooth right where the gum meats the tooth Toothache and headache would NOT be related via the nerves. My bottom teeth were also crooked but I got better with time and pain go away. Any work done on teeth is considered tooth surgery, and it's normal for teeth to be sensitive and sore for a while after any kind of work done. This is because the ligament acts as a shock absorber for the tooth but if the force exceeds the shock absorbing capacity, you will sprain the ligament. The pain is stronger when biting without food (tooth against tooth), but when I chew food I think I don't feel pain. So I have been just babying it and not chewing on that side. The pain is not debilitating, but My front tooth was hurting pretty bad after and it’s been sore all day. Also when i bite down the pain will go away for a bit but come back in 10 or so minutes if i dont bite down constantly. Locked post. Advil completely removes the pain though And salt water rinses really do help too! But every little tooth pain has me on edge, and I swear it's making it 10 times worse Sometimes there's no pain at all, sometimes it's only from one tooth, sometimes from both. About 2 days after the procedure, I started experiencing pain when biting/ chewing on hard foods. The nerves in the tooth also give feedback along with the nerves of the periodontal ligament to the CNS. There is a fairly clear crack in the tooth visible with illumination, that may extend into the gum. The word thing is, I have no pain when pressing with my fingernail or the back of the toothbrush on my tooth, but I do get a sharp pain when I rub my fingernail against a very specific area of the tooth, or when biting while eating most foods. That night after the filling I bite down on something hard, and sharp, shooting pain! This time the pain was on the bottom and slightly more forward in my mouth differing in location from the pain from the previous filling. release your bite as fast as you can How to interpret the results: A) if it really hurts, a sharp pain, when you let go, you most likely have a cracked tooth B) if you have pain while biting you either have i) high occlusion and the tooth is getting banged on, bruising the ligament that holds the tooth in place (think of it as a sprain). It turned out I had lyme disease and that migrating tooth pain was a symptom id literally never heard of. Now the pain is isolated to the single tooth, and is infrequent. My dentist told me it’s the ligaments causing the pain and it is because my bottom tooth keeps hitting the traumatized tooth. NAD- I had a similar problem with my first filling a couple of months ago- but the pain lasted me for a couple of months. The tooth was fine but after the filling it hurt. When I bite down on it there is a deep dull pain in my gum. I had a cleaning and an exam yesterday and the dentist removed a piece of the pit that had lodged between my teeth, that somehow was not removed with flossing. Biting down on hard things still hurts (in certain angles) but has gone down a bit. However after only a little bit of pressure the pain stops and further pressure does nothing. Two of the teeth had shallow cavities (right side), two had "medium cavities" as described by the dentist (left side). Following the second root canal on tooth #30, I've had some pain that mostly corresponds with pressure and biting, which has continued into week 2, while on antibiotics. All day today I am feeling pain in the same two teeth. The tooth has a previous filling in between my teeth. Tooth pain probably has significantly more to do with your dental health than chewing on meat. And go away it did. No NAD I had tooth trauma back in January and I still have pain in my tooth but the nerve is still alive. Here are eight common reasons why your teeth might hurt when you bite down, and how you can address them. See full list on ivanovortho. During empty mouth clenching, Tooth 19 is the only tooth that feels pressure pain. One other thing that comes to mind is that the tooth is higher than all the others, so this tooth is the first point of contact when my bite closes. Got sensitive to cold foods/drinks. I had to avoid a lot of food. Again I could be totally off base with this!! Everything I read online said Ibuprofen is only a temporary relief for dental pain. , today I asked him to re do the filling as on the other side I had amalgam which didn’t give me problems. Just keep in mind if you leave it the way it is, and just “deal with the pain” it can cause way more damage to the tooth by putting too much force on it! Aug 7, 2015 · If a crown is placed and the bite is not right, every time you bite down it can cause pain in that tooth. very light biting pressure or even pushing my tongue against them). I try purposely biting down on my left side and I to have bite something a certain way or angle for the pain to be there. Also ask if the bite pain is sharp or dull and achy. Pain is not constant. com Does your tooth hurt whenever you bite down on a hard object? Please do not ignore it! There can be many reasons behind the pain, and you’ll need to figure out the exact cause before deciding what you need to do. The tooth turned a darker color but has been fine otherwise. Tomorrow will be a week. I've been drinking coffee all morning with no pain or any discomfort at all. Advil completely removes the pain though And salt water rinses really do help too! But every little tooth pain has me on edge, and I swear it's making it 10 times worse If I bite down on it, it's not a sharp pain (never has been) but can sometimes elicit a dullish ache that will go away on its own, even if I continue to eat. pain and sensitivity. I can't really tell if it's the bottom or top though. I assumed it may have been a little high, so he took some height off. Apr 23, 2020 · More often than not, our Ottawa dentists warn that the pain you feel from biting down boils down to one of seven different dental problems. My teeth felt perfectly normal but the Dentist said I had two cavities that needed to be filled. They hurt after eating and especially if food is a little hot but not only after hot. I had a small cavity filled 7 months ago in one of my upper molars. Zing of Pain when biting crunchy food after filling So I actually didnt have any tooth pain or problems before I went to the dentist a few weeks ago. Otherwise i dont have pain or issues on one this side. Ever since then, not only am I not able to chew on hard foods such as nuts, cereal, or even spongy foods like steak, but My dentist is an hour away from where I live, so before taking time off to go in and check the bite and filling (which I already did for the bite about 4 hours after the procedure) I'm wondering if any dentists think this could be normal and it is just my tooth that is a little bruised from the procedure and needs time to recover. I go back on 8/23/22 and she adjusts my bite some more after I tell her it’s still bothering me. biting on hard foods; overfilled or underfilled cavity filling; various tooth infections; trauma from small objects like seeds, kernels, or ice; allergies or a cold; If a person is feeling a lingering pain in a tooth and they’ve done something from this list, they should seek attention from their dentist. Sensitive teeth can be caused by various factors, such as tooth decay, gum disease, worn enamel, or exposed tooth roots. If you choose to not go back, the tooth may end up with irreversible pulpitis, in which you will need a root canal, or the crown can break. It's not when I lift off of the tooth though, it only twinges when I bite down. Until yesterday. I am either having a bad TMJ situation or I have a horrible tooth - after I eat I have intense pain right in front of my ear, but I also sometimes bite down on things that cause intense tooth pain - hard to tell if top or bottom. Jun 2, 2022 · Biting into a hard object. I have had some kind of reaction on one side and from time to time all of my teeth hurt, even the ones which had no work done. After you remove the garlic and the burning subsides the area will be numb for at least an hour. Not legal/medical advice, just musing. went back to the dentist the beginning of this week after calling and complaining of pain. Sep 29, 2018 · A lingering toothache could be indication of a bruised tooth, also referred to as sprained tooth syndrome. g. Its a throbbing pain that comes and goes, no heat/cold sensitivity, no trouble sleeping. The best thing to do would be to go back to your dentist and have your bite adjusted. Any previous dental work? For example, I’ve had a crown that was too tall so when I would grind my teeth at night it put extra pressure on the tooth below causing pain when I woke up in the morning. The side in which I have pain the wisdom tooth is in about 50%. Learn what causes it and how to treat it. Can’t even bite down or have teeth hit Title: Tooth sensitivity after biting something hard? Full text: One of my bottom left molars has a slight crack on the very top middle part of the tooth. Hi All, I get a sharp shooting pain when I bite on my bottom jaw, left side 2nd bicuspid (I think) tooth. It's a strange recurring ache, seemingly spontaneous. And I bit down on something hard and my teeth on that side of the mouth became sore, but the soreness moved from one tooth Mark Bornfeld, DDS Clinical instructor, NYU College of Dentistry; 42 years private practice experience in general dentistry, member Academy of General Dentistry, ADA, Fellow, American Academy of Oral Medicine After biting on the Carrot I felt a slight but sharp pain in the molar and quickly stoped eating. I have a molar that is very painful when I apply pressure to it specifically. I don't feel like when closing my teeth they're mishaped or anything, but I can't bite anything close to that tooth. And the EXACT same thing has happened. Accidently bit into something extremely hard on Christmas, I had never felt that much pain biting into hard foods like popcorn kernels before so it felt much worse. I went to the dentist again and he took an x ray and told me I didn’t need a root canal and adjusted the bite, although he did mention that the nerve was inflamed and I should wait a couple of days for the pain to subside. The rest of the tooth looks normal. I've never had a cavity, dentists say I have perfect teeth. I don’t feel pain when not chewing, nothing when I push or bite down on the tooth. Most probably it's the gum still irritated but I'm asking in case I need to visit the dentist again. I was able to bite down in the tooth and felt quickly inspected to see if there were any visible cracks, none that I could see with a light. Biting down pain: something is still off on your bite (it'll need adjusting), or there is something going on with the area around the roots like a dead/abscessed or inflammed tooth/ligament (root canal). I got this filling adjusted 3 times, but it still gives me a sharp pain (localized at one of the cusps of the tooth). By day 4 the pain was reduced by 50% and by day 10 the pain was completely gone. Yupppp. But it's now been 30 days since the pain has all but gone away. What you may be experiencing is a bruised tooth (also known as sprained tooth syndrome), where the ligaments of your teeth are sprained, damaged, or inflamed. 2. About a week and a half after the filling was done, I felt a sharp pain when chewing hard/crunchy foods. Not really a sharp pain and only when I'm biting down hard enough to chew or there is a lot of suction. Now, a month later, I can eat somewhat normally but the pain is still there only when I put pressure on it. I have Tourette's and one The pulp can also repair the tooth internally by creating secondary dentin. I had the bite adjusted once I'll eat a full meal of chewy or hard foods and be totally fine, and then it will start hurting out of the blue while I'm sitting on the couch and watching TV. I went back to the dentist, she said the filling was close to the nerve and the pain should go away over time. Note: Teeth rarely break because of a hard food item. We usually recommend taking 600mg ibuprofen/500mg acetaminophen altogether every 6 hours as needed (of course only take these if you know you can handle them and don’t have allergies to them or on blood thinners) if soreness doesn’t resolve after day 4 you should call the office. EDIT: Also, it doesn't hurt at all if I push on either tooth with my finger or tap on it. So I had a root canal a few weeks ago, most of the inflammation and pain has subsided, however even after getting a temporary crown I am experiencing a small amount of pain when I bite on things particularly hard like carrot sticks. So this all started in January of 2018 when I went to get some cavities filled. Nope, I still have it and after a month or two the pain disappeared and sensation of feeling returned. 5 years ago from a dentist near my university, and the filling went on top of two teeth, and also in between those teeth (I believe it was metal because the filling is gray). I have a bit of a strange problem. The pain from the burning will likely become worse than the tooth pain. The dental pulp can be damaged, leading to sensitivity, pain, and discoloration. The tooth is now loose but I can't tell where it's separated, if at all. eae knjonm ejupv msdb dpcreyw gmsqeu kqov wmsigu xopas lpk wtarqtum svxmcr txwa ohvei rsxtc