Octopi 3d printer. Its website can be found at octoprint.

Octopi 3d printer 2 – What is OctoPi? OctoPi is the name of an OctoPrint image created for the Raspberry Pi. 0 comes with OctoPrint 1. How to Add an OctoPrint Touchscreen to Any 3D Printer This guide will show you how to add a touchscreen to any 3D printer for use with OctoPrint, a popula howchoo Oct 6, 2024 · OctoPrint gives you more control over your 3D prints. 11 Dongle. Where to find free STL files and 3d print models; 52 Useful 3D Prints: Awesome Stuff Aug 24, 2023 · Scott Hamill is a seasoned professional 3D printing and technology writer based in Edinburgh, renowned for his comprehensive coverage of 3D printing. Mar 4, 2023 · Get It 3D Printed Source: skola28 via Printables. Allows you to flash pre-compiled firmware to your printer right from OctoPrint. Aug 20, 2022 · Michael Dwamena is the founder of 3D Printerly, a platform dedicated to simplifying 3D printing for hobbyists and professionals alike. Description and Instructions. g. Whenever I try to connect to the printer with baudrate on auto it comes up with the mesage: "Offline (Error: No more baudrates to test, and no suitable baudrate found. Afterwards, you can create one or more printer profiles by visiting Settings -> Printer Profiles -> Add Profile as necessary. 0 or later - see the OctoPi releases for release information. After connecting to your printer via USB, OctoPrint allows you to control and monitor your prints from any device with a web browser. It is platform agnostic and runs basically everywhere where you can install Python (the full version, not Micropython), be it a cheap single PCB computer like the Raspberry Pi running Linux, a fully featured gaming PC running Windows, a Mac /r/3DPrinting is a place where makers of all skill levels and walks of life can learn about and discuss 3D printing and development of 3D printed parts and devices. Beside the backwards powering, there is an issue of voltage / level differences if devices are not grounded properly or are running of different Dec 6, 2021 · Octopi is a system designed for helping 3D printing, it allows you access the printer anywhere and anytime, monitor the print status, do safety check on power supply, making time lapse videos and even take the full control of the mainboard and boost your printing with Klipper firmware. His interest began during his college years, sparked by a peer's project to build a 3D printer for a Master's thesis more than a decade ago. Jun 3, 2019 · 5MP camera module for 3D printer projects with Raspberry Pi, natively compatible with the official Raspberry Pi camera modules and motherboards Used on Raspbian for 3D printer monitoring, surveillance camera, or other Pi cam projects Sep 11, 2022 · 3D Printer Reviews. To print the small Discover free 3D models for 3D printing related to Octopus. Let’s get started! 1 – Ender 3 OctoPrint settings. The software can now assist you in wireless 3D printing, monitoring and controlling 3D printers and even print farms from anywhere in the world, slicing 3D models, detecting failures, receiving notifications, and much more. Re: Desktop enviroment for Octopi? Jan 19, 2023 · How to Directly Send G-Code from OctoPrint to the 3D Printer on a Line-By-Line Basis? While the primary way of sending G-code from OctoPrint to the 3D printer for printing purposes is to use G-code files, there are times when the capability to directly send G-code commands to the 3D printer on a line-by-line basis can come in extremely handy. I often have to run to my basement just to turn the 3D printer on then I give it few minutes to heat up before it can start printing. It enables you to control your 3D printer remotely, schedule prints, view detailed information about the printer e. Here's and exhaustive list of parts: 3D Printer (RepRap) Raspberry Pi. Dec 12, 2020 · Learn how to set up OctoPrint using OctoPi and a Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi will take your G-Code and send it to print (much the same as printing via USB). The image is built on top of Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) and comes with OctoPrint pre-installed. SDカードにOctopiをインストールする. Owns over 20 3D printers (filament and resin) and has plenty experience 3D printing. English en. What is OctoPi? Cute mini Octopus, articulated and printed without additional supports. Raspberry PI distro for controlling 3D printers over the web. 11 OctoPi version : 0. OctoPrint is the snappy web interface for your 3D printer that allows you to control and monitor all aspects of your printer and print jobs, right from your browser. . Turn off your Raspberry Pi, then plug it into your 3D printer. Whether you have a 3D printer at home or use one at your school or local makerspace, it’s fair to assume you’ve had a failed print or two in your time. Check the following: Make sure the cable you are using for the connection between your printer and OctoPrint is a fully connected cable and not a power-only charging Aug 21, 2022 · Michael Dwamena is the founder of 3D Printerly, a platform dedicated to simplifying 3D printing for hobbyists and professionals alike. 1 day ago · And not in the hands of the 3D printing or software giants who own the competing platforms and exploit the designs for their own commercial interests. BIGTREETECH offers a range of high-quality 3D printers, 3D printing components, software, materials, and support. May 6, 2018 · My octopi can't connect to my printer. Here are the steps to installing and using OctoPrint for 3D Printing. It’s all great, but with limited I/O (read as a single USB port) I have more questions: Can I share the USB port with a webcam, 3D printer and a USB Ethernet adapter. OctoPrint is compatible with all Creality 3D printers, including the Ender 3 V2, Ender 3 S1, and more. Jan 15, 2018 · Update your printer's firmware from OctoPrint About. Download the OctoPi Image; Image Your Raspberry Pi Jan 19, 2023 · Technically speaking, a computer is not a necessity for a 3D printer to operate (except for slicing a 3D model to create the required G-code file), as a 3D printer usually comes with its own interface that you can use to practically execute any command that will be necessary to configure, start, and monitor a print. OctoPi image Camera Module USB WiFi dongle Compatible 3D printer Class 10 SD card (minimum 4GB) Let’s get started. You get to watch the whole print take place remotely on your computer or anywhere—if you want to use our guide to access OctoPrint from anywhere. I cannot access octoprint. OctoPi includes the OctoPrint software for 3d printer and a mjpg-streamer, which can be used to stream JPEG files over OctoPrint provides a web interface for controlling 3D printers, allowing the user to start a print job by sending G-code to a 3D printer connected via USB. USB cable: This is the cable you will use to connect your Raspberry Pi to the 3D printer. The power cycle takes a few seconds, but that is enough for Octopi to think it is offline. There are multiple ways of “If you’re a fan of Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, or any tabletop games, Octopus 3D is a treasure trove you don’t want to miss. OctoPrint is a snappy web interface for your 3D printer that allows you to control and monitor all aspects of your 3D printer and print jobs right from within any browser on your network. 0 (OctoPi) Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with camera module v2 [also 640x480 webcam and 10mm inspection camera+light work over USB on RPi3B+] Octoprint Settings: Serial Port: /dev/ttyUSB0 Apr 29, 2019 · With increasingly affordable 3D printer options, getting started with 3D printing is an accessible practice. Next, we’ll need to configure the Raspberry Pi to launch a browser and load the OctoPrint/OctoPi interface on boot using the TouchUI boot to browser setup scripts. OctoPi) isn't even seeing your printer's serial port. Nowadays, he primarily uses his Ender 3 to print functional parts that make his life more convenient whenever possible. Make sure to check my previous instructable where I built an enclosure box / fume hood for my 3d printer, as this is the sequel. OctoPrint wasn't designed for more than one printer, but it's still possible Nov 21, 2017 · 3D printing. It could be a USB Type-A, Type-B, Mini, or Micro. A top choice for leveling up your 3D printing game is OctoPrint. USB Cable and power supply (1A) You could buy a case, but you already have a 3D printer. It runs a Linux distribution called OctoPi, which has all the software loaded that allows you to host your 3D Printer on your local network and simply log in to a webpage to control it. 5. This set up takes about a half hour and allows you to remotely control and monitor your prints Apr 22, 2023 · Get It 3D Printed Source: xylonsteve via OctoPrint Community. Why not print a case First of all this whole tutorial isn't a mandatory mod - you just need it if you run into issues (weird things are happening and you've already ruled out the more common suspects) or if the always running fan and illuminated display (even when the printer is turned off) disturbes you. You'll need. Dec 26, 2023 · OctoPrint, on the other hand, is designed specifically for 3D printing and offers compatibility with a wide range of printers and firmware, including Marlin and Klipper. In order to get started, you'll need a 3D printer and Raspberry Pi. This is something you have to solve outside OctoPrint first before you can proceed. 1 Octopus Pro SKR 3 Control Board to Run Klipper VS Raspberry-Pi 4/3B for Voron 3D Printer 4. OctoPrint 3D printer control and monitoring software installed and tested on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, demonstrated with a Monoprice Mini Select V2 3D printer OctoPrint is the software that does 3d printer management. Brand Model Form Factor Origin Heated Bed Width Depth Height Custom Bound-ing Box MaxX (inverted Jun 27, 2020 · If SLA printer is using gcode that is excellent first step, but then we need to know it they allow for printer to be controlled over serial (usb over serial) connection. 802. org. Also if they have open source firmware that we can inspect that would be a great as well so even if this feature is missing community or some external developer can do it even Jan 7, 2024 · Hello Everybody! I'm using Ender 3 Neo with OctoPi, which is powered by the printer's PSU with a step-down converter. My Octopi kit came with a 5 inch 800*480 touch screen, which seems pretty pointless to me. OctoPrint is compatible with all 3D printers that use standard GCODE communication and have a USB port. 8+ on iOS and Android, and more smart 3D printing features! Access OctoPrint Remotely From Anywhere on Any Device Installing OctoPi is a simple process and this guide also has some lesser-known tips and tricks to optimize your setup. Create. 3D Printer(s): Hictop 3DP11/12. This includes nearly all popular models on the market, including: Creality Ender 3, Creality Ender 5, Creality CR-10S; Prusa i3 models; Anycubic i3 Mega, Anycubic Vyper; Ultimaker models; Monoprice Mega, Monoprice Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. It could load the photon or chitu files, decompress them, and use the gcode and the images to either run the machine through the usb port, or at least use gcode to direct the machine to the photon file and either start if, or at least push the file to the machine. 18. Access Method B: Set up a Static IP address for your Pi: A Static IP address assures that your Pi has the same address each time it connects to your network. Wish there was an Octoprint PLUGIN that would allow this. OctoPrint monitors the status of the print job, as well as the printer itself, including the temperature of the print head (hot end) and the temperature of the bed, if the bed on the printer is heated. The BIGTREETECH 32-Bit Octopus Board Is A MONSTER! OctoPrint is a fantastic way to remote-control your 3D printer - and it's even more versatile than ever thanks to its built-in plugin system! In this video, Feb 4, 2024 · 1. In this way, and with our preferred web browser, we can make new impressions, monitor the temperature of our bed or nozzle (nozzle), see our impression in real time on video and many other things. Sep 28, 2023 · ” As the Z-axis stepper motor travels up during your 3D printing, the camera follows it. 4K. RAMPS, Sanguinololu, Melzi, Anet, Creality, Ender, Prusa MMU, Prusa CW1 many others) Welcome to our comprehensive guide to installing OctoPrint on your 3D printer. Members Online What is this issue called and how do i avoid it Newbies Guide to Installing and Configuring Octoprint on a Raspberry Pi for 3D Printing: If you have read any of my other instructables, most noteable the Complete newbie step by step, 3D printer with all parts lists, you know that I remember my own frustrations at incomplete instruction and guides even after I finally figured out the p… Turn the printer off and on again by flipping the switch on the side. Let me show you how to get this up and running in no time, powered by OctoPi, the customised SD card image created by Guy Sheffer that merits the label ‘batteries included’. log, and I have to access octoprint via the ip address because octopi. org Control and manage your 3D printer and more using OctoPrint and Raspberry Pi. Creative Commons - Attribution . local:5001 OctoPi Jun 9, 2021 · OctoPrint with a touchscreen interface will enhance your 3D printing process. Aug 18, 2024 · Funny Flexi Octopus *3D printable flexible articulated octopus (formerly thing:3531563)* License. Login. It provides a user-friendly interface and allows users to easily manage their prints, monitor progress, and control their printer remotely. It's designed so it can be printed at once. 3. The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! - GitHub - OctoPrint/octoprint-docker: The dockerized snappy web interface for your 3D printer! However, it's missing one key function. Dec 18, 2023 · OctoPrint isn't the only option out there for 3D printer control and monitoring. Read on for our list of the best OctoPrint alternatives! Oct 19, 2020 · Get It 3D Printed This article is free for you and free from outside influence. OctoPrint provides a snappy web interface for controlling consumer 3D printers. Michael has authored over 900 articles, helping millions navigate the exciting world of 3D printing. To keep things this way, we finance it Using OctoPrint you can control your 3D printer from the network and allows you to monitor your printer’s current status and print progress. I just installed octopi on my raspberry pi and am running the Obico is the all-in-one smart 3D printing app for OctoPrint - Connect your 3D printer to Obico for free to get instant access to AI failure detection, full OctoPrint remote access, a fully featured mobile app rated 4. OctoPi provides tools to control your 3D printer remotely, send new files to print, and more. Collected Printer Profiles Make sure to scroll to the right to see the entire table. After it has connected, you’ll be able to set the hot end and Discover 3D models for 3D printing related to Octopus. One should verify that OctoPi boots and that the OctoPrint web server works. Have a good time! Wired or Wireless Connection, 32GB Storage, Power Adapter, Custom ABS Case w/Mounting Bracket, Remote Control over LAN, HD Camera Support (add below), and Tech Support via email Included. You should also be able to SSH into the Pi using: ssh pi@octopi. 0 Nov 6, 2014 · If you live in a world with many printers and Octopi rigs, change the network name for each octopi to keep yourself sane. ” Compatible 3D Printers. Well, today I'll show you how you can turn your 3D printer on and off using Octoprint and a relay. 79-v7+ #1159 SMP Sun Nov 4 17:50:20 GMT 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux OctoPrint version : 1. Filament knotting or running out, your print peeling away from the print bed — these are common issues for all 3D printing enthusiasts, and they can be costly if they’re Dec 12, 2020 · Learn how to set up OctoPrint using OctoPi and a Raspberry Pi. May 22, 2019 · 今日、3Dプリンティングを始めるには、これらの2つのモデルが最適だと思います。 Alfawise U20を見 る Creality CR-10を見る. Load Models to Print Wirelessly From Your Computer : No longer do you need to load your models on a microSD card and insert that into the 3D printer. There are a few ways to set it up, so read on to learn more! 7277 "octopus" printable 3D Models. Most of the time those issues occur only if you turn on your pi before … ↳ Wanhao Desktop 3D Printers; ↳ Other make/model 3D Printers! ↳ Large Scale 3D Printers; ↳ Creality Large Scale 3D Printers; ↳ Folger Tech Large Scale 3D Printers; ↳ Tevo brand 3D Printers; ↳ General Large Scale Printer Area; ↳ Resin 3D Printers; ↳ Micro 3D Printers; ↳ Multi-Color / Multi-Filament 3D printing Jul 7, 2021 · Prerequisites for multiple OctoPrint instances. No assembly or supports required. Print out the camera case and camera mount. In this guide we will cover how to install and use OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi. 2 + Pi4B Adapter Panel Board Kit, Support with SKR Mini E3 V3. First, go to the Octoprint GitHub In OctoPi this would be octopi. 16. After it has booted up, open OctoPrint again in your browser and take your newly WiFi-enabled printer for a spin by clicking the Connect button. You can't turn the 3D printer on and off. I'm starting with the why part: If you connect a 3D printer via USB to your Raspberry Pi it can lead to all Scripts to build OctoPi, a Raspberry PI distro for controlling 3D printers over the web - guysoft/OctoPi Remote Control & Monitoring: The OctoPi / OctoPrint allows you to remotely control & monitor your 3D printer from a web browser or an app on your smartphone. Jan 19, 2023 · Installing OctoPrint to control your 3D printer is one of the most practical improvements you can perform to take your printing experience to the next level, as OctoPrint offers numerous benefits to the printing process ranging from remote control to status monitoring, completely free of charge. OctoPrint only shows one port "AUTO" to connect to The underlying operating system (e. To control multiple 3D printers with OctoPrint and Docker, you need the following: Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB is strongly recommended for best performance with multiple Docker containers). Install with OctoPi¶ Start by installing OctoPi on the Raspberry Pi computer. Have a good time! Learn how to set up OctoPrint with a Raspberry Pi on your Creality Ender 3 or similar 3D printer with this easy getting-started guide. Attribution. Use OctoPi v0. To keep things this way, we finance it through Jan 19, 2023 · Mike started his 3D printing journey with the Anet A8 when it first came out back in 2017, and has been obsessed with 3D printers ever since. Search ASIN B088BGN5HC B088BLZKRG to get the tripod and CS Lens for Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera Feb 16, 2022 · I'm starting with the why part: If you connect a 3D printer via USB to your Raspberry Pi it can lead to all sorts of power related issues. Best 3D Printer Under $300; Best 3D Printer Under $1000; Best Delta 3D Printer; Best 3D printers By Use Case. See full list on octoprint. Sep 27, 2023 · 10 – Configure the Raspberry Pi to boot to a browser. I would like to be able to send a shutdown command to OctoPi from the printer's menu. Note that if you are using a WiFi adapter instead of an ethernet connection, you may want to change (3) Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch option to boot once into the GUI so that you can configure the wifi elements there using Interesting that you just wrote about this issue, I saw it only after spending a couple of hours trouble shooting serial timeout issues between a newly setup Octopi and old refurbished 3D printer. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Sep 19, 2017 · This video demonstrates turn on and off your 3D Printer through Octopi with the use on a power relay. local. However, this was re-created from the ground up in Blender, which means it is not a remix. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. O ctoPrint is an application that you can use to manage your 3D printers making the whole 3D printing process quite simple and interesting. OctoPrint is a fully featured print server/web interface for 3D printers, written in Python and HTML/JS. 2 out of 5 stars Dec 2, 2020 · OctoPrint is the snappy web interface for your 3D printer that allows you to control and monitor all aspects of your printer and print jobs, right from your browser. local won't connect either. Together with the Raspberry Pi, you’ll have an OctoPi Feb 24, 2020 · The easiest way I found years ago was using OctoPi and just use different configuration files pointing which had different printer settings and using different ports. I believe I saw somewhere information on how to do that, but I didn't save a link and now I can't find any information about it. temperature and so much more. Hi there and welcome to the 3d printing zone. MicroSD Card. Aug 25, 2022 · Since its launch in 2012, it has evolved into a tool for users to improve their 3D printing experience. Click to find the best Results for octopus Models for your 3D Printer. This article is free for you and free from outside influence. PiCam (or PiNoIR) USB Cable for connecting the Pi to the printer. Printer settings Form factor: Rectangular Origin: Lower Left Heated Bed: Yes (checked) Heated Chamber: No (unchecked) Width: 220mm Depth: 220mm Height: 250mm Axes: Default** Custom Bounding Box: No (unchecked) Nozzle Diameter: 0. OctoPi. Download and install Raspberry Pi Imager. Best 3D Printer for Kids; Best 3D Printer for Miniatures; Free printable files. Use the Imager to select Other Specific Purpose OS, 3D printing, OctoPi, and choose the stable version. Its website can be found at octoprint. While you’re setting up OctoPrint, use the following settings for your Ender 3:. You need to verify the type of connection port available on your 3D printer. Sep 17, 2020 · By that, I mean that, as soon as I hit the "Connect" button in Octopi, the screen on the 3D printer cycles as if it completely restarts. local unless you have changed the default setting). When dealing with 3D printing, you need to use the official Raspberry power supply as under-voltage might lead to performance issues. UPDATE!! v6 fixes some mesh errors, improves bed adhesion, and adds the replaceable tentacle and the HUGE octopus print. Octopi is a full disk image distribution of the operating system needed by the pi with OctoPrint pre-installed. OctoPi 0. Open advanced options to configure WiFi and password. Oct 31, 2024 · The original Cute mini Octopus | Download free 3D printable STL models. This website specializes in high-quality 3D printed models that cater to both collectors and gamers alike. Give it a few minutes and you should see the IP address on the display. Sep 27, 2023 · OctoPrint: Control Your 3D Printer Remotely with Raspberry Pi and OctoPi Untether your printer! In a nutshell, we’re going to connect our printer to a small voltage regulator, also known as a “buck converter” or “step down converter”, to reduce the printer’s higher voltage to the 5V needed by the Pi. This set up takes about a half hour and allows you to remotely control and monitor your prints and adds all kinds of new feature possibilities to your 3D Printing setup. A large number of boards are supported, based on the MCU (processor) they have: Atmel Atmega (AVR) family 8-bit MCUs (e. Download your favorite STL files and make them with your 3D printer. Works great for a “stealth” black look, goes well with 3D printers OctoPrint setup and Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera ; Used on OctoPi, Raspbian, MotionEye for 3D printer monitoring, surveillance camera or other Pi cam projects. 4mm Number of Extruders: 1 Nov 4, 2021 · From my benchmark and the official Octoprint account, we know that the recently released Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is fast enough to run an Octoprint server for your 3D printer. 14. Instructions During the initial Setup Wizard, you can create your printer's profile. 0 Octopus V1. Best 3D Printer by Brand; Best 3D Printer by Price. It is Free Software and released under the GNU Affero General Public License V3. 4. Feb 21, 2023 · Download OctoPi for free. No, OctoPrint and OctoPi are not the same thing. Many different STL files, with straight or spiral tentacles, both with and without included support. AI-based failure detection for 3D printer remote management and monitoring. 2 and Python 3, among other things. Note that if you enter the printer's menu or insert an SD card, the IP address can disappear from the screen and you have to reboot the printer to see it again. Jul 25, 2024 · OctoPrint is a free, open-source 3D printer control software that provides a web interface for monitoring and managing your 3D printer remotely. Octoprintは、Webインターフェースを介して3Dプリンターを制御するためのソフトウェアです。 Jan 7, 2020 · Now that you’re set up with OctoPrint, you’re ready to start printing. BIGTREETECH CB1 V2. After connecting to the OctoPrint web page, follow the prompt to upgrade OctoPrint if needed. This model is inspired by McGybeer's Cute Mini Octopus. )". Cults3D is an independent, self-financed site that is not accountable to any investor or brand. Here’s everything you need to know to get started! Apr 11, 2024 · Free, private, and unlimited remote monitoring and control of your OctoPrint, Klipper And Bambu Lab 3D printers! Now including AI print failure detection, real-time notifications, 3rd party app support, and more! Jul 5, 2021 · OctoPrint is a fantastic way to remote-control your 3D printer – and it’s even more versatile than ever thanks to its built-in plugin system! In this video, I show you how to set up OctoPrint and which plugins are worth checking out. You can even record the entire print as a time-lapse if you choose. While this happens, Octopi displays " State: Connecting", then after a while, ends with " State: Offline". Learn how to set up OctoPi on a Raspberry Pi with this step-by-step setup guide! Aug 28, 2018 · In this video, I'll teach you how to install, configure, and use OctoPrint (AKA OctoPi) with your Raspberry Pi, allowing you to control your 3D printer and p Jan 22, 2020 · Basically, Octoprint is a completely free Open-Source application that allows us to monitor and manage our 3D printer remotely using a Raspberry Pi. 17. - scyto/TheSpaghettiDetective Oct 23, 2024 · OctoPrint provides a web interface for your 3D printer, allowing you to control and monitor every aspect of the printer and your print jobs. The kit is fully built and pre-tested so you can plug it in and start using it! Multiple optional accessories are available at a discount below as well to make the ultimate EZPi setup for your printer! Latest OctoPi image with OctoPrint already updated to the latest release Shell 59 10 OctoPrint is the snappy web interface for your 3D printer! Jun 2, 2020 · And if you still do not know it and you are interested, I highly recommend that you read an article I wrote some time ago: Octoprint: Manage your 3D printer remotely with Raspberry Pi and Octopi If you do it and install the Raspberry Pi, or if you have already configured it for this function for some time, you will know the real nuisance that Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. Aside from a quality 3D printer and the proper 3D printing accessories such as filament, adhesive, and wire cutters, you'll also need software. Tested with : Linux octopi 4. In this video, we'll show you how to turn your printer into a smart printer th [Snapmaker Original 3-in-1 3D Printer[(Snapmaker 3-in-1 3D Printer) tested by {marothstein}[marothstein (Matt Rothstein) · GitHub] Octoprint Version: Version 1. izzb qkddiz xygbom hzvf uminw bsjjd btvsc tzhz dnrs ovhtg