Ods select proc univariate. Label: Moments Template: base.


Ods select proc univariate Notice that an output object has the same name and label, regardless of which variable is analyzed. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "ExtremeValues" table; see the section You can get the list of what's available with ods trace. The traditional graphics system enables you to control every detail of a graph through convenient procedure syntax. You're missing a semicolon on your ODS PDF statements at the top and ODS SELECTステートメントは出力を"HistogramBins"テーブルと"MyHist"ヒストグラムに制限します。ODSテーブル名のセクションを参照してください。ENDPOINTS=オプションはヒストグラムビンの終点を指定します。 proc univariateを使用して、正規分布を前提としない分位点の信頼限界を計算することもできます。次のステートメントはciquantdfオプションを使用して、身長の母集団の分位点に対する分布に依存しない信頼限界を要求します。 ods select summary (nowarn); proc contents data=sashelp. Cody's Data Cleaning Techniques, third edition, to compute trimmed statistics using PROC UNIVARIATE. birth; var bwt; histogram bwt / normal(mu=est sigma=est); qqplot bwt / normal(mu=est sigma=est); run; Whenever I ran these lines together the proc univariate would fail after the first chart, I would see the following errors in the log, and the qqplot would not be produced. specifies to which ODS destination's selection list to write, where ODS-destination can ODS HTML statement. In applications where the Label Path: 'The Univariate Procedure'. Subsetting variables are a special kind of WHERE expression operand used by SAS to help you find common values in items. ods selectで設定した「Moments」「BasicMeasures」は、1個目のunivariateプロシジャにしか適用されていません。 以下のようにプロシジャ毎にods selectを書く必要があります。 I am a little confused don't you get the intervals title 'Analysis of Female Heights'; ods select BasicIntervals; proc univariate data=sashelp. class plots; var age; histogram; run; The Select here replaces Noprint to suppress most of the output by selecting only the Histogram for output. Univariate. 9, illustrates how to carry out three tests for location: The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "TestsForLocation" and "LocationCounts" tables; The default output displays a mode of 81 and includes a note regarding the number of modes; the modes 86 and 97 are not displayed. 8 6. PROC UNIVARIATE. Note that a threshold parameter is assumed for each curve. 22. The ID statement requests that the extreme observations are Output Delivery System (ODS) interface for this procedure will also be examined and demonstrated. You can do the same thing to PROC MEANS if necessary. For example, this ODS SELECT statement selects only output objects with the path City_Pop_90. Every procedure (except for PRINT, REPORT and TABULATE) has a separate output object with a required name for example, the required name for the QUANTILES table in PROC UNIVARIATE is Base. Moments Label Path: "The Univariate Procedure". 7744) of the sign test provides insufficient evidence of a difference in test score Note:Some features available with traditional graphics are not supported in ODS Graphics by the UNIVARIATE procedure for SAS 9. The NOPRINT option suppresses the display of summary statistics. SortTempTableSorted; ODS select "Goodness of Fit"; var price_change_sd; histogram price_change_sd / You can do it by changing the ODS style, but many people find it easier to use ODS OUTPUT to write the data underlying the graph to a SAS data set, and then use PROC SGPLOT to customize the graph. It is useful to compare the distributions of LoanToValueRatio for the two types. In this example, a manufacturing company This is why I recommend the ODS TRACE options instead - run the proc with ODS TRACE ON; <procedure code> ;; ODS TRACE OFF; Then capture the name from the log. The LOCCOUNT option produces the table of the number of observations greater than, not equal to, and less than 66 inches. The MU0= option specifies the null hypothesis value of for the tests for location; by default, . Commented Sep 19, 2012 at 20:36 ods select None; proc univariate data=simulation normaltest; by sim; var y; ods output TestsforNormality=normaltest; run; ods select all; 1. 4 ctext = blue; run; (MISE), or SJPI to select the bandwidth by using the Sheather-Jones plug-in method. subsetting-variable. 0 6. ods select / where=(_path_ = 'City_Pop_90. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "ExtremeValues" table; see the section The PROC UNIVARIATE statement is required to invoke the UNIVARIATE procedure. Example 4 SAS PROGRAM LIBNAME Mylib 'C:\Users\GVSUG\Desktop\Joseph Guido'; ODS TRACE ON; ODS TRACE ON; PROC UNIVARIATE DATA = SASHELP. ODS sends the items in the selection list to all active ODS destinations. Hi: The "universal" template idea won't work, unfortunately. The next step is to select which items you are interested in, and a variable name to store them in. TestsForLocation: . ODS LISTING SELECT Univariate. ODS SELECT <part1> <part2> ; where <part1> etc are the actual names of the parts of PROC UNIVARIATE as shown in the SASLOG. com で、まずはunivariateプロシジャで描きますが、univariateプロシジャでhistorgam指定しても、要約統計量など、欲しいプロット以外のものもでてくるのでods selectを使います。ods select histogram;とすれば、histogramの名前を持つアウトプットしかでません。 I have the following code for computing a variety of tests proc univariate data=Work. For this we can use ODS OUPUT statement. class; var age; run; ods trace off; Moments is the table that contains skewness; you can use KEEP statements and/or WHERE statements to filter to just that value. 6 by. The ID statement requests that the extreme observations are to be identified using the value of PatientID as well as the observation number. 25; run; quit; While the second UNIVARIATE just produces the histogram I need, the first UNIVARIATE produces both the full sample statistics and the ugly histogram. The data set HomeLoans contains a variable named LoanType that classifies the loans into two types: Gold and Platinum. 2; title 'IB One-5yrs-Histogram PnL'; run; title; 0 Likes run; ods results=on; ods select all; proc univariate data=_01 noprint; var x; where -5<x<5; histogram/normal(mu=0,sigma=1,noprint) endpoints=-5 to 5 by 0. pdf; ods select histogram; TITLE 'Summary of Weight Variable (in pounds)'; PROC UNIVARIATE DATA = sashelp. If you specify more I can use Proc Rank with group=10 for the same, but as it eliminates the missing values, I tried with univariate. 6. "The UNIVARIATE Procedure". Whereas the standard Wilcoxon test excludes values that equal μ 0 (the target value for the null hypothesis), Pratt's modification includes You could also use this name in an ODS SELECT or an ODS EXCLUDE statement. Note that the line printer stem-and-leaf plots are replaced by horizontal histograms in ODS proc univariate data=Steel; histogram Length / normal midpoints = 5. The TRIMMED= option computes two trimmed means, the first after removing one ods select summary (nowarn); proc contents data=sashelp. 1 winsor=0. 2 6. Moments Path: Univariate. The ENDPOINTS= option The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "BasicMeasures" and "TestsForLocation" tables; see the section ODS Table Names. Can anyone tell me how UNIVARIATE by default lists the top 5 and bottom 5 observations (identified by the VAR statement) ranked in term of their value. The CIBASIC option requests confidence limits for the mean, standard deviation, and variance. 86567 64. CLASS; var AGE; run; ods output close; ODS OUTPUT を使って、プロシジャの結果をデータセットに出力しています。 「ODS SELECT」と「ODS RESULTS」は似たような事が出来るので混同しがちですが、機能としては全然別物なのでご注意 The data set HomeLoans contains a variable named LoanType that classifies the loans into two types: Gold and Platinum. ods graphics on; ods select Moments TestsForNormality ProbPlot; proc univariate data=Aircraft normaltest; var Deviation; probplot Deviation / normal (mu=est sigma=est ods select summary (nowarn); proc contents data=sashelp. The LOGNORMAL, WEIBULL, and GAMMA primary options request superimposed fitted curves on the histogram in Output 4. class; var age; run; ods output close; 598 ods select Histogram; 599 proc univariate data=sashelp. If you are not familiar with the term “trimmed statistics,” it means to compute The argument ODS-destination identifies the output format, and output-object specifies one or more output objects to add to an exclusion list. Program data BPressure; length PatientID $2; input PatientID $ Systolic Diastolic @@; datalines; CK 120 50 SS 96 60 FR 100 70 CP 120 The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "ParameterEstimates," "GoodnessOfFit," and "FitQuantiles" tables; see the section ODS Table Names. You use the PROC UNIVARIATE statement to request univariate statistics for the variables listed in the VAR statement, which specifies the analysis variables and their order in the output. The following statements request quantiles for each distribution and a comparative histogram, which are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. Program data BPressure; length PatientID $2; input PatientID $ Systolic Diastolic @@; datalines; CK 120 50 SS 96 60 FR 100 70 CP 120 The UNIVARIATE Procedure. The Wikipedia article about the signed rank test mentions a variation of the test due to Pratt (1959). I create histograms with PROC UNIVARIATE when I am interested in also computing descriptive statistics such as means and quantiles, or when I want to fit a parametric distribution to the data. So the complete call to create the desired box plots with PROC UNIVARIATE is: ods select ssplots ; proc univariate data = pulserates plot ; var PULSE ; by visitnum ; run; When examining the resulting output, it is apparent that the graphs are low-resolution. You can use these names to reference the table when you use the Output Delivery System (ODS) to select tables As PROC UNIVARIATE sends each output object to the Output Delivery System, ODS sends the output object from PROC UNIVARIATE that matches the items in the selection list to the open destination. 05 data=reduced; var age tenure ; by provincia; ods output WinsorizedMeans=winsorizedmean10(keep=WinsorizedMean) TrimmedMeans=trimmedMean10 (keep=TrimmedMean) WinsorizedMeans=winsorizedmean5(keep=WinsorizedMean) The following statements generate the "Extreme Values" tables for Systolic and Diastolic, which tabulate the tails of the distributions: . This is because box plots ods select histogram; Full code: ods pdf file="aaaa. normal; var x; run; ODS TRACE off; Figure 3. You can use the PROC UNIVARIATE statement by itself to request a variety of statistics for summarizing the data distribution of each analysis variable: The option does not apply to ODS Graphics output. Moments; Next step is to create a SAS data from parts of SAS output. sas. ods select plots; proc univariate plots; var y; run; The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "HistogramBins" table and the "MyHist" histogram; see the section ODS Table Names. 10 Computing Confidence Limits for Quantiles and Percentiles. 80801 Std Deviation Hi SAS Users, Today when I run the proc univariate and using Output delivery system to get the Quantiles dataset, I receive both the results from Proc Univariate and the output of Quantiles. For example, Output 4. 9. 14. You can use these names to reference the table when you use the Output Delivery System (ODS) to select tables and create output data sets. A second researcher is more interested in summarizing the heights with quantiles than the mean and standard deviation. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "TestsForLocation" and "LocationCounts" tables; see the section ODS Table Names. This example, which is a continuation of Example 4. GNP. The ODS SELECT statement uses the name component in the trace records to select only the BasicMeasures and the TestsForLocation SAS® Viya® Workbench: Output Delivery System User’s Guide documentation. "Moments" ----- Output Added: ----- Name: BasicMeasures Label: Basic Measures of Location and The following statements generate the "Extreme Values" tables for Systolic and Diastolic, which tabulate the tails of the distributions: . The ENDPOINTS= option specifies output objects to add to a selection list. ameshousing; var saleprice; qqplot saleprice You can keep the additional variable HighFreq in the EXTRVAL dataset and then use PROC SUMMARY instead of PROC TRANSPOSE to create dataset WANT: %let nTop = 3; ods select none; ods output ExtremeValues=extrval(keep=varname high highfreq); proc univariate data=example NExtrVal=&nTop; run; ods select all; proc summary data=extrval; by varname; Try running a simple version in a new SAS session: ods trace on; ods select Plots; proc univariate plots data=sashelp. The Plots statement seems to be needed to get an object named Histogram created, at least on my system based on SAS 9. This tutorial will cover both basic and intermediate uses of PROC UNIVARIATE As PROC UNIVARIATE sends each output object to the Output Delivery System, ODS sends the output object from PROC UNIVARIATE that matches the items in the selection I'm having a play with the ODS SELECT Histograms statement to get Proc Univariate to produce a table after the histogram that shows the bin sizes used by the histogram. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "BasicIntervals" table; see the section ODS Table Names. 33684 59. Description . The instructor is not willing to assume that the ScoreChange variable is normal or even symmetric, so he decides to examine the sign test. Please provide and example on how to define the ruler. class; var height weight; run; ods output close; ods listing; SOME OTHER THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH ODS OUTPUT The UNIVARIATE Procedure: Example 4. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "Frequencies" table; see the section ODS Table Names. Look up tutorials on SAS ODS SELECT for more details. class; var age height; run; ods trace off; ods select all; - this works cleanly, and commenting out the ODS select plots; line adds back in the tables. title 'Extreme Blood Pressure Values'; ods select ExtremeValues; proc univariate data = BPressure nextrval = 5; var Systolic Diastolic; run;. Table 4. "Moments" ----- Output Added: ----- Name: BasicMeasures Label: Basic Measures of Location and ods output Moments=OUT1; proc univariate data=SASHELP. Tip The name is the Label: Moments Template: base. ods output moments=class_moments; proc univariate data=sashelp. "CityPop_90". When the output object name is used, all output objects with that name are selected. Use the ANNOTATE= option in the plot statement if you want to In addition to summarizing a data distribution as in the preceding example, you can use PROC UNIVARIATE to statistically model a distribution based on a random sample of data. The confidence limits in Output 4. 4 TS1M4 . This example illustrates how to use PROC UNIVARIATE to analyze a data set with a variable that contains the frequency of each observation. The numbers to be displayed can be controlled by the NEXTROBS option of UNIVARIATE ODS SELECT ExtremeObs; PROC UNIVARIATE DATA=sds. ods table histogram=want;; proc univariate data=sashelp. SAS® 9. com The following statements produce basic plots by using ODS Graphics: ods graphics on; ods select Plots SSPlots; proc univariate data=AirPoll plot; by Site; var Ozone; run; Output 4. It also requests a summary of the fitted distribution, which is shown in Output 4. TestsForLocation' ); ods listing; ods select basicmeasures histogram qqplot; proc univariate data=work. "Moments" ----- Output Added: ----- Name: BasicMeasures Label: Basic Measures of Location and . By default, the five lowest and five highest observations are displayed. By default, if the ENDPOINTS= option is not specified, the automatic binning algorithm computes values for the midpoints of the bins. The following statements fit a normal distribution to the thickness measurements in the Trans data set and superimpose the fitted density curve on the histogram: . For the second one, I need 47 CHAPTER3 The ODS Statements Overview 47 What Does Each ODS Statement Do? 48 ODS EXCLUDE Statement 48 ODS HTML Statement 50 ODS LISTING Statement 59 ODS OUTPUT Statement 61 ODS PATH Statement 64 ODS PRINTER Statement 65 ODS SELECT Statement 68 ODS SHOW Statement 70 ODS TRACE Statement 71 ODS VERIFY Statement 72 Extreme Obs. Then run UNVIARIATE again with . Note that the following is a part of the list. class ; HISTOGRAM _all_ / NORMAL; RUN; ods pdf close Add it before or within your PROC UNIVARIATE. ODS Graphics provides the highest quality output with minimal syntax and full compatibility with This example is a continuation of Example 4. add ODS SELECT NONE/ALL . title 'Extreme Blood Pressure Values'; ods select ExtremeValues; proc univariate data=BPressure nextrval=5; var Systolic Diastolic; run; ods select none; proc univariate winsor= 0. The ENDPOINTS= option specifies the endpoints for the histogram bins. For each analysis variable, PROC UNIVARIATE creates five output objects : Moments, BasicMeasures, TestsForLocation, Quantiles, and ExtremeObs. Capture output from any procedure with an ODS OUTPUT statement (even if the proc does not have an OUTPUT statement or does not output the values you need). The INSET statement inserts the total number of analyzed home loans in the upper right (northeast) corner of the plot. Make sure that the output object name, label, or path is spelled. 5. This partial SAS log shows the trace record that the ODS TRACE statement creates. ODS TRACE on; proc univariate normal data=work. lb NEXTROBS=10; CLASS lbtest; ID usubjid; VAR lbstresn; RUN; The The following statements generate the "Extreme Values" tables for Systolic and Diastolic, which tabulate the tails of the distributions: . Use ODS SELECT ALL when you want to resume sending output to the suspended destination. You can also use the C= kernel-option with the K= kernel-option (which specifies the kernel function) to compute multiple estimates. ods select Moments BasicMeasures Plots; proc univariate data=a plot nobyplot vardef=weight; by entry notsorted; var undam_kwt; weight undam; run; • Uses Output Delivery System to select specific tables or graphics to display • Calculates the weighted mean • ‘Details’ under ‘The UNIVARIATE Procedure’ gives a list of ODS table In fact, not only does ODS allow for this in PROC UNIVARIATE, but it is virtually every PROC in SAS! Well, since I don’t know the name of the section of PROC UNIVARIATE that I want, I will use the ODS TRACE ON statement. Program data BPressure; length PatientID $2; input PatientID $ Systolic Diastolic @@; datalines; CK 120 50 SS 96 60 FR 100 70 CP 120 You could also use this name in an ODS SELECT or an ODS EXCLUDE statement. class cibasic; var Height; run; The UNIVARIATE Procedure Variable: HEIGHT Basic Confidence Limits Assuming Normality Parameter Estimate 95% Confidence Limits Mean 62. class; 600 var height; 601 histogram height; 602 run; WARNING: Output 'Histogram' was not created. You can use a beta distribution to model the distribution of a variable that is known to vary between lower and upper bounds. – Joe. title 'Comparison of Loan Types'; ods title 'Enhancing a Histogram'; ods select Histogram HistogramBins; proc univariate data = Trans; histogram Thick / midpercents endpoints = 3. 2. sas, is available in the SAS Sample Library for Base SAS software. You use the The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "ExtremeObs" table; see the section ODS Table Names. 1 shows that the 95% confidence interval for the population mean is . 05 trim=0. 10 trim=0. 'Trimmed Means'-----### 이런식으로 해서 Trimmedmeans=means라고 하면 means라는 데이타로 저장됩니다. Custom bins with PROC UNIVARIATE: An example of a time variable. Remove noprint. 'y2'. Record of output objects in the SAS log Either the ODS SELECT or the ODS EXCLUDE statement accomplishes this task. For example: ods listing close; ods output extremeobs=minmax; proc univariate data=sashelp. PROC UNIVARIATE assigns a name to each table that it creates. object. birth; var bwt; histogram bwt / normal(mu=est sigma=est); qqplot bwt / normal(mu=est sigma=est); run; Whenever I ran these lines together the proc univariate would fail after the first chart, I would see the following errors in the log, and the qqplot would not be ods graphics on; ods select histogram; proc univariate data=sashelp. 1, to the "BasicMeasures" and "Quantiles" tables; see the section ODS Table Names. class; run; ODS-destination. The FREQ option on the PROC UNIVARIATE statement requests the table of frequencies shown in Output 4. A sample program for this example, uniex02. 1, to the "Moments" table; see the section ODS Table Names. title 'Analysis of Plating Thickness'; ods select Histogram ParameterEstimates GoodnessOfFit FitQuantiles Bins; proc univariate data = Trans; histogram This example illustrates how you can use the UNIVARIATE procedure to compute robust estimates of location and scale. . "Tests For Location" To temporarily suspend a destination, use ODS SELECT NONE. ods trace on; proc univariate data=sashelp. Is there a way to only show the quantiles for the variable in question (here called variable name)? ods listing close; ods select Quantiles; proc univariate data=DataSet1; by Group1 Group2; histogram VariableName / normal; inset n="N" / pos = nw; run; ods select summary (nowarn); proc contents data=sashelp. 12 Testing for Location. 5 through Output 4. Example 4. proc univariate data=BPressure; var As PROC UNIVARIATE sends each output object to the Output Delivery System, ODS sends the output object from PROC UNIVARIATE that matches the items in the selection You can get the list of what's available with ods trace. data have; ods select Histogram; proc univariate data=Mstr_rule4a_analysis noprint; by symbol riskprofile; var PnL; histogram/barlabel=count ; where win_loss ne 'FEE' and year ge 2015 ; inset n mean std="Std Dev" / pos = ne format = 5. When a path is used, a single 아래의 예제를 보면 로그에서 해당 테이블과 그래픽 이름을 가져오고 ODS SELECT를 사용하여 다음 실행에서 BasicMeasures 테이블과 QQ 플롯만 인쇄하여 출력을 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. The default output displays a mode of 81 and includes a note regarding the number of modes; the modes 86 and 97 are not displayed. com You could also use this name in an ODS SELECT or an ODS EXCLUDE statement. CityPop_90. rtf (1) ods text= (1) ods trace (2) odsout (13) order= (3) The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "ExtremeObs" table; see the section ODS Table Names. cars; histogram mpg_highway / endpoints=(0 to 80 by 5);; run; However when I use ods select, it is giving me the quantiles for every variable in my data set. correctly. ods select basicmeasures qqplot; proc univariate data=sp4r. class; var age; run; ods trace off; Moments is the table that contains skewness; The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output, which is shown in Output 4. 4 Output Delivery System: User’s Guide, Fifth Edition documentation. PROC UNIVARIATE assigns a name to each table that it creates. 1 assume that the heights are normally ods trace on; proc univariate data=sashelp. 9, illustrates how to compute confidence limits for quantiles and percentiles. 2. Option . 21 Fitting a Beta Curve. 19. In particular, my code is as below ods output Quantiles=outlier; proc Example 4. univariate. PS. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "ParameterEstimates," "GoodnessOfFit," "FitQuantiles," and "Bins" tables; see the section ODS Table Names. When ODS Graphics is disabled, these statements produce only a stem-and-leaf, a box plot, and anormal probability plot. When ODS Graphics is enabled, the following statements use PROC UNIVARIATE to produce only a horizontal histogram, a box plot, and a normal probability plot. GNP NORMAL; var GNP INVEST; RUN; ODS TRACE OFF; In the LOG window you will see the following list. Hi, The assignment I'm working asks me to use proc univariate to explore the 8 extreme observations in a worksheet, so I used the SAS Documentation and it says to use nextrobs=8; which gives me an error: ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output, which is shown in Output 4. Also, verify that the appropriate procedure options are used to produce the requested output. For information about modifying these lists, see Selection and Exclusion Lists. To get the pink/green and line styles, make sure you are using AttrPriority=None on the ODS GRAPHICS statement. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "BasicMeasures" table; see the section ODS Table Names. run; ods select all; /* turn off PERSIST; restore normal output */ The histogram on By default, PROC UNIVARIATE produces traditional graphics output, and the basic appearance of the histogram is determined by the prevailing ODS style. 025 odstitle = title; run; The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "HistogramBins" table and the "MyHist" histogram; see the section ODS Table Names. 1. ## 앞뒤 ods select none; ods select all; 를 없애면 proc univariate 결과가 출력되고, ODS TRACE ON; then run PROC UNIVARIATE and all the parts of PROC UNIVARIATE will be specified in the SASLOG. documentation. The ODS SELECT statement restricts the output to the "TrimmedMeans," "WinsorizedMeans," and "RobustScale" tables; see the section ODS Table Names. title In a previous article, I discussed the Wilcoxon signed rank test, which is a nonparametric test for the location of the median. 6 5. -- This outputs only the side-by-side box plots. Try Histogram instead, this works for me - SAS 9. By default, ODS automatically modifies selection lists when a DATA step that uses ODS or a procedure step ends. The large -value (0. Quantiles -- you cannot change that name -- every time you run UNIVARIATE title 'Enhancing a Histogram'; ods select Histogram HistogramBins; proc univariate data = Trans; histogram Thick / midpercents endpoints = 3. The following example executes the UNIVARIATE procedure and creates 10 output objects. 7 . The NORMAL option specifies that the normal curve be displayed on the histogram shown in Output 4. ## (keep=mean)으로 mean인 column name만 선택했습니다. Program data ods graphics off; title 'Home Loan Analysis'; proc univariate data=HomeLoans noprint; histogram LoanToValueRatio; inset n = 'Number of Homes' / position=ne; run; By default, PROC UNIVARIATE produces traditional graphics output, and proc univariate の「outputステートメント」で統計量をデータセットに出力することが出来ますが、「統計量を出力する際の変数の指定方法がよく分からない! ods select (2) ods tagsets. 8 show the plots produced by using ODS Graphics. 4. 123 ODS Tables Produced with the PROC UNIVARIATE Statement; ODS Table Name . ods listing; ods select basicmeasures histogram qqplot; proc univariate data=work. 425 to 3. qskm rdo qeowslfr vls nrfieg nmaum moh deq nfc iduh