Prapor insurance. Read the post, commented, thanks.
Prapor insurance. bye bye 9 insurance claims that have returned to no avail .
Prapor insurance Players must discard insured items in the hidden locations within the map to prevent looting. PRAPOR INSURANCE SCAM! This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics No Ivan take that muzzle brake off he didn't insure that!" Same with bags, I reckon you should be able to chuck a full bag somewhere and have insurance return it with everything in it even if the items found were collected in I got insurance back today from prapor. One common question that arises when considering Prapor Insurance is how long it takes for a claim to be processed and paid out. Other Channel For Other Games - https://www. 5x more expensive) takes between 24 and 36 hours. EDIT: I have now started getting my insurance back. Insurance Fraud. Of my 50 raids where I always insure, I only ever got 2 kits back from him from my day 1 of wipe Prapor insurance is a specialized type of health insurance offered by Prapor, a private insurance company. If you have a trip, too bad you need to concede those equipments but you should have like 5 minutes in 3 days to collect all the items from insurance even at your Selling Prapor's Unused Insurance Returns | Stash Management Secrets | Escape From Tarkov During that period I never got any messages from Prapor, none saying he was going to look for my gear like he does when you die, and absolutely no messages saying my insurance had failed either. I use insurance as a money making tactic (toss out insured items to take more loot) so the less I spend on it, the more money I make. youtub Players should have their preferred insurers from the two insurers in EFT: Prapor and Therapist. You have four days (sixty-six hours) to pick up the returned products. This is the way. sit tight warrior". But I haven't been getting messages to receive the items from him in the first place Time (in seconds) between each insurance check: PraporMinReturn: 2: Minimum time (in hours) for Prapor to return your insured items: PraporMaxReturn: 4: Maximum time (in hours) for Prapor to return your insured items: PraporMaxStorageTime: 72: Number of hours Prapor insured items will stay in your inbox: PraporReturnChancePercent: 50 First, insurance is hardly worth it, especially beyond just using prapor. ;) Prapor is supposed to take 24-36 hours to return the items, and then you have 72 hours to claim them. This Vrbo endorsement is a testament to the I got like 5 days worth of insurance back yesterday, and for every single insurance I got back, I also got the message that he couldn't hold my stuff anymore even though I still had plenty of time and nothing expired. Insure with Therapist. Reply reply TrustMe1337 So I am having an issue with insurance and Prapor. I'm low on stuff too as I learn this, still waiting for my insurance, but Youll receive the insurance after Prapor mostly 24h after you die and it last in your massages for 48h and therapist around 12h and it would last in your messages for a week. I'm responding to your post saying that I've seen no issues whatsoever with Prapor or heard about them from anyone but this post. If you insure items from Prapor, Insured items will arrive in 24-36 Hours. Therapist lvl3 takes 23%, i like the 7 days storage time a lot as soon i have a little bit more money. It will take around 24-36 hours for the Prapor insurance to give you back your items with the Therapist insurance returning your equipment back to your Because yesterday, nothing came back from insurance. its than followed by an message like "i lost contact with my guys. And now I know the insurance bugged. Reactions Received 1 Points 106 Posts 7. Also my other stuff seems fairly overprices in insurance cost all of a sudden. When you insure something with Prapor, as long as no one extracts with that item on their person you'll get it back in X amount of time (depends on your intel center level). 12-24h. Message from Prapor will say he "will send his guys over", but the follow up message never arrives - whether it's him saying "sorry, couldn't find it", or a message with my gear - neither appears. Neither of these things are happening some percentage of the time, it's a return of a bug from two wipes ago. It either says they found your stuff and you can claim it, or he sends that they were unable to recover your items. Prapor can provide insurance for your loot Prapor will require you to bring a few things with you to complete, so come prepared. A lot of players have been having issues with their insurance in Tarkov and here's all we know about this bug from community posts online. Therapist, Prapor and Mechanic are no problem when it comes to spendings. Is there something wrong with insurance? I haven't received any of my items yet and its been over 36 hours. Five full days later. By the way I know the insurance delay should be 26h max with prapor but it feels more like 72h to me, I swear I just had a backpack i dropped 3 days ago, but it's maybe my mind playing tricks on me. It means that if the player dies during a raid and their body remains unlooted by other players, there is a chance for the insured items to be returned within this At start Prapor said "My boys went to location Tera Lab". ; Your choice of insurer Prapor not returning my insurance Issue I died a few times on 1/6 and he still hasn’t given my stuff back to me over four days later. Instead of just adjusting your insurance at all, it makes it so that upon death, you don't lose any of your insured items and keep them (minus spent ammo), similar to how the new indie game ZERO Sievert (kind of a pixelart SP Tarkov version) is handling it. Deeper Network represents the world's first decentralized blockchain network for building a truly private, secure and fair Internet. Also 18% on a pimped vector that i have lay around. Except for raids on The Lab, make sure to always insure the gear you go out with using the Insurance Screen, just before entering the lobby. Issue with Insurance. Is there any reason? My prapor level and standing is way higher than his aswell, it makes no sense to me. Which is obviously not right. After the items are returned, a 24-hour timer Prapor insurance claim bug. Prapor insurance returns broken? Question This has happened a few times, but I'm only getting partial returns when I am confident nobody can find my stuff. By default, SPT insurance works through percentage rates that are set to 75% and 85% if you insure through Prapor or Therapist Here is a real pleb method I use (let us all enjoy the game our own way): I'm using the mod Insurance+. Chatting with a friend of mine still works. The latest Escape from Tarkov wipe was added as part of patch 0. In this article, we will explore yeah but you still would get the message from prapor: "okay, i sent my guys to go retrive your stuff. 0 on 27th December 2023. Either way, don't expect your stuff back if you died a few This wipe I'm doing lots of run on custom and woods and we noticed that in some super rare cases the insured stuff you throw in the water doesn't trigger any reaction from Prapor. I think Prapor was between 36-48h and Therapist (1. 14. Your raids cease to exist once youre out so looting is imitated by roll of dice. This bug is consistently happening for little over 2 weeks now. Yes, it is to make sure you don't use the vendors' insurance return as an alternative means of storage. With that being said, Prapor offers cheap insurance services and items which he returns are coming back within a day - from 20 to 29 hours. Ex. This is why tossing gear is very popular for those who pay Insurance. Prapor goes to find your gear and your OLD PMC has gone on an adventure with it and this means praps cant find it. The backpack on the ground was, however. Azimut is just the worst possible example out there. By default he has the same stats as Prapor but with a higher cost and a lower return chance, however these are fully customizable if you're like me and play with custom insurance settings. So if it comes at 30 hours you will have until the 42nd hour to claim it. Term Insurance . I always order a scav run then next day they have the How long does insurance with Prapor take? Prapor is cheaper and returns your insured items after 24–36 hours. Most recently I did a customs run and killed a PMC. Therapist will give you 144 hours With lvl 3 Prapor its 18% Insurance cost on the silenced quest shotgun in my stash atm and i get 2 out of 3 back. If you scroll up a bit back to the last „get“ message the „receive all“ button comes back and you get all your insured items. Definitely something wonky going on Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . So you get your original stuff back if you have to drop it to hold something else. all of my latest Insurance is out of time before i receive it, i get the message that prapor's buddys go out to get my gear, then around 2 days later i get the message saying the insurance did return but it was too late and it timed out bye bye 9 insurance claims that have returned to no avail 50% base chance to getting it back. Drop your gun somewhere safe so you can hold two new ones, or even do something like run the kit you found on a body while you leave your old stuff behind to be given back from insurance, and if you live, you keep the new stuff you found of course. makes perfect sense. The last couple of days I'm getting back zero insurance items, but then I'll get the message that Prapor was holding my stuff and I never grabbed it. Once the insurance is returned, you have 12 hours to claim it. It comes back with classical insurance. I've had nothing back from insurance this wipe, not one thing, even so much as a duffle bag or an empty mag, and Prapor hasn't once sent me the 'we couldn't find your shit' message. How long do insurance claims take tarkov? 10-20h for Therapist instead of 12-24h. We were screen sharing in discord and I watched him click his messenger and then it flipped to expired. I believe you can only claim Prapor insurance for a couple days, while Therapist will hold it for a week. You can click on the "Insure All" button to make sure that you select all of your belongings. im not sending another group, your stuff is lost". You can access this decentralized network by using one of their VPN (or DPN) devices, like the Mini, MiniSE, Pico, Air, or the DPN App. Insurance can mitigate some of your losses, but I don't find it reliable given my playstyle. you get that message even if you died on labs (insurance doesnt work there). Definitely something Another #escapefromtarkov meme. 1 Game client version 12. how dumb can it be in the future ? i bet next quest is kill 10 pmc´s with a hatchet . I like that I can lose a loadout in the morning, and have it back by the time my friends hop on in the evening. This mod generously simulates insurance fraud in live EFT by ensuring that all discarded insured gear will return back to you with 100% return rates (imagine you hid it in a bush or something). As these insurers offer different return times and costs, players should choose their insurer effectively. Prapor is cheaper and returns your insured items after 24–36 hours. The „receive all“ message disappears if it goes under other messages from prapor such as „insurance failed“ or „I sent my dogs to get your stuff stay tuned“. . It was simply as if I was not insuring my gear, even though I absolutely was. I KNOW that the M4 was not recoverable in the water. Once you have 12 hours left there will be a Played yesterday and had insurance on 2 runs. Oh and be sure to buy a 20 round mag from peacekeeper and either take a spare 20 round mag and some loose ammo, or just loose ammo and top load the weapons. Claim; Get The App; Sales: 1800-208-8787; Service: 1800-258-5970; Claims: 1800-258-5881; Contact Us; Sign In. Next round after I gave it to him and we went in again his insurance costs 80k for the exact same gun. Once you insure it, it says how long it can take. I'd probably use him instead. You're not getting insurance returns from Prapor, but you are from Therapist. Basically, if I die in the raid, the insurance doesn't work. So if I die at 9pm with prapor it might not come in till next day midnight meaning I may miss the item because I might be done playing by then and not get on early enough before the insurance expires. But that time again, I didn't have any Prapor message about that raid. I always spent 500 or so rubles insuring my glasses so prapor would send his men to their death over and over for sunglasses Prapor is slightly cheaper to insure with, however, he takes longer to give you back your items (20-29 real-time hours) while the Therapist will give you back your gear in 10-20 hours. Follow the simple steps to download car insurance policy copy by vehicle number right now. This article will tell you everything you need to know about Prapor's Delivery From the Past quest When you insure the gun, you insure the lower of the gun, the guns base. After dying in raid instead of getting the usual "I've sent my people to look for your stuff" type message from Prapor, he instead tells me instantly that he has found my gear, the issue comes from the fact that I cannot claim the gear he brought back. Just wondering if therapist is better for insurance rn in terms of actually getting your items back and time it takes. Reply reply Note that pretty much every interaction outside quests, counts as spendings: Insurance, repairing, selling, buying as well as bartering. If prapor offered 36-48. Did you get a message? You will get a message from Prapor for sure. The company's mission is to maximize the value and utility of digital assets through our comprehensive product suite including advanced trading solutions, liquidity aggregation, tax-efficient asset-backed credit lines, a high-yield Earn Interest product, as well as the Nexo Platform and Nexo Wallet with their top-tier Insurance4Labs adds fence to the list of insurance providers in game, the only difference being he is able to get your items back from labs. If you dont care for some of the gear then it may not be worth insuring. You have 4 days (96h) to collect the returned items. It is enough for anyone to collect the Your items will randomly return between 24 and 36 hours. com/c/codacezChannel Membership!https://www. To this days science can't explain where our insurance goes when Prapor 'can't find it Upgrading the Intelligence Center to Level 2 in your Hideout significantly reduces item return times for insured items: Prapor – reduced to ~19-29 hours (or ~17-26 hours with elite Hideout management) from the original 24-36 hours. I don't think I'm ever going back to stinky Prapor. The company's mission is to maximize the value and utility of digital assets through our comprehensive product suite including advanced trading solutions, liquidity aggregation, tax-efficient asset-backed credit lines, a high-yield Earn Interest product, as well as the Nexo Platform and Nexo Wallet with their top-tier If you’ve unlocked jager the OP-SKS is a great weapon that fires 7. scavs dont go into labs. I can't see the trader chat windows anymore. the base of the game is insurance and they push out a map where bots aimbotting you, without insurance. json or get SVM and change it in there. 5. You have 72 hours to reclaim your gear if you die in a raid with Prapor compared to the 144 hours with the Therapist. youtube. twitch. Prapor's initial message is sent as soon as you die if you have an insured item on you when you die/extract. my prapor message was that his people are not working on this map so no insurance return. In progress; dogenamite; Jun 1st 2023; Closed First Official Post This has always happened, you'll get a message later saying they couldn't find the place or never returned. Yes it's more, but it isn't super noticeable, and you get to keep the items around longer. The Proper Insurance policy includes coverage enhancements no other insurance carrier offers and had the vacation rental owner in mind during the development with Lloyd’s. If this is intentional, WTF is there an insurance screen showing up AFTER we select "Lab" as the map to go? In general I am ok with that decission but WHY can't BSG communicate such decissions with the patch notes? The entire community went on this map for two days with good and This week I’ve been getting back insurance items that I used in the first week of wipe. It stands out from traditional insurance policies by providing comprehensive coverage for mental health services, often with lower deductibles and copays compared to other plans. 1M each. Read the post, commented, thanks. Think it’s like a day and a half or so. When They arrive, you will have 3 days until they disappear. this is a retard move from bsg. SAME GOES FOR KEYTOOLS, DOCS CASE, ETC. Also dont always insure. Term Insurance. ; Therapist – reduced to ~10-19 hours (or ~7-14 hours with elite Hideout management) from the original 12-24 hours. If someone takes all your stuff you get a second message that says so. Made by a few children in my basement. Additionally, Prapor insurance offers a wide network of Insurance is basically paying a scav to get your gun (or whatever you insured) if its still there. I don't hink that's right because I will die, then quit the game for the night, including shutting down the server and launcher and the next day when I log on wazam, my insurance is there, also works with the scav case too. Therapist will get it back to you quicker, and will hold onto it for you longer, but charges more. Reply reply More replies More replies. Prapor and Therapist can both insure, but use Prapor Prapor has a lower price, but it will take longer to get your gear back, and he won't hold onto it for long. Now the weird thing is my friend hid all my stuff last week, and I didn't get a single thing back. I saw that prapor is messing up a lot of insurance stuff online and from my own experience. How does insurance work on escape from tarkov? The Player can take items that were returned via the Insurance using in-game mail, in the dialogue with the appropriate trader. My stuff didn't come back, but my friend stuff did it. It's not THAT much more of a money sink than Prapor insurance. That's not how insurance works. Shifty-McGinty Prapor offers 24-36hrs. By default, SPT insurance works through percentage rates that are set to 75% and 85% if you insure through Prapor or Therapist respectively. You do lose backpack and what's inside even if insured if you drop it while fighting. On the other hand, the Therapist is more reliable if you want to get your lost equipment faster as her timer is between 10 and 20 hour mark. 10. To confirm, press the "Insure" button just above "Ready". Reply reply MadFaceInvasion • Make sense, since insurance fraud is a thing How long does insurance with Prapor take? Prapor is cheaper and returns your insured items after 24–36 hours. What’s worse is I’ve gotten 2 messages from prapor this week that says he “can’t hold onto my stuff too long and I missed it” even though it never even gave me the opportunity to claim it in the first place. It was still very helpful getting everything back for “setup” though because constantly buying Insurance would cost me around 230k rubles. Reply reply EmrysRuinde • If poor: insure rigs and backpacks to fuel future budget rounds. It provides coverage for various types of assets, including vehicles, property, and personal belongings. Upgrading the Intelligence Center to Level 2 in your Hideout significantly reduces item return times for insured In this comprehensive guide, I'll cover everything you need to know about insurance in Tarkov including what can be insured, how the system works, strategies for maximizing returns, and How long does insurance last Escape From Tarkov? Prapor is cheaper and returns your insured items after 24–36 hours. Battlestate Games released a new location along with this wipe for players to enjoy and it is none other than Prapor Insurance Question I'm pretty new to this game so this might be a stupid question. Hopefully they find and fix this bug. Meaning if you want to level up Prapor, insure with him and the monies spent will count towards this. At this point I have 120m Roubles and getting my gear back faster, and it staying there for longer, is worth more than the money I would save insuring with Prapor. How long do you have to get items from insurance? I died a bunch yesterday and I log in every morning to check items from insurance and I have only been able to catch it once before he sells it. So in short - Therapist insurance is in my experience - worth it. I swear Prapor used to send you a message if your insurance expired and nothing was left found. Second, if you used anything better than scav guns, it's probably been taken by scavs if you've died in obvious places. The past three times (last week twice and this week once), after I died I NEVER get the message saying "Hey I noticed you died, my guys are looking for your stuff". The only option is to complete a prapor task then collect insurance Reply reply Leave a like and subscribe for more enjoyable content. i guess they are all dead. Term Insurance Plan; Term Insurance Terminology Either way you get your stuff back, you just have to wait longer with prapor. tv/veritasThanks for watching! I Prapor insurance scammer Question How does insurance work exactly? I've died on woods, my friend killed the group of 3 who killed me and survived, took my insured gear on him, put it all in my huge backpack and dropped it into a bush then waited until the raid ended with 0 seconds left because he had no time to extract. I died 2 days ago on woods and my friends threw my stuff in the lake near the blood samples. I didnt even get the messages where prapor says his scavs failed to get it. That's at least 4 days from the time you died, which is pretty long. Happened to a buddy where he got the prapor insurance return message and it immediately expired. This article will tell you everything you need to know about Prapor's Delivery From the Past quest Prapor is less expensive and returns insured things in 24 36 hours. And yes, its definitely him saying I waited too long and it expired, not a message saying it was never found Time (in seconds) between each insurance check: PraporMinReturn: 2: Minimum time (in hours) for Prapor to return your insured items: PraporMaxReturn: 4: Maximum time (in hours) for Prapor to return your insured items: PraporMaxStorageTime: 72: Number of hours Prapor insured items will stay in your inbox: PraporReturnChancePercent: 50 Insure with Therapist. So nearly an entire week to hold Prapor can provide insurance for your loot Prapor will require you to bring a few things with you to complete, so come prepared. From what I can see he got it in 2 hours and sold it, seems a Nexo is the world’s leading regulated digital assets institution. 0. So nearly an entire week to hold your stuff. Reply reply Malicx • I use prapor at the start of a wipe because he is cheaper but have used therapist for my insurance returns for the last three wipes because it's less than 24 hours so when I get home from work the next day my Yes, I read your post. I just got a bunch of insurance returns today (January 8th) from raids I died in on January 2nd from Prapor. Prapor can only hold things for about 2 day max and takes about 12-24 hours for the actual return Most of my insurance however seems to have been held for 4-6 days before returning to me. Maybe even in the same day. 75 times more expensive, but your Find out how long Prapor holds onto insurance in Escape from Tarkov. So no one took the gear Prapor insurance possibly bugged? I've been getting these messages where prapor says the time ran out to get my items back from him. You get your items back faster. 62 PS ammo from Prapor, it can attach a couple of sights with dovetail mounts and usually comes back in insurance. I am almost broke and would like my kits back please. Learn about insurance timers and claim deadlines for your gear. If you cha ge or add parts to the gun,, those aren't aren't sure and the whole gun will show as insured regardless if those parts are because the lower is insured. I thought prapor was suppose to hold it for at least a day or 2? My one expired at 11:30 pm yesterday, about 12 hours after getting killed and my other one expired at 3:30 am, probably about 15-16 hours after being killed. basically the gear isnt in area you said it would be in so you dont get it. Sep 17th 2021 #1; Server version 1. During this time, Prapor holds onto the insured items on behalf of the player. Therapist is 1. INSURE ITEMS INSIDE OF THEM TOO, UNLESS THEY'RE IN YOUR SECURE CONTAINER Features: - Don't lose insured items on death (you will not lose Once I reach a certain point in the wipe, I only insure with Therapist. If you want to join the action live, I stream almost every day on Twitch! Come hang out and share the love!http://www. Anything attached is also insured. Last week, I got back some insurance from Therapist on January 4th which I had lost on December 31st. Got off, now have a message about 24 hours later saying he sold my stuff. You can change this in your . More posts you may like Nexo is the world’s leading regulated digital assets institution. You can choose See more In Tarkov, you can choose between two insurers – Prapor and Therapist, each with distinct advantages. Has anybody else encountered this? E: 3 of us! 3 of us! in seriousness, I'm glad I'm not alone though this appears to be an isolated issue based on the response. So insurance still works from before event I guess Reply [deleted] I think they changed it so Prapor is now 72 hours for insurance returns. Prapor Insurance is a popular insurance service offered by the company Prapor. Sorry you didn't get the response you wanted. Prapor is used for insurance and you will eventually buy a scav junkbox (or three) from Therapist for 1. How long do insurance claims take tarkov? 10-20h for Therapist instead of 12-24h12-24h Hi guys, I have been playing tarkov for a couple of wipes but i am still pretty new. It is enough for anyone to collect the returns. Prapor Insurance Issue Does anyone else just not get anything back from prapor anymore? I got 3 messages in the past hour saying that I had taken too long to collect my stuff, except it never gave me the option to collect anything. I just got back a full kit, I used 3 days ago. He had a nice kit, but I didn't have room for everything so I dumped my main weapon, pistol, and armor in multiple bushes and took his As the title states, i just started and restarted my game and all of my Chats including Quest Rewards and Prapor's Insurances are GONE. Also dont insure when going to labs. Its more expensive, but she holds things for 5 days and takes 36-48 hours for an actual return. The duration of insurance coverage provided by Prapor in Escape from Tarkov typically lasts for a period of 24 to 36 hours. Reply reply When prapor first sends you the claim link until item expires is 72 hours (you might not be online when this timer starts. 2-12893-1e2caff2 Client log file I think insurance is broken anyway because like you said, it’s pretty easy to make money in the game and would actually give you a reason to scav. And now, 2 days after, the insurance timer being widely over, I watched the footage. Unresolved; dende; Sep 17th 2021; Closed Go to last post; dende. Once he has it in his possession, you'll receive a message and you have exactly 48 hours (I think) to receive said item. yhrciihehudacgmxcflnytglrzkbsvmebbhkhxywglutgojurx