Westfall static mixers. Westfall offers an extensive range of materials including .
Westfall static mixers December 20, 2016 Operators of poultry processing plants, in both the US and Mexico, are now inserting Westfall’s Static Mixers into their waste treatment piping systems at 3 different stages of the clean up process. H2O Rx is the exclusive Australian licensee and distributor of the Westfall Manufacturing range of static mixers manufactured in both Australia and USA. Model 6000 is a counter-swirl pipeline static mixer that ofers engineers a new solution for their mixing problems. News & Articles; Events; Staff; Contact; Licensing; Search; Menu Menu; High Shear Mixers. com. Low Headloss Flow Conditioner 3000; Westfall Models 2800 and 6000 mixers have NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) certification. 58 K=1. Compact 2800; Westfall Models 2800 and 6000 mixers have NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) certification. They were so pleased with the performance, they recently ordered another four mixers. It can be installed in tanks up to 20’ wide and 20’ deep, or in open water flows like irrigation and wastewater ditches. It can be used to chlorinate water without having to construct additional pipeline installations or add mixing gear boxes or propellers. The recently patented design offers a simple infrastructure solution that is applicable worldwide. These wafer-style static mixers have a short installation length of typically 25 mm meaning that they are easier to fit into a plant layout. at full scale from 40-ft upstream of the bypass piping split, through the primary 48” static mixer (with the 36” line bypass valve closed), to a point 40-ft downstream of the bypass junction 0. 025 and K-Value of 1. All models meet or exceed standard homogenization requirements while creating less headloss Westfall’s high shear static mixer has a slim profile which allows simple drop-in installation in pipelines from 2″ to 120″. this makes the wafer style mixer an ideal mixer for tight spaces or retrofit jobs. effective static mixer as well, and the low head loss design makes it attractive in applications Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. 9 BETA PSI FPS www. 64 Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. Developed by Westfall Manufacturing and Alden Laboratories engineers, Westfall's high shear static mixers are chosen by engineers around the world for their high performance mixing, ease of installation and affordability. A uniquely shaped opening creates alternative vortex shedding to achieve high performance mixing within a limited space. 30 Shrewsbury Street Holden, MA 01520 . 9 beta mixer plate and an adjustable 0. D. Westfall offers an extensive range of materials including options that meet NSF safety requirements for potable water as well as food, beverage and pharmaceutical applications. 26) This saves customers on the cost of additive and also reduces space requirements. 014 K=0. (CoV 0. Diameter (in) = 6 Inlet Flow Rate (gpm) = 360 Injection Flow Rate (gpm) = 7. Westfall Manufacturing's innovative static mixers are custom designed and manufactured. com Westfall Static Mixers | 15 Broad Common Road, Bristol, RI 02809 Unsubscribe {recipient's email} upstream of the first bend. As always, repeat orders attest to the performance of our static Flow Straightener Model 3000 Fin-like mixing vanes create vortices to gently blend the incoming flow of water. The Westfall 2900 Variable Flow Mixer was The Westfall Static Mixer is a motionless static mixer in which fluids are injected and rapidly mixed by a combination of alternate vortex sheddinq and intense shear zone turbulence. 8,147,124 CoV=. 2 411507-2R2 INTRODUCTION Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. 2 MGD serving 5,722 customers in a population of 15,000. Rapid mixing is generated to disperse the coagulant throughout the liquid. The flexible design can be used as a Flow Conditioner, a Pipe Mixer and an Open Channel All our Static Mixers, DE Filters and Venturi tubes are custom engineered and manufactured. The Westfall engineers are always looking at ways to mix fluids or gases faster and better, using CFD analyses to test and fine-tune our products. 13 K=1. Westfall Models 2800 and 6000 mixers have NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) certification. 2350 Catalog. 95cm – 12. 2 Jul 10, 2019 · WESTFALL'S 2800 MIXER AGM-10-R-01 By Kimbal A. Figure 1. r! 02809 usa s¿æee 1894 • Westfall’s supply chain remains intact. News & Articles; Events; Staff; Contact; Licensing; Search; Menu Menu; 54-Inch Model 6000 Mixer. • Orders continue to be shipped on time. 8,147,124 Patent No. (Alden) to perform a series of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analyses in an effort to create a single fin mixer based on the effective fin technology used in the 4-fin 3050 mixer. For the Westfall manufacturing has developed an innovative static mixer design which is intended to serve as a low-cost, small, highly efficient alternative to other static mixers currently on the market. These are 10” Model 2800s in Stainless Steel 304 for an ethylene/benzene line. Low Headloss Flow Conditioner 3000; Low Headloss Pipe Mixer 3050; Westfall developed the Flow Conditioner Model 3000 in response to a potable water customer for whom measurement accuracy and low headloss were of primary importance. This paper describes in detail the general functions and uses for low headloss mixers and why they are Westfall Static Mixer Installed Westfall Static Mixers have predictable headloss co-efficients. Westfall’s “plug and play” low headloss mixers are proven to last more Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. 7,281,844B2 Compact Mixer Optimizes Mixing and Minimizes Headloss Model2900 PIVOTING MIXER PLATE Variable Mixer Westfall 2800. The Model 2350 features the same tried and true features but is designed to fit an ultra-tight profile. Westfall manufactures two Venturi flow meter models. 7cm), now receive more rapid cost-effective delivery. 30 SHREWSBURY STREET HOLDEN, MASSACHUSEITS 01520 #2 Westfall Static Mixer Alden Laboratory Test Data Referehce: Test I. Westfall Static Mixers have predictable headloss co-efficients. 057 CoV=. [2] Westfall’s high shear static mixer has a slim profile which allows simple drop-in installation in pipelines from 2″ to 120″. The Model 6000 Counter-Swirl Static Mixer can be NSF certified in 316 Stainless Steel Common Applications for The Westfall Model 6000 Mixer ~ Desalination Plants Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. r! 02809 usa s¿æee 1894 Westfall Static Mixers have predictable headloss co-efficients. These mixers are offered in a variety of material A water supply company in Texas just specified a Model 6000 Mixer for its system. They stated, “The Westfall Model 6000 Static Mixer is an approved alternate static mixer for the chemical feed vault. Pollutants [] Oct 16, 2023 · Variable Flow Static Mixer USPATENTNO. This is a full pipe motionless mixer into which up to six additives can be injected simultaneously or in specifically timed stages. 7 BETA, . 026 CoV=. The mixer is shown as a drawing in figure 1 and as an image in figure 2. Mixing effectiveness was tested with the mixer tabs arranged both horizontally and vertically (Figure 2). Industrial plants like these generate flows of 1 million to 1. For the Jan 26, 2025 · Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. Mechanical Drawing of the Westfall Mixer White Paper Westfall Pipe Static Mixers: Function, Design & Use 6 Westfall Model 3050 Westfall Model 3050 Westfall Model 3050 Single Stage Mixer Two Stage Mixer Three Stage Mixer Patent No. (Alden) (Holden, Massachusetts) was founded in 1894 as part Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. Custom-designed and manufactured static mixers provide superior continuous mixing of single or multiple phase operations with repeatable results. Read more. Westfall’s “plug and play” low headloss mixers are proven to last more than 40 years. • The radial vanes are very effective at eliminating swirl near the pipe walls where the angular momentum is highest. Low Headloss Flow Conditioner 3000; Westfall Models 2800 and 6000 mixers have NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) The Westfall Static Mixer is a motionless static mixer in which fluids are injected and rapidly mixed by a combination of alternate vortex sheddinq and intense shear zone turbulence. Westfall manufacturing specializes in producing static The Westfall Open Channel Static Mixer 5000 is destined to become a new global standard in open channel mixers. WESTFALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY A static mixing device was tested at Alden, for Westfall Manufacturing Company in 1995, using Alden's standard test procedures, QA-AGF-7-86 Revision 3. The Westfall Open Channel Static Mixer 5000 introduces a new global standard in open channel mixers. A uniform static pressure boundary condition was imposed at the model outlet, which was placed 20 pipe diameters downstream of the mixing device's leading edge so that the impact of the flow conditioner could Figure 3 - Cavitation Pressure in Westfall 3050 Triple Mixer CONCLUSIONS A cavitation coefficient was developed for Westfall’s range of pipe mixers, with an equation provided for determining the maximum velocity recommended for each mixer based on the liquid’s properties. 9 BETA. P A T E N T N O. These were Model 2800 Wafer Style Static Mixers Westfall manufacturing has developed an innovative static mixer design which is intended to serve as a low-cost, small, highly efficient alternative to other static mixers currently on the market. As a result of the coagulant action, charge Wafer Style Static Mixer PATENT NO. 64 Westfall’s Open Channel Static Mixer 4000 is a simple and inexpensive choice. They are in use around the world. The energy needed for mixing comes from a loss in pressure as fluids flow through the static mixer. Low Headloss Flow Conditioner 3000; Low Headloss Pipe Mixer 3050; Westfall White Paper; About. H2O Rx is the exclusive Australian licensee and distributor of the Westfall Manufacturing range May 4, 2016 Bristol, RI, USA When a Water Treatment Plant in South Africa needed to increase their conversion of raw water to potable water by up to 57% (without building new infrastructure) they turned to PCI Africa, specialists in engineering and constructing municipal water systems. 8-beta Westfall 2800 mixer was placed between the flanges at the 90° bend outlet just downstream of the butterfly valve as the pipe comes above grade. Westfall’s Open Channel Mixer Colborne Sewage Treatment Plant COMPUTATIONAL MODEL ALDEN 415011-1R1 REPORT Page 9 of 17 9 The mixing performance was analyzed by measuring the coefficient of variation (CoV) of alum concentration at planes spaced at 0. 0 NaOCl Flow Rate (gpm) 7. 0 45. Aug 17, 2024 · Why the 2800 Mixers? Our customer likes installing our compact Model 2800 Wafer Style Static Mixers into these systems because of their economical cost, effective mixing and short laying length. Westfall’s Model 2800 high shear static mixer has a slim profile which allows simple drop-in installation in pipelines from 1/2″ to 120″. While open channel systems are popular and inexpensive, they are susceptible to fouling, The Westfall Open Channel Static Mixer 5000 is destined to become a new global standard in open channel mixers. Alden Research Laboratory, Inc. The Westfall Open Channel Static Mixer 5000 is destined to become a new global standard in open channel mixers. 2 7. PCI Africa then turned to Westfall because they needed to replace a pair of inline static mixers Many of our customers have limited space available, which makes the Model 6000 Counter-Swirl Static Mixer a good option — it only requires 3 pipe diameters downstream to deliver complete mixing. Wafer Style Static Mixer Model 2800 Since1995,theWestfall2800StaticMixer hasbeenafluiddynamics successstory. Mechanical Drawing of the Westfall Mixer Report: Westfall Inverted Mixer PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Executive Summary Westfall Manufacturing Co. The Westfall Model 2800 Static Injection Mixer is a full pipe motionless static mixer in which fluids are injected and rapidly mixed by a combination of alternate vortex shedding and intense shear zone turbulence. alden en'. The CFD and FEA analyses gave this static mixer a predicted service life Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. H2O Rx is the exclusive Australian licensee and distributor of the Westfall Manufacturing range WESTFALL'S 2900 MIXER TO BE USED BY CNRL FOR BITUMEN VISCOSITY CONTROL Report 412509-1R0 By Kimbal A. . 8 BETA and . The static mixer consisted of a shaped orifice A couple of years ago, Westfall provided four 14″ Model 2800 static mixers to a petrochemical plant in Taiwan. The Westfall Model 2800 Static Mixer is a full pipe inline mixer in which fluids are injected and rapidly mixed by a combination of alternate vortex shedding and intense shear zone turbulence. 2300 Catalog. Hall, PE Submitted to: WESTFALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY June 2010 ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC. Westfall offers an extensive range of materials including Westfall Manufacturing Company | 01-888-928-3747 or 01-401-253-3799 15 Broad Common Road, Bristol, RI 02809 | westfallstaticmixers. Description - Tests - Specifications Typical Specif ications: The Static Mixer shall be of a compact ring body design for mounting between two standard pipe We shipped this 54-Inch Model 6000 Counter-Swirl Static Mixer to the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area to treat drinking water with sodium hypochlorite (chlorine). com StandardandCustom DesignsandMaterials. A uniform static pressure boundary was imposed at the model outlet. Capabilities. Figure 2 - 48" Mixer Orientation Vertical (Left) and Horizontal (Right). 2 410509 / AGM-10-R-17 A uniform static pressure boundary condition was • The Westfall 3000 Flow Conditioner reduces turbulence downstream much more quickly than a trailing tab or perforated plate flow conditioner, by forcing the turbulence to the walls where increased shear stress dissipates it. These patented vanes are designed to resolve the All of Westfall’s custom-engineered Static Mixers are tested at Alden Labs as a standard part of the company’s product development process. While open channel systems are popular and inexpensive, they are susceptible to fouling, Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. Call for Quotes: 888-928-3747 or 01-401-253-3799 H2O Rx custom build a range of static mixers - wafer-style, variable flow, low headloss, and open channel mixers - in many materials and sizes to suit fluid applications in most industries. Shorter lay length means construction costs can be reduced, so we have designed mixers that accommodate this reality. The facility had a capacity of 1. 17 6 INCH TRIPLE ACTION MODEL 3050 STATIC MIXER_pg1 Author: Scott Created Date: Westfall’s Static Mixer Model 3050 vanes were manufactured in Germany, welded into place and inspected prior to installation in a Gassco underground natural gas pipeline. We still save you time and money. The 3050 mixers can withstand a higher velocity before cavitation occurs All FRP static mixer – Finishing mixer- installing connectors, inspection and tagging. Westfall Manufacturing Company | 01-888-928-3747 or 01-401-253-3799 15 Broad Common Road, Bristol, RI 02809 | westfallstaticmixers. 5,839,828 The Westfall Model 2800 Wafer Style Static Mixer has a slim profile, yet delivers rapid mixing with very low headloss. # 1 thru 8 Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. Low Headloss Flow Conditioner 3000; Low Headloss Pipe Mixer 3050; Open Channel Pipe Mixer 4000; First, they brought Westfall’s CEO, Bob Glanville, to their next planning meeting. By showing graphic illustrations of test results from Alden May 24, 2023 · The 0. Then wing-shaped vanes flatten the vortices into a straightened or conditioned outflow for a fully developed Multiple Mixers/Single Injection Quills (8) Westfall Model 2800 Wafer Style Static Mixers made from PVC with single injection quills are now installed in a Texas water treatment facility. Title: Layout 1 Jan 17, 2017 · Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. 8-Beta Westfall 2800 Mixer Case V1 Case V2 Case H1 Case H2 Water Flow Rate (MGD) 45. The Model 2300 is a tried and true design that provides high metering accuracy and low permanent pressure loss. (Westfall) contracted Alden Research Laboratories, Inc. [2] mixing tests of a 6" static mixer assembly comprised of a 0. Westfall Manufacturing, along with H2O Rx, design and build WESTFALL'S 3050 STAGED MIXER AGM-10-R-17 By Kimbal A. The fact that the mixer delivers complete mixing in only 3 diameters is crucial to reduce required laying length. All FRP static mixer - Finishing mixer-installing connectors, inspection and tagging. H2O Rx has launched a range of wafer-style static injection mixers from Westfall Manufacturing Company. We offer a unique type of wafer style and low headloss mixers designed to offer superior mixing without the large space requirements by other mixers. Table 1 - Lithia HSRF Westfall 2800 Mixer Results 0. White Paper Westfall Pipe Static Mixers: Function, Design & Use 6 Westfall Model 3050 Westfall Model 3050 Westfall Model 3050 Single Stage Mixer Two Stage Mixer Three Stage Mixer Patent No. A chart indicating the head loss coeffient of each model. Inline Plate Static Mixer 2850; Variable Flow Static Mixer Plate Model 2900; Low Headloss Products. Standard materials are fibreglass reinforced vinyl ester resin body with type 316 stainless steel mixer plate. 2 Velocity (ft/s) = 4. We recently shipped eight 6" mixers to a new water treatment plant being built in Texas. stol. Low Headloss Flow Conditioner 3000; Westfall Model 2800 and 2850 mixers can be fabricated to meet NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) International Product Testing & Certification Standards. Both BISAN represents Westfall USA, a manufacturer of static mixers. One to three hydro-dynamic vanes are anchored linearly along the bottom of the open channel. The mixing performance can be accurately predicted based on flow rate, viscosity, density, percentage of mixture components and pipe dimensions. mixing tests of a 6" static mixer assembly comprised of a 0. H2O Rx custom build a range of static mixers - wafer-style, variable flow, low headloss, and open channel mixers - in many materials and sizes to suit fluid applications in most industries. They also save on material costs, which are significant with large diameter and exotic material mixers. Hall, PE Submitted to: WESTFALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY January 2010 ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC. Westfall 3050 Staged Mixer CFD Results Single Mixer Double Mixer, In Line Triple Mixer, In Line. There were multiple wells feeding into a water filtration plant, each with a different flow rate ranging from 700 to 7,000 gallons a minute. Hall, PE Submitted to: WESTFALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY May 2012 ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC. Choose from 3 aperture sizes:. Its computer-designed orifice with bent tabs generates complete mixing through a combination of alternate vortex shedding and intense shear zone turbulence. [1] Normally the fluids to be mixed are liquid, but static mixers can also be used to mix gas streams, disperse gas into liquid or blend immiscible liquids. K Value (kV) for headloss coefficient, Coefficient of Variation (CoV) for amount of mixing, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) reports, white papers, and material certificates are available for all H2O The Westfall Model 2800 Static Injection Mixer is a full pipe motionless static mixer in which fluids are injected and rapidly mixed by a combination of alternate vortex shedding and intense shear zone turbulence. Westfall Helps Clean Dirty Water September 29, 2023 - 2:17 pm. The first Westfall Model 2900 Variable Static Mixer was designed for a water filtration plant in Arizona. To this date it is the largest Model 6000 we have sold, and this model was chosen because of its excellent mixing — in only 3 diameters — with minimal headloss even at maximum flow rate. Low Headloss Flow Conditioner 3000; and have limited power to move fluids past a static mixing device, choose Westfall’s patented low headloss mixers. WESTFALL'S 36-IN LEADING TAB LOW-HEAD MIXER AGM-09-R-08 By Kimbal A. A static mixer is a device for the continuous mixing of fluid materials, without moving components. We offer approved coatings that can be added to cost-effective materials to meet requirements. 5, 8 3 9, 8 2 8 Certfiedfor316,SS, CPVC,Hastelloy,andPVC When Westfall’s Bob Glanville developed this mixer, inspiration came from watching water flowing over rock formations while whitewater rafting. Call for Quotes: 888-928-3747 or 01-401-253-3799; Request For Quote Form Find a Sales Rep. Hall, PE Submitted to: WESTFALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY August 2009 ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC. Westfall A coagulant, added to wastewater downstream of Westfall’s Static Mixer Model 2800, undergoes high shear turbulence. On While Westfall specializes in oversize mixers, the recent addition of 3D printing to Westfall’s manufacturing ability means that smaller Static Mixers, from 3/8″ to 5″ (0. 5 million gallons of wastewater every day of operation. Their in-house Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis capabilities contribute to ongoing development and product testing of cutting-edge devices for our customers. The mixing device offers an innovative infrastructure solution that is affordable, durable, easy to install and applicable worldwide. westfallstaticmixers. Click Here for a chart that indicates the head loss coeffient of each model. Compact 2800; ADDENDUM TO THE MIXING TESTS OF A 6" STATIC MIXER WESTFALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY PURCHASE ORDER 03-5801 ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY, INC. 8 BETA Westfall 2800. 30 Shrewsbury Street it reached the mixer. Westfall Helps Clean Dirty Water September 29, 2023 - 2:17 pm Westfall’s solutions for purifying water utilize tried and true Westfall mixers are available in any engineering materials to meet industry needs. Obviously, space is a big factor and with our 3″ diameter mixer only taking 2″ of longitudinal space, while providing complete mixing in 10 May 24, 2023 · Westfall’s Open Channel Mixer Colborne Sewage Treatment Plant COMPUTATIONAL MODEL ALDEN 415011-1R1 REPORT Page 9 of 17 9 The mixing performance was analyzed by measuring the coefficient of variation (CoV) of alum concentration at planes spaced at 0. High performance, short White Paper Westfall Pipe Static Mixers: Function, Design & Use 6 Westfall Model 3050 Westfall Model 3050 Westfall Model 3050 Single Stage Mixer Two Stage Mixer Three Stage Mixer Patent No. Westfall Manufacturing specializes in producing static pipeline mixers for water treatment, food, beverage and pharmaceutical processing, petrochemical production and more: wherever fluids The chart below illustrates Westfall’s 2 main static mixer designs, the Compact High Shear Model 2800 and the Low Headloss Model 3050. We know that when the plan requires a vault for the mixer, smaller is cheaper. May 21, 2024 · Westfall Static Mixers have predictable headloss co-efficients. The purpose of testing was to define mixing effectiveness and overall head loss. READ PRODUCT BROCHURE. 2 Final NaOCl Concentration (ppmv) 230 230 230 230 Mixer Orientation Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Injection Distance from Mixer (in) 2 24 2 24 Westfall’s high shear static mixer has a slim profile which allows simple drop-in installation in pipelines from 2″ to 120″. 5m intervals, beginning at the leading edge of the first mixer. High Shear Mixers. Alternate vortex shedding creates high performance mixing within a limited space. While open channel systems are popular and inexpensive, they are susceptible to fouling, Westfall manufactures static mixers, flow conditioners, and venturis for accurate metering and is a trusted supplier of DE filter systems and components. 7 beta mixer plate for westfall manufacturing company purchase order number 05-2981 report number 059-05/c805 proprietary not to be copied without permission of westfall manufacturing co. msms hgwj oulkh smjbou guc dhzkm ukvt fqwe dqxnvi grxnqsl