Creating a file in vb. StreamReader. CreateDirectory("C:\MyPCBuilder") End If Dim Write As New System. Dec 27, 2013 · 2 Answers. Use FSO to create the file and write to it. Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System. Jun 23, 2022 · Here is the code I wrote to do that : Using fsCreate As FileStream = File. You should be creating a new sheet. Jan 25, 2022 · Step 5: Add one button control from toolbox. If name. Copy it to remote folder with a temporary extension. NET Oct 9, 2017 · 1. Writing to a text file is similar to reading a text file. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System. Indent = True. Xml Imports System. The following VBA macro code shows you how to: Open a text file. Replace(TemporaryExtension, OriginalExtension); Oct 14, 2015 · Here's something that will work. Text. Exists and Directory. Jun 21, 2016 · Project File Extensions. CreateText. "C:\UserFiles\TestFiles\testFile. Dim oXL As Excel. Combine. For each sfile as datetime. Return value. xml" ' Create an instance of the XmlTextWriter class Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter (filePath, System. In the New Project pane, click Windows Application. Enter your solution name and directory, and click on OK. I'm trying to write to a file using the StreamWriter. I suggest you delete the file first. StreamWriter("C:\MyPCBuilder Remarks. May 19, 2013 · In Windows Vista+ there is UAC, so there are some restrictions as to where you can create files/folders. Dim XmlWrite As XmlWriter = XmlWriter. The StreamWriter is used to write a stream of text to a file. Feb 9, 2016 · An example of writing a file: Dim sFileText as String. Open "C:\Test. The FileInfo. Visible = True. Text, False) 2) Or else you can go the "long" way round and use the StreamWriter object. Dim img as byte() = dr(0) How do I create a file in my C:\images\ directory from the above img. Anyway here is simplest one to give you kick start. WriteLine(r("TXTLine")) May 12, 2024 · Syntax for CreateTextFile Method. This is how I would grab both the created date, and the last write time. Argument 2 The second argument to the StreamWriter constructor is the Boolean True. NET tutorial I will be showing you how to create and use your own DLL (Dynamic Link Library) in your VB. Name. Set xl = New Excel. Apr 8, 2014 · The file is used by other processes hence it can't be overwritten. 202. SpecialFolders("Desktop") set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel. FileExists(fileToCopy) Then But I donot know how to chec Creates or overwrites a file in the specified path, specifying a buffer size, options that describe how to create or overwrite the file, and a value that determines the access control and audit security for the file. Apr 3, 2024 · Create a Windows Forms app in Visual Studio with Visual Basic, add a button to the form, add a label and code, and run the application. The first part is here: How to open a Text File in VB . WriteAllText("c:\value1. Sub TextFile_Create() Oct 8, 2013 · fs. Jun 29, 2023 · Here is how you can create a desktop shortcut: 1. 1. Add a new class to the project by clicking Add Class on the Project menu. – Jun 27, 2015 · I am retrieving an image from the SQL database into Byte() variable in VB. tostring in paths. ToLower Then. Text = content. 0). Public Class Form1. It is because i just made the file and it's still in use ? Mar 14, 2017 · This is how you can create a text file in VB6. bas) and form modules (. Creating an Excel Application from VB. Add another Button to the form you've been working on. Grid. UTF8) ' Set Jun 12, 2013 · 5. oXL. Set oFile = FSO. Sheets. A stream is also produced whenever a file is opened for reading and writing. Jun 19, 2015 · If you need to add data to the end of an existing text file, you can perform an Append action to the file. Dim pdf As PdfDocument = New PdfDocument. Rows. NET projects. File Encodings. ToLower = SettingName. NET, the phrase “ File Handling ” refers to a variety of actions like opening, creating, reading, writing to, and closing files. Create(filePathTest) Dim xmldocCreate As New XmlDataDocument() Dim xmldecl As XmlDeclaration. End If. Create one as follows - set false in the constructor tells it Aug 18, 2018 · I want to create a CSV file for my data. oFile. CreateObject("WScript. So I suggest something like the following (from the top of my head): Code: Get infile,indata. We will create a I am new to and struggling with the OpenXML SDK 2. I have created a program that merges files and I have decided to output the results as an HTML document so that it is legible. select a particular client section. Directory. Application) Dim oWB As Excel. Object, _. CreateShortcut(ShortCutPath & "\" & ShortCutName Sep 13, 2023 · Learn how to create or generate a PDF file in C# and VB. Your link points to the wrong page. After the argument value strIniArgumentsBegins the keys and values list begins. You get a new DLL by compiling your VB. My. edited Oct 8, 2013 at 12:44. Try some of the online conversion tools. D". vb, and then click Add to display the code for the new class. 1,113 8 14. Try right clicking on your compiled exe and then Run As Admin to test this theory. So is their any dll which is open source and help me to create doc file. net. WriteLine "test". The methods Oct 25, 2012 · Go to File > New Project and select Visual Basic, Class Library as the project type. pack dw,infile (2) make packed dec. . The path and name of the file to create. Jul 2, 2022 · A File Handling in VB. Jul 28, 2010 · Creating a file association with vb. Provides an overview of file encodings. displayForm. oExcel = CreateObject("Excel. You can rename your project, depending on what you like to name it. Then a New Project Dialog will appear. When you have done this, use the following snippet to create a database. In VB. Step 1: Create New Project. CreateDirectory will create the whole path for you, so you only ever need to call that once if the directory does not exist, then simply create the file. However, now I am encountering the following problem: This is the code I am using: I am writing an application that must generate a plain text file with fixed-sized columns. Name it Show PDF. Set fso = Nothing. Aug 12, 2002 · Let’s see how to open a text file for reading: Dim oFile as System. I have tried the search on this forum but couldn't find anything pertaining to creating random access files to store data such as names, phone numbers, emails, etc. write(txtEncryption. Close. I need some good example XML read/write code to: load the client. Aug 3, 2016 · 2. Next the code to take that DataTable and dump it into Excel. Next. Here is a single line that will create (or overwrite) the file: File. CreateTextFile (filename, [ overwrite, [ unicode ]]) filename. An example of using Json. FileSystemObject") Dim oFile as Object. Else. dll file)¹. Jun 10, 2020 · or like this: Dim dt As DataTable = '. To do so, select References from the Project Menu, choose the COM tab, and add a reference to Microsoft ADO Ext. outFile="YouFolderPath\Results. txt") ' Copy the file to a new folder, overwriting Apr 21, 2019 · Currently, it only saves one entry, then it will overwrite the xml file for the next entry, only allowing one entry per xml file. Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase. 6. I have achieved this output using System. In This Section How to: Copy Files with a Specific Pattern to a Directory Demonstrates how to copy files with a specific file name pattern, such as only . Again we use System. Jun 4, 2022 · The front end of a variable record is a 2-byte length followed by a 2-byte segment number, the latter being zero unless you are doing spanned records. Jan 4, 2021 · 55 2 6. Add("ciao;", "comestai") Next End Sub Sub Write() If (Not System. Dispose() Note: calling Dispose () ensures that the reference to the file is closed. 0", Nothing, Nothing) xmldocCreate. unicode: Boolean to define whether the file is created as a Unicode or ASCII file (optional). NET PDF library without Adobe. config. Design time files are the building blocks of your project: basic modules (. "path of my file which name is = c:/A. vb" in the part 2. Tutorial of how to create Help File in Visual Basic. Jan 18, 2012 · I already developed a application on creating PDF file without adding com Ref to my Project. Visual Basic produces a number of files when you create and compile a project. Visual Studio opens your new project. Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting. Start learning about how they are used to create your own types. in the TextChanged event handler of the TextBoxes. StreamReader(openTxt. B". FileStr. And when I run the code. The number of bytes buffered for reads and writes to the file. There is also a BinaryReader and BinaryWriter and you could also look into serialization if the data is large but mostly static. Dim <object_name> As FileStream = New FileStream(<file_name>, <FileMode Enumerator>, <FileAccess Enumerator>, <FileShare Enumerator>) Mar 11, 2024 · Then, choose Create. Aug 15, 2021 · Most of what is done in c# can be converted to vb. pdf. FileSystemObject") '~ Provide file path. Create("MyCalc. 0 you have to use the JSON libary by James, with download at Codeplex (version for . xmldecl = xmldocCreate. Sorted by: 58. Every new key and its value is added to the dataset. Please see my edit for using own file name 🚀 Master C# and . Let's start with creating a Window Forms Application by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: File → New Project → Windows Forms Applications. This may help- Lemme Tell Ya Where to Stick It and Where Should I Store my Data and To create the project. If True will overwrite a file with same name. Hot Network Questions Dec 22, 2010 · OPEN implies an existing sheet that you are trying to open. config and make something like client. I am using the following statement to check if the source fie exists If My. Load If Environment. html extension like so: Dim lstrBackupOutput = "Test. StreamWriter(MyFilePath, False, <ENCODER HERE>) Do While r. NET with elements like text, image and table using Syncfusion . Jul 8, 2010 · You will need to check both parts of the path (directory and filename) and create each if it does not exist. Assign values to the variables. . I knew how to do it in VB6 but is a little different in VB. 5. ini", False) sw. May 26, 2013 · How can I make it so the user can select a file to upload? See, what I want is to have a button (which I do) that a user can click, and it shows the OpenFileDialog (which I have), but then when they select a file, I want its path to be shown in a text box. overwrite: Boolean to define if you want to overwrite the file (if already exists) (optional). Now, I would need to create a let's call a master workbook which would contain some o Creating an Excel Application from VB. This is more efficient than reading in the entire file—only the last part of the file needs to be accessed. dll to create PDF file which is a Open source. This makes it easier to create XML elements, documents, and fragments programmatically because your code has the same structure as the final XML. • File. So what I want to do is to split off the client section of the app. I used the answer in this example to get started: Export DataTable to Excel with Open X Sep 15, 2021 · The overwrite parameter allows you to specify whether or not to overwrite existing files. gif. Visual Studio adds the project to Solution Explorer, and the Windows Forms Designer opens. Jan 6, 2011 · Dim name As String = setting. You can compile your project by opening your . vb files) into executable files (such as your . txt”) Writing to a text file. ''Add headers to the worksheet on row 1. In the Name box type MyDiary and click OK. Writing data to the file; Appending data to the file, etc. html". for some reason im getting Apr 27, 2016 · I am trying to create a . The Microsoft documentation has all the info you need. Import a file to be used as a shortcut icon. Dec 2, 2011 · I am trying to copy some files to folder. xml", XmlSet) With XmlWrite. Feb 24, 2012 · 2. vb and what mean's "C:\>vbc /t:library hello. GetLastWriteTime(path) Next. CreateXmlDeclaration("1. SerializeObject(Prenommer) – Alex B. Sep 2, 2021 · Right click the Primary Output item that was added when you added the new project output to the Application Folder. ' Copy the file to a new location without overwriting existing file. Navigate to the Application Folder in the left view. Argument 1 The first part of the example opens the file at the absolute path "C:\append. OpenText (“C:\sample. Copy. Mar 19, 2019 · Note that the """" is to quote the path in case it contains blanks in a folder name. So I want it to this. Since InitializeComponent creates all the controls and sets all the form properties Jan 30, 2014 · 4. Create an array. Application") oBook = oExcel. overwrite. NET Sep 15, 2021 · This section lists tasks associated with creating, deleting, moving, and renaming files and directories in Visual Basic. I need help trying to have code that would enable me to make a random access file. The new file should have the same name as the user entered within the prompt. EventArgs) Handles Button1. Dim dt1 = GetProjection(dt, columns) Dim csv As String = CSVBuilder(dt1) This is called Currying, and it's a good thing to do. 8. IO Imports System. or simply use the System. VB is derived from the BASIC programming language and is considered Jan 4, 2010 · I don't understand how to create file hello. ). These can be categorized as follows: design-time, miscellaneous development, and run-time. Using textReader As New System. Declare your variables. iFileNo = FreeFile. Sep 11, 2013 · Another approach would be to use Path. ListBox1. Double click on the button and add the below code there. For example, creating a folder in the Program Files directory, will require administrator privileges, but if you run your app as an admin you can create folders/files in those "restricted" places. Oct 8, 2015 · 2. Create a function procedure. Add the controls in the following table to the form and set the corresponding values for their Explains how to perform tasks that involve creating, deleting, moving, and renaming files and directories. Set xlwbook = xl. Step 2: Name your Project. net application, and I'm trying trying to write a list of results from a listview to a text file. Dim oRead as System. Sep 15, 2021 · Select Windows Application from the list of Visual Basic project templates to display the new project. Open Visual Studio. Feb 28, 2014 · In this Visual Basic . IO Module Program Sub Main () ' Specify the file path and name for the XML file Dim filePath As String = "C:\path\to\file. Encoding. txt files, to a directory. Try this. txt" For Output As #iFileNo. StreamWriter. edited Sep 3, 2014 at 10:51. Range. c# open file association at runtime. Directory. Workbooks. WriteLine("test text") End Using Using sr As New System. Dim Adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(Qry, Conn) Adapter. It's worth being familiar with both methods: 1) In VB. Processing a Comma-Delimited File . Exists to find out whether they exist. Mar 16, 2010 · I'm creating a small vb. Create, FileAccess. This code creates the file temp. Create a text file and write to it. Next, choose Windows from the Platform list and Console from the Project types list. Create("C:\my files\2010\SomeFileName. 9. File Association for my own Visual Basic application. Mar 5, 2012 · As you're using . doc", FileMode. CreateTextFile (filename, [ overwrite, [ unicode ]]) filename: Path and the name of the file that you want to create. File. txt", "C:\UserFiles\TestFiles2\testFile. After that click OK. g. txt". Dim oSheet As Excel. VBA CreateTextFile Syntax. Dim XmlSet As New XmlWriterSettings() XmlSet. Newtonsoft to serialize the objects to an JSON String, e. Application") Set objWorkbook = objExcel. ini") Dim Line As String = sr. 'please note, if this file already exists it will be overwritten! 'write some example text to the file. I wouldn´t write the json string at all. net using Tab Control, Label, TreeView and a RichTextBoxTo support more videos from DJ Oamen, visit POame . Create Method. Code: Dim Qry As String = "Select * From TblAWSLocalTrans Order by Dated, ID". The XML literal syntax represents LINQ to XML objects, and it is similar to the XML 1. Shell ("cmd /c mkdir """ & YourPath & """") This works great for just creating the folder, but it doesn't wait for the command to end. Create a new Form and copy the code from the InitializeComponent method of the old form into the same method in the ". close. Use expressions to manipulate the variables. oRead = oFile. 6,214 3 41 72. It copies the file. net you have been using classes. DBF was not really possible within vb. FileInfo. Clipboard, such as reading data from or writing data to the Clipboard. Visual Basic provides the capability of processing three types of files: Create a new "Try It" project in a new folder. Right click again, select Add and choose to add a file. Right-click on the setup project → View → File System. TXT". Create a base HTML page. Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting. When you compile it, you will end up with an exe file. And after everything, the changes are accepted: Handling INI files in VB. I want to read the img and then create a file with name bimage. StreamWriter("c:\myfile. creating text file in VB. Net you have the quick and easy My. Finally, select OK, Microsoft Visual Studio creates your project and displays following Form1. Sorted by: 2. txt extension to be able to open in text editor by default. Dim oRng As Excel. Write(byt(), lOffset, lCount) You COULD wrap it all up in a class to emulate the old random access file method if there it a lot of legacy code to support. Jan 15, 2007 · The OpenIniFile() function reads every line of the INI file. The following code examples demonstrate how to use CopyFile. On the File menu, select New Project. oSheet = oBook. answered Nov 12, 2010 at 14:57. GetCreationTime(paths) Dim fileLastWrite as DateTime = File. Print #iFileNo, "first line of text". AppendChild(xmldecl) End Using. Simple Google search like "vbscript create and write to text file" will give you ocean of information on how to tackle this. text) write. 1: " Example 2-1 contains the listing for our "Hello, world" component. If just a file name is provided without a path, the file will be created in the current folder. 3. The solution is to save your file somewhere else. Dim FileS As New FileStream("file. I stopped the code in debug mode and i saw it crashes and goes straight to the exception when reaches line 2. Simplify your call to; sw = new StreamWriter (fileNameToSave, false) From MSDN; StreamWriter (String, Boolean) - Initializes a new instance of the StreamWriter class for the specified file by using the default encoding and buffer size. original table here. NET. Dim write as IO. Declare a function first: ByVal extension As String) As String. Net. Examples. WriteAllText option: My. vb. Save the listing to a file named hello. ReadToEnd. Visual Basic (VB) Visual Basic (VB) is an event-driven programming language and environment from Microsoft that provides a graphical user interface ( GUI) which allows programmers to modify code by simply dragging and dropping objects and defining their behavior and appearance. Dim content As String = "". Jul 14, 2017 · I made my application that can read some specific extension on load in Visual Basic 2017. StreamWriter and creating a textfile with all the html formatting and in-line CSS and saving it with the . Item(1) This will create an unsaved sheet. Insert a Button control Button1 in the form. Write) 'declaring a FileStream and creating a document file named file with 'access mode of writing Dim a As New StreamWriter(FileS) 'creating a new StreamWriter and passing the filestream object fs as argument a. Object, ByVal e As System. config file. Furthermore, you should use the using statement when dealing with Streams. From the docs : > Unlike GetTempFileName, GetRandomFileName does not create a file. Jun 18, 2014 · I'm trying to create a file with asp that prompts the user to give a file name and then it will run Sub CreateFile_Click which will create the new file. Private Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System. Dim oSheet As Object. StreamReader("c:\myfile. Click Using sw As New System. Jul 1, 2021 · Public Class Builder Sub Create_Records() Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To Manager. This example uses the Input function to read data from a file into two variables. Info. ' Initialize the XmlWriter. Make and call a sub procedure. Set the Text To create an XML file in VB. The root of the C: drive is protected (On Windows Vista, 7, etc), so users cannot write to it unless the process is elevated. Worksheet. Count - 1 Manager. Nov 10, 2023 · Here we use StreamWriter to append lines of text to a file. Name of the file to create. 4. Create method creates a file at the given path. Fileclass, which contains static methods for operations the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of a single file. Once you are done with all the work, you have to save it. Jan 23, 2020 · We can create a file in two different following methods. Dim oBook As Object. ReadAllText("path to file here") command. 'open the file for writing. Delete(MyFilePath) Dim FileStr As New IO. Make Download and learn the basics of Visual Studio Code. '~ Create a FileSystemObject. If the file exists, it can be either overwritten or appended to. streamwriter(file) write. Add. Sharky. May 13, 2016 · 5 Answers. If you have been coding in vb. Dim [date] As DateTime = firstdatevariable. First is open the Visual Basic, Select File on the menu, then click New and create a new project. 7 for DDL and Security; then you can use this function. Use File. Visual Basic enables you to use XML literals directly in your code. Jul 3, 2014 · I am trying to create text file with the code below; but there is always an extra line at the end that I cannot get rid of. 2. It contains a single class named Hello with a single method named Write. When finished use an JSON converter e. NET, you can follow these steps: Imports System. Jul 18, 2022 · Time needed: 5 minutes. This time, instead of using the StreamReader we use the StreamWriter. Private Function CreateShortCut(ByVal TargetName As String, ByVal ShortCutPath As String, ByVal ShortCutName As String) As Boolean Dim oShell As Object Dim oLink As Object 'you don’t need to import anything in the project reference to create the Shell Object Try oShell = CreateObject("WScript. Is there any way to modify this code to write the text file without the l Sep 3, 2014 · I've been following the following pattern to create multiple sheets and multiple workbooks using Excel InterOp. Mar 11, 2014 · Sub export_to_excel(recordCount As Integer, DataArray(,) As Object, fileName_Location As String) Dim oExcel As Object. Dim fileloc As String = "D:\Result. Be sure to add . Write 3 lines of new data to the very bottom. Step 2 and 3 is as follows (using System. Voila! Once you code your library and build it, you can go add it to your references in your C# project. write = new io. txt"). Mar 28, 2011 · Return dt. Workbook. How to create txt file. I've looked online and found the code to open the save file dialog and write the text file. On the start window, choose Create a new project. Save and close the file. I have added the files to the project. IO): string OriginalExtension = ". ''Start a new workbook in Excel. NET project. You can also use the File class to get and set file attributes or DateTime information related to the creation, access, and writing of a file. Computer. Here are the most commonly used methods of the File class which are very useful for creating and getting information about files. Shell") strDesktop = WshShell. Add the VB Script tags. frm), for example. NET adding extra line. Rename the remote file to your original file name. NET programming EASILY with our best-selling C# Masterclass: https://bit. Fill(Table) Dim txt As String. NET provides System. Add() Jan 21, 2021 · Try creating a new project of type, for example, Windows Form App. designer. fso. End Using. Use the File class for typical operations such as copying, moving, renaming, creating, opening, deleting, and appending to a single file at a time. Please have a look on my code. Explains how to perform tasks that are associated with My. Dim fileCreatedDate As DateTime = File. This example assumes that TestFile is a file that has several lines of data written to it using the Write function, each line containing a string in quotations and a number separated by a comma, for example: ("Hello", 234). IO. Combine("C:\", fileName & ". ok", TemporaryExtension = ". Return Path. In the Create a new project window, choose Visual Basic from the Language list. "Compiling" is the process of translating source code files (such as your . My current code is: Dim MyFilePath As String = Path & FILE_PREFIX & FileNr & ". Print #iFileNo, " second line of text". net is a group of data items with a specified name and defined folder location that are kept in computer memory. Dim columns() As String = ' the columns you want. Apr 6, 2011 · This code works very well. Dim iFileNo as Integer. Application"), Excel. Name the new class UserNameInfo. Read. dat"; string tmpFileRemote = RemoteFile. Select “Create Shortcut” to create a new shortcut that we will later move to the desktop section. csv". Set xlsheet = xlwbook. Dim Table As New DataTable. In the right view, right-click on the Primary output from MyApp → Create Shortcut to Primary output from MyApp. cvd r1,dw binary value in r1. txt", TextBox1. FileName) content = textReader. Mar 19, 2011 · Create a new txt file using VB. Or Is their any other way to create Doc file. Text Module write_text Public Class Log_File '*' ' Createa a log file on the users desktop and adds the 'output' text to it ' ' @param required string output The text to output to the log '*' Public Shared Sub write_to_file(ByVal output As String) Dim path As String ' The path to where the file to Dec 2, 2015 · 1. Select the Class template. ' create the XML file. NET 2. 0. ReadLine Do While Line IsNot Nothing MsgBox(Line) Loop End Using End Sub 1. Oct 10, 2018 · Hello fellow coders. dll from file hello. The syntax for creating a FileStream object is as follows −. net is full of classes. DBF file using vb. Finally, I'll repeat my suggestion to think in terms of writing to a stream. Shell") oLink = oShell. The Add New Item dialog box appears. Nov 28, 2015 · 17. oWB = oXL. FileSystem. Exists("C:\MyPCBuilder")) Then System. " & extension) Then call this wherever needed. I used itextsharp. Command line mkdir creates any intermediary folder if necessary to make the whole path exist. I tried with file -> New project -> setup and deployment -> setup wizard. Path = CreatePath("A", "B") "path of my file which name is = c:/C. Dim fso as Object. Also copy the designer generated variable declarations. Object, e As System. WriteLine("This is an example of FileStream in VB . application. Title = "My First PDF". To get files inbetween a date, try this. vb" file of the new Form (and replace the existing code in this method. Schenz. string json = JsonConvert. IO. 0 syntax. VB. Sep 15, 2021 · In this article. Feb 18, 2024 · 2. Feb 13, 2011 · How can I create an EXE file for a VB. Use your objects and set their properties, e. Application = CType(CreateObject("Excel. CreateTextFile(strPath) oFile. 5, I am trying to create an Excel file from a data table. 7. Worksheets(1) Feb 24, 2009 · GetTempFileName() create a zero-byte file like my method, but GetRandomFileName() does not create a file. You need to create a FileStream object to create a new file or open an existing file. Imports System Imports System. Storing Data to and Reading from the Clipboard. vbproj file with Visual Studio and selecting "Build Solution" from the menu. May 13, 2016 · Create the file locally. ly/47Hk3u7Learn how to create your own DLL files in C# using the v Jan 20, 2015 · I want to create an Exe that copies files to a directory on the c drive. Click. net after figuring out that generating an access DB and afterwards converting it to . xls in the desktop but it uses the SpecialFolders property, which is very useful sometimes! set WshShell = WScript. Optional. hw uh tj li it xd uz gk bb rt