Dynamo join curves. One use for Knots is to create kinks at certain points in the curve. Oct 24, 2021 · I’m so glad I found this comment. Is there a way to simplify it to just make 4 closed curves? Hopefully the diagram below explains. Sep 1, 2017 · Polyline from a list of lines. I got level contour polylines, all closed and planar, and I want to “merge” the pair of courves on each level to get a final “common” contour for the floor slabs. Next step would be sweeping a Revit profile along the curves. @mccrone I had a node in Archi-lab/Grimshaw package too, but its not an ideal solution here. These curves is intended for cropping views. Geometry import *. After Polycurve. I have done everything but be able to create a new surface. Explode shows the curve that I use to create the walls. Unfortunately the curve is still not closed, no connection between point 0 and 5. Unfortunatly i am having problems getting all the lines connected to create a floor… create_site_road_basic. Sep 1, 2017 · It gives a boolean for whether geometry intersects or not. ByOriginNormal and the polysurface. Curves’. dwg. Thicken the surfaces. I need to find a way to find the curves of the lines that surround the points of the racks and then create solids from it. ByjoinedCurves. Note that the higher the degree value, the more Control Points are used to interpolate the resulting Curve. It does exactly what i’ve been trying to do. I would like to have curve as output. I got several unconnected lines. ByStartPointEndPoint” and with Ärc. I want to essentially create an offset for all edges, but have the freedom to set these offsets at different distances. Nov 4, 2019 · Hello, When reading the edges of a solid using the Face EdgeLoops property, some times an edge cam be composed of multiple segments. dyn (48. dyn (95. Aug 26, 2018 · You need to extract the Dyanmo Curve from the Revit Model Cure. Hi @Karam_Baki . curveloop. Apparently in 1. could you share your files. dyn (79. There is a categorie named “sitepropertylinesegment”…so i think, there must be a kind of familytype. NET Stack of ProtoGeometry Curves, not Revit API curves…so don’t perform any conversion (using ToRevitType ()) - simply input curves from Dynamo directly into your stack and it will work. ByOutlineTypeAndLevel operation failed. For this tutorial you wi Jan 6, 2017 · Hello everyone, I have four different rectangles as polycurves. png 1398×389 39. thethtarzaw October 10, 2017, 2:46pm 10. Feb 18, 2022 · Hi, I’m making elevations from room boundary curves. Just Nov 22, 2023 · hello everyone. distance between them. The tutorial is using walls as an example. Aug 1, 2019 · If the lines actually connect then Group Curves (from archi-lab) should do everything for you. ) CurveElement exposes methods and properties of general use applicable to most kinds of curves. DoesIntersect has given odd results. dataEnteringNode = IN. I want to move the top line (with respect to z axis) down 3/4" then rejoin it into the list and make a new surface. It would make sense for Join Curves to be able to sort the curves before throwing in the towel. vuillemin. Curves or something like that. If they don’t actually connect and are just really close, you may have to modify them a little bit or do some manual grouping. 5 Likes. Union them in a solid. I tried springs. Sep 17, 2018 · The most probable option is that one of the lists of curves you want to join does not correspond to a single PolyCurve. Can rebar by curve make a rebar out of a polycurve? Or do I need to convert it to a single curve somehow? And what should this vector parameter be? Aug 9, 2015 · Now, back to your original inquiry about joining curves. Mar 24, 2017 · Now it gets only 1 or 2 of the 18 curves in my profile. Weight: Control Points have an associated number called a Weight. Curves node. Jan 24, 2017 · I am new to this dynamo, I had done a project on revit. calabrese December 5, 2022, 3:58pm 1. Little help on how to achieve this, please? Sep 21, 2020 · Creating surface from lines. Do you have any ideas what should I try/do next? Here is capture of my script. Room boundary has 5 curves (door opening removed as expected) - good Room bounding at cabinetry has 1 curve which - good. It also has an optional boolean input to close the entire Apr 20, 2023 · Hi all, I’m in the process of making a graph that creates a section view paralel to selected walls, which it does by getting the curves of the selected walls and placing a view accordingly. Do you have something that Jun 4, 2015 · Hi, How does one combine nested items within sub-lists? I’ve got it figured out for one of the items (above yellow line), but cannot combine while preserving the sub-list structure. I was able to join the curves into a polycurve and place family at set points using “curve. Join the discussion and share your ideas. jacob. Revit. I would like to obtain the joined elements as a single curve/line. 7 KB) PolyJoinedCrvs. Create a Surface. def groupCurves(Line_List): ignore_distance = 0. distance at max at straight line and reduced along curves/bends). Make sure to check out the Rhino Inside equivalent, as wel Jul 31, 2018 · Took the toposurface, converted it to a polysurface, then created a bounding box and planes to intersect the geometry. Feb 11, 2019 · Extract the perimeter of the surfaces and join them in a polycurve. I’m currently getting the warning: Warning: Floor. Through the site boundary information we can extract the start and end points then create vector by two points to give a clockwise direction however as soon as you offset the curve created from Sep 12, 2017 · Hi everyone, I am trying to join three lines with dynamo in order to place a line element that starts in the beginning of the first line and ends on the end of the third line. Arrows is what its making the view to. Then you could use List. Topography_Most_Wysepki_Projection. The solids in this sample is now representing an apartment and a balcony. I’ve Aug 18, 2020 · Try this: Offset your edges by your given distances. ByJoinedCurves. This doesnt seem to work. I dont want that. #The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variable. 7) Create Line by two Points. Hi! Does anyone know if there is a node in Dynamo that does the same thing as boolean difference - but for lines or curves. Degree = 2. The Geometry. Feb 3, 2022 · Hi, I am trying to array a family along some curves that are chained. Dec 12, 2018 · Hi everyone, I’m a little stuck in the development of one of my scripts and was hoping someone might have a thought. Feb 11, 2017 · Hi, all! Experienced Rhino/GH user moving to Dynamo. tran February 15, 2019, 10:45pm 1. FilterByBoolMask to separate your geometry curves into intersecting and non-intersecting curves. ClosestPointTo for each of the staves with the top of the top weave. Apr 3, 2016 · Hi there, I’m trying to create vertical surface (following the Z vector) from the lines obtained from the perimeter of horizontal surfaces… However, when I try to thicken the curve to then create a surface, in some cases the curve isn’t thickened in Z vector… Any idea why and how to solve it… or perhaps another way to achieve this? The end goal is to use this vertical surfaces to do Feb 16, 2023 · Hello @ does it work if you join your curves with polycurve by joined curves before feed in to filledregion by curve…EDIT can you get the surface perimeter curves ?. Item 0 to 7 in List 0 (as you can see in the image) should be one polyline, item 0 to 5 in List 1 should be one, and so on…. The problem Jun 30, 2022 · Curveloop. 7 KB) Hopefully this will provide enough for you to adapt to suit your needs. I filter the two, but the output is not as expected, as the Geometry does intersect is reporting more than one curve?. In this session we go further into native Dynamo geometry nodes - we focu Sep 1, 2017 · Polyline from a list of lines. Now I want some details on how to join floors and structural framing in a revit file by running dynamo, because it is consuming time to join floors and structural columns individually by join command in revit. You could try the below node from springs: 1141×427 36. However, if you enter 1, there is one curve with a length less than 1, so that curve is deleted and joined. My grand plan is to have the ability to dynamically place points along a line (selected from my model) where the distance between the points is modified by the angle of the curve (e. if the usual wall thickness is 250mm, then offset all the PC by 200?) Rebuild the surfaces. Any ideas? Nov 22, 2023 · If you don’t enter anything, the join is performed without any curves being deleted because no curves are smaller than the default value of 0. If you even create a polycurve in Dynamo and try to create from it a model curve in Revit, it will again explode geometry and create many lines. Interpolated curves are useful when a Feb 21, 2019 · Now I am using the ‘Curve. What you should do is structure everything so that you have 3 lists with 4 lines and all the lines inside a list is for 1 floor. Extrude the extended lines along the Z axis into surfaces. I have tried to individually join/reverse (using list) the curves and then trying JoinPolycurve but it fails no matter what. You, my friend, are a lifesaver. Add the Flatten and the Transpose node at the marked places (See below) Aug 20, 2021 · In my case I used bimoprh nodes to extract curves from a CAD link. 1 # Assume points this close or closer to each other are touching. dyn (2. After successfully merging them in Dynamo, I tried to convert them into Revit objects. Sublist 2, 3 and 5 also share the same triple point, so 1 of the these sublists should be excluded. There are two fundamental ways to create free-form curves in Dynamo: specifying a collection of Points and having Dynamo interpolate a smooth curve between them, or a more low-level method by specifying the underlying control points of a curve of a certain degree. Add the Flatten and the Transpose node at the marked places (See below) Jun 10, 2020 · In this video I'm pleased to share a workflow developed by Wassim Jabi using Topologic for Dynamo. hey everyone, So i have a vertical surface that im getting the perimeter curves of. For a simple U-shape rebar (it’s the first layer of a pad foundation) I’ve calculated al the 6 coordinates that make up the rebar shape. Curve to get curves and then connect to outlines. tzivanidis December 3, 2016, 10:42pm 1. Sep 15, 2015 · Convert NurbsCurve to Polycurve. Instead I get an empty list. Feb 15, 2019 · daniel. Dec 5, 2022 · Transform lines into curves. The list2 input into List. SetDifference should be a single, flat list of items you want to remove from list1. DesignScript. CoreBoundary in a python node. The Output of Curve. Topic. thanks. You can obtain the location line of line Curves: Interpolated and Control Points. The node says ‘PolyCurves may not be branching’, which makes no sense to me. thank you JacobSmall. vuillemin February 11, 2019, 3:29pm 3. simplyfy but the result is just empty lists. g. There are probably some nodes out there which will automate drawing the final lines using a specific line type as I’ve just used the basic out-of-the-box node. But as you can see when trying to join the curves, it outputs a null. The same thing happens if you enter 0. JoinGeometry node, Curve. Jan 12, 2021 · You put in 4 lists with each 3 curves, each lists represents an edge of the floor. 7 KB Sep 29, 2021 · It’s essentially a list level problem - and you want the following: The list1 input into List. 4 KB. Maybe I am missing something 🙂 please help Oct 11, 2019 · Not in Dynamo-Skript. I assume this is because the list created from the Geometry Aug 28, 2018 · I am trying to make solid from the below closed curves, solid. But I got stuck on joining curves to the polyline/closed curve after that projection. Are you sure your GroupCurves node is working as you were expecting it to / are your sure you are feeding the problematic node the good values ? Oct 25, 2020 · Hello, I am trying to make this “spiral” rebar by some joining curves, but I get this error message. If its a setout like on the left though I do want it to make 6 views on the walls instead. Then, if you enter 1. jair_gh October 6, 2017, 9:07am 9. Build a surface from the original outline of the site. SplitByPoints’ Node to get the length of the two sections of the curve. 8 KB) I found a way to manage the intersection of the strings and find the indices in Python which made a yuge difference in speed. Good Luck! 1 Like. 4) Group if more than 2 Lines are on the same Plane (Maybe drop if only 1 line is on plane) 5) If more than 2 Lines are on the same Plane you have to group them by the shortes Distance. bytangency to do the vector transformation of the family to align with the curves. Try this one here from Ampersand if you will sort…. 175 KB of files sent via WeTransfer, the simplest way to send your files around the world. - 0 comment. In Rhino it would be fairly easy with “booleancurves” and “join regions” in GH. Interpolated curves are useful when a Jul 1, 2017 · And, finally, get the intersection of the two lists of lines to find only the lines that fall completely within the room! The graph; and the DYN; SetIntersection for Curves. inputCurves = IN[0] #join/group curves function. I want 4 curves in sublist 2 for example. As you may know, Revit’s walls can take in only straight lines and arcs (circles in revit are made up of two arcs) and can not use any breps (nurbs or spline curves). SetDifference should be a single, flat list of items. I have one curve (a rectangle, the red one May 10, 2023 · It’s likely there is a better way to solve the larger problem this is a part of, but this Python will take a PolyCurve and join it to an adjacent PolyCurve by drawing the line from the end point of the first Polycurve to the closest point at parameter 0 or 1 of the second PolyCurve. Join the surfaces into one Polysurface. Flips curve as needed for connectivity. ByJoinedCurves does with a series of curves. Geometry. - Eric Boehlke. 6) Get start and endpoint from two lines (get 4 Points) and find the max. babysatch May 26, 2017, 7:56am 4. Just Oct 18, 2022 · Merge the line, then turn into conduit , then create fitting by MEPover. Join node and combining 2 Curve. The node in the title was the only one that simplified room curves to work with surface. revit, geometry, dynamo. Curve join produced more than one WIRE in Polycurve. Using your great package. I heard and seen some videos on dynamo that we could run join geometry Dec 23, 2018 · Learn how to create line from list of points in Dynamo with different methods and solutions. Hello, I like to join two (or more) solids into one and in the end get the outer curves. Try using Group Curves from Archi-lab package to join them. But if I copy-paste the exact same nodes with the same profiles in another Dynamo script, it works perfectly. Sublist 1, 2, 4 share the same double points and sublist 3 and 5 share the same double points, so these should be merged in 2 new sublists. I have a series of lines in succession and I would like to use a command that joins them all into one like PolyCurve. byloft failed and also tried to make surfaces for all sides then join them to make solid and also failed. Curves: Interpolated and Control Points. florian. This is an easy fix with the Transpose node. GOAL: draw lines between each point, within original sub-list (each represents a row of beams). May 18, 2017 · I have to admit though, that I do find it odd that the warning to come up was associated with the makeup of the curves rather than about tree structures not matching. PointsAtEqualSegmentLength node to original wall element so that I can place families at Sep 1, 2017 · Polyline from a list of lines. Or do i need to create a familytype for that? Any help would be great! Sep 17, 2018 · The most probable option is that one of the lists of curves you want to join does not correspond to a single PolyCurve. FAQ. Hello guys, Trying to get a curve divided to equal parts by a number. byangle. My ultimate intent is to apply the Curve. Jan 16, 2018 · As a base class of several specialized curved elements (such as ModelCurve, ModelLine, CurveByPoints, etc. May 9, 2017 · So point D simulates the T-junction. Divide Equally node has been replaced? Curve. Feb 28, 2019 · Hello, I’m trying to project list of curves on a curved surface, and then extrude projected curves by Z vector to create a solid geometry. But I convert the line to curve. I have one curve (a rectangle, the red one) and another set of curves (the balck ones). solamour September 15, 2015, 2:14am 1. Try exploding into a series of curves - should produce a list 3 levels deep, and see if that will provide the solution. Make the surface into a solid with Surface. It also has an optional boolean input to close the entire Aug 7, 2016 · If you want your lines to be constrained to a plane, you’ll have to intersect the two curves with that plane and join the points. i. I want to then join walls that are next to each other (or in corners). Apr 25, 2022 · Suggestion would be to take your curves, then extend the start and end of them by half the thickness of the core layer + a tolerance value, then use one of these algorithms to join them Jan 12, 2021 · You put in 4 lists with each 3 curves, each lists represents an edge of the floor. simplify. Jul 30, 2018 · I’m looking for guidance on how best to combine 2 arcs into a single geometry before being input into a Geometry. After this I was going to use the line. However if people have tiles in bathroom rooms, it can create little kinky curves. m. I have a script where I’m extracting the exterior face of the walls. IntersectAll takes a . 2 KB) Welcome to my Dynamo series for learning how to use the program from the ground up. ByPoints add Polycurve. Have anyone faced this? As depending on the solid the number of joined lines can vary I am finding it difficult to reconstruct the loops simplifying them. Any ideas? Jan 16, 2018 · As a base class of several specialized curved elements (such as ModelCurve, ModelLine, CurveByPoints, etc. How can I properly merge the model line segments and load them as instances into a Revit object as a single line? Sep 4, 2021 · Set Points on Selected Curve Based upon Angle/Tangent. Try the surface thicken node. Packages. 3, two curves will be deleted, Oct 25, 2020 · Front view. Yes thanks but it generates multiple poly curves from curves. Unfortunately this is the part I cant get to work. Thank you all. Fibonacci like. Aug 20, 2021 · Create model curves to false If you even create a polycurve in Dynamo and try to create from it a model curve in Revit, it will again explode geometry and create many lines. Lists of curves, sure, but no polycurves. I’m just not quite sure what the “safe angle” is. 1. I have no idea what this means May 26, 2017 · Dimitar_Venkov May 26, 2017, 6:30am 3. 9 KB) simple project hope some one can Sep 30, 2021 · We have detail lines and tech racks in the model and I want to create solids from them to find data instances to connect and/or control parameters for the data instances based on their zone. Here’s an example with the YZ plane: Revit_2016-08-08_09-19-28. ByJoinedCurves occasionally doesn’t work for curves that where just extracted from, for example, a solid and the ByGroupedCurves nodes, so far, has corrected that. Dec 9, 2021 · Get a point in the middle of each curve before join and sort by key then join. I’ve gotten the line work and the points of the racks. Are you sure your GroupCurves node is working as you were expecting it to / are your sure you are feeding the problematic node the good values ? Jul 21, 2014 · You’ll need two opposite sets of curves for each weave to choose between later. rvt (316 KB) Oct 30, 2015 · Dynamo is limited by what’s possible to do in Revit. dyn (61. hello, I’m wondering why I can’t get a wall element from the Select Model Element Node to convert to a curve using the Element. 2 the Curve. PolyCurve – ByJoinedCurves. I tried to use the first sublist,flattened it and used it as input for curveloop, but it did not work either. Like I said you can do that, but in that case if two curves become one, you will end up with an extra wall in the respective walls list. The Group Curves and then Polycurve. Aug 6, 2018 · Geometry. Join node is a polycurve. Cut off the construction lines at Geometry. Offset the polycurve outwards sufficiently enough to overlap the adjacent floors (e. Oct 4, 2017 · Hi, I have different curves, I want to pass this curve to a method where, if they are not joinable, they are returned as original. Extend each start and end of the curves by 2x the largest offset so they are longer than they need to be. I know the curve I input is made up of 17 Feb 26, 2018 · hi i have a lot of curves that i joined it in one poly curve,i need to know how to model this poly curve into revit as one element. August 6th, 2018. Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 14, in Apr 19, 2022 · Then I could use this to extract and filter out the correct faces and get the curves from there. 4: Join Touching Lines on Same Vector. patch that were failing (rarely happens but your nodes sorted it). But i can’t find any familytype for that. When I do it as a code block it works fine but once I write similar code in a python node it gives me the following error: Warning: IronPythonEvaluator. My thanks to the team! Jun 4, 2015 · I’ve got it figured out for one of the items (above yellow line), but cannot combine while preserving the sub-list structure. Hey @Kulkul. Apr 20, 2023 · Instead of grouping the curves by type and running the approximation, why not group the curves, build a polycurve, and then approximate it? i am trying to create floors based on a line. Jun 2, 2020 · I am trying to join curves which are coming out of the Room. Points at equal segmentlength has output points. DistanceTo node to be used a attractors amongst a point grid? I’ve tried using Group Curves node, Element. Nov 12, 2019 · Hi guys, I am trying to create a single curve by joining multiple curves in a row from a list of curves. When I retrieve the solid geometry from a Nov 12, 2019 · Hi guys, I am trying to create a single curve by joining multiple curves in a row from a list of curves. Thank you in advance for Oct 22, 2018 · I want to ask a small question. I made three lines (2 vertical and 1 horizontal) using “Line. I end up with two curves but not of the correct length. So I was trying to Join the two curve in to Polycurve (in auto mode) but it keeps failing while it is successful in a similar curve, and I can’t figure out why its happening. please check the picture below and let me know if you have any idea. ByFillet" and a radius I completed the Nov 3, 2021 · Hello, I would like to compare 2 curves but remove the one that overlaps. Divide Equally. I am trying to use all the native Dynamo code. Degree = 3. On of ways I thought of Apr 7, 2021 · Script made with dynamo version 2. Control Points: The Control Points are a list of at least Degree+1 Points. CHALLENGE: create sub-lists without making them into one long continuous chain of beams. But I don’t know how to merge the curves to line. Jun 20, 2017 · I’m stuck on how to join multiple lines/arc’s/curve together. Then I tried to use the node PolyCurve. pointsatchordlength”. Hello all, So I know the ‘long’ way of doing this (divide into points, create new curve from points), but is there a super quick and simple method of converting a Nurbscurve into a Polycurve? More looking for a node similar in scope to ‘Element. So unfortunately, there is no way to merge the curves into a single entity that can be accepted by the wall creation node. Ultimately I want to extrude to find the true area of the wall (given Revit’s built-in wall area calculation is a little off). revit, dynamo. I input the curve (circled in red) and the point of the box (circled in blue). Intersect is intersecting the planes from Plane. 001. . Hi! I have a list of lines (and curves and arches) and I would like to create polylines from each sublist. rvt (316 KB) NURBS lines and polylines are usually Degree 1 and most free-form Curves are Degree 3 or 5. For this example, from 6 curves, the ideal is to get back three curves: 2 polycurve and one line. Oct 5, 2017 · curves to polycurve. Extracting their curves, start and endpoints consequently, I have the following code: I would like to combine the start and endpoints without flattening such that the list @Level1 have 8 elements, namely all startpoints and endpoints of every rectangle beside each other without loosing the level structure. Thank you very much PolyCurveTest. Sep 1, 2017 · Does anyone know if there is a node in Dynamo that does the same thing as boolean difference - but for lines or curves. One of the easiest ways to change the shape of a NURBS Curve is to move its Control Points. Thicken. I would then like to associate a particular profile with this single Oct 9, 2017 · The list in Geometry. Sep 24, 2020 · Trying to construct a Polycurve from two curves. A bit messy but I think it works. Good evening. The surface will be just 3/4" shorter…. I have an issue when i select two walls that differ in thickness: I am trying to create a sectionview parallel to these two walls, it should have the total length of the walls added together. Jul 12, 2019 · Next, Curve. Also, I think it should handle multiple discontinued curves, and simply join as many as possible, and just leave the rest. However, the result was the same as the original model line segment, and the two model line segments were not combined into one. 0. My desired output is 6 curves Nov 29, 2017 · In the 10e tutorial we are showing you how it is possible to join elements automatically. small October 25, 2020, 3:40pm 4. May 10, 2023 · It’s likely there is a better way to solve the larger problem this is a part of, but this Python will take a PolyCurve and join it to an adjacent PolyCurve by drawing the line from the end point of the first Polycurve to the closest point at parameter 0 or 1 of the second PolyCurve. Degree = 1. You might try to create spline from points of those Oct 4, 2017 · Hi, I have different curves, I want to pass this curve to a method where, if they are not joinable, they are returned as original. The lines are planar and the first line ends where the second starts and so on. Otherwise, as @sovitek mentioned you’ll need to use lacing. Hi, It can join in Dynamo but still segments in Revit. Any ideas? Dec 3, 2016 · Curve. I want to have only one poly curves joined from multiple curves. Aug 22, 2016 · Hi all, I have a series of points and curves extracted from revit site boundary. vanman June 30, 2022, 11:43pm 1. It seems that it is ignoring part of the run after the box point. Paver Path Array. There is no such thing as a polycurve in Revit. Make PolyCurve by joining curves. 6 KB) Cheers, Jacek . Any ideas? Thank you in advance. The lines don’t always Oct 11, 2022 · I used Dynamo to combine two model line segments into one. how can I join the curves after imported them from AutoCAD? if I want to extrude the elements, they must be in close loops to accept extrude them? Feb 11, 2019 · Hi @florian. Thanks a lot for your answer. PointsAtEqualChordLength nodes with a List Create node before inputting into the Geometry. You can obtain the location line of line Jul 24, 2018 · from Autodesk. EvaluateIronPythonScript operation failed. Let's make a sine curve in Dynamo using two different methods to create NURBS Curves to compare the results. Use a node called ModelCurve. Curves can extract any curves within elements such as lines in families: Dynamo Dictionary. surface thicken node can’t pick the two surfaces and it’s Jan 25, 2017 · Hi, i need to transform my curves (polygones) into property lines. DistanceTo node but Feb 18, 2022 · Hi, I’m making elevations from room boundary curves. Element. sofmal September 1, 2017, 8:45am 1. ByLoft between the top and bottom NURBS curves. Naughty little curves. dyn (14. dglnwbefrbncdbdkidzh