
Genitourinary soap note

  • Genitourinary soap note. -Bowel movements/stools consistency usually , and frequency is stool (s) every days. 3a outlines interview questions used to explore Nov 26, 2010 · No distention. Week 7-SOAP NOTE- eMedley # . ID: Brenda is a 78-year-old Caucasian female that lives with her adult son for the last 6 years. Male GU and Rectal Exam. Patient reports SOB, fever, chills, and fatigue. (22-year-old female) DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE Chief Complaint: "Female check-up" History of Present Illness: A 22-year-old female presented to the clinic for a well-woman exam and reported "never having a female check-up or seen OB-GYN" Reports vaginal pain 2 Genitourinary SOAP Note # 3 SUBJECTIVE CC: “Increased frequency and urgency with peeing, but only dribbling urine, especially at nighttime. Secure storage: Ditch overflowing cabinets! Here’s what you need to know about what goes in the SOAP note assessment section, along with SOAP note assessment examples. They are firm, non tender, and without masses or lesions. Favorite 9. Aug 9, 2023 · GIM1: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 07/20/23 Name: Maya S. DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE: Chief Complaint: Urinary symptoms History of Present Illness: 75-year-old male presents for an issue using the bathroom. Pt occasionally performs self-breast exams but not on a regular It is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (Barton & Sen, 2007). Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form. S= Subjective Information: Demographics: Patient name Lab Partner is a 40-year-old single female date of birth 02/13/1979, who lives with two roommates in Gwinnett county. United States University. Bowel 6. Common Illnesses Across the Lifespan- Clinical Practicum. Antenatal: Health of mother during pregnancy. ” General MSK exam. -Sx include: unusual vaginal bleeding unusual vaginal discharge vaginal itching/irritation vaginal pain other-. SOAP NOTE Abdominal By: LaDonna Moore 11/04/ Physical Assessment. CC: Patient presents to the office complaining of vaginal discharge and foul odor. HEENT: No history of trauma, vertigo or syncope. 700SouthRoyalPoincianaBlvd MiamiSprings,Florida33166 Encounterdate:10/09/17 PatientInitials:U. The body’s immune system combats HPV before creating warts. The genitourinary and rectal exam is an essential part of the overall health assessment in the male. Return to the ER for increased bleeding (more than 1 pad an hour for consecutive hours), increased abdominal The guidelines include a detailed chart that specifies the exam elements that must be performed and documented to justify each level of exam. docx, Subject nursing, from Strathmore University, Length: 11 pages Share and explore free nursing-specific lecture notes, documents, course summaries, and more at NursingHero. The pharynx is normal in appearance without tonsillar swelling or exudates. \par \par }\pard\plain \ltrpar\s1\ql \li0\ri0\keepn\widctlpar\tx360\wrapdefault\aspalpha\aspnum\faauto\outlinelevel0\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Completed (2). Sample SOAP Note S: V. In the clinic, patients often complete the ROS on paper or online before the visit, and the provider simply reviews it. GENITALIA: Genital exam revealed normally developed male genitalia. No edema or ecchymosis. com posted 'SOAP Notes' in category Emergency Medical Services on 2024-06-01 user 61c31183E3715. GIM1: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 3/23/23 Name: Maya S. Aggravated by lying down. Additionally, from the lab test findings, the positive monoclonal A. -Sx started when/while. No history of nasal trauma, rhinitis or epistaxis. SOAP NOTE 4 Gastrointestinal: Presence of excruciating abdominal pains complaints. If the renal size is large enough, a visible. Past Medical History • Birth A. GIM1: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Form Musculoskeletal: Pt denies any muscle pain, weakness, or joint pain. Dec 12, 2018 · SOAP NOTE – VAGINITIS 2. GIM1: Male Reproductive System Male Genitourinary SOAP Form Neuro: The patient is alert and cooperative, and there is no complaint of numbness, tingling in extremities, or loss of consciousness. Spine: Straight with no lesions. No obvious deformity. PT Treatment Date: 11/18/18. Genitourinary Soap Note Manuel Betancourt South University NSG6001 Dr. October 11, 2022. In women, blisters may be around the vagina, cervix or the anus. B. Date: 08/01/02 Time: Provider: Vital Signs: Height, Weight, Temp, B/P, Pulse. Crystal Conley. 4 days ago · Document SOAP Note; 27-Year-Old Female with Bacterial Vaginosis. GIM1: Male Reproductive System Male Genitourinary SOAP Form a normal appearance of pubic hair pattern, scrotum, and uncircumcised penis. Jul 27, 2021 · NRNP 6540 Managing Genitourinary Disorders Focused SOAP Note- R. Sample Documentation of Expected Findings. Treatment with mucinex, moderate relief. Moreover, the sexually transmitted infection is common among sexually active young women. For a new patient in the hospital, physicians typically ask at least one or two of the most GIM2: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Form Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 1/25/24 Name: Maya S. 2. edited. Genitourinary Statement of Purpose. History of Presenting Illness (HPI) The quantity of discharge passed, is it a large or small quantity? Does the discharge have a fishy smell, or is it odorless? The consistency of the discharge is thick or watery? Is the discharge blood-stained? Note: The mnemonic below is included for your reference and should be removed before the submission of your final note. Patient reports that the vaginal discharge has a strong fishy odor which she noticed that was stronger after having sex. Initially developed by Dr. Lawrence Weed in the 1960s, the SOAP framework revolutionized clinical documentation by bringing structure and organization. HPI: Patient is a 34-years-old hispanic female who presents to the office complaining of vaginal itching with vaginal discharge. In the chart, the shaded headings list the organ Apr 1, 2024 · GIM2: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Form Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 3/28/2024 Name: Maya S. Cite. 12. No visible lesions, pulsations, or peristalsis noted. No perineal or perianal abnormalities are seen. Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. No issue with urination or bowel movement. Take the antibiotics prescribed for urinary tract infection Follow up with your OB/GYN in 1-2 days Return here or with your OB in 48 hours for repeat BHCG level Bring a copy of your results from today's visit. approximately 91 views in the last month. Apr 1, 2010 · By SOAPnote. PSYCHIATRIC: denies depression/anxiety. 100% satisfaction guarantee Immediately available after payment Both online and in PDF No strings Review your Learning Resources. Dec 22, 2019 · yo (G P) with genitourinary symptoms: Initial questions. Step Three. Favorite 2. walker151@gmail. site123. Feb 16, 2024 · GIM2: Male Reproductive System Male Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 12/11/23 Name: George S. Prostate is not tender, enlarged, boggy, or nodular. Example OCP. Gradually worsening. 95-year-old, White, Male Chief Complaint: RB came to the clinic accompanied by son, reporting his "urine is really red. This information is typically gathered through interviews and observation. Apr 1, 2010 · Uncomplicated UTI Patient education: ***instructed to force fluids/take medicine until it is gone/if the symptoms continue at the end of the course of medicine, come in/If the symptoms worsen, an appointment must be made for evaluation/urinate frequently, and avoid retaining your urine for a long time when you feel the urge to void/wipe from GENITOURINARY CASE STUDY 3 Social History: Patient denies smoking, alcohol and drug use. Listen and attend to patient cues. K. Medical supervision, drugs, diet, infections such as rubella, etc. 8 rectal Pulse 156 Respiratory Rate 45 BP 86/47 SpO2 98% on room air Growth parameters: Weight 3. 5 days ago · Version 1 June 2020. com Nov 24, 2010 · The SOAPnote Project > Gynecology & Women's Health > Female Genitourinary History. History of Present Illness symptoms: Review Of Symptoms/Systems: (For problem-focused visit, document only pertinent information) Past Medical History: (For problem-focused visit, document Pyelonephritis SOAP Note. approximately 357 views in the last month. (22-year-old female) DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE Chief Complaint: New patient appointment, “I have never had a female checkup or seen an OB- GYN. Date : 4/10/2020 Time : 1330 DOB: 08/27/2000 Sex: Female Subjective CC: Vaginal discharge HPI: M. Patient is asleep but easily arousable. ” HPI: Cough: X 7 days. HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. When warts appear, they vary in appearance depending on the type of HPV involved: genital warts, common warts, plantar warts, and flat warts (Hammer & McPhee, 2014). Acute Blood Loss Anemia SOAP Dec 14, 2022 · When writing a SOAP note, there are four main sections that should be included: Subjective: This is where the patient’s symptoms and concerns are described. 5cm (50%ile) General: Patient is a well-developed, well-nourished infant in no apparent distress. Trachea is midline. Non-TTP clavicle, shoulder, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, or hand. Note masses or tenderness. Feb 22, 2024 · Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form 2024 with complete solution. SOAP Note Well Adult; Ali Junayed 591 Week 2 Aquifer Case Study; FNP 591 Sect1 WK 4 Reply 1 and 2; 592 SOAP Note #2 - SOAP note example; 592 SOAP Note #1 - SOAP note Mar 30, 2023 · General Soap Note. Favorite 4. Patient reports symptoms beginning about two months ago. No hernia present. Oct 11, 2020 · GENITOURINARY: denies dysuria/frequency/vaginal bleeding/vaginal pain/blood in urine/incontinence/abnormal vaginal discharge/vaginal dryness/dyspareunia. III. [2] Table 12. OCPs. Pyelonephritis Soap Note. Abdominal contour is flat and symmetric. View Notes - SOAP NOTES# 10 Trichomoniasis . No buccal nodules or lesions are noted. No lacerations or abrasions. S is a 58-year-old AFA schoolteacher who has been a patient in this office for the past 8 years. S: This ___ yr old fe/male presents for ____. GASTROINTESTINAL BASICS. No scrotal mass or tenderness, no hernias or inquinal lymphadenopathy. pdf GIM2: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Form Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 04/02/2024 Name: Maya S. A complete and efficient exam will lead to the identification of current or potential health problems. 43 y/o black female CC: “I am here today because I have a cough and sore throat. DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE: Chief Complaint: Urinary symptoms History of Present Illness: A 75-year-old male presents with difficulty with urination. The patient denies abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, urinary pain, urgency or frequency, change in appetite, food intolerance, dysphagia, or personal or family history. AccessSurgery is a subscription-based resource from McGraw Hill that features trusted medical content from the best minds in medicine. Throat: Oral mucosa is pink and moist with good dentition. Introduction to Jul 13, 2001 · MALE GENITOURINARY EXAMINATION. Signs and Symptoms. B 95- year- old, White Male View Male Genitourinary SOAP Note GIM2 Task 3. Female Genitourinary Symptoms. Nurs 6551: Primary Care of Women – Sample SOAP Note. 1 [1] for an illustration of the gastrointestinal system and the bladder. The VMTH physical exam sheet uses a check list system, but in practice, you will want to develop a systematic written format to make sure that you describe all relevant exam findings, even when they are normal. Productive cough with green sputum. Miles. For a variety of reasons, novice providers may meet barriers that interfere with adequately learning to perform this exam. mass may be seen. History of Present Illness: Patient reports worsening urinary hesitation, nocturia, and dribbling following urination for the past two months. Diagnostic and treatment plan: For each identified diagnosis. Sore Throat: X 9 . H. is a pleasant 19-year-old female who presents to the clinic with Genitourinary soap note Brittany Chavez FNP 592: Common illnesses across the lifespan Dr Hinton United States University September 30th, 2021 SOAP S: Patient: TR DOB: 05/16/2000 21 year old Caucasian female CC: "I am having back in my low back and cramps. \par \par Description of a Mass: Location, size, shape, consistency, mobility, distinctness, nipple, skin over lump, tenderness to palpation, lymphadenopathy. MSN Template for Clinical SOAP Note 3. Genitalia: Normal male external genitalia. posted 2010-11-24, updated 2019-12-22. Analyze the SOAP note case study. Gynecology & Women's Health, Subjective/History Elements. Joints: Hips with full range-of-motion; negative Barlow and Ortolani. Skin: Pt denies any rashes, hives, lumps, sores, dryness, or itching. (75-year-old male) DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE Chief Complaint: Urinary symptoms History of Present Illness: 75 year old male who presents to clinic with problems with urination. GIM1: Male Reproductive System Male Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: July 19, 2023 Name: George S. Palpate the kidney with the patient in the supine position. Apr 3, 2024 · GIM2: Male Reproductive System Male Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 04/03/2024 Name: George S. Endocrine: The patient denies hot or cold sensations. See Figure 12. docx from MEDICINE MMED9130 at Flinders University. FYI for instructor: Ms. ” HPI: A Hispanic man aged 18 years old came to the office complaining of severe pain in his scrotum. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient notes that she has had a weight loss over the past one to two years of a significant amount. A normal male genitourinary exam would be dictated as follows: The testicles are descended bilaterally. Occurs every few minutes. No hernias are palpated in the inguinal canals. GIM2: Male Reproductive System Male Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: _3/26/2024_ Name: Genitourinary: Complains of pain while urinating, painful coitus, pain in the pelvic area, vaginal discharge and abnormal bleeding. Me commented on ' EMS SOAP ' by user scoobie69d on 2024-04-15 5 well-known features and 5 hidden gems Genitourinary Soap Note Roxanne Barbe United States University MSN 592 - Common Illnesses Across the Lifespan Professor McDonald April 4, 2022 SOAP SUBJECTIVE: ID: ML is a 24 year old Hispanic female. Use appropriate listening and questioning skills. 6 GENITOURINARY INFECTION SOAP NOTE informing the patient of the side effect of the medication. CPT evaluation and management (E/M). History of Present Illness: 22 y/o female presents for a new 2 Week 14 Soap Note, Pamela Dallas Week 14 Soap Note Patient: LT Age: 30 Gender: female DOB: 03/06/1990 Allergies: NKDA Subjective: Ms. Explore our other articles for more documentation examples. GIM1: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 10/19/2022 Name: Maya S. -Sx started ago. Doctor Marie Bazelais. Gen SOAP NOTE: UROGENITAL 7 Patient reported signs of UTI hence prescription of Nitrofurantoin 100 mg q 12 hours for 5 days was done. GENITOURINARY: No frequency, urgency, nocturia. Read this chapter of Smith & Tanagho's General Urology, 18e online now, exclusively on AccessSurgery. Analyze the subjective portion of the note. The testes and epididymis were palpated with no scrotal masses or tenderness. Dec 22, 2019 · Drink plenty of fluids. g. 51 – High-risk heterosexual behavior: The patient exhibits risky sexual behavior through sexual patterns. GENERAL: Well-developed, well-nourished, alert and cooperative, and appears to be in no acute distress. " History of Present Illness: RB is a 95-year-old white male who came to the clinic 2 days ago, accompanied by his son, and complained that his urine appeared to be bright GIM1: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Form Skene Glands: Clitoris: Urethra: Bladder: Vagina: Cervix: Uterus: Adnexa: Extremities: N o deformities, ambulates with no weakness bilaterally on inspection, no varicosities, no cyanosis or edema Neuro: AAO × 3, pleasant affect Procedure note: The patient was prepared for a screening Pap smear. SOAP Note on Genitourinary Clinical Case 6 colored bumps in genital area that becomes ulcerated and develop into a sore, and pain during urination and sexual intercourse (Bauer & Janowicz, 2018). Pt states approximately two months ago he noticed issues with urinary hesitancy, dribbling The Physical exam should also relates to finding for the patient with migraine headache. The genital exam revealed PAGE 2. Although the patient presented with pain during the urination process she did not present with other symptoms associated with Chancroid – making Enhanced Document Preview: 1 Genitourinary SOAP Note College of Nursing and Healthcare Professional FNP 654: Family Primary Care II 2 Genitourinary SOAP Note #1 References AMA. GENITALIA: Genital exam revealed ***normal penis and testes/no scrotal mass/no tenderness/urethral discharge/no urethral discharge/penile lesion ---/varicocele/scrotal Safety considerations: Perform hand hygiene. 4130346 Name Genitourinary: bladder is non-distended, no discharge or tenderness. SOAP NOTE ON TESTICULAR TORSION 2 Soap Note on Testicular Torsion Name: Date: Time: Age: 18 Sex: Female SUBJECTIVE CC “I have severe pain and swelling of the scrotum and abdominal pain. No penile lesions are noted and there is no discharge from the urethra. Date: _____ Name: Maya S. GIM2: Female Reproductive System Female Genitourinary SOAP Form Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 04/02/2024 Name: Maya S. LT is a 30-year-old black female who presented to OBED on December 1st for maternal 1st degree heart block after being on digoxin for fetal supraventricular tachycardia. obgyn soap note example during clinicals christine patrissi professor bush nur639 soap may 24th, 2019 is 45 caucasian female who presents with perimenopausal Episodic/Focused SOAP Note Template – Assessing the Genitalia and Rectum. Tags: csv ready. Be organized and systematic in your assessment. Push the. Breast: Pt denies any pain, tenderness, lumps of discharge of her breasts. Introduce yourself to patient. No history of tenderness or lesions of the oral cavity. (22-year-old female) DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE Chief Complaint: Annual women's wellness visit History of Present Illness: 2 Feb 21, 2024 · GIM1: Male Reproductive System Male Genitourinary SOAP Note Form Date: 10/13/2023 Name: George S. Microsoft Word - SOAP handout. Apr 3, 2024 · 4/3/2024. Tongue normal in appearance without lesions and with good symmetrical movement. Standard Elements of SOAPnote. 1 Case Study - Urinary Incontinence Author: University: Course name and number: Instructor: Due Date: 2 Case Study Jul 1, 2021 · GENITOURINARY SOAP NOTE 5 Z72. Compartments soft. Unformatted Attachment Preview. Education: Educated the patient about the need to avoid sexual contact and intercourse during treatment and is advised to ask her sexual partner to be tested and treated for Chlamydia trachomatis and to be tested for 2 Soap Notes Genitourinary system Subjective (S). The scrotum is without induration, erythema, or edema. According to the world health organization, the best medication of gonorrhea is the use of ceftriaxone 250mg and Azithromycin 1gram which should be taken orally ( Blaxhult, & Bratt, 2015). Outpatient SOAP Notes. Neck: The neck is supple without adenopathy. Men's Health, Objective/Exam Elements. Subjective. to a great extent leads us to confirm chlamydia ( Brown, Edwards, Seaton & Buckley, 2017 ). Chief of Complaint: Patient states “I started vomiting last night and noticed fever this morning”. ” Jan 10, 2023 · Focused SOAP Note Subjective Patient Information: R. Inspect the abdomen and flank. D117 completed try 2 Female Genitourinary SOAP Note Form (1). Time: 10:30am-11:30am Enhanced Document Preview: 1 Running Head: GENITOURINARY SOAP NOTE Genitourinary SOAP note Spring Arbor University Brett Locke 2 Running Head: GENITOURINARY SOAP NOTE Name: M. GIM1: Female Reproductive System. No other significant social history was exposed. posted 2023-03-29, updated 2023-03-30. -Sx worsened by. Outpatient OCPs. Apr 25, 2024 · Software specifically designed for SOAP medical notes simplifies documentation, improves efficiency, and offers several key benefits: Effortless templates: Access and customize pre-built SOAP templates to save time and ensure consistent formatting. Analyze the objective portion of the note. Breast Exam. 41 kg (10-25%ile) Height 54 cm (50%ile) Head Circumference 37. GENITOURINARY Painful urination (Dysuria) Excessive amount of urine (Polyuria) Urinary frequency 7. PHYSICAL EXAM. docx from NURSE PRAC D117 at Western Governors University. Sample Pediatric SOAP NOTE. DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE: Chief Complaint: Annual women's visit History of Present Illness: 22-year-old female presents for an annual gynecological visit. doc. By SOAPnote. Onset prior to evaluation. Using evidence-based resources, answer the following questions and support your answers using current evidence from the literature. -Sx improved by. The patient does not complain of acidity, tenderness and guard issues. The next section is the subjective information section, which those of you familiar with the SOAP note format will be familiar with! This section includes their genitourinary history, which should include a thorough history and their presenting genital or urinary symptoms. DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE: Chief Complaint: Annual women’s visit History of Present Illness: 22-year-old female presents for wanting to perform a female health exam. Fill in findings for each body part (objective information) Jan 11, 2020 · RECTAL: Good sphincter tone with no anal, perineal or rectal lesions. It is important for the nurse to be aware of the underlying structures of the abdomen when completing a gastrointestinal or genitourinary assessment. Female Pelvic Exam. GEN: Alert and oriented in no acute distress. Female Genitourinary History. W Subjective Data: Chief Compliant: “I am experiencing frequent urination, itching, and pain upon urination” History of Present Illness: A 28-year-old woman presents as the patient. is complaining of difficulty in starting to urinate and dribbling at the end of urination which he started noticing 30 days ago. The patient states, "Sometimes I feel like I can't go, and it takes a while to get started. DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE: Chief Complaint: Annual women’s visit History of Present Illness: 22-year-old female presents for first pap/gyn exam. She has a history of multiple sexual partners that have often resulted in sexually transmitted diseases, as evidenced by her PMH of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and UTIs. Genitourinary Exams. Objective: This section includes any relevant information that can be observed or measured, such as vital signs The review of systems is a list of closed ended questions intended to uncover any recent symptoms that haven’t already come up. (2021). , other Jun 6, 2022 · Well Visit Soap Note Roxanne Barbe United States University FNP 594-Primary Health of Acute Families Dr. Days 1–7 Assignment 1: Clinical Hour and Patient Logs By Day 7 Record your clinical hours and patient encounters in Meditrek Assignment 2: Episodic Visit: Gastrointestinal or Genitourinary Condition Focused Note By Day 7 Complete and submit your Gastrointestinal or Genitourinary Condition Focused Note Assignment Throughout this practicum you have been meeting Running head: BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA 1 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia SOAP Note Student’s Name Institution Date BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA 2 SUBJECTIVE CHIEF COMPLAINT (CC) : “D. SOAP NOTE. No history of photophobia, diplopia or color blindness. Collette Spencer May 16, 2022 SOAP SUBJECTIVE: ID: AB is a 36 year old male that came to the clinic for an annual physical exam. O = onset of symptom (acute/gradual) L= location D= duration (recent/chronic) C= character A= associated symptoms/aggravating factors R= relieving factors T= treatments previously tried – response? Jan 24, 2024 · SOAP notes - Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan - have become indispensable for clear communication in modern clinical practice. Judith Cornelius May 19, 2023 1 Patient Initials: G. Chief Complaint (CC): Discharge from the penis. docx from NUR 3226L at Florida International University. 2 [2] for an illustration of the male urinary system. GENITOURINARY SOAP NOTE 8 abdominal pain, all of which are symptoms of the disease. During your 4th year, in order to develop your ability to generate A focused gastrointestinal and genitourinary subjective assessment collects data about the signs and symptoms of GI and GU diseases, including any digestive or nutritional issues, relevant medical or family history of GI and GU diseases, and any current treatment for related issues. L. Patient denies hematuria, urgency and frequency in urination. ”. Your diagnostic plan may include tests, procedures, other laboratory studies, consultations, etc. posted 2010-04-01, updated 2020-01-08. DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE: Chief Complaint: Annual women’s visit History of Present Illness: 22-year-old female presents for Sep 5, 2016 · user dean. List additional information that should be included in the documentation. Pulmonary SOAP Note Medical Transcription Sample Reports. Review of Symptoms: Female in moderate distress positive for urine looking dark; frequency, burning and pain with urination; severe lower abdominal pain, cervical motion and adnexal tenderness, increased suprapubic tenderness and brown foul-smelling vaginal SOAP Note on Genitourinary Clinical Case 6 The patient did not present with vaginal bleeding between periods making this condition a less likely diagnosis. A53. approximately 0 views in the last month. View full document. By Dylan. Complete Note. Psychiatric: The patient mentioned he does not have mood changes or depression. ” HPI: EDM is a 77-year-old male (DOB 04/04/1945) who presented to Primary Care Same Day Clinic on 7/11/2022 with complains of urinary urgency and frequency, especially at night. Since then, SOAP notes have evolved tremendously due to emerging technologies. Explain process to patient. METABOLIC/ENDOCRINE Cold intolerance Heat intolerance Excessive thirst (Polydipsia) Excessive hunger (Polyphagia) 8. the other hand pressing the abdomen. In men, blisters may be around the pennies, scrotum and around the anus. , name and date of birth). No scrotal masses were noted with transillumination. This is usually only seen in a child or thin adult. Apr 18, 2024 · This sample evaluation SOAP note may be useful for physical therapists, occupational therapists, or students who wish to see an example of a thorough pediatric evaluation in a rehabilitation setting. (22-year-old female) DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE Chief Complaint: Annual women’s wellness visit History of Present Illness: 22-year-old female presents for an annual gynecological visit. approximately 168 views in the last month. 9 – Syphilis: Syphilis is an infection that is mainly transmitted via sexual conduct in both men and women. Ask the patient to take a deep. Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e. Vitals: Temp 37. Normal upper and lower extremities. (75-year-old male) DOB: 01/01/XXXX SUBJECTIVE Chief Complaint: Patient reports problems with urination. Tips for SOAP Writing. The general symptoms include fever, muscle aches in the back, buttocks and thighs. Your treatment plan should include: patient education, pharmacotherapy if any, other therapeutic procedures. No hematuria or dysuria. Normal cremasteric reflex was noted. NEUROLOGICAL Dizziness Extremity numbness Extremity weakness Headaches Seizures Nov 23, 2021 · View SOAP Note - genitourinary. docx. approximately 7 views in the last month. Testes descended bilaterally. Genitourinary: Complaints of increased rates urination, pain and swelling when excreting urine were presented. Her medical history consists of HTN and Osteoarthritis of the left hip, which is well controlled on Toprol XL 50 mg 1 po qd and Celebrex 200 mg 1 po qd. View. Mental Status: Alert, oriented, in no distress. xi se cp fw qk sq dr vq td vf