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Law of assumption negative thoughts reddit

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Law of assumption negative thoughts reddit. Persistence is very important because your dominant thoughts always create your reality no matter what. if you want something to change, you need to my sp is my ex, and since we broke up and i started manifesting him back i tend to have some negative thoughts about him in certain aspects like “he’s so immature” “he’s not the same anymore” “he’s such a girl’s man now” “now he’s just a popular jerk” and stuff like that, and i realized that those negative assumptions about him might be pulling me back from getting There's a difference between Law of Attraction vs how it's taught; which is: Typically complicated, unrealistic or inauthentic. 1K subscribers in the lawofassumption community. Ignore the present state and assume the wish fulfilled. Therefore, to change the mirror, you must change your state, the beliefs and I (26F) met my SP (27M) a little over a month ago, and things were going relatively well until I began to feel insecure, which started shaking the foundation of the relationship. Claim it; it will respond. The part that I feel I struggle with are the little negative intrusive thoughts and while I’ve been diving deep into how to curb them and replace them. This girl was actually my ex, and I succeeded in manifesting her back; however, it was much easier to be delusional and create beliefs over time when she wasn’t in the picture, as I put all my focus and time thinking about her into imagining us being in such a beautiful and loving relationship, then letting it go as I went on about my day to Well, manifesting is easy, the base principle (and the only principle) is as stated above, but with all the information, the mix between law of attraction and law of assumption, social media, TikTok, Neville quotes that people just LOVE to throw around to a point it seems they don't even understand what they mean in their essence and what not By swapping the word assumption with the word belief, Neville’s famous statement looks like this: “The only fate governing your life is the fate determined by your own concepts, your own beliefs; for a belief, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact. Share your processes, thoughts, experiences. How can I stay in that state of feeling/knowing that I already have my desires when I keep getting reminded that my desires aren’t actually happening…. 馃憤. Responsible_Will9055 • 11 hr. This way of thinking can significantly transform various To be clear about how it works, you have to know what it is, and basically the term manifestation is linked to a law, which is the law of assumption. DON’T define yourself by your relationship (or lack thereof) with your SP. “i now exercise my fearless faith in three ways - by thinking, speaking, and acting. ” this affirmation shows you how to utilize the law in a simpler and more effective way. My texting was feeling more and more one-sided. A place for all Law of Assumption teachers and methods to post questions and success stories… Most people when it comes to law of assumption will worry and complain about their 3D (the physical), they tend to look for excuses on why they don't have their desire. 1. watch the thoughts you regularly think and feel as true for they are affirmations. So in shifting terms, you assume that you are already aware of your desired reality. Instead of trying to assume that you are in a different physical reality, why not just assume that you are in an improved CR where you have the ability to shift, and then with that assumption just do your shifting methods normally every day with belief that you can shift with them because you are already in your improved CR where you are a successful shifter. your FAITH. From the phrasing in your post, it seems you want to try to stop it the moment you realize it's negative. For example, you do not need to believe your assumptions about shifting being easy at first. 4 A place for all Law of Assumption teachers and methods to post questions and success stories. When you persist and get rid of all of the negative thoughts you will begin to see things change. Same as how Joseph Murphy's crew like "Law of Belief. no one has free will except you. How can I remove negative thoughts and doubts? I’m always told to “think about my desires, feel the feeling of having it, then let it go” it does not work for me… Since your SP is YPO, this will manifest your SP also being obsessed with wanting what is lacking, and your SP in a state of lack is NOT your SP being happy! Whatever you focus on is what expands, because energy flows where attention goes. These past 2 days I’ve really felt the wish fulfilled until my mind starts to waver. Feb 10, 2024 路 The Law of Assumption may seem like a mystical concept, but it is rooted in science. ) Aug 14, 2023 路 The Law of Assumption suggests that by assuming or believing in a desired outcome, one can attract or manifest that outcome into their life. I pushed away every negative thought or I flipped it and didn’t talk about any negative circumstances. Thousands of people have shown this to be true over the past 100 years, from things as minor as finding keys lost around the house, to healing incurable cancer, to having all personal debt paid with an extra $2m When you begin consciously manifesting things, you are rewiring old consistent thoughts and beliefs and replacing them with new ones. "Therefore, if you dwell on difficulties, barriers or delay, the subconscious, by its very non-selective nature, accepts the feeling of difficulties and obstacles as your request and proceeds to produce them in your outer world. Early 2022: Something really unexpected, negative, happens with SP, which causes me to drop everything and tell my coach I'll follow her instructions to a t. Our physical reality is created by our beliefs and assumptions, and for most of us, the physical reality keeps us trapped in these beliefs by reaffirming and showing A random negative thought isn't going to manifest. Your 4D (your imagination, beliefs, thoughts etc), are quite literally what shape your reality, so in relation to shifting, you are assuming you have already shifted, you are Your thoughts will never manifest but your energy will so instead of focusing on your thoughts, monitor how you feel, let that energy go focus on something else that feels better. That's why we're learning to be conscious of our thoughts and beliefs so we manifest favourable If at all. " Seems like it's all tied together to me. you don't need to detach or let go to manifest you just need to live in the end and that's it. ADMIN MOD. When you feel as if you’ve already achieved your goal, it amplifies the energy of your thoughts. People come up with limiting beliefs and force that on other people that’s the big issue imo. I recently started applying the law of assumption to shifting as I finally came to truly understanding the law a few days ago. I have felt so discouraged and I have been doubting everything, I STILL AFFIRM! I don’t let any negative thoughts get into me, but I can’t really control my feelings. This is a misconception but even if you have negative thoughts or feelings do not necessarily manifest if you do not give them more energy or dwell in them. In meditation, your mind becomes more pliable, workable, and easier to change. The law of assumption needs to also consist of eradicating any POSSIBILITIES for the negative. i am unmoved by appearance therefore appearances move. And we manifest consciously and unconsciously. Affirmations that you don't feel won't work. Thoughts and feelings don't have the ability to stop you from manifesting unless you give them that For the law of assumption : You're the god of your reality and no one controls your reality except you. Techniques don’t manifest, but they help bring you into the state of being. • 2 mo. " - Neville Goddard. I needed a 43/45 to be competitive in my dream school as an international student. The old ones must play out to clear your subconscious and make way for the new thoughts. I will start this post by quoting some Neville, Neville, The power of awareness. All it would do is lead to greater inner turmoil, which would eventually manifest an external event. Because this is the law of assumption. The physical manifestation of your goal is a secondary reaction, a reflection that you will experience, so long as you maintain the feeling of the wish Aug 22, 2023 路 Law of Assumption is Neville Goddard’s philosophy that encourages you to experience your desires to manifest them successfully. Either your true desires are in fact different (likely), or that the beliefs and assumptions you have about the way things work are interfering with your ability to follow the path to the revelation. They are new agey concepts that sell the idea that people can change their lives by simply WANTING hard enough, i. Affirming, SATS, scripting, visualization. I may be treading on waters here . The law of attraction tells you to be positive and happy 24/7. I personally don't consider law of assumption/law of attraction to be witchcraft. to believe in the law & shifting is truly to practice the undoing of everything you thought you knew. But be realistic enough to understand you have to do certain Nov 22, 2023 路 The power of assumption begins and ends with persistence. Okay, so I’ve made a couple posts about this already but if you still are struggling with “ignoring your reality” or struggling with negative thoughts or “not manifesting” this post will help! If you can identify with What helped me was the realization that the control my subconscious has is so much more powerful than previously thought, the work that we put into our affirmations and assumption process is so much more powerful than we initially comprehend. ) Take a breath in. Conscious manifesting is all about your thoughts, the dominant ones. Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you my success story and how I achieved it! I used to have such problems with my body, from being a overweight child, to developing an eating disorder to still hating my body, then regaining lots of weight, then always trying to A place for all Law of Assumption teachers and methods to post questions and success stories. Don't be afraid. It's a powerful tool for manifestation that empowers you to consciously create the life you desire. The secret does mention that the universe delivers but you're the only operant power in your reality. The most useful way to change your beliefs is to experience God. Our subconscious produces around 80K thoughts every day. Discord: https://discord. I started listening to Neville more consistently only recently and that made me realise that I used the law of assumption to change the shape of my nose about 6 or 7 years ago. So I've been saturating myself with affirmations, I've been working on my self concept and have created a relationship vision board. Breathe deep and drop into a meditation. God realization will get you closer to changing your deep seeded beliefs than coming here reading success stories. I know I have a lot to say to him about his past negative 1. Focuses on unnecessaryaction and effort disguised as vibration (i. If we focus on negative thoughts and feelings, we attract negative experiences and circumstances into our lives. the fear of taking that leap into the unknown. thoughts are what manifests so you don't need to be happy 24/7 to get what you want. Quantum physics provides a framework for understanding how our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. The law of assumption is a true spiritual law. That's it. To even utter the statement "I have this negative belief that I just can't change," is a complete betrayal of the fundamental concept Mark 11:24 -> "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. With skepticism in my heart, I created a vivid mental scene where I could see myself powering on my computer as I usually did. Law of assumption Remember this: If you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it. Hoping onto a new trend of success, and ignoring other avenues of opportunity when all of this is irrelevant. Let’s unpack together, a few examples to get I know i'm not supposed to put any desires on the pedestal and that I should view manifesting everything, including my SP, as easy, instantaneous like everything else. As long as you keep repeating that assumption in your mind as a dominant thought it has to conform to the 3D no matter what you think or feel! I would not give any power to my negative thoughts regarding my education, because I didn't care about my education and wanted Y more than anything else in the world. I’m sure someone who’s in those law of assumption circles will say I didn’t persist enough or how my beliefs didn’t align with it all. Fall 2022: My SP and I are reunited after a bridge of incidents which actually started late 2021, which has led me to believe that things started moving once I started doing my coach's Negative thoughts manifest yes even if it’s not what you intended. If you can imagine yourself into your desired state of being, then you have, for all intents and purposes, already achieved your aim. Negative Assumptions. It feels like I've hit a brick wall and I'm feeling stupid. Persisting won't work if you're doing it emptily. But even tho I've keeping a pretty good mental diet, affirming everyday, flipping negative thoughts etc. r/lawofassumption. I personally find the law of assumption easier to work with. The key difference between law of attraction and law of assumption is that law of attraction is about positive thoughts giving positive experiences and negative thoughts giving negative experiences, whereas law of assumption is about manifesting what you want by assuming that you already have it. gg/Sbf7Cvnd Denouncing one technique, while praising another. your BELIEFS. Law of assumption is more about creating feeling and knowing you have your desire, not no negative thoughts ever. So, when you imagine yourself in your new clothes, it's the "assumption" (or "living in the end"), and not worrying about getting the package is the "detaching". The ultimate guide. Reply reply. The law of attraction/assumption + negative thoughts Hello! I saw a post on here talking about victim blaming in the LOA groups on the internet (It's a pet peeve of mine when the loa goes around and say this) but I want to bring up another topic that the community goes around with and that's your negative/intrusive thoughts manifest. they impress the subconscious and push it out. If it does not feel natural to you to get a better job, you will not get a better job. Basically what it says is that any thought that you take for granted as truth without any proof manifests. My assumption is that negative thoughs manifest waaaay slower than positive thoughts. Allow the thoughts & feelings to be without resistance & without giving them meaning, trying to fight and resist them more often than not makes them stronger. Here, it is important to note that Neville adds the plural inflection '-s If you accept your desire as your new truth— and you stick to that truth no matter what you see or hear —there's literally no choice but for your reality to conform to that truth. you don't have to completely eliminate negative thoughts but pay more attention to the positive ones. "wishcraft". ”. To believe to have something is to have something, so calling the maintaining of your new new beliefs/assumption as being delusional will probably hinder the physical creation of those things in your life. hey i’m not sure if you’re still in the same situation or not, but i have an affirmation for you that should help. Just thoughts Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. Literally how to shift: Assume you are aware in your DR = Become aware in your DR = you just shifted bro. Letting go is not forgetting or giving up, but rather acting calm because you know everything is ok. Like im still giving it power that I feel the need to flip my thoughts to make it go away But letting the negative thought just go by and not giving it power by focusing on it makes me feel secure that I'm getting what I want, because if it has no power then I don't need to flip my thoughts because it doesnt become my reality unless I give it Law of assumption is just the name of the law by people who particularly resonate with Neville Goddard's teachings, to reflect his terminology. When you start to delve into the law of assumption more fully, you will understand that you really do manifest what you imagine yourself to be. 馃挅. He didn't reach out to me on my b-day and I had to reach out to him for Xmas. Tips & Techniques. If someone is filling in the blanks with negative thoughts/explanations, then they’re not living in the wish fulfilled. 9K subscribers in the lawofassumption community. oh you're taking it way too seriously! our positive thoughts are much more stronger, don't get too obsessed but relax and try to be mindful & keep your focus on the positive thoughts that's all. Instant Manifestation with Revision and Ignoring Circumstances! : r/lawofassumption. e. Let’s go back to the basics of manifestation. I felt fulfilled and didn’t let anything affect it. Meditation helps you slow down your thoughts. Curious to know if they intersect for you at all. ) My manifestation process: Even though I was very upset because of my math grade, I began to affirm that I achieved a 43/45 for my predicted score. Our communication came to a halt, and he told me out of the blue he no longer feels a connection with me, despite telling me less than a week ago that he wants to move I can go into detail in loa, but basically the law suggests that you are what you assume. I guess that's called Faith. You need to assume that it is impossible for your manifestation technique to fail and that it is impossible to manifest something negative. The law of assumption is the means by which the . From there, you can begin to observe your thoughts with awareness instead of engaging and identifying with them. Protip: quit assuming you know how everything works, and quit assuming you even are being honest about your desires. See if you see your negative thoughts just like thoughts and allow them to come and go without giving any attention they will not manifest. How I used assumption to change my nose. In my opinion, it allows you to make your own rules in a way—for example a common affirmation you’ll see in law of assumption communities is about affirming that negative thoughts do not manifest. So "how" do you manifest literally anything? However you want to! Use whatever method or technique allows you to accept your truth as reality without wavering. All is consciousness, and in 3D we see the contents of our consciousness. Inherent to the idea that you create your own reality is the idea that you also created all of what you're experiencing now. I can't stop having negative thoughts about my SP. I feel like I’ve been manifesting signs from the universe because daily I’ve been reminded of him. it applies to every stage of your life. (Btw, my mock examinations took place in August, and I would receive my official predicted grades on October. how to change your circumstances as a roundabout way of changing your emotions). Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. A place for all Law of Assumption teachers and methods to post questions and success stories When the opposite situation is present just keep persisting in your imagination, all of your desires are fulfilled, just see it in your imagination and just be glad its done, you dont have to be like super happy and overfilled with joy and jumping and dancing, if you want to okay, but see your desire as something normal that you already have:) 9. It’s not good or bad, but it’s up to you to decide how you want to perceive it. Thoughts are what come out into our world. The universe is benign. It is often associated with the idea that positive thoughts and beliefs can attract positive experiences, while negative thoughts can attract negative experiences. gg/Sbf7Cvnd HABITUAL thoughts. Dec 18, 2023 路 The Law of Assumption is essentially the idea that “What you believe is what you get. That energy supports your new thoughts SO, for me it’s been a solid 3 1/2 years having knowledge about both shifting and manifestation/the law of assumption. The law of belief states that concentrated mental thoughts, otherwise known as beliefs, will create their identical physical reality. I decided to put it to the test. and, if you do so, you won't manifest anything because you're not keeping your negative thoughts in check and it will be your fault* Me: *ended up feeling PANICKED every time I had a negative thought, repressed them, chastised myself whenever I felt desperate or angry, attempted to cover everything I felt with any affirmation at hand I could Devoted to the teachings of Neville Goddard. Law of assumption doesnt attract anything. i cannot begin to imagine what my life would look like without this knowledge. 5. I have been actively manifesting for a couple of weeks now and are already seeing small results , not necessarily…. The main focus is on ulterior motives (i. insecurity about our abilities & 2. For the people still struggling with “ignoring the 3D,” read this. You'll be surprised how pathetically easy manifesting is. Our thoughts and feelings create vibrations, and these vibrations attract experiences and circumstances that match their frequency. That’s literally filling in the blanks with a negative reaction, that’s literally reacting to the 3D. your ASSUMPTIONS. You read their message, took it as being dry, and determined that they weren’t matching your energy. Whether it’s success, love, or health, focus on assumptions that uplift and inspire you. don't be scared of them, acknowledge them. Amidst my desperation, I remembered the Law of Assumption. Think about it, humans have over more than 1,000 thoughts per day (this is a fact) do you think single one of them are going to manifest? No In conclusion; mental states manifest Dec 14, 2022 路 Meditation for unwanted & intrusive thoughts. Reply. Feb 15, 2023 路 The law of assumption works by using the power of our thoughts and feelings to shape our reality. The way to create anything you desire is simply to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. We're manifesting 24/7, the law of assumption is the law of life. You stop the thought abruptly and go into this super simple breathing exercise (or whatever you come up with that works for YOU): 1. My success story - dream body. I agree the law of attraction can encourage toxic positivity and victim blaming. The negative emotions and beliefs you want so desperately to be free of, you created. You worrying about it or being fearful about it actually has the opposite effect. Back then I was only listening to Abraham Hicks. " It's not a separate system, it's one perspective and interpretation on the same law of conscious creation. Choose Empowering Assumptions: Deliberately choose assumptions that align with your desired reality. Or what your takes on this are. By consistently assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled and aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your desires, you activate the Law of Assumption and magnetically draw your desires into your reality. Most people are programmed to think they're some low life peasants that don't matter in this world. •• Edited. Shifting symptoms with the law of assumption. Feel The Reality: Engage your emotions by feeling the assumed reality as if it were already true. Feel as if you’re living those desires to actually bring them to reality. The reality you see in front of you (the 3D) is a reflection of your assumptions, a mirror of your state. I was really hurt so I spoke to a friend who's a psychic and what she told me floored me! She said that she thought I was causing negative behavior with my thoughts of him. The issue imho is people screwing up with the law of assumption. It underscores the immense power of your mindset. “You, by your conscious assumptions, determine the nature of the world in which you live. It's your dominant thoughts, feelings and assumptions that you believe to be true about yourself and life that create. Negative thoughts do happen but you can address fears, doubts, sadness or triggers with affirmations of feeling whole, complete, deserving and loved by everyone. ago. 2. 4. I've struggled with this big time, but I also *KNOW* that my dreams will be my reality. This is no different than what Neville argues for when he is deconstructing deeper truths from scripture. The whole basis of law of assumption is that your subconscious accepts your feeling as truth and generates them into reality. They also perpetuate the idea that people attract negativity into their own lives by not being positive enough, which is victim blamey In the field of semiotics, a field dedicated to analyzing the meaning of symbols across society, there is the assumption that everything we see, taste, touch, and hear is saturated in meaning. manifestation techniques). My SP started to conform a bit on the second day of our break. To manifest a sp, you need to understand how manifesting works first. Law of assumption amongst other things is accepting a new belief, the belief that you already have your desire. Your mind alone dictates how you want to see the world and each other and for yourself. Let's talk about it and debunk them! Question. For them to feel you have to stop being of two minds and thus have to address your unconscious blocks. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Anything could happen to anyone at any given moment. 3. After fighting a lot of negative thoughts today, intrusive thoughts about problems that don’t even exist, not even in the world of Caesar, I decided to tweak my definition of the Law of Assumption. So imagine yourself a healthy, stable, happy, social outgoing person. Every night, for two to three days, I played this mental scene in my mind as I drifted off to sleep. So the law of assumption basically dictates that our internal beliefs and assumptions (our 4D reality) are projected into our physical reality (Our 3D reality) in a delayed sense. know that it comes from a place of fear and doubt, and that i have nothing to fear about. anonman90. I know the overview of law of attraction is about positive/negative thoughts, etc. Law of assumption doesnt believe in vibes or feelings. Your beliefs/assumptions create your reality, if you believe negative thoughts manifest then they will and vice versa. Until I got so stressed I broke down in a cold stone and sobbed to my mom about what’s been going on a couple days ago. But most of the times I imagine him reaching out to me, I can only imagine myself arguing with him. I've read the secret over and over and it's not close to law of assunption at all. It’s been about 3-4 days since I started applying it, and words can’t describe how effective it has been, even if I haven’t fully shifted in the physical reality in 6. Don’t panic. and being positive. It's toxic even though i'm not a mental patient. ) Hold it for a couple seconds--not to discomfort, though. Given thought transmission, what are the odds you’re feeling the way you are because of their feelings towards you? I was speaking to someone and they confessed they liked me and if things could progress but I said no because of differences and it won’t work out in the long run and after some time they ghosted me? I can’t stop thinking However, most will find, that because their greatest friend and enemy (the internal enemy is a friend in disguise, really) is internal, it makes any victim blaming and negative emotions towards oneself counter productive. I can't tell you how, but it's the type of knowing that I can't explain in words. The law of assumption works where your imagination creates reality. It just assumes. I do still believe that my passing negative thoughts do not manifest, but my dominant thoughts will. When you approach situations with positive assumptions, it’s like you’re wearing glasses that reveal more opportunities and possibilities. Like, you can assume you already have everything, you just have to suppress thoughts like "when will it finally come, will it come at all", because those thoughts break the assumption. Not in the sense of making your mind/thoughts change other people. jn oj gk ls ae mo zg mk ou mj

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