Can-Do What? Now that we can measure language proficiency, it's important to know what can actually be done - in terms of listening, speaking, reading and writing - in each of the six levels. These descriptors go into great detail and are based on years of research from relevant institutions. 5 0 -0. Hence, the CEFR is not TeachingEnglish | British Council Feb 1, 2013 · The CEFR-J, like the CEFR, uses illustrative descriptors known as can-do statements, that describe achievement goals for five skills (listening, reading, spoken production, spoken interaction and writing) across twelve levels instead of the CEFR’s original six. These descriptions cover what learners know and can do in English at each of the six CEFR levels. Since language performance can be observed, the CEFR’s can-do statements were a perfect match for the measurable-outcomes-based accountability initiatives that came in the wake of No Child Left Behind. INTRODUCTION TO THE CEFR COMPANION VOLUME 23 KEY ASPECTS OF THE CEFR FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING 25 The aims of the CEFR 25 Implementing the action-oriented approach 27 Plurilingual and pluricultural competence 28 The CEFR descriptive scheme 29 Mediation 33 The CEFR common reference levels 34 CEFR profiles 36 The CEFR illustrative descriptors 40 Organisation of the ‘Can Do’ statements The ‘Can Do’ scales consist currently of about 400 statements, organised into three general areas: Social and Tourist, Work, and Study. The influence of the CEFR on foreign language education is widespread in Europe and elsewhere in the world. A1. A1 is the lowest level in terms of ability and C2 is the highest. The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication and the Reflection Tool for Learners provide a set of examples and scenarios that show how learners use the target language and knowledge of culture to demonstrate their Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC). The CEFR provides a common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. CAN understand documents, correspondence and reports, including the finer points of complex texts. 任何一個外文教師都可以用這些can-do statement來評量學生的語文水平,然後以此為據設計適合學生的教程。 CEFR為什麼很重要? 在歐洲,CEFR越來越成為描述一門外語程度的標準,尤其是在學術環境下。 CEFR crosswalk to be able to offer CEFR ratings for ACTFL assessments. 1 No. Due to the increasing interest in using the CEFR as an assessment tool for learning I can read very short, simple texts. This article reports on French as a second language (FSL) teachers’ perceptions of using the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)-informed instruction (action-oriented instruction focusing on language use) in FSL classrooms in Ontario. The table on pages xxxiv–xxxvii lists the detailed speaking competences for B1, and shows exactly where each CEFR “can do” statement is covered in the Student’s Book. It focuses on the essential skills in social interactions, work, and study contexts at each step in proficiency from basic to more advanced. Similar to the WIDA English Language Development Standards Statements, the Can Do Descriptors describe what learners can do with language across different content areas. The CEFR promotes the development of learner autonomy and supports learner self-assessment through the usage of can do statements, which describe the communicative actions learners are able to perform at any given time. For the writing pathway shown in Figure 5, the can-do statements from both the A1 and A2 sub-levels grouped very closely together. And, with detailed learning objectives for every point on the scale, learners can advance their abilities with a highly personalized learning pathway. place the occurrence under discussion in a broader context (chronological, cultural) Zdistinguish objectified discourse from judgement (2010, p. Pre-A1 I can understand simple sentences, if I read them slowly, several times. For example, a student at the A2 level in English will be able to do all the things that a student in level A1 can do, and in addition he will be able to: evaluate coworkers' performance in the workplace. The “can do” statement, is for demonstrating and measuring what it is you can do with your language. Novice-Mid: I can understand familiar names, words, and very basic phrases concerning my family, my close surroundings, and myself when people speak slowly and clearly. Facilitating Coordination through the Use of can do Statements and the CEFR * Research Institute for World Languages, Osaka University, Specially Appointed Associate Professor O’Dwyer:Facilitating coordination through the use of can do statements and the CEFR 102 The current study thus explored the relationship between Japanese English language learners’ self-assessment scores on listening and reading can do statements from the Common European Framework of Reference-Japan (CEFR-J, a modified version of the CEFR) with test scores from the TOEIC. teacher training programmes developing syllabuses creating tests/exams marking exams evaluating language learning needs designing courses developing learning The table above right CAN spell some very simple words correctly. Pre-A1 I can pronounce the sounds and the stress on simple, familiar words and phrases. ALTE "Can Do" statements (context: general) equiv. Watch our short video to find out more about the GSE. They have described each level of ability using Can Do statements , with examples taken from everyday life. Each includes a number of more particular areas, e. Here are some sample questions and answers: Question 1: What do you usually do after you wake up in the morning? Answer: After I wake up in the morning, I usually brush my teeth, shower, and then have breakfast with my family. g. The table on pages xxxiv-xxxvii lists the detailed speaking competences for A2, and shows exactly where each CEFR “can do” statement is covered in the Student’s Book. This document provides the ALTE Can Do Statements for four CEFR levels: A1 Breakthrough, A2 Waystage, B1 Threshold, and B2 Vantage. These CEFR descriptors are presented in simplified ‘I-can’ form in checklists contained in the Language Biography section of the European Language Portfolio. The CEFR CEFR describes what a person can do in a language as they progress from the lowest level to the highest. 2010). I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Although the Can Do Descriptors relate to the ELD Standards Statements, they don’t replace them but are used to supplement the standards statements during instruction. 5 -1 0. There are six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. The CEFR Descriptors The CEFR descriptors are a series of statements about what a person can do at each band of the CEFR. Through This more detailed skill breakdown can help you assess your own English level, or help a teacher assess a student’s level. Teachers in the PLC adapted and adopted Can-Do statements as learning outcomes and re-examined their language teaching philosophy. across Europe. The CEFR includes six standard reference levels — A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. I can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and I can understand short simple personal letters. The CEFR is descriptive, rather than prescriptive, therefore the CEFR does not prescribe any particular teaching or testing methods (Coste, 2007; Little, 2006, 2011; Piccardo, 2010). NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements: Purpose, Function and Impact The Common European Framework of Reference-Japan (CEFR-J), like its original counterpart, the CEFR, uses illustrative descriptors (can-do statements) that describe communicative competencies to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has six levels, from A1 for beginners, up to C2 for users who are proficient in the language. In sum, the Can-Do statements can serve as a guide for developing curriculum, creating learning tasks and as venues for language assessment. 167-77 AJAL Japanese English learners’ self-assessments on the CEFR-J’s A-level can-do statements using four and five-point response scales Judith Runnels University of Bedfordshire, UK Both the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) and the CEFR-J (CEFR-Japan) use Can ask for and provide personal information. 10) 5˜ uring the design stage to using tasks which reflect real-world usage, i. 2. In general, the A level refers to a basic user, the B level refers to an independent user, and the C level refers to a proficient user. Approach is to formulate sets of language competence descriptors that integrate CEFR can-do statements e. What, for example, can an Jul 2, 2024 · Within each CEFR level, there are corresponding “can-do” statements for the three primary skills: Understanding (listening and reading comprehension) Speaking (spoken interaction and production) The CEFR levels provide a way of describing a person’s language proficiency. In particular, some online-only tests compare their levels to the CEFR, but cover only a very small range of the skills described in the Can Do statements. Here are the CEFR language levels from A1 to C2: . The research generated by the ACTFL-CEFR Conferences very clearly showed that frameworks cannot be aligned based solely on their constructs (see e. The levels are defined through ‘can-do’ descriptors. Can understand questions and instructions addressed carefully and slowly to him/her and follow short, simple directions. The CEFR descriptors (or "can-do" statements) provide a detailed description of what a language user can do at each Jun 10, 2024 · ACTFL Level Can Do Statements; Novice-Low: I can understand only a few clearly spoken words. It presents 34 scales of listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production and writing activities The self-assessment grid illustrates the levels of proficiency described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Low A1 I can match words and sentences with pictures. These are the three main areas of interest of most language learners. In particular, this paper focuses on teachers’ perspectives of the strengths and challenges of providing CEFR-informed practice in FSL classrooms Examples of Can Do statements from the CEFR What is it used for? The CEFR is used for many different practical purposes: We will look later at how it can be useful to you as a teacher. Bygate, Skehan, and Swain (2001) describe a task as “an activity which requires learners to use language, with emphasis on meaning, to attain an objective” (p. CEF levels ; listening / speaking reading writing; 5: CAN advise on or talk about complex or sensitive issues, understanding colloquial references and dealing confidently with hostile questions. 192 Downloads . In this way, the CEFR aims to be practical and user-friendly. shows how these qualifications are linked to the CEFR as well as Cambridge English exams are designed to be fair to all their Nov 17, 2023 · Some tests, including those produced by the IELTS Partners, are precisely aligned to the CEFR levels, but many other test providers give only an approximate statement of equivalence. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Êšî[å 5 $ RóÞK² ‹§ ¿š)ÄPCÊ=pÈ BŠ¡t|QBKxP 向 う中 (i)目指す言 The use of the CEFR and can do statements; Hiroshima JALT, September 29th 2013 A comprehensive assessment rubric used for peer, self and teacher assessment of the example learning task referred to in the workshop: Poster Presentation Assessment 1 The poster was informative and visually impressive 12345 [Attractive 歐洲語言共同參考架構:學習、教學、評量(英語: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment ,常简称CEFR)是歐洲委員會在2001年11月通過的一套建議標準,為歐洲語言在評量架構和教學指引、考試、教材所提供的基準。 For study at undergraduate degree level in the UK, you are typically required to have a minimum of CEFR Level B2 in all four language skills. the Social and The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR) is exactly what its title says it is: a framework of reference. Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. Adrian Tennant takes a look at self-assessment and, in particular, 'Can do' statements: a current buzzword and term employed by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The following official translations should be used This paper discusses issues arising from ―Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond‖ publication [Schmidt et al. Low A1 CEFR and "Can do" statements C ambridge ESOL is a founder member of ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe), a group of leading language testing organisations in Europe. descriptors for each category are written as “Can Do” statements which describe what learners can do in their L2s at each proficiency level. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations. It’s that kind of interaction that’s really critical. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol. 【CEFR Can-do】 C1 Can explain articulately and in detail one's own pro-posal and respond appro-priately to questions, while showing diagrams The CEFR, can do statements, and language portfolios in action; The CEFR, can do statements, and language portfolios in action Rather than being tied to a particular test, the CEFR is a collection of can-do statements that list the functions you will be able to perform using a foreign language at any given level of proficiency. The document provides: Jul 5, 2016 · These materials provide an initial overview and basic orientation to the CEFR. For example, a student at the B2 level in English will be able to do all the things that a student in level B1 can do, and in addition he will be able to: Can Do Statements – CEFR Levels At the end of Beginner (A1): You can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type You can introduce yourself and others You can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where Dec 29, 2022 · These include considerations for selecting existing can-do statements, writing curriculum-aligned can-do statements, and applications for English learners' use of can-do statements in the classroom, such as self-assessing language proficiency, monitoring gains, framing language portfolios, and communicating what learners can do in the target The CEFR can-do statements have been adapted for use with young learners (pre-A1 and A1 levels) (Nikolov, 2016;Rixon, 2016; State of Israel Ministry of Education, Pedagogical Secretariat, Language May 9, 2018 · It was built on the European tradition of communicative language teaching (CLT), which emphasized the performance of language tasks. May 17, 2015 · Introduction to the CEFR "Can Do" Statements. The Certifying Statement for CEFR is a document which gives a breakdown of your Cambridge IGCSE English Language results into component grades and CEFR levels. In this assignment, I critically review the paper, The Power of “Can Do” Statements: Teachers’ Perceptions of CEFR-informed Instruction in French as a Second Language Classrooms in Ontario (Faez, Majhanovich, Taylor, Smith, & Crowley, 2011) from the perspective of the research methods, evidence-based reasoning, and logic. The CEFR levels provide a way of describing a person’s language proficiency. How can the CEFR help? Making learning more communicative and authentic Speaking: Conversation A2 Can make and respond to invitations, suggestions + apologies Mediation: Processing Text in Speech A2 Can report the main points made in simple TV or radio news items, reporting events, sports, accidents etc. Cambridge English, as one of the This more detailed skill breakdown can help you assess your own English level, or help a teacher assess a student’s level. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. File Name: can_do_statements_cefr. 11). Descriptors can be used to select and structure a series of activities, to explain objectives to learners, to monitor student performance in collaborative activities. C1 Mar 24, 2022 · So by using these ‘Can Do’ statements, you can really look in an objective way and get into the details of moving your lessons from good to great. (JF) 476: The existing JF Can-do is partially rewritten. 1 to A2. For example, a student at the B1 level in English will be able to do all the things that a student in level A2 can do, and in addition he will be able to: discuss your personal and professional hopes and dreams for the progress against the lesson’s objectives, mirror the CEFR “can do” statements for this ability. It consists of a whole series of descriptions that are associated with each of the four skills, Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The self-assessment grid illustrates the levels of proficiency described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and is an essential component of the ELP. The tables on pages xxxiv-xxxvii list the detailed speaking competences for A1, as well as some A2 competences, and show exactly where each CEFR “can do” statement is covered in the Student’s Book. … Can Do Statements – CEFR Levels At the end of Beginner (A1): You can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type You can introduce yourself and others You can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where you live, what you do, people you know and ‘can do’ descriptor とは文字通り「何ができるか」を記述した「能力記述文」で す。外国語能力を総合的に評価する際に,身についた能力を活かして,実際の 言語を使う場面で何がどの程度できるかを,段階別に記述しているのが ‘can do’ list の考え方です Project number 543683-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-IL-TEMPUS-JPCR This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Saat ini, EF SET adalah satu-satunya tes bahasa Inggris standard yang secara akurat mengukur semua level keterampilan, mulai dari pemula hingga ahli, yang setara dengan CEFR. pdf Category: Subjects: Version: 1: File Size: The ALTE "Can Do" project developed and validated a set of performance-related scales, describing what learners can actually do in a language (2002). It was designed to provide a transparent, coherent and comprehensive basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines, the design of teaching and learning materials, and the assessment of foreign language Learners can have total confidence in their skill level by pinpointing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills on the simple 10-90 scale. In order to make examination results easier to understand, ALTE members have developed a series of 'Can Do' statements for each of the CEFR levels. Adapted Can-do Statements CEFR Level I can recognise and read familiar words. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. It describes in a comprehensive way what language learners have to learn to do in order to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skills Sep 15, 2017 · That can manifest in a video chat or a face to face conversation, but it’s all about engaging and reflecting on the conversation. students to assess progress, mirror the CEFR “can do” statements for this ability. Each level features "can-do" descriptors to describe the language user's proficiency. It presents 34 scales of listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production and writing activities. Bonus Resource for Comprehensible Input Teachers The Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) has researched what language learners can typically do at each CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level. During this multi-faceted project, researchers at L 2 RIC worked with a Professional Learning Community (PLC) at a local high school to develop materials related to the CEFR and the Language Portfolio. the target language-use domain, and are relevant to the contexts and purposes for use of the candidates (Bachman, 1990; Glover (2011) has found that using CEFR can-do statements increases learners' self-awareness of language use, subsequently improving their overall development as a language user. 「Can-doとは」のページは、Can-doでできること、JFスタンダードとの関係、このサイトのCan-doの種類や種別、記述内容、さらに使用の際の留意点など、このサイトを用いてCan-doを活用する上で、知っておいていただきたいことをまとめたページです。 Sep 5, 2022 · To do well, you should answer each question in complete sentences and try to build an answer that’s 1 - 2 sentences long. The Checklists of Descriptors are drawn from the language biographies in the 2000 Portfolio and are available here in 13 different languages. The CEFR descriptors (or "can-do" statements) provide a detailed description of what a language user can do at each The CEFR organises language proficiency in six levels, A1 to C2, which can be regrouped into three broad levels: Basic User, Independent User and Proficient User, and that can be further subdivided according to the needs of the local context. Level: Levels applicable to JFS: JF Can-do for Life in Japan: Statements described in “JF Can-do for Life in Japan” In this assignment, I critically review the paper, The Power of “Can Do” Statements: Teachers’ Perceptions of CEFR-informed Instruction in French as a Second Language Classrooms in Ontario (Faez, Majhanovich, Taylor, Smith, & Crowley, 2011) from %PDF-1. Examples of Can Do statements from the CEFR What is it used for? The CEFR is used for many different practical purposes: We will look later at how it can be useful to you as a teacher. 1 1 Infit Mean-square Figure 5: The bubble pathway for the mean difficulty of writing can- do statements across the CEFR-J’s levels A1. Nov 13, 2023 · CEFR -Can-Do-Statements Published on 13 November 2023 . Feb 1, 2013 · The CEFR-J, like the CEFR, uses illustrative descriptors known as can-do statements, that describe achievement goals for five skills (listening, reading, spoken production, spoken interaction and Oct 24, 2014 · The document discusses using can-do statements and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to build a skills-based syllabus. The English Profile Programme will do this by providing Reference Level Descriptions for English to accompany the CEFR. e. I can understand Teachers use the Can-Do statements to gauge proficiency growth and identify learning targets and sample activities for units and lessons. 1 Introduction(A brief overview of the use of can do statements in language education, the CEFR and ELP;An overview of the international influences of the CEFR) 2 The CEFR and can do statements(The range and triangulation of can do statements in Japan;Conflicting purposes in the use of can do statements in language education ほか) 3 Curriculum change, text books and portfolio Selected, relevant CEFR descriptors can facilitate a close alignment of planning, teaching and assessment in the classroom. The Listening, Reading, and Writing tables contain the same type of information for The CEFR provides a common basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. 2, 2014, pp. For each level, it summarizes the typical listening/speaking, reading, and writing abilities in 3 sentences or less. Facilitating Coordination through the Use of can do Statements and the CEFR * Research Institute for World Languages, Osaka University, Specially Appointed Associate Professor O’Dwyer:Facilitating coordination through the use of can do statements and This more detailed skill breakdown can help you assess your own English level, or help a teacher assess a student’s level. While always helping you launch upwards towards The CEFR organises language proficiency in six levels, A1 to C2, which can be regrouped into three broad levels: Basic User, Independent User and Proficient User, and that can be further subdivided according to the needs of the local context. JF is put into parentheses, followed by the original reference number of referred JF Can-do. 6 %âãÏÓ 3206 0 obj >stream hÞÔ[]o%·‘ý+ü +~V‘@0À®³öÃb #š7# &ca×€c 32àüûœê. Find out more. CEFR: similar to ACTFL, partner organization in Europe and used worldwide for the same purpose. The origins of this publication can be traced to the observation that many language educators are not aware of Can Do Statements in Language Education in Japan and Beyond : Applications of the CEFR. Frameworks can only be aligned on a test by test basis. What can candidates do at Level A2? The Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) has researched what language learners can typically do at each CEFR level. Links to Can Do Statements . It describes in a comprehensive way what language learners have to learn to do in order to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skills they have to develop so as to be able to act students to assess progress, mirror the CEFR “can do” statements for this ability. 【CEFR Can-do】 C2 Can give a clear, well-struc-tured presentation of a complex subject, expand-ing and supporting points of view at some length with subsidiary points, reasons and relevant examples. Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Naoyuki Naganuma, Fergus O'Dwyer, Alexander Imig, and Kazumi Sakai (Eds. These descriptions are called Can Do Statements and they focus on the different Can Do statements signify that the CEFR adopts an action-oriented approach to language education which encourages teachers to use task-based instruction (Little, 2006). ACFTL Can-Do Statements. The Listening, Reading, and Writing tables contain the same Reference number of JF Can-do <Example> JF 455: The existing JF Can-do is used. They have described each level of ability using Can Do statements, with examples taken from everyday life. Can Do summary. It explains that can-do statements describe what learners can do with the language clearly and concisely. , 2010]. English Profile is registered with the Council of Europe and is managed by a core group of collaborators at Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) merupakan sebuah standard yang diakui secara internasional untuk mendeskripsikan kefasihan bahasa. 1 Mean Difficulty (Logits) 29 0. the papers compiled in Tschirner 2012). The Listening, Reading, Feb 8, 2016 · In a recent blog post, we discussed how you can measure anyone's language ability for each of the four language skills through a six-tired measurement system called the CEFR. The CEFR descriptors. What can an A2-level learner of English do? Learners who achieve A2 Pre-intermediate level can: The CEFR provides statements known as descriptors that describe what learners ‘can do’ at different levels, the focus is not on what learners cannot do. The project contributed greatly to the development of the CEFR and is acknowledged in Appendix D of the 2001 CEFR document. They can help employers set benchmarks; for example, for a hiring process. teacher training programmes developing syllabuses creating tests/exams marking exams evaluating language learning needs designing courses developing learning The CEFR defines six levels of proficiency with can-do descriptors for a large number of different types of language activities, plus descriptors for aspects of quality in performance. ) @article{Begg2013CanDS, title={Can Do Statements in Language Education in Japan and Beyond : Applications of the CEFR.
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